Saturday, February 29, 2020

Tarot Card of the Day – 3/1/20

2 of Disks from Georgie's Tarot

Sunday, March 1, 2020
2 of Disks

There’s so much to do right now you probably feel you can’t keep up.  Don’t worry –  you can.

Just keep things in motion and try to stay focused on whatever task you’re working on at each particular moment.  You’ve got more than enough energy for everything right now, try not to give up.

Emotionally things might get a little hairy, but as with your work, you’re more than able to cope.

The changes going on in your life right now are good ones. You’ve put them into motion yourself and you’ll be just fine.

* This article was originally published here

Moon in Gemini – High Priestess Dressed as the Lovers’ Angel

high priestess as the lovers' angel

The Moon moves into Gemini today and will stay there until Wednesday.

From a Tarot perspective, this transit would be like the High Priestess is dressed as the Lovers’ Angel. She floats above the naked couple, blessing their sacred union.

The Moon in Gemini, or High Priestess dressed as the Lovers’ angel, can be an emotionally confusing time, one where internal conflicts arise in order to be reconciled.

But it can also be a time of clarity, honest communication and almost intuitive understanding about yourself and those around you.

Quiet faith teams up with commitment and the Angels approve of the whole thing.

Try to keep your emotions in line with your reason. Going too far either way could disturb a really nice balance.

go to full description

* This article was originally published here

The Joyful Approach with Healer Joy Dushey

Joy Dushey is a New York based holistic lifestyle guide and Breathwork facilitator. She’s an alchemist, a profound facilitator in healing, an educator and an activist for deeper connection of humanity. Joy specializes in inspiring people of all ages to start living optimal vital lives by nurturing the balance of mind body and spirit utilizing a variety of supportive esoteric modalities. Years ago Joy created something called The Joyful Approach that emerged during a great transformation in her life after suffering with grief and illness from the tragic loss of her brother. The common thread of what she is most devoted to is living boldly her core desire to help inspire growth in others and create positive impact in the world by sharing what’s worked most for her. Her greatest joy is to give others a means to awaken to their own great love, joy, and purpose. _____________________ Awakenings With Michele Meiche is Your place for tips and insight to live a more fulfilling life, and your relationships. Learn how to attract healthy relationships, and how to create a life you really love. Awakenings broadcasts live every Wed. 12pm -1:30 pm PT  Call in for Intuitive Readings #347-539-5122 Michele also answers listener questions from email, twitter and facebook & Instagram On Air. Email to have your questions answered or to share your insights On Air

* This article was originally published here

Leap Day Astrology and Tarot Reading

LEAP DAY a once in 4 year day out of time to make a leap of faith.

under a sensuous romantic creative TAURUS MOON,

the energies are very supportive and easy today.

How did that VENUS ERIS PLUTO square hit you yesterday? the markets certainly crashed as predicted. 

Moon sextiles NEPTUNE in PISCES and trines JUPITER in CAPRICORN

that’s a nice idealistic, romantic, dreamy, magic carpet ride. Also helps to put some flesh on those dreams

Please watch the tarot reading from The Muse Tarot by Chris-Anne

Join me for March Astrology and Tarot preview live February 29 on FACEBOOK on the Cosmic Intelligence Agency page at 5:30 pm PST. 8:30 pm EST and March 1 @ 1:30 am GMT
We will see if MARCH is coming in like a lion and out like a lamb.

get a reading with me

* This article was originally published here


MONTHLY FORECAST – CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY WHAT IS YOUR YEAR NUMBER FOR 2020? 2020 is a 4 Year in the world, (2+0+2+0=2+2=4). To calculate your number for 2020, simply add 4 to your month and day of birth. (Do NOT include your year of birth in this calculation). Example birthday: September 24:   Month = 9 Day = […]


* This article was originally published here

Friday, February 28, 2020

Astrology Bytes Episode 103: Sun Aspects

Astrology Bytes Episode 103: Sun Aspects


Bite-sized astrology lessons for total astrology newbies.
Created by Theresa Reed, The Tarot Lady (psst…I am known for tarot but I’m also an astrology geek!).

Welcome to Astrology Bytes, the astrology podcast for people who want to learn astrology… but don’t have all day! Short, bite-sized astrology lessons.

Episode 103: Sun Aspects

An aspect refers to the angles planets make to each other in the horoscope. They are measured by mathematical angles, which means you need to know a bit about geometry. I’ve talked about aspects in previous episodes so please go back and listen to learn more.

When planets make aspects to the Sun in your natal chart, it can affect your selfhood and willpower. For example, if you have the Sun at a positive angle with Pluto, it can indicate that you are able to stand firmly in your power and might be a leader. If the Sun is in a challenging aspect to Pluto, you may be a person who is timid – or has a tendency to abuse your power.

Aspects to the Sun can give a clue about your energy and courage. If your chart is well aspected but your Sun is weak, it can make it difficult to rise to your potential. In that case, you may have to work extra hard to grab those opportunities. Learn more in this short ‘n sweet episode!

Grab your astrology chart, put in your earbuds, and dive in!



Subscribe in iTunes, Google Play or Stitcher – or use the mighty fine podcast player below to listen ‘n learn with Monte and Amy:

© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2020

Check out all previous Astrology Bytes episodes here.


Sign up for my newsletter and get free bi-monthly content on tarot, astrology, and more.

I respect your email privacy

The post Astrology Bytes Episode 103: Sun Aspects appeared first on The Tarot Lady.

* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, February 26, 2020


2020 is a 4 Year (2+0+2+0=2+2=4). TO CALCULATE YOUR PERSONAL NUMBER FOR 2020, simply add 4 to your month and day of birth.  (Do NOT include your year of birth in this calculation). Example birthday: September 24:   Month = 9 Day = 2+4 = 6 Year: 2+0+2+0 = 4 9 + 6 + 4 = 1+9 = 10. Keep adding […]

The post WEEKLY FORECAST – FEBRUARY 19, 2020 appeared first on CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY.

* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, February 25, 2020


2020 is a 4 Year (2+0+2+0=2+2=4). TO CALCULATE YOUR PERSONAL NUMBER FOR 2020, simply add 4 to your month and day of birth.  (Do NOT include your year of birth in this calculation). Example birthday: September 24:   Month = 9 Day = 2+4 = 6 Year: 2+0+2+0 = 4 9 + 6 + 4 = 1+9 = 10. Keep adding […]

The post WEEKLY FORECAST – FEBRUARY 26, 2020 appeared first on CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY.

* This article was originally published here

Monday, February 24, 2020

The Hit List – Fearbook

The Hit List - Fearbook

When you’re empathic, you must be vigilant about what you allow in your world. Boundaries are essential if you want to keep your peace.

Not just boundaries for humans (and in some cases, cats…ahem) but also in what you read, watch or talk about. For example, a few years ago, I realized that watching the news made me anxious. While I love current events and want to know what’s happening out there, the newscasters have changed. Instead of the chill Walter Conkrite or Hugh Downs vibes that made me feel safe no matter what was going on, the current crop of reporters has a tone of urgency that gets under my skin.

These days, I rarely watch the news. Instead, I read it. That way, the delivery arrives in my own voice and not the shrill pitch of an anchor looking for a soundbite. 

While that decision cut my negativity down by a large margin, there was still something lingering in my world that seemed to be impacting my mood. Bummer vibes would creep in and out throughout my day, and suddenly my happy-go-lucky self was sour. For no reason at all. After some introspection, I realized that it was coming from Facebook, which had devolved into nothing but griping and sad stories 24/7. Where did all the fun, positive stuff go? What happened? And why were people tagging me to make sure I saw the most ominous, frightening news stories?

I’ve always enjoyed Facebook. In fact, I spent plenty of time there. It was a way to keep on top of what’s happening with my loved ones (and share Jason Momoa pics). But lately? It’s Fearbook. Every single time I hang out on that platform, I find myself slipping into a dark, scared place. And that feels like crap.

A few weeks ago, I began pulling away. I barely checked in or posted Results: I feel better.

So I’m making an “empathic executive decision” to spend way less time over on Fearbook going forward. My mental health depends on it. Pulling back from things that affect my well-being is a form of self-care. 

It’s not that I don’t care or don’t want to hear the difficult things. I do. But if you’re ultra-sensitive like I am, at some point, bathing in misfortune soup for hours a day only makes you miserable.

So be careful about what you ingest daily. It’s okay to take a step back if you’re feeling blue or experiencing compassion fatigue. While we should never turn our backs on people’s troubles, we also need to make sure that they don’t become our own too.

“Setting boundaries is a way of caring for myself. It doesn’t make me mean, selfish, or uncaring (just) because I don’t do things your way. I care about me, too.” ― Christine Morgan

This face makes me happy.

Other stuff:

I’m cooking this Braised Pork All’Arrabbiata on Sunday.

Get ready for Sunday’s New Moon in Pisces with this dope info – and mini tarot readings for each zodiac sign.

Join me! I’m doing extended Card of the Day posts, classes, and political astrology over on my Patreon account.

From the New Yorker: How Milwaukee could decide the next election.

Sophie Saint Thomas delivers this goodness over at Allure: How Oracle Cards Are Different From Tarot, Plus 7 of the Best Decks.

Good read: Uber Whistleblower Susan Fowler Recalls Her First Interaction With Then-CEO.

Learn how to work with the phases of the Moon with Moonbeaming 2020 from the always amazing Sarah Faith Gottesdiener.

Speaking of Sarah, she joins me over on Astrology Bytes to discuss Lunar Types.

Loving this from Alisa Koz: How to Make a New Moon Work in Your Favour. (Psst…I appreciate the Astrology Bytes shoutout too!)

Forget chips and sodas: D.C.’s coolest vending machines dispense Japanese toys, tarot cards, and original art.

Running a business or thinking of starting one? You need to check out this class from Andrew McGregor of The Hermit’s Lamp: The art, magic, and practice of running a business.

Great advice from Inner Goddess Tarot: Keep Your Own Judgement out of someone else’s Tarot reading.

Wisdom from Eryn Carter: What is Consent? How Is It Communicated?

This Fashion Company Is Dressing Female Candidates For Free.

Follow ’em: Love Astrology? Here Are 12 Instagram Accounts You’ll Want To Follow.

Medieval ‘Black Death’ mass grave uncovered in the English countryside.

From Mind Body Green: Pulling This Tarot Card Is Basically A Green Light From The Universe.

I can get behind this: Responding to Alabama’s Abortion Ban, a State Representative Introduced a Bill Requiring Vasectomies for Men at Age 50.

The Wall Street Journal has this piece on astrology: Why Astrology Apps Are Rising.

Agreed: Fighting the tyranny of ‘niceness’: why we need difficult women.

Haha: How to Win an Argument With Someone—Based on *Their* Mars Sign.

They’re talking about tarot over on Today: 7 tips for getting the most out of your next tarot card reading.

Nailed it: The Human Cost of a Cheap Manicure.

I’m all about this post: How Financial Astrology Could Help You Budget, Invest, and Save.

Local Learns: What Is Tarot and How Do I Do It?

I’m so excited about Elliot Adam’s upcoming book: Fearless Tarot: Dare to Pull Any Card.

Ooooh: The Magical Nordic Tarot.

YES: This Year I Will…: A 52-Week Guided Journal to Achieve Your Goals.

I love a good cookbook: See You on Sunday: A Cookbook for Family and Friends.

I’m stoked for Susan Spungen’s latest: Open Kitchen: Inspired Food for Casual Gatherings.

Even though I don’t run a large corporation, books like this are useful: Lead Like an Ally: A Journey Through Corporate America with Proven Strategies to Facilitate Inclusion.

This looks interesting: The Magic of Marie Laveau: Embracing the Spiritual Legacy of the Voodoo Queen of New Orleans.

Totally want this: Visionary Path Tarot.

Check out Modern Witch: Spells, Recipes & Workings by Devin Hunter.

If tarot stumps you, you may need a playful, hands-on approach. Something like my The Tarot Coloring Book.

Tarot For Troubled Times is a book that is near and dear to my heart. Shaheen Miro and I wrote this together, based on a class we taught. Our mission: heal.

 Astrology for Real Life: A Workbook for Beginners (A No B.S. Guide for the Astro-Curious) has been getting rave reviews from everyday folks who struggle to understand all that astrology lingo. I make it simple (and fun)!



April 24-26, 2020: Readers Studio. I’m a main stage presenter at the annual Readers Studio Tarot Conference in New York, the biggest tarot conference in the world. Join me and other world-class instructors for a weekend of tarot goodness!

May 10-16, 2020: The Tuscany Tarot Intensive. Where: Italy! A full week of tarot immersion. Great food, killer lessons, awesome people – gorgeous location! One seat left!

August 30, 2020: Brushes and Stars. Where: Oakland, California. A full-day of astrology and intuitive painting – and yummy food! Join me and Chris Zydel for a joyful, astrology-inspired intuitive painting experience.


What I’m Grateful For:

The ability to shut things down

Walking away

Patreon supporters

Cheap earrings

Thigh-high boots


Soundtrack for 2/22/20:

World Shut Your Mouth by Julian Cope


© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2020

images from stock photography and personal collection 


Sign up for my newsletter and get free bi-monthly content on tarot, astrology, and more.

I respect your email privacy


The post The Hit List – Fearbook appeared first on The Tarot Lady.

* This article was originally published here

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Tarot Bytes Episode 161: Creating Your Own Tarot Card Meanings with Mantis

Tarot Bytes Episode 161: Creating Your Own Tarot Card Meanings with Mantis

Tarot Bytes: The Podcast

Bite-sized lessons for Tarot beginners
Created by Theresa Reed, The Tarot Lady

Welcome to Tarot Bytes – the tarot podcast for people who want to learn tarot…but don’t have all day. Short, bite-sized tarot lessons.

Episode 161: Creating Your Own Tarot Card Meanings with Mantis

So you’ve read all the tarot books. Now you have a database of tarot meanings, and you’re good to go, right? Not quite. While the books can give you a solid foundation, you may find that over time you start to develop your own tarot meanings. This is important because everybody’s relationship with tarot is different – and that means everyone will have unique ways of interpreting them.

In this episode of Tarot Bytes, Mantis joins me to talk about creating your own tarot card meanings. Learn about the tools and methods he recommends to find interpretations that come from your heart.

About Mantis:

Tarot Bytes - Episode 161 - Creating Your Own Tarot Spreads with MantisMantis is a tarot reader, writer, and evolutionary mystic with a love for the desert. His offerings include collective readings, tarot learning materials, and uplifting content. In his work, he sees the tarot through the lens of evolution, highlighting the thread linking the individual to Spirit, through the collective and the Cosmic. As a reader, he uses the tarot to guide individuals through their spiritual journeys, life cycles, and personal growth. Mantis is the author of the Truly Easy Tarot book and currently creating the Oracle of the Desert.

He can be found via his website,, or through Instagram, @mantis_tarot. To pre-order Truly Easy Tarot, out on March 24, 2020, please follow the link on his Instagram bio.


Grab your favorite deck, put in your earbuds, and dive in!



Subscribe in iTunes, Google Play or Stitcher – or use  the mighty fine podcast player below to listen to this track, yo:

© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2020

Check out all previous Tarot Bytes lessons here.


Sign up for my newsletter and get free bi-monthly content on tarot, astrology, and more.

I respect your email privacy

The post Tarot Bytes Episode 161: Creating Your Own Tarot Card Meanings with Mantis appeared first on The Tarot Lady.

* This article was originally published here

Indian Vedic Astrology.

Warriors, Witches, Women with Author Kate Hodges

Kate Hodges graduated from the University of Westminster with a BA in Print Journalism. She has over 20 years writing experience on magazines, having been a staffer on publications including The Face, Bizarre, Just Seventeen, Smash Hits and Sky, and written for many more, including The Guardian, Kerrang! and NME. She has also worked for Rapido TV and P For Production films. She is the author of three books on London.      @theekatehodges on Twitter _________________________________ Awakenings With Michele Meiche is Your place for tips and insight to live a more fulfilling life, and your relationships. Learn how to attract healthy relationships, and how to create a life you really love. Awakenings broadcasts live every Wed. 12pm -1:30 pm PT  Call in for Intuitive Readings #347-539-5122 Michele also answers listener questions from email, twitter and facebook & Instagram On Air. Email to have your questions answered or to share your insights On Air.

* This article was originally published here

Monday, February 17, 2020

7 Survival Tips for the First Mercury Retrograde of 2020 - California Psychics

7 Survival Tips for the First Mercury Retrograde of 2020  California Psychics

* This article was originally published here

Artistic show — Eternal Bliss-Art Exhibition – in Mumbai from Feb 18th - Nagpur News

Artistic show — Eternal Bliss-Art Exhibition – in Mumbai from Feb 18th  Nagpur News

* This article was originally published here

Today's Love Horoscopes + Tarot Card Readings For All Zodiac Signs On Valentine's Day — Friday, February 14, 2020 - YourTango

Today's Love Horoscopes + Tarot Card Readings For All Zodiac Signs On Valentine's Day — Friday, February 14, 2020  YourTango

* This article was originally published here

Rare Moon occult Mars February 18

Watch the rare Moon occult Mars on February 18th

this occurs both astronomically and astrologically.

“Over a period of 90 minutes or so, Mars will disappear west-to-east across Canada. Projections from the International Occultation Timing Association call for the disappearance to occur in Winnipeg at 6:02 a.m. CST, in Toronto at 7:26 a.m. EST, in Montreal at 7:39 a.m. EST, in Halifax at 9:02 a.m. AST and in St. John’s, N.L. at 9:51 a.m. NST.

In all areas, Mars will be visible in the sky for about three hours prior to its disappearance and will reappear on the other side of the moon approximately 75 to 80 minutes after it vanishes – although the reappearance will be difficult to spot if sunrise has occurred.

Calgary is too far west to see the vanishing act, but will witness the red planet’s reappearance at approximately 5:59 a.m. MST. Ditto for Edmonton three minutes later.

The occultation will also be visible across most of the continental U.S., save for some parts of the West Coast, as well as Mexico and most of Central America.

“We’re not going to have another chance to see an occultation of Mars by the moon this whole entire year,” Hyde said. There will be four other occultations in 2020, all visible from the Southern Hemisphere.

The occultation will be too distant to be visible with the naked eye, but anyone with a telescope or binoculars will be able to spot Mars in its final moments before it vanishes and first moments after it reappears.” from article

* This article was originally published here

Twin Flame Energy Forecast 17th-23rd February: “Multidimensionality”


Mercury Retrograde – Intensity In The Sign Of Oneness And Spirituality. Did You Know About The Masculine Twin’s Multidimensional “Learning” Adventures During Sleep?

Welcome into a brand new week in the cosmic energies!

Highlights this week include:

Mercury Retrograde continues, powerful New Moon in Pisces, Mars “out of bounds” in Capricorn brings surprise behind the scenes developments….

Discover more below!

Cutting Through Confusion – Special Assistance Incoming

Before we get started, so many of you have asked to talk to one of the approved intuitive readers I had up on the site before… I get it, sometimes things feel confusing and above all you want to talk to someone who can give you clear answers!

So this week, I’m bringing back the offer for one on ones with a spiritual advisor/psychic – approved by me. I talked to well over 50 advisors for research in order to find the ones with a true spiritual gift who can help you on your journey.

(I’ve had a number of dubious readings on my journey, so I wanted to vet the people you’d talk to and make sure you would be talking to a genuine psychic/intuitive)

Click here now to get 10 minutes for just $1.99 with an approved advisor.

(PS: This offer may not work if you’ve used it in the past)

*If no approved advisors are available in your time zone you can also get the special offer via this second page of advisors here*

(Use your intuition when choosing among the second group because I have not spoken to all of these personally – read their reviews and see who you feel most guided to)

Getting The Most From Your Reading

Remember, to get the most of your reading, have your questions ready and know that it works best if you’re calm, relaxed and open to hearing what’s to your highest good.

Ask your guidance team and Twin’s higher self to show up what you need to know right now.

I suggest having this sentence ready to put in, so the psychic can begin in the best/fastest way: “What do you need from me to begin?”

The reason I suggest this is, some want your date of birth, some need your Twin’s name and some need a specific question, whereas others just start reading your energy right away!

Mercury Retrograde – Hold Off On Major Decisions…

Now onto the cosmic energies this week.

You’ve probably already noticed the effects of Mercury Retrograde somewhat already. Happening in Pisces, this particular Retrograde period is set to feel even more confusing than usual.

Spirit shows us, it’s not so much about mistakes and mishaps this time, but a deeper swirling uncertainty about who we are and where we’re going. Of course, there’s a “cosmic purpose” to this but it can really feel unstable while it’s happening.

Their advice is, don’t make any major decisions during these next few weeks because you will likely change your mind (and heart) again down the line.

The purpose of this particular Mercury retrograde is to open our minds and deeper emotions in terms of identity and worldview.

To expand our perceptions of what’s possible – often by dragging back up to the surface the decisions and perceptions we have of what’s NOT possible (read more about that here).

Re-examining our spiritual belief systems.

Where Have You Spoken Blocks Or Negative Prophecies Into Your Path?

Mercury Retrograde has a bad name for chaos and problems but in truth, we can use this time to our advantage. We are energetic beings who can “surf the waves” as we choose, more than we often realize.

During every Mercury Retrograde the energy current “turns” and the collective energy fields of communication are purged of “static” and negativity.

With this Mercury Retrograde happening in Pisces it’s a heightened time for Twin Flames to look into where WE may have SPOKEN blocks into our own path, dis-aligning with unity and reunion in the physical.

Get a Free “Chakra Reading” for Twin Flames here and learn more about how manifestation works through the chakra system!

twin flame chakras

Unconscious “Affirmations” That Mess Up Our Path

Have you talked about how hopeless your situation is, or how true love never ends well, or how life sucks or that your Twin is never going to make an effort or “get it”?

Things along that nature are unfortunately “affirmations” – when we speak something into our life, it becomes like a command our energy and our reality begin to mirror back to us.

Clearing any old negativity we’ve “cursed ourselves with” in the form of words and statements, is a way to really break through into a higher state of love for the long run.

I explain more about how this works here, and help you clear and uplift to call in Twin Flame Reunion in the physical and beyond.

Remembering The Crazy Beginnings – 11:11

During this Mercury Retrograde through Pisces spirit shows us, you’ll be SHOWN in some way during this retrograde, how and where and WHY you’ve done this type of thing. So you can clear it.

Their input is, it’s not “your fault”, it’s the human belief systems that have gotten in the way. The limited ideas of reality and what’s possible.

Their suggestion is, think back to how your connection began – all the “crazy” things that occurred that made you realize your connection was so unique! The synchronicities and amazing “supernatural” things…

Could You Ever Have Believed The Twin Connection Before It Happened To You?

Think of those times, and realize there are no limits for what’s possible between Twin Flames. Open up.

Before you met your Twin, you could probably never have guessed what was about to occur… The same can happen again.

Loosen any projections you’ve put out into your path, onto your Twin and your connection.

Reality is malleable, everything is energy, the universe is infinite, you are both souls of light. Things are not as they may have seemed on the surface!

If you’re finding it tricky to align with positivity and feel tired of the whole thing, like everything is a lot of work and doesn’t pay off. Don’t worry. It’s the unconscious mind’s resistance. Use this to easily reprogram into a higher state.

All you have to do is listen along, and it will help re-align you with a new and more positive high vibrational “inner voice” – calling in more harmony and love on your Twin Flame journey.

Checkup On Communication

Key words for Mercury Retrograde always include:

Rethinking, reconsidering, reworking, rehashing, reconnecting, reevaluating, reorganizing, rehearsing… You might also want to check up on yourself in terms of your thinking processes, your communication.

Are your words positive when you speak about yourself and your goals and desires? Are you kind to yourself in your mental commentary?

If not, take some steps to resolve this now. Energy clearing and shifting your mental habits with mindfulness tools can help you with this too.

Try my Free Energy Cleanse Audio – it only takes 8 minutes but gives a deep cleanse and download of new fresh light codes to help your onward journey!


“Whenever I do your energy clearing meditation my Twin texts me just as it’s ended. It truly has opened up the connection.” – Taz R.


 Mercury retrograde also indicates getting to take a second look at any old information and perhaps clearing up any past misunderstandings…

Maybe something you thought was a problem turns out to be a misperception on your part. (Maybe something you thought was a fantasy or a daydream is confirmed by the psychic advisor and changes the way you look at everything)

Keep this in mind in your Twin Flame connection – when we have that close and intense a connection with another person, we often get challenged to rethink things from a different perspective.

If there’s been conflict, is it’s possible something could be due to a misunderstanding?

5D Interactions Between Twin Flames – Thinning Of The Veil

We have even more focus on emotions and the unconscious this week – the Sun joins Mercury in Pisces – traditionally the 12th house of the unconscious, extrasensory phenomena, spirituality and the “higher octave of love”.

Keep these themes and the “parallel realm” of life (5D) in mind this month and use metaphysical tools to help you tap into the non-physical bond you share with your Twin.

For Twin Flames these next few weeks present a unique opportunity to strengthen the soul bond, telepathy, 5D remote interaction and the heart connection from soul to soul.

The energies present now create a thinning of the “fabric of reality” as we perceive it – especially for Twins. You can expect to notice your connection more palpably now compared to previous months.

However, with Mercury moving retrograde through the same sign it can mean twists and turns, misunderstandings or missed connections.

Are You At “Home” To Receive Love’s Call?

Spirit shows us, to be at home with YOURSELF, is a requisite to receiving your Twin’s love and communication fully on the spiritual level.

When we’re “out in the world” and busy with frantic activity and involvement with other people, we’re not fully able to receive and perceive what’s trying to reach us.

We’re shown a telephone ringing but no one’s at home to answer it. So do make sure you take some time to go within and recharge.

Process your feelings in healthy ways with journalling, energy work and hobbies.

Even as little as 5 minutes a day of meditation, helps to open you up to messages and to attune to your Twin.

Twin Flames have an “inborn” connection to each other, but in most cases it’s not open or utilised fully because the mental mind (the “ego”) is so active with thoughts and perceptions that we can’t perceive it.

(Read more here in this article about Twin Flame Telepathy)

twin flame telepathy

Opening The “Phone Line”

Again, it’s a lot like a phone line from Twin to Twin – if your “line” (your mind) is busy with your own inner discussions and buzzing questions and concerns, your Twin’s messages can’t get through.

Meditation can work wonders to open you up to both your own intuition and to your Twin. To try it now, I have a free meditation here specifically designed for connecting you with your Twin.

And if you want to learn more about how to fully develop your Telepathy and also enlisting your spirit guides’ help on your journey, click here.

I take you through how to do this in class 2 and 4 – even if you never had “psychic” gifts before! (Neither did I until I started using those methods).

“Behind The Scenes” Developments With Masculine Twin

In the midst of all the watery energy and floaty, somewhat confusing atmosphere this week, Mars is thankfully providing some grounding and solidity – a sense of real world progress.

We see, the Masculine Twin is learning and expanding his understanding and gradually his “higher self” is becoming more involved in his life…

But he’s not shouting from the rooftops about it. It’s happening without a lot of noise.

So even if they’re not talking about their experiences, or seemingly thinking about you – don’t think the surface tells the whole story.

Being “out of bounds” in this period, Mars/the Masculine is experiencing new and unexpected things and they are bringing changes into their physical reality.

Light Body Experiences – Training For The Future Path…

We’re also shown, grounding in new light codes to their path. Leaving their body at night and having light body experiences where they are receiving training that will be put to use in the physical.

(If you’re an Aries or Aries dominant, this could be you experiencing it).

They won’t remember it consciously, but it will gradually rise up from the subconscious. Suddenly feeling drawn to getting further education or reading something new, or travelling or exploring new subjects…

It could involve their counterpart but initially it seems to be regarding their own progression as a soul. The evolution of their personality into a higher state.

To help them with this work and above all cleanse away the ego patterns that have blocked them from remembering the truth about your connection – the content that’s not really “theirs” but has clouded their perception – click here.

Spiritual Encouragement – Deja Vus From The Future?!

February 20th we have a positive sextile between Jupiter and Neptune, which you have probably felt for a few days beforehand – this is a high vibration current of expansion, inspiration and optimism.

Coupling the energies of Jupiter and Neptune, you’re set to be feeling more positive and clear-sighted on a spiritual level about the future, and you’re likely to receive inspiration and feel more divinely guided than usual.

You may have “deja vu” moments where you even sense “future memories” about your path… Spirit says, make sure you write down the insights you receive at this time!

They could come through dreams, ideas that “pop in your head”, visions during meditation or symbols and recurring information that shows up.

Make a note because it is specific guidance to answer you – you’ve asked for help or prayed for certain things, they show us, and what shows up now are answers.

(It can involve steps to take to get to your goals and answered prayers.)

New Moon In Pisces – Oneness “Reframed”…

February 23rd we have a New Moon in Pisces, setting the start of a brand new cycle in terms of spirituality, oneness and unconscious emotions.

One key theme spirit shows us for this New Moon, is releasing human history and traditional perspectives.

 Releasing the idea of suffering as a necessary part of human life, and knowing that we are here to thrive and that there are always solutions. Releasing identification with hardship.

Opening to a new conception of what it means to be human, to be a lightworker and to share love!

That when we step into our highest bliss, we are living our purpose! And our purpose never truly involves suffering or sacrificing for others.

Aligning With Infinite Flow – Stepping Out Of Sacrifice

The universe is so keen to show us that when we live our bliss, that’s when we uplift others the most.

We’re not here to be “rescuers” of others but to align with the infinite flow of light and support from the universe, and then show others through example how to do that themselves.

That every one of us step into our own connection to the divine, and through that receive the guidance and nourishment we need to thrive – from the inside out.

When you live your bliss, your positivity uplifts everyone around you, without you even trying.

When you align with your divine passions, your Twin Flame Soul Song is activated and becomes a strong clarion call drawing in your counterpart and activating in them THEIR soul song.

Remember, you and your Twin didn’t come here leaving things to chance, you deliberately pre-engineered so much of who you would be, from childhood circumstances to key karmic contracts. (Read more about this here in the message from the Divine Masculine)

divine masculine twin soul

A Week For Inner Breakthroughs…

This week is set to bring immense INNER breakthroughs in perception and alignment if you can open to it.

Your outer physical reality may seem like it’s swimming in a haze of confusion at times, but it’s actually a gift from the universe, working to open you to a new state.

Helping you to take a step back from habit, ego and analysis so you can re-ignite what truly matters and tune into the compass of your heart.

Are you tuned in?

Until next time, I’m sending you love and light for your continued journey! <3

Cassady x

Do you want to make the journey to Union and beyond lighter and more positive? Take the path forward with me as your “personal” guide with the Vibrational Alignment Program!

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“My Twin Flame is a Runner and something amazing happened today… I’ve done the clearing two days in a row so far, and guess who called me this morning after doing the meditation and energy cleanse? Yup, you guessed it… he called on his own without prompting from me! I am so darn happy, it’s a miracle!”

– Kristine D, Mass., USA

Read more testimonials here

Alternatively, download my Free Twin Flame Help Kit which contains two resources from the full program!


The post Twin Flame Energy Forecast 17th-23rd February: “Multidimensionality” appeared first on Twin Flames 11:11.

* This article was originally published here

Numerology Horoscope Today: Predictions for March 27, 2025 - Hindustan Times

Numerology Horoscope Today: Predictions for March 27, 2025    Hindustan Times * This article was originally published here ...