Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Free Tarot Card Reading, Wednesday, July 1, 2020 - YourTango
* This article was originally published here
Monday, June 29, 2020
Rare hyperintense week, June 29-July 5
June 29-July 5 is a hyperintense week
June 29/30 JUPITER and PLUTO, the Billionaires Plutocrats club meets up for the second of their three historic Build and tear down meetings in 2020 at 24+ Capricorn. Both Planets are Retrograde and conjunct to the Saturn Pluto degree of January 12, 2020, reigniting that explosive event which triggered Covid-19, etc. Expect a second wave now. They met first on April 4/5 and will meet again on November 12th when a third more intense wave will hit at the exact same degree as the January 12th conjunction.
Jupiter is THE WHEEL of FORTUNE in the TAROT and PLUTO is Signified by Scorpio and the #13 The DEATH CARD
Triple conjunctions in the same sign are rare! There is only one in this Century and the last one in Capricorn was in 1285 during the Crusades. These conjunctions bring up the past energies on a newer level.
This is a pretty rare event as the triple conjunctions will be very close, less than 1 degree apart visually. We won’t see Pluto but we will see Jupiter although the moon will be bright, on our way to a Full Moon at the weekend. The last three-peat performance happened in November 2,1955, February 8 and June 16, 1956, in LEO and will next occur in 2106-07.https://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/how-to-see-pluto-in-the-night-sky#:~:text=Jupiter%20and%20Pluto%20are%20in,and%20the%20ringed%20planet%20Saturn.&text=All%20these%20planets%20swing%20to,%2C%20Saturn%20(July%2020).
What happened on these dates in the 1950’s?
The Vietnam war begins. David Ben Gurion was the first Prime Minister of Israel. Colonel Tom Parker signed Elvis Presley to RCA records a few weeks later. Following February of 1956, Pakistan becomes the first Islamic republic. A few days after the June conjunction, Playright Arthur miller appears before the House Un-American Activities and marries Marilyn Monrow a few days after. What came to mind initially was the desegregation of Schools in the U.S.in May of 1955. History repeats topics on higher levels. The Black Lives Matter protests are another level of the attempt to abolish systemic racism in the U.S.
If you have planets conjunct 24 Capricorn plus and minus 2 degrees you are in the cross-hairs again. If you have planets at 22-26 ARIES or LIBRA you are in the T- square and any planets/angles/ Risings at 22-26 CANCER also get the Billionaires Kaboom transit.
My positive take is Pluto will bless you with the deepest Soul/psyche wealth if you are walking your soul’s true path. Jupiter expands it. But if you, or a country or a philosophy, is NOT walking a soul path, it is massive death and destruction. The Plutocracy is the .001% which controls the world and they are dark forces. They are fighting to assert their Plutonic control over the world right now. It’s hard to see where the positive intention is coming from.
Saturn Pluto started COVID 19 at their January 12 conjunction and Jupiter expands PLuto’s death and resurrection energy. Pan is the Ancient God of Capricorn. The Pandemic is the Panic the Pan=Across Demos which means the populace.
Pluto has an invisibility helmet called the Helm (the root of the word helmet obviously} of Hades says Homer in the Illiad. Ask for Pluto to take you under his wing to show you what is real and truth the Values that Jupiter stands for.
Moon enters Scorpio on June 29th at 3:48 pm PDT/ 6:48 pm EDT and 11:48 pm GMT the darkest most intense emotional time of the month. This can be a day of attacks and terrorism.
June 30 SUN squares Chiron at 9 degrees Cancer/Aries
we are feeling wounded, naked, vulnerable.Stay safe at home.
MERCURY Rx SEXTILES URANUS as does the SUN, Uranus is at 9 degrees 51′ TAURUS we’re revisiting the revolutionary meetings.
SUN conjuncts Retrograde MERCURY-It’s CAZIMI time @ 7:52 pm PDT/10:52 pm EDT and July 1 @ 3:52 am GMT.
JULY 1 SUN sextiles URANUS in EDT and GMT a rude or chaotic awakening
stay home where its safe,
SATURN re-enters CAPRICORN and goes home until December 16/17 when he enters his other home sign of Aquarius a masculine Air sign.
on Canada’s birthday indicating some Karmic baggage. Saturn will take us back in the way back machine as it Retrogrades back to 25 degrees 20 minutes of Capricorn on September 28/29 which coincides with Yom Kippur the Holiest day in the Jewish calendar. Saturn was last at that degree on February 3/4 before Covid-19 news hit the world big time. Saturn will stay STATIONARY from September 28/29 until October 2/3.
Expect that we will be Deja Vu-ing all these events again only being backed up over by Saturn’s heavy metal leaden truck. If we don’t get the lesson or pass the test the first time Saturn will be sure to run us over again and again. Begin to ponder what you didn’t learn already as we are all tested and retested again. Such is Saturn’s nature. Saturn will get with 3 degrees of Pluto as it stations Direct in September, this is a repeat of the January 12 conjunction too. It will not be easy, expect more and harsher Covid-19 measures, lockdown, corporate and political force and counter-forces.
A reminder that the Moon will be OUT OF BOUNDS July 4-6.
JULY 4/5th CAPRICORN LUNAR ECLIPSE @ 13 degrees 37′ opposite the U.S. SUN and SIRIUS!
this is a big unconscious energy, The MOON always symbolizes the people. Lunar eclipse block the unconscious as the shadow of the earth falls over the moon. In essence, our unconscious shadows are heightened. get ready to do the deep shadow work on the Capcirocn lunar eclipse. Some dirty corporate and government secrets will out. People will demand karmic retribution.
The SUN is conjunct SIRIUS its the U.S. 244th Birthday. This eclipse concludes a nearly two-year-long eclipse series which started July 13, 2018, with the Cancer-Capricorn axis, which has the issues of home, women, children, mothers and emotional safety versus the corporate world opposition. This is a Penumbral Lunar eclipse. It will be visible over all of the U.S. including Hawaii and most of Canada except the far north, all of South America Europe and almost all of Africa except the very eastern section But this eclipse will hardly show.
The eclipse has asteroid VESTA exactly Conjunct the SUN and LILITH squaring it. I will write about this separately in depth.
This is the last of the summer eclipses with the next one being another penumbral LUNAR ECLIPSE on November 29/30 at 8 Gemini. my birthday and The only Total Solar eclipse in 2020 on December 14 at 23+ Sagittarius
Get prepared it will be an intense week. I’m expecting major financial banking crises. Saturn will be at the 29th degree of Capricorn on the Eclipse, a very karmic degree and inconjunct the NORTH STAR at 29 Gemini. The North Star is the collective Highest Goal Direction but we won’t be able to see it if we accept and unconsciously chose to see life as simple physical reality. Saturn will blind and bind us to Higher Spiritual knowledge as a test. You can pass this test as long as your turn inwards to listen to your soul guiding you.
Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene
get a reading with me http://www.taratarot.com
* This article was originally published here
MONTHLY FORECAST WHAT IS YOUR YEAR NUMBER FOR 2020? 2020 is a 4 Year in the world, (2+0+2+0=2+2=4). To calculate your number for 2020, simply add 4 to your month and day of birth. (Do NOT include your year of birth in this calculation). Example birthday: September 24: Month = 9 Day = 2+4 = 6 […]
The post MONTHLY FORECAST – JULY 2020 appeared first on CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY.
* This article was originally published here
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Tarot Bytes Episode 176: Reading Tarot for The Public with Jenna Matlin
Tarot Bytes: The Podcast
Bite-sized lessons for Tarot beginners
Created by Theresa Reed, The Tarot Lady
Welcome to Tarot Bytes – the tarot podcast for people who want to learn tarot…but don’t have all day. Short, bite-sized tarot lessons.
Episode 176: Reading Tarot for The Public with Jenna Matlin
If you’ve been reading for yourself or loved ones, you might be wondering: what is it like to read for strangers? Jenna Matlin joins me to talk about reading tarot for the general public. Jenna shares her tips for delivering a rock-solid reading, and handling challenging querents. We also talk about the difference between readings for family versus the general public – and how folks should prepare for a session so they get a helpful tarot reading.
About Jenna:
Jenna Matlin, the clairvoyant engine behind Queen of Wands Tarot, provides intuitive consultations based on empowerment, clarity, and choice while honoring spirit. She has a Master’s of Science in Organizational Psychology and Performance Consulting and Coaching, which enables her to use both practical and esoteric tools to create a truly empowering session.
In addition to providing intuitive Tarot consultations, Jenna also offers Transformational Tarot packages, Intuitive Life Coaching, and runs the Not Your Mother’s Tarot Meetup group of the Philadelphia area. Jenna is the author of Have Tarot Will Travel: A Comprehensive Guide to Reading at Festivals as a Tarot and Have Tarot Will Party: A Comprehensive Guide to Party Reading for the Tarot Professional.
Grab your favorite deck, put in your earbuds, and dive in!
Subscribe in iTunes, Google Play or Stitcher – or use the mighty fine podcast player below to listen to this track, yo:
© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2020
Check out all previous Tarot Bytes lessons here.
The post Tarot Bytes Episode 176: Reading Tarot for The Public with Jenna Matlin appeared first on The Tarot Lady.
* This article was originally published here
Action, reaction
Mars at 0 Aries sextile Saturn at 0 Rx Aquarius
sounds like a formula. Action, reaction. The Two “malefics” the two most badass toughest hardest planets easily supporting each other can be good or bad.
Mars acts without thinking and Saturn restricts and anger and frustration ensue. ARIES has ZERO patience.
Mars in ARIES is a shoot out, and sorry to hear there was a shooting and a man killed at protests in Louisville Kentucky.
Mars is action, war and anger and Saturn Rx holds back the action but is initiating a new revolution.
Libra moon is all socializing and niceties, beauty, relationships, fairness and justice prevail.
Watch the video please share I’ve got subtitles on now. all content is copyright of Tara Greene.
to get a reading http://www.taratarot.com
* This article was originally published here
Saturday, June 27, 2020
The Hit List – Broken Wings
A brisk rainstorm pummeled the house and brought relief to the stale summer air. Once it eased up, I opened up the window to clear the stuffiness out of the room. There it was – a bird, splayed out on the porch, one gray and orange wing extended out the side.
I went upstairs and informed my husband that he would need to remove it because I’m squeamish around any sort of dead animal type situation. He donned rubber gloves, gathered a dustpan, and headed off to do the deed. A few minutes later, he informed me that the bird was still very much alive – and probably had a broken wing.
Off we went to the Humane Society Wildlife Rescue with the bird in a box. By this time, we had a minute to examine him and couldn’t figure out what kind of bird this was. We had never seen anything like it before in our hood. So we named him Kip Winger and dropped him off, knowing he’d have a good chance of making it in the proper hands.
Once home, I posted a pic of the bird on Twitter and learned that we had rescued a rare yellow-billed cuckoo, something that’s not seen around these parts much. You can imagine how exciting this news was!
But at the same time, I found myself musing about poor Kip. All it took was a fierce storm to slam that little guy into our house and break his wing. He was vulnerable against Mother Nature – and in our hands too.
I often think about how vulnerable we are as well. The rainy, humid weather aggravates my arthritis, making it hard to type these words. A stiff knee reminds me that I’m no longer a young chickadee. Physically, all it takes is one fall and everything changes in an instant.
Emotions are another place we humans get hurt too. This past week, I was in tears twice. Once while working with a business coach who got to the bottom of some serious stuff I needed to address. The second set of tears came when a friend and colleague I respected decided to unfriend me because she didn’t like my beliefs. I didn’t want that to get under my skin…but it did.
It’s too easy to break our bodies and hearts. Humans are fragile like that. But even when pain comes, we must trust that there are healing and growth on the other side of it. With help, we can go on, good as new (or close enough). We can fly again.
I have left a few messages at the Humane Society, hoping to get an update on Kip. So far, nothing. I’m trusting this is a good sign and soon his broken wings will be fully mended, and he’ll be flying around our neighborhood like the majestic, mysterious bird he is.
Kip Winger on his way to the bird hospital.
Other stuff:
Marie Claire asks: What If Fertility Didn’t Have a Shelf Life?
Here’s What You Can Do Right Now to Demand Justice for Elijah McClain.
Yeah it did: Astrology Predicted The 2020 Revolution. Here’s What’s Coming Next.
I need to get mine rebooted: How To Keep Your Quarantine Workout Habits Going Once You Go Back To Work.
I loved chatting with Melissa Cynova about reading tarot for friends and family.
From Cosmo: Neptune Retrograde in Pisces Is Bringing the Realness.
Not surprised: The FBI has a history of targeting black activists. That’s still true today.
I’m a believer: Is Astrology Real? Here’s What Science Says.
Good to know: Can’t Imagine a World Without Police? Start Here.
So cute: Let’s Bake!: A Pusheen Cookbook.
YUM: One Tin Bakes: Sweet and simple traybakes, pies, bars, and buns.
OMG, this is coming soon: The Nightmare Before Christmas Tarot Deck and Guidebook!
On my list: Tarot Deciphered: Decoding Esoteric Symbolism in Modern Tarot.
I love Judika Iles: Daily Magic: Spells and Rituals for Making the Whole Year Magical.
A MUST READ: Holy Heathen: A Spiritual Memoir by Katherine North.
Shaheen Miro created a beautiful new deck that you’re going to want: The Uncommon Tarot: A Contemporary Reimagining of an Ancient Oracle.
Tarot: No Questions Asked: Mastering the Art of Intuitive Reading is for tarot readers who want to form a deeper connection to their cards…and their intuition.
Grab your crayons or colored pencils, a tarot deck, and your copy of The Tarot Coloring Book – and have a chill night right now!
When Shaheen Miro and I wrote Tarot For Troubled Times we never anticipated how timely this book would be. The world is chaotic, messy right now. Our book can help you cope.
Wondering what the heck astrologers are referring to when they speak about retrogrades and mutual receptions? Astrology for Real Life: A Workbook for Beginners (A No B.S. Guide for the Astro-Curious) will sort out all the astro-lingo for you in a friendly way!
August 30, 2020: Brushes and Stars. Where: online. A full-day of astrology and intuitive painting – and fun! Join me and Chris Zydel for a joyful, astrology-inspired intuitive painting experience. We begin exploring intuition, followed by examining your natal chart. From there, it’s time to paint your interpretation of your chart! Group insights follow.
May 2-8, 2021: The Tuscany Tarot Intensive. Where: Italy! A full week of tarot immersion. Due to the Coronavirus, we moved the event to next year. Good news: the dates allow for a few extra seats which mean you can join us next year! Yay!
What I’m Grateful For:
Animal rescues
Helpful husbands
Tender hearts
Tanya Geisler
Time to do the little things
Soundtrack for 6/27/20:
Seventeen by Kip Winger
© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2020
images from stock photography and personal collection
The post The Hit List – Broken Wings appeared first on The Tarot Lady.
* This article was originally published here
Big change up, complete the cycle
The fastidious Virgo Moon opposed Neptune in PISCES
how were your dreams?
Virgo Moon makes a trine to Planets of wealth Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn who are coming together June 29/30 for the 2nd time in 2020. This is a good aspect to make detailed long term career investment and major changes in your life.
This is a big change-up energy day.
Moon opposes MARS in PISCES the warrior at the 29th Anaretic degree the last of the last the most karmic, bottom of the fathomless depth of the Ocean today.
This is a big day to complete all tasks. Virgo moon loves to clean up. Take inventory and review {5 planets still Retrograde} what’s been going on in your life since January 1st, 2019 when Mars was also at the last degree of Pisces and about to enter Aries as it will do later tonight.
Moon enters LIBRA 4:16 pm EDT to balance the KARMIC books you need completion.
Moon trines Saturn at 0 AQUARIUS elevates and detaches our minds from the details.
Take most of the day to set things in order clearing the way for brand new growth, energy, and passions for the next 23 months. Prepare to do a ceremony to align with new power. Planning is not an ARIES forte it’s all about spontaneity, and raw passion.
Light a red candle. Put on some energizing upbeat music. Do some Martial arts, eat hot spicy foods, get into Amazon warrior/warrioress mood. Get ready to bust a move. This is the Big Bang.
MARS enters ARIES June 27 at 6:45 pm PDT 9:45 pm EDT and June 28 @ 2:45 am GMT until May 25, 2022
BIG BANG! new beginning. Especially for Aries and Scorpio and everyone has these signs somewhere in their charts, Leaping before looking is an ARIES trait.
People go from 0-100% angry and are way too hot to handle, hotheaded, competitive, angry and do things without thinking about the consequences. MASS SHOOTINGS, arson, wars and the like are highly probable. I am also concerned for those who might harm themselves through suicide under this energy. If you suspect someone may be suicidal call them, reach out and get help for them if you are suicidal talk about it, call a helpline right away.
Libra Moon trines Venus in GEMINI now direct. Mars in Aries wants to party hard and its socializing time in real life or on social media. The energy is lighter and you should feel an energy boost right away.
Watch the video, please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene
get a reading http://www.taratarot.com
* This article was originally published here
Friday, June 26, 2020
Tarot and astrology, Daily
June 26 Today’s aspects under a grounding Virgo Moon a little bit of just about everything but no squares. Pay attention to tummy upsets. My tummy’s been acting up all week especially after the zero degree Cancer Solar eclipse on the 20th.
Watch the video using The Muse Tarot for guidance. As always it’s very synchronous. Temperance is needed. Something ARIES is NOT noted for.
please share, all content is copyright of Tara Greene
get a reading with me http://www.taratarot.com
* This article was originally published here
Thursday, June 25, 2020
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