Monday, November 30, 2020
Weekly Horoscope, 29 November to 5 December 2020: Check predictions for all zodiac signs - Times of India
* This article was originally published here
Sunday, November 29, 2020
Twin Flame Energy Forecast 30th November-6th December: “The Test”
Are You Avoiding Your Own Power? The Planets Beckon Us To Face The Truth And Open To The Highest Path Of Love… Plus, A Revelation – What You Didn’t Know Your Twin Was Feeling…
Welcome into a new week in the cosmic energies!
Highlights this week include:
Eclipse gateway is still open, aftermath of the weekend’s energies. “Heavyweights” challenge you to release the past and the “small self”…
Plus, Mercury joins Sun in Sagittarius – a new beginning is yours if you’ll accept it!
Discover more below!
What Did You Repress To Avoid Feeling?
We head into this week during the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse.
This means, if you’ve felt stirred up, like things are not going well or others aren’t being particularly nice the last few days – that’s why!
It’s old baggage, unprocessed emotions coming up to be released.
Spirit tells us one of the major themes of this Eclipse is we are as a collective being pushed to deal with emotions we repressed at the time they happened.
As this eclipse happens in Gemini, it’s like the emotions that were dominated and repressed by the mind and ego, are finally building to be released.
The Past Speaking…
So don’t be surprised if people seem to be overreacting to things that don’t seem that big a deal…
Or if YOU feel something all of a sudden that seems to not make sense in the current situation at all. It’s the past “speaking”. Unhealed emotions calling to be processed.
This is all about emotions that have been dominated by the mind – as the Moon rules emotions and Gemini is the domain of the mental faculties. Spirit says “ego is losing its hold”, there’s a purification and re-balancing happening.
“The heart is reasserting itself, after eons of having being suppressed by mental desires and the ego personality. The heart is the portal of love, and the gateway to unity.” So for Twin Flames this is a key time.
(For more on how to best deal with eclipses, have a look at this article).
Intensity Building
Eclipses involve a purge collectively, so make sure you shield yourself, keep a cool head and process the emotions that come up in a healthy way.
Journalling is set to be healing – and of course do make sure you use the Free Energy Cleanse Guided Meditation here where I take you through a clearing of your whole chakra/aura and infusion of new light.
Warning: This may cause “miracles”! I receive emails and messages every single week from people who write to me saying how their Twin Flame connection dramatically shifted often overnight with this seemingly simple tool (read testimonials here).
Belief And Emotion Is Key
This Full Moon Eclipse kicks off the Eclipse Gateway, which will be open until mid December. Happening between Sagittarius and Gemini, belief and emotion is key.
There may be anger, irritation based in opposing perspectives above all.
Mars retrograde this fall brought a purge and release of old karmic templates of separation and polarity consciousness – the “3D reality” or historical human model of self vs other…
The eclipse is a culmination of emotions around this. The end of an era of opposition.
Spirit warns us we may see clashes in society, which are not due to CURRENT situations but are in essence a phantom from the past. Unhealed material coming to the surface.
The Soul’s Truth Rising…
We are asked to remember we are all ONE. Every soul alive is a soul of light from the same source.
Only on earth is there seeming separation, opposition, conflict. In the realms of light there is no conflict.
So when conflict comes to the surface, we know there is a purge of the HUMAN baggage.
This process is part of earth’s own ascension we’re told. Just like WE go through purging and healing old baggage and wounds, earth itself has an energy system which is now being “upgraded” to rise into a higher frequency “reality”.
Recognizing Self In Other
And this is all about the state and the perception and the interaction we’re in. The “old” reality was conflict, opposition, inequality, hurt based in not recognizing the oneness of all things.
The “new” reality is unity, compassion, love, harmony based in recognizing the “self in other”.
The difficulties, the problems rising, have been expressions of the past, the karmic reality of hurt and suffering coming to the surface to be released. For more info on what’s going on in 2020 and how Twin Flames are a part of it, click here.
So again, this Full Moon Eclipse is another key event in this year’s major shift in consciousness. Not just for Twin Flames but the whole human collective.
Twin Flames Lighting Up Unity
We unfortunately see many Twin Flames still physically apart as this happens…
But we’re shown that when Twins long for each other, they “light up” the non physical connection points that create the new state of unity.
Where separation no longer exists energetically. Which then opens to this being a physical state.
Spring 2021 Opening To More Physical Togetherness
We’re shown spring as a time when things will begin to open more and more but in the mean time do what you know how to do – be with your counterpart on the soul planes (I take you through it here).
We’re told it’s not by accident that Twin Flames have this ability to be “together” in seeming separation. It is by design.
And in this time, it is for sure a deliberate step that many are in essence FORCED by circumstance to activate this fully.
It is there for a reason. I teach you how to unlock this here, in class 2, 4 and 6.
Making Way for New Light
With the Eclipse, try to take a step back from yourself and see yourself from the outside, as keeping a neutral standpoint will help you avoid being dragged into old “autopilot” behavior.
Hold off on judgment on any Twin Flame situations and issues until the energies settle again. If things feel tense or troubled right now, it could likely have more to do with the energies at large than with your relationship.
We’re shown that this eclipse gateway, which is ongoing until December 14th, will be bringing up a lot of collective negativity from the earth itself.
From the old karmic fields which essentially are collections of human beings’ thought forms, emotions, energies and experiences from thousands of years.
Shield yourself now as others’ negativity will be more noticeable than at other times because it’s coming up to be released. Connect to the light with the tool in the free kit and allow the light to flush negativity out of you.
We’re Being Pushed To Deal With The Past
Right off the eclipse, the moon moves onto the North Node, showing an activation of the soul’s path forward. It’s currently moving retrograde.
In other words, in order to move ahead into your desired highest timeline and experiences, it’s important that you deal with the past.
We cannot repress emotions or use wishful thinking – “spiritual bypassing” – if there are actual unhealed shadows in our system. They are “demanding” to be acknowledged and faced so you can heal once and for all.
(Read more here in The Truth About The Twin Flame Mirror)
Deep Healing In Love
Pretending we’re happy or forcing it all the time doesn’t work if there’s negativity on a deeper level. Clearing and healing the negativity will make happiness our NATURAL set-point.
This is also a major theme for this whole month in love and the Twin Flame connection as Venus travels through Scorpio for weeks to come.
It means we cannot gloss over what is hurting in our system.
For help with this healing process, have a look here.
Facing Our Shadows…
Wounds or fears don’t go away just because we want them to. Often that can make things worse, as we’re running from OURSELVES.
This only makes fear and wounds and hurt stronger, says spirit. When we fear our darkness and run from it, it strengthens the darkness and makes it grow.
The real solution, “says” Pluto the great detoxing master, is to face it and release it once and for all.
Pluto transits always bring a detox process of some kind and right now it’s happening in love and with the feminine.
We’re shown, the key fear is:
What if you end up alone? What if you DON’T reunite with your Twin Flame?
Gauging Your Reactions – Signs Of The Future
How does it feel to contemplate that? If it feels fearful, it means that FEAR is in you emotionally and energetically – unfortunately sending out a signal and attracting that very fear.
If you feel like, “Yeah, so what? I know that’s what will likely happen” – that’s another kind of shadow, it shows you’ve given up.
And that giving up is a signal sent out unconsciously attracting it.
You need to go within, as Pluto shows, surgically (energetically) removing the darkness and heal. So it’s not actually IN YOU anymore. And again like with a physical ailment we can’t just wish our way out of it.
Learn more about vibration and the manifestation/attraction process here.
Purification, Rebirth Process
For the next few weeks still, purification around sex, intimacy, power/victimhood and secrets are key in love and for the feminine Twin.
By the time this period is over, expect to have “died” and “been reborn” in some way. An old part of you that was wounded may be healed, an old dynamic with your Twin may shift into a higher state.
In some way, transformation is pushing to take place.
And we’re “warned” that Pluto’s effect can get challenging when we try to avoid the darkness in our own selves. As the god of the underworld, we cannot simply pretend the dark doesn’t exist.
Pluto’s “Mission” To Elevate The Twin Flame Connection…
If we take up the mantle and go on our quest to conquer our own fears, we are supported by Pluto. If we seek to escape it, he will push us by bringing it back until we cannot escape any longer.
Mastery, transformation and alchemy are key. To learn more about how to deal with this process smoothly, including channeled messages on Pluto in Capricorn’s effect on Twin Flames until 2024, have a look here.
Positive Energy “Injection”
On December 1st, Mercury enters Sagittarius and opens for a month of increased focus on higher thinking, optimism and belief. This feels like an infusion of energy, like a vitamin injection. Use that increased positivity to your benefit!
Spirit comments, you’ll see solutions and higher perspectives more easily now. If you’ve been feeling stuck, take a second look now as you’ll likely see the possibilities rather than blocks!
This “magic ability” of inspiration and higher perspectives increases as Mercury begins to form a trine to Neptune later this month.
Reworking Love Programming
Tuesday and Wednesday, Venus and Mercury form an opposition with Uranus Retrograde conjunct Lilith. This indicates a cosmic process to rattle loose old karmic gender programming and historical wounds around love.
Uranus is travelling through Taurus pushing for an upgrade of our love programming for many years still, and when he is joined by Lilith the focus is on the “shadow karmic feminine”.
So be aware that the shadows you’re facing right now may not even be “yours”. They may be historical baggage in the feminine collective fields.
Be mindful you don’t identify with them – if they’re there it means you accepted it in at some point likely in childhood.
Karmic Shadows…
To journey forward in light and enjoy love and unity with your Twin Flame, it’s important to clear them, to cut those cords to the karmic pools of consciousness.
Because it will only bring more of those old shadows.
The woman vs man, victimhood/oppressor, blame/conflict paradigms where the female is usually suffering. I take you through clearing it here.
Guidance Is Working To Help!
During this transit, Venus trines Neptune at the same time. This shows, guidance is working to help. Make sure you listen.
Don’t listen to history, shadows, other people’s disappointments and anger and the karmic gender stories. Go beyond.
Remember what Uranus is doing in Taurus, he is breaking apart outdated love programming. This means, if something is triggered now, that’s what’s going on. Clear it, so it doesn’t stick around and bring trouble in your Twin Flame connection.
Twin Flames Getting Closer…
Mars and Venus are still far apart, indicating physical distance in the Twin Flame connection, but we see them united in their common goal whether or not they know it.
Both want love. Both want a higher love. True unity. True completion. Something more and better than the “old mode” of humanity.
Spirit tells us, when two people both work to manifest the same thing – each other – it happens in double time. It’s like a tunnel being dug from two sides.
Even if you’re apart you are getting closer. And remember separation is an “illusion“ – it only exists in the physical. For the soul there’s no such thing.
Friday: Letting Go Of The Past…
On Friday we see your emotions and old modes and habits of feeling/being may cloud your vision.
As the Moon in Cancer opposes Saturn/Jupiter/Pallas and Pluto in Capricorn, there’s something from the past you’re being asked to let go of, in order to move forward.
Most likely it’s a habit of emotion or a familial perspective on the world.
With the heavyweight effect from Capricorn, you would benefit from becoming more logical, applying discipline and a can-do attitude to your journey.
Wallowing in emotions and daydreams will not cut it in this period. In fact, has it gotten you what you wanted yet? Saturn “asks”. You’re being beckoned to come be methodical, to embrace your power of creation. To grow up a bit.
Embracing Your Eternal Nature
You may think that sounds boring or scary, but Capricorn wisdom is that life is created one day at a time. You can reach immense heights of love, happiness and more if you just apply yourself.
Don’t think you’re small. That was just a story from your upbringing or human culture. You don’t really need someone to rescue you. That feeling is just the stories talking in your system…
The constructed identity you were given. Open your eyes and realize how magnificent and powerful you really are.
A Week To Embrace Your Power
You may have some growing up to do this week. Be willing to release habitual modes of being and emotion above all.
Be willing to catch yourself and go:
“I don’t want to continue this loop. I don’t want more of these same repeating cycles. I’m ready for something new.
If this cycle of emotion or these habits didn’t work for me before, I am willing to use a new approach.”
Release the past, embrace your potential. Be mindful, be your own master. Take action and face the shadows, clear the fears. It will pay off massively for the long run.
Until next time, I’m sending you love and light for your continued journey! <3
Cassady x
Want more? For my step-by-step “roadmap” to Twin Flame Union – have a look at the Vibrational Alignment Program
“Cassady’s guided meditations help me uplift better than anything I’ve tried in the past 6 years of clearing/trying to heal! I’ve tried violet flame mantras, psychic energy clearings, etc.” – Erin B, Indiana, USA
Alternatively, download my Free Twin Flame Help Kit which contains samples from the full program
The post Twin Flame Energy Forecast 30th November-6th December: “The Test” appeared first on Twin Flames 11:11.
* This article was originally published here
Advent Meditation Week 1
Just as we celebrate and anticipate the Incarnation of the Logos on the material plane, so, too, we want to prepare for the analogous birth within the human soul.
Valentin Tomberg, in Letter II, refers to the “second birth” as Christian Yoga. Hence, the elements of Christian Yoga are analogous to the stages of yoga described by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras. In Letter XVI, The Tower of Destruction, these stages are related to the three stages of the spiritual life described by St. John of the Cross. Hence, we have this schema relating these yoga stages in three languages:
Sanskrit | Greek | English | Spiritual Life |
Dharana | Catharsis | Concentration | Purification |
Dhyana | Theoria | Meditation | Illumination |
Samadhi | Theosis | Contemplation | Mystical Union |
Tomberg contrasts the Vedantic ideal with the Christian goal. The former, he says, leads to the extinction of consciousness, whereas the Christian goal is the “unity of two”. For more on the differences between Yoga and Christianity, see Studies in the Psychology of the Mystics by Joseph Marechal, S.J, so we needn’t be concerned about that topic at this point.
The Greek Mystic Nicholas Cabasilas in The Life in Christ explains that there are three obstacles to theosis. These are:
- Nature. The Divine nature is different from human nature.
- Sin. A will corrupted by evil separate us from God.
- Death. In the mortal body, we can see only the dim reflection in the mirror; in this state our bodies are dominated by sense life.
These obstacles are overcome by the following historical events respectively:
- Incarnation. This unites the human and divine natures in one person.
- Crucifixion. The leads to the forgiveness of sins.
- Resurrection. This overcomes death and the attraction to sense life.
Cabasilas relates these ideas to the effects of the sacraments, or mysteries, with the aim of salvation. The esoteric path aims beyond this to liberation. That aim is union while still in the mortal body:
- Purify our soul so it becomes the perfect reflector of the Holy Spirit.
- Expose our false sense of I, replaced with the mind of Christ.
- Move from a life of instinct to a life of intelligence and love.
The first step is concentration without effort, which depends on detachment and purification (See Letter XVI)
- Detachment is the separation from “arbitrary, personal activity”. We are no longer absorbed in the minutiae of life, but are living on a higher level.
- Purification is the cleansing of the mirror by no longer being agitated by emotional disturbances, etc.
Spirit must become divine Breath in place of arbitrary, personal activity, and Water must become a perfect mirror of the divine Breath instead of being agitated by disturbances of the imagination, passions and personal desires. Reintegrated consciousness must be born of Water and Spirit, after Water has once again become Virginal and Spirit has once again become divine Breath or the Holy Spirit. Reintegrated consciousness therefore becomes born within the human soul in a way analogous to the birth or historical incarnation of the WORD. (From Meditations on the Tarot)
* This article was originally published here
Major Solar Storm today
The biggest in 3 years!
— Read on
* This article was originally published here
Saturday, November 28, 2020
Moon in Gemini – High Priestess Dressed as the Lovers’ Angel
The Moon moves into Gemini today and will stay there until Wednesday.
From a Tarot perspective, this transit would be like the High Priestess is dressed as the Lovers’ Angel. She floats above the naked couple, blessing their sacred union.
The Moon in Gemini, or High Priestess dressed as the Lovers’ angel, can be an emotionally confusing time, one where internal conflicts arise in order to be reconciled.
But it can also be a time of clarity, honest communication and almost intuitive understanding about yourself and those around you.
Quiet faith teams up with commitment and the Angels approve of the whole thing.
Try to keep your emotions in line with your reason. Going too far either way could disturb a really nice balance.
* This article was originally published here
Friday, November 27, 2020
Tarot Card of the Day – 11/27/20
Friday, November 27, 2020
Prince of Cups
You’ll probably be feeling quite loving today. Emotions are open and flowing and you’re getting along with everyone.
People will likely find you even more attractive than usual, and you them. But don’t confuse that with getting serious.
Emotions may have been high lately, or at least all over the place. You might find yourself thinking a lot about what in life (and love) truly makes you happy.
It’s a good time to think about it. But don’t worry, there’s no need to make any firm commitments right now. Just look around you and experience what life has to offer.
You’re in the process of building a new emotional maturity. Enjoy and play friendly.
* This article was originally published here
Moon in Taurus – High Priestess in the Hierophant’s Clothing
The Moon moves into Taurus today and stays there until Sunday.
If you look at this transit through the eyes of the Tarot, it would be like the High Priestess is dressed as the Hierophant. She’s sitting before two acolytes and sharing the secrets she usually guards.
The Moon in Taurus, or High Priestess in the Hierophant’s clothes, is a time of spiritual and emotional certitude.
There’s a sense that the truth can be explained, understood and incorporated into daily life. Rules can and should be followed.
Instead of trying to force others to recognize what you know to be certain, try using this time to simply share your emotional, intellectual and spiritual perceptions.
Celebrate the diversity of spirit in our world, while figuring out for yourself what rules, spiritual or otherwise, work best for you.
* This article was originally published here
Thursday, November 26, 2020
How To Use The Power Of Eclipses To Dramatically Up-Level Your Journey
Endings, New Beginnings – Twin Flames And Eclipses. Discover How To Work With These Major Zodiac Forces To Turn Challenges Into Long-Term Benefits…
Every single year, we have four or five eclipses. They are known as times of rupture, major sudden shifts, and it can be extremely challenging for most people.
But their power to bring positive change to your life and path is also heightened…
So any work you do to align with the cosmos at this time will have deeper effects than usual.
It’s all about knowing the secret ways to work consciously WITH the immense power of eclipses, to benefit you. So today I’m sharing this with you.
Blind Spots, Unwanted Change…
In essence, eclipses are times when the cosmic energies push for an ending of what’s outworn its use, and to return to divine harmony, the highest good. This means that ego driven paths, timelines and connections can be dramatically brought to an end during these times.
Many people are pulled and pushed by the dramatic shifts going on during eclipses, but with this knowledge in hand you’ll be able to use the power of these times to expand into a higher path.
In short, eclipses are times when the sun and moon “meet” and create a shadow over the other. Either the sun moves in front of the moon, or the moon moves in front of the sun.
Super Moon Effects
Astrologically and energetically, the Sun stands for the conscious self, ego identity and awareness. The Moon stands for the unconscious, emotions and what we are unaware of.
So these can be challenging times as we all collectively get triggered in “blind spots” as the universe pushes us out of our comfort zone and into our soul aligned path.
(Why can eclipses and retrogrades be so triggering? Read more about that here).
Eclipses tend to bring an intense build-up of old emotions, energy and bring what is outworn to a peak. In many ways we can compare them to a massively intensified Full Moon/New moon effect.
A culmination of one chapter, and a sudden rupture that opens to a new one. A death/rebirth process emotionally, energetically and spiritually.
Upleveling Into Higher Timelines…
During eclipse times we may also have major shifts in the collective alignment, where light comes in and we get the chance to “up-level” into higher timelines (read more about what timelines really are here).
Because of the intensity that happens during these times many get dragged down and triggered, and miss out on the major transformational shifts available.
So today I’ve been guided to provide some steps to how to benefit the most from eclipses!
5 Keys To Benefiting From Eclipses
#1) Let The Past Slip Away
One of the reasons Eclipses can be so forceful is that it’s all about releasing what has outworn its use in our lives and as a society.
In essence, it’s pushing for the release or destruction of what’s been created or invited out of a “false desire”, not the soul’s truth but ego. This can deal with jobs, habits, beliefs, thoughts, relationships, dynamics with other people and more.
Most often, we as humans don’t realize what’s what and we may cling to outdated, unhealthy elements in our lives. So our souls and the universe put pressure on during these times, to divinely redirect us to a higher path.
During eclipses, know that in essence the universe is working to help you – even if it feels tough. Your soul and the universe is working to nudge you into the highest path and experience for you.
And to do that, you’re being confronted with a sometimes violent feeling ending in those elements that are NOT to your highest good. Including your own shadows.
Keep in mind that we often don’t fully know what we’re capable of or what’s truly possible for us, so we may unconsciously hold back and block ourselves from amazing things.
So to make the most of these times, set the intention you are releasing anything that is not to your highest good. Work to relax into this. Intend you’re not hanging onto what is not truthful to you or aligned with your soul. This helps so much.
If you’re not sure how to release, use this. Meditation is a big help too.
And any energy clearing you do during this time is amplified – and it will help you really shift out of deeper issues for good.
For a powerful yet gentle way to release (as eclipses can bring up a lot of baggage fast), use the Free Energy Cleanse Guided Meditation here. I take you through it step by step.
“Whenever I do your energy clearing meditation my Twin texts me just as it’s ended. It truly has opened up the connection.” – Taz R
#2) Anchor Into Your Soul Purpose
As mentioned in the previous point, the purpose of eclipses is releasing what is not to the highest good. So it helps you flow with this process, when you tap into your soul’s true purpose. It makes the release easier, and it means you align with the highest potential of the Eclipse.
In short, remember that you are a soul of light. You are always supported and loved, the question is only if you are open and able to perceive and receive it (for help with this, click here).
Know who you are and focus on your truth. Every single person has a “divine script”, a soul’s path and truth but we don’t always follow it and that’s when we lose alignment with our highest good and get stuck.
For Twins this is extra important because when we lose our inner alignment with our authentic truth, we also lose resonance with the Twin Flame soul song.
Realign with your soul, and you become magnetic to Twin Flame unity and your highest path. Therefore, tapping into your divine soul’s blueprint is powerful during Eclipses. Have a look at this free resource to get started:
#3) Set Your Highest Intentions
To fully receive the most beneficial shifts during this time, it’s useful to set intentions.
You don’t have to write them out, when you become used to mastering your energy you simply set the inner intention and it flows powerfully with the cosmic current to your highest good…
But to begin with, it can be helpful to write things out.
For New Moon eclipses, write out what you want to invite into your life. To your highest good. The key is to not focus on the little daily human items but the major things relating to your LIFE PURPOSE.
For Full Moon eclipses, write out what you are releasing from your life. To your highest good. Again the key is to not focus on the temporary human issues so much as the major themes relating to LIFE PURPOSE. Including in your Twin Flame connection.
This “enlists” the universal powers in a major way that inviting in things like a dream vacation doesn’t.
Because although the universe wants us to be happy, there is a highest good for ALL, and when we focus on life purpose issues we activate that flow. Because our life purpose is aligned with the highest good of the whole.
I take you through a powerful manifestation process and activating your heart’s highest power to call in love and your divine blessings in the “Higher Heart Transformation” session.
It’s a smooth and easy guided way for you to make sure you benefit the most, especially during eclipses and New Moon times. I also share some of the major blocks to avoid which keeps most people in dreaming, yet never fully receiving their desires:
#4) Embrace Change
Eclipses open to such immense potential to “uplevel” out of one state, timeline, version of reality and into another higher one. So it’s all about change.
Many people struggle during eclipses because they’re in RESISTANCE of the highest good, instead of opening to it.
This is usually because they don’t know what’s really going on and the divine purpose of the eclipses and shifts happening. So do your best to TRUST your soul and the harmony of the universe.
Know that instability is normal, change is natural. As the saying goes, “change is the one constant in life”. Lean INTO it, rather than resist, and you’ll do much better.
Pay attention to your guidance and what’s being presented to you in the time leading up to eclipses because you’re always being given nudges about what’s coming up for release versus what is to your highest good.
#5) Stay In Your Highest Alignment
“As Within, So Without”. You may have read about this before on the blog. It’s a spiritual truth that sages have known about since the ancient Sumerians.
In essence, it means our INNER world and state is always reflecting back in our OUTSIDE world somehow.
Today we know in Western Science that the universe is all energy vibrating at particular frequencies, and that “like attracts like”. (Learn more about that here). This means that we are in essence only able to receive into our reality what we vibrate at (this was made widespread with law of attraction teachings and “The Secret”).
At Eclipse times, it’s key to making the most of the immense transformational potential available.
For the Eclipse shifts and the cosmic energy forces to be able to “deliver you” the highest form of change and good… You have to be able to receive it. ALIGNED with it.
Otherwise, the forces will mainly work to break down what’s in the way. So to smoothly and easily receive the most beneficial change at Eclipses (and other times) work to stay in the highest alignment you can!
Focus on positivity, go within and find your own light, meditate, raise your vibration.
And above all use your power of CHOICE to choose light over “dark”, love over fear – in whatever is happening around and inside you. This will allow the highest change to reach you.
I have a few resources to help you with this here: A powerful Twin Flame affirmations audio session that will help you stay “pumped” and positive, the energy sessions here that help you cleanse out old baggage and lift your vibration and the channeled quiz “What’s the real vibration of your Twin Flame connection?”
“I have been doing your meditations and clearings and I have seen a big improvement in my Twins behavior, he is more expressive and communicating and more happy”. – Cici S, Florida, USA
Click here to learn more and download
I really hope you enjoyed this article! These keys can benefit you for every single eclipse and truly change things in big ways when used consciously in the years to come
I can’t wait to hear from you about your positive experiences with these resources and insights!
Until next time, I’m sending you love and light for your continued journey! <3
Cassady x
Do you want to make the journey to Union and beyond lighter and more positive? Take the path forward with me as your “personal” guide with the Vibrational Alignment Program
“Your tools have continued to be a direct link to my healing. Thank you for the love and continued information. Your tools have helped me more than anything I’ve done to heal my karma and pain. Love to you “
– Karen, Arkansas, USA
Or, Get my Free Twin Flame Downloads!
The post How To Use The Power Of Eclipses To Dramatically Up-Level Your Journey appeared first on Twin Flames 11:11.
* This article was originally published here
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