Sunday, January 31, 2021

Numerology Readings 01 February 2021: Predictions, Lucky Colour, Lucky Number & Remedies - Times of India

Numerology Readings 01 February 2021: Predictions, Lucky Colour, Lucky Number & Remedies  Times of India

* This article was originally published here

Twin Flame Energy Forecast 1st-7th February: “The Unexpected”

What If Something Even Higher Than You Could Imagine Was Working To Reach You? Electricity, Surprises Showing Up In Love. Plus, Mercury Retrograde, Keep An Open Mind…

Welcome into a brand new week in the cosmic energies!

Highlights this week include:

Mercury continues retrograde, refining our view of the future. Plus, expect the unexpected in love – surprises incoming…

Discover more below!

“Upgrading” The Throat Chakra

We head into this week with some complications in focus. Or rather, out of focus.

Mercury is still moving retrograde in Aquarius until 20th February, helping us to rethink our view of the future and what’s possible…

Pushing us to reframe how we speak and think about ourselves. A purge and upgrade of the throat chakra, and also around our perceptions of the future.

Above all, we’re being called on to release emotional judgments and criticism. To rise into a higher detachment. To simply see the future as a choice we’re making, and to do our best with that choice every day.

(Learn more about planetary retrogrades here – what’s really happening when a planet moves “backwards”?)


Love Is Getting Back On Track?

On February 1st Venus enters Aquarius, as another key planet after Jupiter and Saturn moved in here in December and the Sun less than two weeks ago.

It shows we’re becoming more and more aligned between love and our lives/the future.

Things seem to be getting “back on track”, more than before. At the very least, you can see that there is good ahead somehow.

And there’s some amazing positive info to glean from all of the power in Aquarius, including Mercury retrograde.

Ruled by Uranus, planet of electricity, change, the unexpected and unorthodox, we see there are major shifts happening for the better in terms of reality, love, self and future path.

Something New And Unexpected…

It shows that the new and untraditional is working to reach you. And, to expect the unexpected in love! This is key right now.

Reach beyond what you got used to thinking of as possible or what you desired. That stuff feels heavy and outworn, kind of dull now.

There’s a higher ceiling in this “new reality”. Rethink your goals, reach higher!

With mercury retrograde in the same sign – be willing to rethink your goals and your love life. Be willing to release what you THOUGHT to open to the new.

And, importantly, the new will be better and more exciting than what you expected. (For more on manifesting your desires into actual tangible reality, click here)


Social Media And Groups In Focus…

We also see that with so much energy in Aquarius, there is an enormous amount of activity and “business” in tech and social media. In society but also in your life, very likely.

It’s definitely possible that you would either discover that you may have been focused on a “false Twin” in the past and now encounter your Actual True Twin in social media…

Or, that you encounter them in a different light based on something you encounter online, in a group setting or social media.

Unclear Until 20th February…

With Mercury retrograde involved, you are being told things aren’t quite as they seem however, so don’t make any assumptions until after the 20th.

We’re also likely to see issues with social media/tech companies being reevaluated in society in this period.

There could be new legislation or changes coming – including research that deems social media unhealthy and calls for restrictions or rethinking the format.

Masculine Twin Not Wanting To Conform…

Squares between Venus, Sun, Jupiter, Saturn and Mars show that action is not aligned with the cosmic “plan”, the guided direction. Or, the Masculine Twin is not operating on the “same page”.

There’s conflict here. We see the Aries/Masculine Twin feeling constrained and aggravated by outside pressure to especially conform to the highest good or group consensus.

Right now, with Mars in Taurus, they’re especially stubborn and not willing to budge.

They want comfort, and they want their own way. It seems they may come around later but right now, know that they’re likely focused on a “me first” perspective and it means you can absolutely get them on your side if you keep this in mind.

Changing Their Mind? Not … Quite Impossible

They’re wanting to stay in their comfort zone right now. They don’t like the changes happening in society or around them.

It’s stressing them out and draining them to have to adapt to all these changes.

If this is the case for you or your Twin, try to remind them that change can be for the best. And it’s not rational to assume it will be worse.

Change can often bring amazing things, we wouldn’t have expected!

For more help with this, and to assist a tricky Twin Flame counterpart in rising into awareness, have a look here. We help them, in full alignment with Free Will.

twin flame awakening

“This healing completely blew me away. Not only did it impact me on an enormous level, I saw my Twin Flame completely change overnight. The change in him was the biggest I’ve seen to date. I’m so grateful for your tools, and I’m merely without words on this latest one. It really was the answer to my prayers” – Sarah (via Facebook)

Click here to learn more and download

Bridging The Lowest With The Highest…

We all may be feeling a little pressured due to all the change going on lately.

But Neptune sextile Pluto — which is a LONG transit lasting for months — says that the deep transformations going on are happening to our highest good.

Bringing heaven to earth, says spirit. It’s all about bridging the lowest with the highest. Creating a more even playing field.

Bringing spiritual guidance and unconditional love into even the “darkest” places of shadows and wounds…

For society and Twins, also to have compassion for what is operating on ego, fear, wounding and other “darkness”. We’re “detoxing” and it’s for our own good. This will benefit us moving forward.

Healing Old Grief…

We also have an interaction between the North Node and Chiron throughout. This shows us that humanity as a collective are healing old grief. It’s rising to the surface, what we repressed in the past.

It seems this will be less dramatic than last year’s major turmoil, marches and the pandemic, but we’re still dealing with a lot of the same themes… It’s the emotions surrounding

Feeling unsupported and unloved… By other people… By society… But most of all by the universe, god, source – our “spiritual origins”.

And for Twin Flames, it’s feeling abandoned and unloved by our counterpart…

This is the backdrop to what’s happening right now.

A New State Of Seeing The Universe

Saturn sextiles Chiron and is assisting in this work. We’re shown that with new understanding, a higher state of SEEING, these old hurts fade away.

In particular, we’re shown that new scientific perspectives that show us how the universe functions, will help us understand that no one was “denying” us.

No one has been rejecting or deliberately causing us suffering.

The truth has been different from how we thought. (For Twin Flames, I take you through the info here – they’re never ignoring you, it’s just whether you’re open and able to perceive their love).

And we are not weak and small the way we used to think in ages past. We are powerful souls.

The Truth About How Life Pans Out For Us…

The laws of energy and the universe are becoming more widespread knowledge. We are beginning to slowly but surely understand our own role as creators more.

Our identification is shifting to the soul, not just the physical body.

And through this, we realize that we are co-creators of our reality every step of the way.

Life doesn’t happen TO US, it responds to what we emit to it. Our thoughts, intentions, energy and emotions…

This is the key to moving forward. Because in the state of powerlessness, feeling victimized by the universe and by life, and that it was all about suffering… We cut ourselves off from flow, from our own good.

(For more on this process, tying in Pluto and ongoing until 2024 – affecting the Twin Flame connection strongly, have a look here)


A Week With Likely Surprises In Love

This is set to be a week with some pleasant unexpected surprises, especially in love and your Twin Flame connection.

Stay open to how it may show up. And remember that with Mercury retrograde, things may not be quite clear until later this month.

Enjoy what transpires and take an attitude of experimentation, exploration and fun. Even if things seem challenging, they ARE moving forward.

And the more open and high vibrational your attitude and energy state, the more good you’ll “allow” in.

Next week with the New Moon in Aquarius, we see a major positive surprise showing up for you, something that completely changes your perspective.

I can’t wait to share more on that!

Until next time, I’m sending you love and light for your journey <3

Cassady x

“This has been truly amazing, every time I use this my Twin Flame texts or calls me immediately afterwards. It’s really crazy! And then we always get to some kind of different level of communication or we express ourselves in different ways. We are continuing to heal. It’s amazing that I can do this type of thing and my Twin be so affected by it as well!” – Teresa B., USA

Read more testimonials here

twin flame program

 For my step-by-step “roadmap” to Twin Flame Union, created after my Twin and I reached Union – have a look at the Vibrational Alignment Program!

Alternatively, download my Free Twin Flame Help Kit which contains two resources from the full program!

The post Twin Flame Energy Forecast 1st-7th February: “The Unexpected” appeared first on Twin Flames 11:11.

* This article was originally published here

Horoscope Today, 01 February 2021: Check astrological prediction for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and ot - Times of India

Horoscope Today, 01 February 2021: Check astrological prediction for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and ot  Times of India

* This article was originally published here

Daily Tarot Card Reading For All Zodiac Signs, February 1, 2021 - YourTango

Daily Tarot Card Reading For All Zodiac Signs, February 1, 2021  YourTango

* This article was originally published here

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Tarot Card of the Day – 1/31/21

8 of Disks from Georgie's Tarot
8 of Disks

Sunday, January 31, 2021
8 of Disks

Get down to work. Nothing exciting going on, except maybe the chance to get more done than you thought you would.

Follow the template and don’t worry about being particularly innovative today. It’s probably more important to just get it done.

To motivate yourself try remembering that what you’re working on now is setting you up for your future. Put in the effort and it’ll ultimately pay off.

* This article was originally published here

The Lovers

A Couple of Graffiti Lovers …

#6 The Lovers - Toronto Graffiti Tarot

* This article was originally published here

Today Horoscope, Daily Astrology, Zodiac Sign for Sunday January 31, 2021 - India TV News

Today Horoscope, Daily Astrology, Zodiac Sign for Sunday January 31, 2021  India TV News

* This article was originally published here

Watch This Forensics Session On A 50-Year Old Home-Built V8, Dual-Track Drag Racing Snowmobile - HotCars

Watch This Forensics Session On A 50-Year Old Home-Built V8, Dual-Track Drag Racing Snowmobile  HotCars

* This article was originally published here

Numerology Readings 31 January 2021: Predictions, Lucky Colour, Lucky Number & Remedies - Times of India

Numerology Readings 31 January 2021: Predictions, Lucky Colour, Lucky Number & Remedies  Times of India

* This article was originally published here

Horoscope Today, 31 January 2021: Check astrological prediction for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and oth - Times of India

Horoscope Today, 31 January 2021: Check astrological prediction for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and oth  Times of India

* This article was originally published here

Daily Tarot Card Reading For All Zodiac Signs, January 31, 2021 - YourTango

Daily Tarot Card Reading For All Zodiac Signs, January 31, 2021  YourTango

* This article was originally published here

Friday, January 29, 2021


MONTHLY FORECAST – February 2021 WHAT IS YOUR YEAR NUMBER FOR 2021? 2021 is a 5 Year in the world, (2+0+2+1=5). To calculate your number for 2021, simply add 5 to your month and day of birth. (Do NOT include your year of birth in this calculation). Example birthday: September 23:   Month = 9 Day = 2+3 = […]


* This article was originally published here

Numerology Readings 30 January 2021: Predictions, Lucky Colour, Lucky Number & Remedies - Times of India

Numerology Readings 30 January 2021: Predictions, Lucky Colour, Lucky Number & Remedies  Times of India

* This article was originally published here

Horoscope Today, 30 January 2021: Check astrological prediction for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and oth - Times of India

Horoscope Today, 30 January 2021: Check astrological prediction for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and oth  Times of India

* This article was originally published here

Talk to the hand: how COVID gave fortune tellers the palm-off - Sydney Morning Herald

Talk to the hand: how COVID gave fortune tellers the palm-off  Sydney Morning Herald

* This article was originally published here

Daily Tarot Card Reading For All Zodiac Signs, January 30, 2021 - YourTango

Daily Tarot Card Reading For All Zodiac Signs, January 30, 2021  YourTango

* This article was originally published here

Thursday, January 28, 2021

2 of Cups

A Graffiti 2 of Cups …

2 of Cups - Toronto Graffiti Tarot

* This article was originally published here

Tarot Card of the Day – 1/29/21

Page of Cups from Georgie's Tarot

Friday, January 29, 2021
Page of Cups

Sweetness abounds when the Page of Cups is around.  This is a great day to communicate emotions – enthusiastically and without censor, especially to those you love.

There’s a lightness in the air and the sense that something new could be starting.  And it just might be.

It’s good to remember though, that there’s no need for you to commit to anything serious right now.  It’s still the time of freshness and beginnings.  Becoming heavy now would only dampen what’s still just growing.

Express yourself and let your imagination wander.

* This article was originally published here

Horoscope Today, 29 January 2021: Check astrological prediction for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and oth - Times of India

Horoscope Today, 29 January 2021: Check astrological prediction for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and oth  Times of India

* This article was originally published here

EYCI blessed with fortune at 888 - Mecardo

EYCI blessed with fortune at 888  Mecardo

* This article was originally published here

Know your health risks via numbers - Free Press Journal

Know your health risks via numbers  Free Press Journal

* This article was originally published here

Gold Star Jupiter conjunct Sun today

This is one of the BEST DAYS of 2021 as JUPITER sits in the HEART of the SUN at 9 degrees 21 minutes AQUARIUS called CAZIMI. YOU get to be a GOLD STAR



Check where 9 degrees AQUARIUS is in your own chart and house and what aspects its makes. NOTE 9 degrees LEO, where the Full Moon is today as well with asteroid HYGEIA and 9 degrees TAURUS near to URANUS MARS and LILITH and 9 degrees SCORPIO are all affected.


DO CEREMONY TONIGHT AT 5:39 PM pst/ 8:39 PM est/ jAN. 29 @ 1:39 AM GMT to get a gold star blessings

You do not need to keep searching for a heart of GOLD if you connect with the JUPITER SUN conjunction January 28 at 5:39 pm PST/ 8:39 pm EST and January 29 @ 1;39 am GMT. you will know you have a heart of Gold already.

JUPITER now being blessed by the SUN’s rays as Saturn was on January 23rd further initiates us into this Age of Aquarius

JUPITER CAZIMI AQUARIUS Meditation January 28, 2021


indicating that this is a rare and revolutionary occasion to GO FOR THE GOLD

to change and radically grow intellectually. Brilliant, unusual insights into our mind/body/emotions is what’s happening at this Full Moon. It may radically free and change us and humanity’s consciousness.

The Water Bearer, the 11th sign, is an Air sign. Aquarius’s symbol shows higher consciousness as the stars as the waters of life. The Star in the Tarot, the 17th Trump card shows this energy of the Goddess as the Stars, as cosmic vessels of divine light flowing down to the earth to quench our human cosmic desire to be connected with source.  

 We are bringing to light our stellar consciousness, our free natures.

The SUN = SOL =SOUL. Spirit always speaks in puns.

“Every person is a star” Embrace your stardom especially on a LEO FULL MOON.

See yourself sitting with JUPITER basking in the Golden light of the SUN enriching you. You are a light being. JUPITER expands whatever it comes in contact with.

Immerse yourself in Jupiter’s riches enhanced by the SUN. Bless yourself in this beneficial energy, in expansion, its a golden opportunity.

Doris Lessing, the late great British writer wrote a sci-fi series years ago. The first book was called  Shikasta, in the Canopus in Argos series. In it, the higher consciousness beings brought S.O.W.F. to the earthlings who were genetically created by Extra-Terrestrials. The acronym means Substance Of We Feeling. How Aquarian is that? We are bringing that S.O.W.F. in on this Full Moon.

Aquarius energy is like being struck by lightning. The Eureka moment when the big light bulb goes off in your mind. The double lines of lightning Aquarius’s glyph, symbolizing the waters of consciousness also signifies that you are the lightning bolt, the masculine inseminating Zeus/ Thunder God’s flash of insight, cosmic sperm and also the one being struck, like a bolt out of the blue, to awaken, to be awakened.

Aquarius, the electric sign, is the sign of uniqueness, genius, higher consciousness, perspectives and revolutionary thinking.  Aquarius energy is groupthink, tribal mind and breaking fee from the old structures and limitations of Saturn {even though the cosmic cop rules both these signs traditionally}. Aquarius energy is initiating and inventive.

Full Moons bring conclusions and release. Note all fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius’s with Planets at 9 degrees will be affected by this glorious golden bath in the SUN most directly.

The Tarot card that symbolizes Aquarius is the #17 the STAR

According to the Kabbalah the number 17 is ruled by Venus. Uranus, Aquarius’s ruling planet has just gone Retrograde and will turn Direct Christmas day at the 17th degree. Every 17th degree is considered to be under Venus’ rulership in any sign.  Seventeen is a number of looking for the spiritual Light in every sign.


Here are  AQUARIUS symbols and attributes

Ruler:  URANUS, modern astrology.

ANGEL; Umabel Angel of friendship

Colors: sky blue

Incense: Violet

Metal: Uranium its radioactive so no any silver or sky blue crystals will do Celestite is great

Gems: Turquoise, sugilite, moss agate, lapis lazuli, jasper,

Day of week: Wednesday

Flowers: orchids

Herbs; Rosemary, great for the mind. Use rosemary everywhere. Juniper is the red berry of the bush used to make gin. Juniper helps clear the mind of clutter. Drink a martini for sun Jupiter and toast them

Musical note: A sharp/B flat

Body: circulation, ankles and shins


If you’ve been doing previous Full Moon meditations gather the four candles, color related items and incense.

We are connecting with JUPITER and SUN

ROYAL Purple and tin are JUPITERS metals

GOLD for the SUN wear it, use all yellow things, candles, foods, flowers, clothers.

We are connecting with the AIR and the stars.

Smudge yourself first, cleanse the area you are in. Center yourself and BREATHE. Aquarius is AIR.

Light your four candles one by one starting in the East for fire, this is the cosmological system I use but if you are pagan you begin in the South with Fire. Always move clockwise, wherever you start. Call in the four elements and directions. Call in the Holy Guardian Angels and your own and the Angel of this Moon, Umabel {oomabell}.

Close your eyes. Go into your heart. Visualize a root chakra opening meditation; see previous instructions

THE SUN is in AQUARIUS the 11th sign. FIXED AIR sign

A strong AQUARIUS energy exponentially expanded with 5 planets in AQUARIUS,

January 28 is one of the Best FULL Moons of 2021!

For healing empowering and energizing your Heart and Will Chakra’s.

This illuminating Full Moon is royally rich and expansive in every way.

Leo is the sign of Kings and Queens, self-expression, strength, courage, pride, confidence, creativity, star power, will, passion, the heart and playfulness.

All Full Moon’s are cycles of balancing the Light and dark aspects of consciousness, fullness, fertility and completion.

Use this awesome Full Moon to manifest confidence, heart your heart with self-love, unleash your passion, charisma, star power and 3rd chakra will power. Time to roar with strength and release any blockages.


I will be doing ceremony and sending prayers out.

I offered a LEO full MOON magic astrolog workshop January 27 and will be doign another New MOON workshop on FEBRUARY 10 at 8:00 pm EST

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

Get a reading

* This article was originally published here

2020 world Predictions, Very hard year ahead

These predictions had disappeared in my drafts. I have looked for this all year but not here. I accidentally deleted my 2019 predictions and couldn’t find them anywhere but I just found these now. January 21, 2020, in the Mercury Retrograde shadow so Better late than never.

Originally when I looked into 2020 all I saw was Black for months before. A sign that this is a symbol of death. I had originally seen this same thing in the 2016 Elections when I asked would HIllary Clinton win and that black screen came up which means she would lose. 

2020 predictions by  Tara Greene

December 31, 2019, I am using Astrology, and my psychic impressions to envision what 2020 will be about.



2020 will be a very very difficult, hard and heavy year of tests.  Saturn is The GRIM REAPER, DEATH, in his home sign of Capricorn where the planet is strongest. SATURN  rules seniors, obstacles, endings, Corporations, work, power and PLUTO is the LORD Of DEATH and wealth, recycling, endings, Plutocrats. you can’t get more literal than reading those symbols. You cannot sugar coat these two heavies. Plus January 10 2020 there is a LUNAR ECLIPSE at 20 Cancer with Sun-Mercury Saturn and Pluto in conjunction opposite the Moon to add emphasis. 


A Civil War may break out in the U.S. There will be Major cyber attacks take down major banks and credit card companies worldwide. The energies of 2020 begin with a major bang that could initiate wars. It is the end of a long-term cycle of karma and the death knell for the Patriarchy and corporate structure which can be very heavy. The world will get more chaotic because of this and URANUS in TAURUS.

Major Viral WARFARE a major issue worldwide from Saturn in Capricorn sextile Neptune in PISCES from November 2019. These two are planets related to death endings, mental illness, incarcerations, addictions, fake news, projections, oil, and debt.

Economic downturns. Protesting is a new “job.”


At the end of 2020, the conception of a new 20-year long cycle and a new 200-year cycle when these planets meet in Only AIR signs. This also marks the end of the Industrial Age where these 2 major planets met in only EARTH signs for the last 800 years. The historic JUPITER SATURN conjunction at 0 AQUARIUS on WINTER SOLSTICE December 21 eight years after the supposed end of the 2012 Mayan calendar cycle. Yes, the song from the Musical Hair is becoming a reality. This is the second new Information AGE beginning. A much more forward-thinking begins. A new cycle like fresh Air.  URANUS the ruling planet of Aquarius is in Taurus grounding new values. 

REVOLUTIONS continue and explode in 2020

 As if have been predicting for over 3 years now, major economic crises in the world can peak now due to the stressful planetary alignments of Saturn and Pluto. Younger people are not working and see no future. The populous is waking up and will continue to try and take back their power from the 1%.  This is the new normal. It is like the 60’s all over again, with POWER to the PEOPLE is the slogan especially after December 21, 2020 when Jupiter and SATURN meet at 0 Aquarius. 

Pagan, Goddess worshipping, anti-organized religions, the explosion of Astrology in the mainstream along with witches and Magic and anti-status quo lifestyles will continue to grow and expand being incorporated into the mainstream. 


There will be a continued backlash to both progressive and conservative elements. We will see more right-wing, conservative, anti-refugee anti-liberal backlashes in Europe and in the rest of the world. There is an anti-New World Order energy as people begin to connect the dots and the money trail. People are building walls, not bridges to feel safe within their own boundaries.  Many illegal refugees and those seeking political refugee statues will be sent back to their countries of origin now.


The plant-based burger revolution is part of the Uranus in Taurus energy. Many younger people are turning their backs on hi-tech and corporate jobs to live simply back to the land.  Small sustainable bartering communities of shared interests will spring up for young and senior citizens too.


 2020 reduced to #22 a Master Number which symbolizes the Fool in the Tarot which is also 0.  2020 is truly a WILD CARD YEAR energy initiating the 2020’s decade. Number #22 reduces to 4 which is the King or the Emperor in the Tarot. It is about new beginnings it is Aries, war, masculine power, new initiatives, a starting over from scratch 0 energy a rebuild.

ROBOTICS Drones implants

Robotics will take over increasingly fast via Amazon and with many people being out of work and needing to be retrained. Universal pay will begin to be instated in many countries to keep unemployment down. Many people will opt to be micro-chipped and wired up to the Net. Robots sex dolls and pets will increase.


Even though the market is set to go to a new high in the U.S. Economics will be in more of a recessionary belt-tightening phase worldwide.  There is still an economic crash with debt. Learn to live with less. Pay off all debts. OIL may be flooding the market in the fall. Food prices skyrocketing.


It won’t be an easy year, P.M. Trudeau’s honeymoon phase is over. He has rescinded on Native treaties and promises he has made. Trudeau has to be careful, Canada’s Increasing problems with declining health standards need to be addressed.  Canada and the U.S. not so friendly terms. The borders may even be closed. This impacts the economy. Oil prices will be manipulated and there may be an overload of Oil. Bad timing for Alberta.


Unemployment levels will be higher. Goods and services will get much more expensive. The economy will be really slowed down to a virtual standstill and stressed especially because of world situations.


Will take off in late 2020 after being dormant since early 2018. Especially at the historic Saturn/Jupiter conjunction at 0 degrees Aquarius which rules the Internet. This will be the new money as there is too much debt and the old monetary system is crumbling.


Going into a major recession. Will be in conflict with the U.S. as Trump hits back and places huge tariffs onto China. THE SATURN PLUTO conjunction falls right on China’s JUPITER in CAPRICORN which may lash out at the U.S. in a very underhanded way in retaliation. Saturn/Pluto rules secrets, manipulation and power. The SATURN IN CAPRICORN SEXTILE TO NEPTUNE IN PISCES MAY IGNITE GERM WARFARE which I have predicted previously since 2017.


The U.N. will become more of a force in controlling the world. Which is not a good thing. But the Middle East is also getting more open and new trade deals and even peace treaties with Israel could happen. Israel will have a relatively quiet stable year. Trump is a big Israel backer.


We have entered a new legal, educational and foreign policy era which is more restricting and much less liberal than it has been. Refugees will be limited and subjugated to very rigorous tests to enter in any foreign or E.U. country. Refugees and undesirables may be put into camps in the U.S. and Canada and deported.


Another year of major setbacks in travel industry, Saturn and Pluto are restrictive on every level. Its a NO-FLY ZONE with South Node in Sagittarius which rules foreign flights and international travel.


Donald Trump will be dodging bullets every step of the way. Everyone is after his hide from major media, Democrats and human rights groups. U.S. foreign policy is changing with America retreating and closing military bases and not supporting other countries. I am making a prediction about the 2020 U.S. election. It is a bit of a conundrum. I initially see Biden win standing at the podium but then it fades and shifts to Trump saying “we won fair and square.” So I am predicting Trump wins but I am seeing a dual very Gemini like Trump vision. 

I do predict he will be re-elected in 2020 unless there is manipulation from within and foreign -not Russia though- in a steal of the election which is also in line with the coming Pluto Return of the U.S. approaching in 2022.


The Constitution may be amended in 2020 or within the next couple of years. A new ultra-conservative energy will be the cause of a major revolution in 2020 which could be thrown at TRUMP as the major source of America’s problems.


Declares himself an Emperor like China’s Leader? People will start resisting. Remember revolutions are incoming everywhere.


This may be a quieter year for attacks but there can be chemical warfare and germ warfare then on the ground terrorist attacks. Knifings and stabbings are simple ways to kill. Domestic terrorism in Germany.

The E.U.

Greece Italy and Spain may default, their economies in ruins. The refugee crisis will continue to destabilize the economy which will be chaotic. The E.U. is starting to unravel totally. Britain will finally BREXIT by year’s end.


Germany’s economy is tight. Norway and Sweden perking along.


Is smart and spending resources on organic food production. Russia is backing Syria and China.


Will take a long time to find stability.  It’s not over yet. 


Has opened relations with Russia. Their economy is still in recession but could rebound at year’s end. Fukushima has still not been capped.


Turkey is not to be trusted. Erdogan is a dictator.  


Chemical and VIRAL WARFARE is a huge danger this year. Written originally in 2017.


It will be another year of extreme weather. Colder than normal in the U.S. and most of Canada which already began early this year and will continue until late April. But warmer than normal in extreme northern latitudes. It could the warmest year in the Arctic and Antarctic ever recorded. We are beginning a mini-ice age. This has nothing to do with man-made global warming and pollution. Its the Sun’s solar minimum cycle itself.

MAJOR FLOODING in many parts of the world and major droughts.

 Earthquakes, in Europe, India, Central America, Indonesia, Hawaii, China and the entire ring of Fire. There can be major food shortages, continued droughts in California and Arizona with major fires in CALIFORNIA again. Summer will be very hot throughout Europe and the U.S. with major fires in CALIFORNIA again. Torrential flooding will also hit Toronto in spring and summer. Melting glaciers.

MONSANTO now owned by Bayer will also see their powers limited.

Battle between the old guard scientists, archeologists, researchers and new irrefutable evidence that will change the old order of reality. Trump is anti-environmental and pro-business which will be disastrous for the earth with pollution levels and destruction of natural habitats and lack of protection for endangered species.


ARIES, CANCER, LIBRA, CAPRICORN, AQUARIUS and PISCES are the featured signs this year.

GEMINI and SAGITTARIUS as the nodes enter these signs in 2020 will also feel the pressure.


Danger from other types of viruses discovered which spread rapidly.  Polluted water management will also be a major issue. There will be very difficult to get over strains of flues and viruses this year.  


Maple Leaf’sSame old thing. Keep rooting for the underdogs.

Blue Jays Nothing spectacular.


After winning the US World Championship Basketball last year because of Kawhi Leonard the Raps still have some good players but won’t get that far. Kawhi will flunk out with the Clippers in L.A. I know he is a sentimental Cancer but could’ve gone two for two if he’d stayed in Toronto.


Major traffic problems make Toronto a place to stay away from. CRIME RATES ARE SKYROCKETING, but maybe not as bad as 2018-2019. A major sinkhole appears on the DVP. Water and sewage problems in the city. People may begin to move out of the city as it is too expensive and overcrowded.


Will be awarded many posthumous awards including the Nobel Prize for Literature.



Prince Harry

He is set for a major new beginning in 2020 and into 2021 which will see him achieve a position of great power and influence on the world’s stage. Meghan will get pregnant in 2020.


There are some good and some bad things coming their way. Kanye may need long term psychological counselling their marriage is in danger. Endings in her life. Kim becoming a lawyer is very inspiring, following in her Father Robert Kardashian’s  foosteps.

Taylor Swift

May get married this year. Will have a very successful year,

Miley Cyrus figuring out who she is but coming back stronger than ever, Major hits for her this year.

Justin Bieber marriage makes him more religious and compassionate. His music will be more religious and Big change in his behavior as he settles down.


Everything she does is over the top. She will have huge success this year.


Another style change for her. A new serious romance.

HARRY STYLES- breaks the internet with his feminine new masculine poster boy look. Great success. New acting roles. He continues to be the most successful of all of ex-One Direction boys.


Will get arrested and spend time in jail.

George and Amal Clooney– moving into quieter home life
BEN AFLECK- still a rocky road.


Is back. He has weathered the storm and is healthier sober and more productive. He is seeing his kids more and is making sculptures will produce more films this year. He may direct as well and win an Academy Award.


BIG serious soul mate romance. Someone very different than all the women he has been dating. His music will get much more spiritual.


Robert Pattinson

finally being taken seriously and getting big starring roles. He is keeping his private life private.


Jack Nicholson, HUGH JACKMAN, The Queen and Prince Philip
John Depp ship has all but sunk. His arrogance alcoholism and spoiled brat attitude have left him unbankable. He will need rehab for alcohol and drugs.

PAUL McCartney– needs to watch his health.


* This article was originally published here

Numerology Horoscope Today: Predictions for March 27, 2025 - Hindustan Times

Numerology Horoscope Today: Predictions for March 27, 2025    Hindustan Times * This article was originally published here ...