Sunday, May 31, 2020

Twin Flame Energy Forecast 1st-7th June: “Moonspell”


Triple Eclipse Gateway Opens – Peak Lunar Culmination Sets The Stage For A New Era Of Power For Divine Feminine… But Will The Mask Of History Stay Stuck?

Welcome into a brand new week in the cosmic energies!

Highlights this week include:

High intensity with the first of three Eclipses setting off a triple gateway until July. Venus Retrograde crosses backwards over the Sun, spelling out old issues flagged around identity and love… Have you been lied to about who you are?

Discover more below!

Old Love Returning, Phantoms Of The Past

We have another highly significant week for the Twin Flame connection, including a lunar Eclipse which opens this summer’s Triple Eclipse Gateway, plus several major love related transits…!

As the Sun and Venus Retrograde cross paths in Gemini, we see that you’re likely to come face to face with a past situation relating to love that may challenge you or cause the past to flare up.

And, that it’s been affecting your Twin connection. It can be a past love showing up unexpectedly, but it’s just as likely to be an old dynamic or a “phantom situation” to do with relationships and love.

In some way you’re being shown the past cause of a repeating cycle in love that’s likely been holding you back.

It could even be something like a dream from childhood about a crush that was unrequited, or a vision of your childhood home that reminds you how your father was always very withholding of affection…

Somehow, the ROOT of the issue is being shown, so you can release it and move on (for help with that, go here).

Confusion, Opposition? Timelines Recalibrating

This could turn out to be a confusing week because we’re being truly pushed in a major way to:

1) Recognize the past causes of present moment issues
2) Release that past mode/heal the old wound so we can open to a higher state.

Spirit tells us, there is a key ***Recalibration of Timelines**** going on.

Know that you are being given choices now. The choice whether to repeat the same cycle over… Or to “graduate” into a higher state by using a higher perspective, choosing love and forgiveness.

Choosing unity consciousness over separation/conflict consciousness.

Above all that’s what it’s based in. (Read about timelines and how they are relevant for Twin Flames here)


How To Open Your Path To Love NOW

When we take responsibility for our role as co-creators, that we had a part to play in how things panned out in the past… When we can forgive and open to a unity perspective… The knowing that as souls, we are all the same… And love is the only truth…

When we do that our path, our alignment and our Twin Flame connection DRAMATICALLY changes. This is why we’re faced with lessons over and over. It’s so we get the chance to make those higher choices.

This week it’s as if we’re being faced with two doors, two portals:

One leads to a repetition of karma, especially based in female/male conflicts, suffering and struggle.

The other leads to a bright light filled future based in oneness.

So what will you choose? The way you choose is with your intention, your emotion and your energy. You make the decision. Then you stick to it. And you release what’s kept you tied to the other.

For help with this process, have a look here.


“I have done the new union meditation 2 weekends in a row now and it has truly made a huge difference…me and my Twin are laughing together again…we had been arguing for so long…now I feel there is new fresh energy running through my body and I feel like I’m floating on air every time I do the unity meditation…it is so beautiful…thank you so much…” – Diane

Click here to learn more and download

Have You Got Pulled Into The Historical Dramas Of Woman Vs Man?

As Lilith conjuncts Uranus Retrograde while the Sun conjuncts Venus Retrograde we’re shown that unfortunately it’s not always this simple in practice.

The cosmic message we get is, that so many have been given this opportunity to “up-level” into higher timelines before… But have not taken the opportunity.

They have gotten entrenched in the age old men vs women conflict paradigm again. So if this has been a recurring theme for you, make sure you clear out the energy basis for the stuckness in your dynamic so you can truly enter into a new chapter.

This session will release your Twin Flame from negative karma that has had THEM acting out on the typical running issues – such as infidelity, ending up with a non twin partner, blocking their counterpart, ghosting and so on.

11:11 – Remember Who You Are

Remember above all, you are not just a woman or a man, a human. You are an infinite soul. Choose to release the limited identities and open to a higher state.

That’s what 11:11 is all about. Awakening. Remembering the soul’s truth of unity. That’s what you’re here for.

We also have this theme echoed as Pallas Retrograde moves backwards into Capricorn.
We’re shown that the reason females have been historically subordinate in society or have had less impact is not ONLY that males have dominated them and treated them unfairly.

On some levels, females have sold THEMSELVES short – and each other. Held back from creating, taking action, holding themselves as powerful and worthy.

It’s time for a new era, but we’re being reminded that this does not arrive magically from the outside. We have to actionably choose to step into our power.

And when we do, the scales of balance equalize. Read more here in a Channeled Message From The Divine Feminine.

Triple Eclipse Gateway Opening

On June 5th we have the Triple Eclipse Gateway opening. This is a time of immense transformational potential. The opening between worlds. Where we can dramatically “up-level” our journey, jump levels in fact is what spirit shows us.

The struggle through 3D learning and via clock time can be bypassed more than usual. And it’s all about energy.

New light templates are fuelled in, and old density is triggered to rise both individually and for the human collective.

Therefore energy management is even more crucial than usual. This can uplift into a higher state for the long run. Choice is key. Receiving important guidance is also highlighted.

Your connection with your soul and your Twin’s higher self are stronger than usual (but so is the awareness of darkness in your being and others, comments spirit, so make sure you shield yourself).

To help your Twin Flame gain benefit and rise into a state of harmony with you together in this period and beyond, have a look here at the Higher Dimensional Anchoring And Activation Session.

twin flame awakening

“The Higher Dimensional Anchoring was the absolute most intense healing I’ve ever done – it completely blew me away. Not only did this seem to impact me on an enormous level, I saw my Twin Flame completely change overnight. The change in him was the biggest change I’ve seen in him to date. I’m so grateful for your tools, and I’m merely without words on this latest one. It really was the answer to my prayers.” – Sarah (via Facebook)

Click here to learn more and download

Feelings Of Abandonment On The Rise…

On June 5th the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse hits – directly opposite Venus Retrograde and the Sun.

This is an intense time. You’ll likely feel alone in this period. Even, abandoned – especially if you’re the female Twin and your male Twin is a “runner”.

Really, what’s happening is the past is working its way out of your system. It may not even be “your past” – it could be collective female karma or ancestral baggage.

Things aren’t really how they seem right now. You are actually experiencing past lineages and karmic timelines pushing to be released from your system.

So first of all, they’re being triggered so you become aware of them.
Know that this is what’s going on. Only love is ultimately real for Twin Flames.

The “Play” Of Physical Reality – Masks, Illusions…

The earth drama is a “play” many Twins get drawn into due to the “human baggage”.

You are being put to the test right now. Do not accept negativity at face value – especially the archetypal human relationship dramas of infidelity, abandonment, unhappiness, jealousy and so on.

The truth is, your Twin Flame is as a soul, higher self and energy being there with you ALL the time.

You are a team. Not opponents. Consider this. They and you exist on many planes. There are more of you as spiritual beings (astral body, etheric body, spiritual body and so on) than your physical body…

It’s something like 1000/1, or more depending on how far up into consciousness you go. (Read more here in “Do Twin Flames Share A Higher Self?”)

Leveling Up Into Togetherness And Light

Align with the love that exists between you on all those planes. It’s right there with you, and more palpable than usual (unless you’re blocked with static – if so, click here). Know that any physical world dramas are “false”. And they are merely one small part of existence.

This will open you to a whole new level of togetherness and light, and it brings it in for your human existence too.

Now, reading this it might seem simple, easy. But the emotions and triggers coming up for the eclipse will likely show up suddenly and powerfully.

You have to stay in control of your choices and mindset, even though the “darkness” may push you along with the undercurrent. (You might find this article useful right now – How To Find Inner Peace On The Twin Flame Journey)

Eclipse: Darkness On The Rise

Eclipses are always pushing issues of unconsciousness vs consciousness, awareness vs unawareness, darkness vs light.

Try to take a step back from yourself and see yourself from the outside in these coming days, as keeping a neutral standpoint will help you avoid being dragged into old “autopilot” behavior.

Staying calm will also help you release this stuff with more ease and speed and you’ll find it a much more comfortable experience than if you get caught up in any drama. If there’s trouble on the horizon, it might be wiser to leave any “show-downs” for next week when the energies have settled.

And, in addition, refrain from complaining about your connection to other Twins as your “speaking/writing reality” is extra heightened during this timeline shift.

When you put out into reality that you are upset, and focus on the negatives, this is a strong act of creating and cementing it.

To make the positive shift for the future, to align with the higher timelines, focus on what you want more of. Focus on the positives. And if you can’t, work to focus on something happy other than your connection while this period lasts.

Making Way for New Light

In advance of these Eclipse release points, the low vibration energies that will be released are stirred up in preparation to be cleared out.

If tension has been rising in your personal life the way it has in the world recently, take a few deep breaths now and know that things will settle down again very soon.

I would advise to hold off on judgment on any Twin Flame situations and issues until the energies settle again. If things feel tense or troubled right now, it could likely have more to do with the energies at large than with your relationship.

Powerful Cosmic Shakeup – New Beginnings In Love

Again, Eclipses function to clear out the old to make way for the new. In the aftermath of the release from this eclipse we’ll have an influx of new higher vibration energies, and empath Twin Flames will certainly be able to feel this, perhaps even physically.

Headaches and tension in the body is not uncommon during heavy cosmic events. Energy management will help you with this too.

Especially because this eclipse ties in Venus Retrograde and occurs with Uranus R and Lilith joining up. This is a MAJOR cosmic call for a new beginning in love and for the feminine in terms of relationship and self image.

We’re being nudged powerfully to move into new and higher territory instead of staying stuck in the old and familiar – it might be uncomfortable while it lasts.

Anchoring Into 5D And Beyond To Help Twin Flames Reunite

Most of us like to think that we’re open and conscious and ready for positivity and our dreams coming true, but the unconscious houses memories of old hurts and fears that make us hold back and shut down when push comes to shove…

Make sure you’re aware of your “issues” so you don’t react based on karmic patterns, ancestral programming and past hurts.

Know that it’s fully possible to move into a more joyous and loving future, but it requires you to let go of what’s come before.

Spirit shows us that this particular Eclipse window which is ongoing until the final of the triple eclipses happen July 3rd.

Rare Solstice/Solar Eclipse Simultaneous Hit

Mid way till then, we have a powerful simultaneous solstice and solar eclipse 21st June which will be bringing up a lot of collective negativity from the earth itself.

From the old karmic fields which essentially are collections of human beings’ thoughtforms, emotions, energies and experiences from thousands of years.

So be mindful of yourself and what you react to over the coming weeks. Shield yourself, connect to the light and do what you can to stay up and out of the way of the collective chaotic energies rising up to be released.

(I take you through a powerful shielding and protection in the Golden Light Infusion And Activation session here)

“I did your Golden Light Infusion meditation several hours ago and immediately felt calmer” – Moira

“This new session is exactly what I have been hoping for, as a help and support.” – Jessica

“As an empath I’ve been feeling the collective fear and negative energy daily and it’s been so strong! Since doing this meditation I’ve felt so much at peace. I’m already feeling that guidance is incoming” – Wendy

Click here to read more and download

Do You Know Your Shadow Self?

This Lunar Eclipse is set to give us insight into our Shadow Selves by bringing up hidden negative aspects of our personalities – what’s been getting in the way of harmony and unity for the Twin Flame pair. The unconscious saboteur in us.

Whenever shadow aspects are brought up for healing on my journey, I’m shown symbols of a black horse or a black panther in dreams or repeatedly in the physical through images, to indicate – keep an eye out now.

You might find that this has been happening for you too, only you’ve been too busy to really take notice. What strange fears have shown up in dreams? What underlying unease may have been brewing?

Stay Aware Of Dreams, Symbols And Intuition

These symbols are meant to bring the message: You are now being asked to heal an unconscious wound and integrate yet another aspect of your subconscious, healing ever more and unifying more with your own self and with your Twin.

Be aware of your dreams around this time, as you are likely to be given insights into what unconscious material has been causing trouble recently. Be on the lookout for signs from the non-physical, seeking to guide you to release and heal now.

 Again please shield yourself now as others’ negativity will be more noticeable than at other times because it’s coming up to be released with the Eclipse.

Connect to the light with the tool in the free kit and allow the light to flush negativity out of you.


Eclipse: Reset, Planetary “Upgrade”

Eclipses are reset times for the collective, and you want to make sure you don’t get caught in the flood of emotions from everyone around you.

What’s happening on an energetic level is that the whole planet, and we, are getting an upgrade.

Old stagnant negativity is coming up to be released, so our systems are ready to take in new and higher vibrations more and more.

Long-term this is an amazing gift that will help us increasingly live in the upper registers of joy, abundance and love, but in this eclipse period of releasing, it might feel like a challenge initially.

How To Make The Best Of This Time

Be good to yourself and remember that as someone in Twin Flame Ascension you might occasionally feel these energies to be overwhelming, but know that it will pass.

If you do feel out of sorts, go out into nature, where the energy is calmer and more grounding.

Sitting in front of the computer or being on our phone all day and night makes us ungrounded and open to influence and can drag us into a spiral of negativity.

When we’re ungrounded, we react more easily to negative energies. So take some breaks, go outside even for five minutes, or have a shower if you feel on edge. (You might also find this article useful)


Dispelling Illusions Of Smallness…

This is set to be a week that can bring major positive shifts for the long term. Above all, dispel the illusions of “smallness” that may show up, and step into your higher knowing of self and your Twin Flame connection.

The truth is, you are a soul of light! The truth is, you and your Twin Soul always share an eternal bond of love and nothing can break that.

Everything that’s based in fear, dark, conflict and opposition is illusion. And right now, the universe is working to show you this, so you can be freed from negativity and move into a happier state of living – especially in your physical reality.

Remember the timeline recalibration and the immense positive opportunities available to you at this time. You are the boss. No matter what’s happened before, you can shift it with your intentions and your focus.

Keep choosing oneness. Keep choosing love.

 Until next time, I’m sending you love and light for your continued journey! <3


Cassady x

Do you want to make the journey to Union and beyond lighter and more positive? Take the path forward with me as your “personal” guide with the Vibrational Alignment Program!

twin flame program

“My Twin Flame is a Runner and something amazing happened today… I’ve done the clearing two days in a row so far, and guess who called me this morning after doing the meditation and energy cleanse? Yup, you guessed it… he called on his own without prompting from me! I am so darn happy, it’s a miracle!”

– Kristine D, Mass., USA

Read more testimonials here

Alternatively, download my Free Twin Flame Help Kit which contains two resources from the full program!

(Do you want to develop telepathy and remote communication with your Twin? I take you through it and help you get into the Alpha state with this Free Guided Meditation in the Free Twin Flame Help Kit)


The post Twin Flame Energy Forecast 1st-7th June: “Moonspell” appeared first on Twin Flames 11:11.

* This article was originally published here

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Guiding Light: Magic of Garuda Mantra and Garuda Dandakam  Free Press Journal

* This article was originally published here

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* This article was originally published here

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Astrology Bytes Episode 110: Jupiter Aspects

Astrology Bytes Episode 110: Jupiter Aspects


Bite-sized astrology lessons for total astrology newbies.
Created by Theresa Reed, The Tarot Lady (psst…I am known for tarot but I’m also an astrology geek!).

Welcome to Astrology Bytes, the astrology podcast for people who want to learn astrology… but don’t have all day! Short, bite-sized astrology lessons.

Episode 110: Jupiter Aspects

An aspect refers to the angles planets make to each other in the horoscope. They are measured by mathematical angles, which means you need to know a bit about geometry. I’ve talked about aspects in previous episodes so please go back and listen to learn more.

When planets make aspects to Jupiter in your natal chart, it can show how you expand. Keep in mind that Jupiter is one of the social planets so the expansion is based on the cooperation of others. That cooperation can come through shared spiritual beliefs, philosophic attitudes, or ethics.

A well-aspected Jupiter could indicate someone who contributes to society in a positive manner and has their goals supported. A well-aspected Jupiter could also show where you’re lucky and could also add an enthusiastic, optimistic, jovial side to your personality. A poorly aspected Jupiter could indicate someone who is hypocritical or has trouble finding their place in the social structures. In some cases, a poorly aspected Jupiter could indicate excess, indulgence, or a tendency to take things for granted.

Grab your astrology chart, put in your earbuds, and dive in!



Subscribe in iTunes, Google Play or Stitcher – or use the mighty fine podcast player below to listen ‘n learn with Monte and Amy:

© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2020

Check out all previous Astrology Bytes episodes here.


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The post Astrology Bytes Episode 110: Jupiter Aspects appeared first on The Tarot Lady.

* This article was originally published here

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