Monday, August 31, 2020

From Kareena Kapoor to Sara Ali Khan, this is what your favourite Bollywood stars have been up to this week - Gulf News

From Kareena Kapoor to Sara Ali Khan, this is what your favourite Bollywood stars have been up to this week  Gulf News

* This article was originally published here

Is mathematics real? A viral TikTok video raises a legitimate question with exciting answers - Phys.Org

Is mathematics real? A viral TikTok video raises a legitimate question with exciting answers  Phys.Org

* This article was originally published here

Energy Reader Hae Jun ‘HeyJune’ Jeon Is Getting Ready To Shake Up Wall Street’s Corporate Culture - Forbes

Energy Reader Hae Jun ‘HeyJune’ Jeon Is Getting Ready To Shake Up Wall Street’s Corporate Culture  Forbes

* This article was originally published here

Horoscopes August 31-September 6


You are being pushed by a loved one or by a woman in your family to show how you feel. Difficulty in communicating happens on the 4th. The Moon in Aries from the 4th to the 6th puts your feelings front and center. Get ready for Mars your ruling planets’ Retrograde now, it starts September 9th and will make you backtrack for the next 2 months. Prepare frustration strategies ahead of time to avoid imploding with anger.


Responsibilities, karmic issues, obstacles and your father, boss or significant man in your life may be pulling you in two directions at once on the 2nd. Things are dreamy and romantic on the 3rd. Relationships need to be smoothed out on the 4th, but a new spark may get lit. Venus your ruling planet enters LEO on the 6th, get ready to be bold, passionate and rock the world.


September 1st on a Full Moon your words can move mountains and influence those in power. You may have to fine-tune that message on the 3rd. Frustration that things are not moving fast enough becomes an issue on the 5th. Relationships and socializing become your major focus as Mercury your ruling planet enters LIBRA on the 5th. Be the host or hostess with the most grace now and mine those connections. 


The FULL MOON in PISCES draws out your moods and emotions September 1st/2nd in watery PISCES which will bring on all the feels. This is a Time to bring to completion issues from a year ago. Its also the Best time to do water rituals, sacred cleansing baths and to release guilt and other people’s energy and issues. Remember your need to receive for yourself too.


Monday may have you feeling battered by self-doubts from the Virgo Sun’s inconjunct to Chiron, the Wounded Healer in Aries. But you get to shine with your most unique taste on the 2nd as Sun trines Uranus in Taurus. Be true to your big heart and unique self. Feelings may get squelched by overly critical energy from the Virgo Sun. Positive self talk and acting the part “as if” wins the day.


You may wake up in a vulnerable state on Monday. But the power of powerful messages are all yours on the1st as Mercury Trines Pluto in Capricorn. On the 3rd you can impress the boss, and pass a test which you have been pursuing for awhile. There is frustration and impatience on the 4th. A flame is also kindled in a relationship on the same day. Mercury enters LIBRA on the 5th when relationships take center stage for you. Try to stay balanced.


The Full Moon on the 2nd brings serious commitments and communications as your ruling planet, Venus in Cancer opposes Saturn in Capricorn. You may be the go-between in a family struggle. The 4th sparks romance, love and communications are easier too. Mercury enters Your sign-on the 5th, enhancing social connections. Venus your planet enters Fiery passionate Leo on the 6th. Things are looking hot for you Libra. 


A new romance could be ignited as Venus squares Mars on the 4th. There is an urgency for getting your nest egg ready and some comfort food for Mars Retrograde next week September 9/10 for two months. There are conflicting messages on the 4th as Mercury inconjuncts your go to planet Mars. Venus in Leo brings love sparks to early-born Scorpio’s this week. 


The communications planet Mercury, plus Venus, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto are all activated this week but not Jupiter. The Full Moon on the 1st/2nd is in your solar 4th house you will want to retreat to a long ritual bath. This is the ending of a year-long Full Moon cycle so bring all unfinished business up to date. Venus in Leo brings a heart-opening, some passion and fun on the 6th.


If you like it then you shoulda put a ring on it sings the planet  Venus, in Cancer opposing Saturn in Capricorn on the 2nd. The Pisces Full Moon in your solar 3rd house emphasizes using your intuition and your rational side. The Messenger in Virgo and Saturn have a great head to head conversation. Emotional issues may come to a head on the 5th which require a delicate balance. 


The Full Pisces Moon on the 1st/2nd brings VIRGO SUN trine Uranus, your modern ruling planet in Taurus into focus. Your mind will be on fire with new inventions, organizations and freedom. Money flow issues may need revamping and attention. Venus entering Leo on the 6th adds romance in your 7th house of significant others. 


The Full Moon on the 1st/2nd is a peak time and endings of what you started a year ago. There may be a surprise message or inspiration and new sources of income through the internet. Venus in Cancer square Mars on the 4th may bring new passions into your life. Venus enters LEO on the 6th in your 6th house of work, and health. A good time to start exercises and diet for heart health not to mention doing the work that you love to do. 

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene. 

Get a reading


* This article was originally published here

Sunday, August 30, 2020

14th India-Singapore Defence Policy Dialogue via video conferencing - IBG NEWS

14th India-Singapore Defence Policy Dialogue via video conferencing  IBG NEWS

* This article was originally published here

Tarot Bytes Episode 185: Tarot and the Law of Attraction with Chantele Francis

Tarot Bytes Episode 185: Tarot and the Law of Attraction with Chantele Francis

Tarot Bytes: The Podcast

Bite-sized lessons for Tarot beginners
Created by Theresa Reed, The Tarot Lady

Welcome to Tarot Bytes – the tarot podcast for people who want to learn tarot…but don’t have all day. Short, bite-sized tarot lessons.

Episode 185: Tarot and the Law of Attraction with Chantele Francis

Most of us have heard about the “Law of Attraction,” the belief that our thoughts create our reality. Chantele Francis is a Law of Attraction Life Coach who uses the Tarot to help her clients manifest their biggest dreams. She joins me today to talk about what you need to know about the Law of Attraction and how to bring it into your Tarot practice to create the life you want.

About Chantele:

Tarot Bytes Episode 185: Tarot and the Law of Attraction with Chantele FrancisChantele Francis is a Tarot Card Reader who merges readings with the Law of Attraction/Intuitive Life Coaching. She uses the cards as a compass to any blocks that may be preventing her clients from living the life of their dreams.

You can learn more about Chantele on her Star Talent Coaching website or Instagram account. She’s also on TikTok.


Grab your favorite deck, put in your earbuds, and dive in!



Subscribe in iTunes, Google Play or Stitcher – or use  the mighty fine podcast player below to listen to this track, yo:

© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2020

Check out all previous Tarot Bytes lessons here.


Sign up for my newsletter and get free bi-monthly content on tarot, astrology, and more.

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The post Tarot Bytes Episode 185: Tarot and the Law of Attraction with Chantele Francis appeared first on The Tarot Lady.

* This article was originally published here

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Ace of Cups

A Simple Graffiti Ace of Cups …

Ace of Cups - Toronto Graffiti Tarot

* This article was originally published here

The Hit List – The monsters under my bed are in my head

The Hit List - The monsters under my bed are in my head

Every Saturday in the ’70’s you could find me with my siblings glued to the television set for another episode of Shock Theatre, a series with classic horror films such as Dracula and the Mummy. I always rooted for the monsters in those flicks. My favorite was Frankenstein, who seemed to want a friend and always got screwed because the humans were afraid of him. That pissed me off, every time.

While I found Frankenstein to be harmless, I knew that fear could lead to dangerous outcomes.

In my own life, it rears its ugly head from time to time. Every time I decide to level up in any area of my life, all the old monsters crawl out of the woodwork. A few are real such as the energy vamps who want to drain my fairy blood. I’ve got plenty of garlic for that. But most of the monsters are in my head.

The stories I tell myself are wild, filled with plot twists and scary developments that make me want to hide in a closet, never to be seen again. It’s a relentless loop and one that takes every fiber of my being to banish.

These monsters weren’t created in some cool, dusty lab with mad scientists. Instead, they came from people in my life.

Folks who said:

You can’t do that.
Who do you think you are? 
Women aren’t supposed to…
You’re not ________ enough for that. (Insert pretty, smart, rich, etc.)
What will people think?
Don’t outshine your brother.
You’re acting too big for your britches.

and so on.

It’s hard to beat those demons back when they decide to rear up, just as I’m about to cross an important milestone. In fact, they are downright distracting.

They don’t need to be. Dark thoughts are like Frankenstein, terrifying at first but once you look underneath the surface, you see that they want your attention. They need your love. When you befriend those monsters, they become your allies. After all, they are only trying to keep you safe. But safe isn’t going to take you to the next level. Risk is necessary. 

I’ve got new thresholds to cross and mountains to climb. Fear isn’t coming along for this ride. I’m giving my demons a hug and a lollypop – and putting them back under the bed. Goodnight, monsters. 

Is it Caturday yet?

Other stuff:

Devastated to learn about the loss of Chadwick Boseman. RIP, you were a superhero.

From the Thrillist: Saturn, Jupiter & the Moon Form a Triangle in the Sky This Weekend. Here’s How to See It.

Loving this: Reversing the Tarot by SerpensRubrum.

Yes to this: Women In Sports Are On Strike In Support Of Black Lives Matter.

My favorite witch, Angela Mary Magick, is conjuring up a Moon bb Tarot Magick deck! Let’s help her make this happen!

Wanna learn how to make money as a writer? Alexandra Franzen has this cool class you might want to check out.

Bri and I discuss the Midheaven for business in the latest Talking Shop.

Getting rural with it: Cooking Solo in the Woods.

SO interesting: Face Readers Use Your Features to Predict Your Future.

Beautiful: My Autistic Brother Made Me Who I Am.

Good info: All Your Voting Questions, Answered.

Did you know this: Murder is the third leading cause of death among American Indian and Alaska Native women. Ending the Violence Against Indigenous Women and Children.

Nice selection: Beautiful Tarot Cards For First-Timers.

What Distance Learning With a Disability Is Like.

Learn how Lucy Morningstar uses tarot for manifestation.

I love this post about boundary setting for clearing mental clutter from the always wise Liz Worth.

Wondering if I need The Shadowland Tarot.

Need this: Think Like a Rocket Scientist: Simple Strategies You Can Use to Make Giant Leaps in Work and Life.

Damn, I need this more: The Miracle Habits: The Secret of Turning Your Moments into Miracles by Mitch Horowitz.

Looks interesting: Scripting the Life You Want: Manifest Your Dreams with Just Pen and Paper.

Coming to you on September 1st: Tarot: No Questions Asked: Mastering the Art of Intuitive Reading! SO PUMPED!

The Uncommon Tarot: A Contemporary Reimagining of an Ancient Oracle is the newest collaboration between Shaheen Miro and myself! I know you’re gonna love this deck!

For wee ones and kids at heart: The Tarot Coloring Book. It’s a fun way to learn about tarot!

Do you know someone who’s going through a really challenging time? Divorce, death, grief, addiction, harassment, fighting injustice, or bullying…? Give them a deep, long hug. And then, consider giving them a beautiful Tarot deck + a copy of Tarot For Troubled Times.

Astrology got you confused? Walk this way:  Astrology for Real Life: A Workbook for Beginners (A No B.S. Guide for the Astro-Curious). You’re welcome.


Events and Classes:

October 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd 2020: Tarot For Beginners – a live video workshop for total tarot newbies! These classes are live-streaming videos. You can watch online from anywhere in the world. Each class runs for 1 hour. For the first half, you’ll watch as I explain and demonstrate a Tarot concept. For the second half, you’ll practice using your deck and try out the concept you just learned. Give it a whirl!  $149 Early Bird tuition–good through Sept 1!* $199 Regular tuition–from Sept 2 through course start. Use this tuition coupon code for $50 off: TAROTLADY

Join my Patreon Community!  I am serving up extended card of the day interpretations, astrological tidbits, community tarot practice, political astrology, early sneak peeks to horoscopes….and more. Higher tiers get access to live classes, replays of previous classes, mentoring, and more.

August 30, 2020: Brushes and Stars. Where: online. A full-day of astrology and intuitive painting – and fun! Join me and Chris Zydel for a joyful, astrology-inspired intuitive painting experience. We begin exploring intuition, followed by examining your natal chart. From there, it’s time to paint your interpretation of your chart! Group insights follow.

May 2-8, 2021: The Tuscany Tarot Intensive. Where: Italy! A full week of tarot immersion. Due to the Coronavirus, we moved the event to next year. Good news: the dates allow for a few extra seats which means you can join us next year! Yay!


What I’m Grateful For:

Cat snuggles

Morning coffee runs

Walks near the lake

Surprises in the mail

Little acts of kindness


Soundtrack for 8/29/20:

Gods and Monsters by Lana Del Rey


© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2020

images from stock photography and personal collection 


Sign up for my newsletter and get free bi-monthly content on tarot, astrology, and more.

I respect your email privacy


The post The Hit List – The monsters under my bed are in my head appeared first on The Tarot Lady.

* This article was originally published here

Karma and Kabbalah: reincarnation reconsidered - Jewish Chronicle

Karma and Kabbalah: reincarnation reconsidered  Jewish Chronicle

* This article was originally published here

The best candidate for Swatch Bharat mission is an elephant - IBG NEWS

The best candidate for Swatch Bharat mission is an elephant  IBG NEWS

* This article was originally published here

LABOUR Presents: nine-sum sorcery - Part Two - FACT

LABOUR Presents: nine-sum sorcery - Part Two  FACT

* This article was originally published here

Moolank 29 August 2020: Here's what stars have in store for you according to numerology - India TV News

Moolank 29 August 2020: Here's what stars have in store for you according to numerology  India TV News

* This article was originally published here

Friday, August 28, 2020

Grounding with Grand Earth Trine today

Capricorn Moon energies today with a Grand Earth Trine

Friday is Venus’s day today

please watch video

lovely energy tomorrow  

and power spot on Sunday

I’m leading a retreat this weekend

will add short videos as I can

please share widely all content is copyright of Tara Greene

get a reading

* This article was originally published here

Moolank 28 August 2020: Here's what stars have in store for you according to numerology - India TV News

Moolank 28 August 2020: Here's what stars have in store for you according to numerology  India TV News

* This article was originally published here

Numerology: Does your birth date decide your fate? - ITV News

Numerology: Does your birth date decide your fate?  ITV News

* This article was originally published here

Astrologer Dr Acharya Vinod Kumar Ojha Is Your True Guide In Transforming Your Life Full Of Positivity - Forbes India

Astrologer Dr Acharya Vinod Kumar Ojha Is Your True Guide In Transforming Your Life Full Of Positivity  Forbes India

* This article was originally published here

Tarot Card of the Day – 8/26/20

Page of Cups from Georgie's Tarot

Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Page of Cups

Sweetness abounds when the Page of Cups is around.  This is a great day to communicate emotions – enthusiastically and without censor, especially to those you love.

There’s a lightness in the air and the sense that something new could be starting.  And it just might be.

It’s good to remember though, that there’s no need for you to commit to anything serious right now.  It’s still the time of freshness and beginnings.  Becoming heavy now would only dampen what’s still just growing.

Express yourself and let your imagination wander.

* This article was originally published here

Page of Wands

A Graffiti Page of Wands …

Page of Wands - Toronto Graffiti Tarot

* This article was originally published here

Tarot Card of the Day – 8/27/20

8 of Disks from Georgie's Tarot
8 of Disks

Thursday, August 27, 2020
8 of Disks

Get down to work. Nothing exciting going on, except maybe the chance to get more done than you thought you would.

Follow the template and don’t worry about being particularly innovative today. It’s probably more important to just get it done.

To motivate yourself try remembering that what you’re working on now is setting you up for your future. Put in the effort and it’ll ultimately pay off.

* This article was originally published here

Moon in Capricorn – High Priestess in the Devil’s Clothing

High Priestess dressed as The Devil

The Moon moves into Capricorn today and will stay there until Sunday.

If you were to describe this transit using the Tarot, you might say that the High Priestess is wearing the Devil’s clothing. The virginal goddess has gotten downright beastly.

The Moon in Capricorn, or High Priestess in the Devil’s clothing, is a period of potential internal conflict. The physical world might seem to draw you away from what you typically believe to be right.

You might feel driven or compelled by behaviours and attitudes that go against the grain of your morality. It could be liberating or disturbing, depending on your secrets.

Whatever’s going on though, don’t be too hard on yourself. Get obsessions out of your system, and learn what you can about yourself while you do so.

You should be ready to move on soon. There’s nothing wrong with a little focused physicality. Just don’t get stuck.

go to full description

* This article was originally published here

Numerology Horoscope Today: Predictions for March 27, 2025 - Hindustan Times

Numerology Horoscope Today: Predictions for March 27, 2025    Hindustan Times * This article was originally published here ...