Saturday, July 31, 2021


WHAT IS YOUR YEAR NUMBER FOR 2021? 2021 is a 5 Year in the world, (2+0+2+1=5). To calculate your number for 2021, simply add 5 to your month and day of birth. (Do NOT include your year of birth in this calculation). Example birthday: September 23:   Month = 9 Day = 2+3 = 5 Year = 2+0+2+1= 5 9 + […]


* This article was originally published here

Friday, July 30, 2021

The Magic Of Twin Flame “Self Union” – 7 Keys To Harmony

Stop Running From Your Own Darkness. The Magic Of Twin Flame “Self Union”, What Running Is Really Trying To Tell You: Tough Truths About Twin Flame Alchemy

Every once in a while I am guided to create articles that shake you up a bit because I see so many Twins struggle with the same issues and not fully seeing what is needed to shift it.

And as always, if you are not aware, you cannot shift something.

So today’s article is another wake-up call.

Because if things aren’t happy in your connection, it’s a reflection SOME WAY of what is going on inside of YOU.

#1) So how are you treating YOURSELF? 

#2) Are you showing UP for yourself? 

#3) Are you being kind and loving and respectful toward YOURSELF?

#4) Are YOU behaving like the enlightened, loving, peaceful being you want your Twin Flame to be with you? 

#5) Are you taking ACTION for yourself, being true to your soul?

#6) Are you doing your INNER WORK, especially if you are wanting them to work on themselves and awaken?

#7) Are you whole and UNITED with and in harmony with all aspects of yourself, (masculine, feminine and inner child and “god self”) within?


If not, it’s time for change. And I don’t mean to be harsh with this. But when you can see where there are issues, you can begin to shift them.

Maybe not all at once, but to begin shifting – first of all by becoming more aware.

Because I guarantee you:

If things are not going the way you want them to, THIS is where things are getting stuck.

What So Many Twins Are Missing:

Most Twins have heard of the Twin Flame Mirror. But so few really approach their journey with this in mind!

The thing is, this connection is a soul bond. Largely pre-planned by you and your Twin and restricted with soul contracts to teach you important things.

Is not something you can “fix” with one oracle reading on instagram, with a spell cast by someone, or a “metaphysical disc” that is promised to magic your connection.

(At the beginning of my journey I tried ALL of these kinds of things, but I learned the hard way that they do NOT make the magical overnight difference we wish they would – full list of all the stuff I wasted time on in this article)

The truth is, you ARE a soul and you came here to awaken to your light.

And you cannot really do that if you’re not dealing with your own SELF.

Questions For Alchemy

I rarely encounter Twins who ask themselves these powerful questions that could change SO MUCH for the better:

#1) How is this situation directing me back to MYSELF?

#2) How is my Twin Flame mirroring back my OWN inner shadows or issues right now?

#3) What inside of ME could be causing this outer reflection?

#4) What am I being called to face and HEAL, to experience more love and ease in this?

#5) How would I need to show up differently in this, to get the OUTER result I want?


Those are truly the questions your soul is waiting for you to ask.

What the Universe is nudging you to, and likely has for a long time.

The questions, the keys that can and will open up your connection to a profound harmony. “Heaven on earth”.

Is Twin Flame Self Union A Thing? Yes!

The Twin Flame relationship is about two people learning to love themselves, as much as each other.

It’s not always easy – it takes dedication and self-awareness but when you do that, the rewards come back in abundance!

Ultimately, if Twin Flames want harmony they need to begin with self-love. Otherwise there tend to be disruptions, problems, running, drama and more…

What so many miss out on is that a CRUCIAL part of self love is to face your own shadows.

To show up for YOURSELF. To be brave for yourself. To push yourself beyond any toxic patterns that try to hold you stuck or in resistance.

To give YOURSELF what you long for, which is what your system is calling out for.

Above all, to stop running from YOU.

Are You Showing Up For YOURSELF?

You may know I’ve been preparing a 12 Month High Level Twin Flame Group Coaching and it’s about to start in August.

As some people have dropped out on their commitment and are not showing up for themselves and their Twin Flame connection, I now have 16 extra spots available. 

Have a look here for all the info on the advanced Alchemical Soul work and Higher Dimensional unity focus for this coming year, and to sign up.

Includes monthly high level coaching and guidance, plus specially created activations and energy work made just for the group.

This is set to be epic, as we bring through brand new incoming info from spirit and new energy technologies channeled especially for Twin Flames.

Advanced higher templates and quantum work that I have never encountered anywhere in the Twin Flame realm online, and am very excited about getting started on this!

Click here to learn more and apply

twin flame coaching

Self-Love As A Crucial ingredient for Harmony

This situation really highlighted what today’s article is all about.

That how we deal with our OWN situation, what we put OUT into the world, attracts a powerful mirror in our Twin Flame. 

The Twin Flame relationship can be either full of bliss or suffering. And YOU are a huge part of how that ends up.

When you show up for yourself, when you shift higher, when you master your “Self Union”, your outer situation begins to reflect back harmony rather than struggle, drama or plain blocks/ghosting/silence.

It’s an inner journey as much as anything else.

#1) So can you love YOURSELF as much as you want THEM to?

#2) Can YOU embody the respect, trust and other things you want from THEM – for YOU?

#3) Can you BE the kind of partner you want THEM to be?

If not, it means those things are missing in your system. It’s keeping you from being a match with unity, inside and “outside”.

If you have inherited a toxic masculine energy template in your system, your masculine Twin will tend to reflect toxic traits back to you (yes, women have a masculine template too – we all have both polarity templates).

This is why deeper energy work is so important.

It’s not about “figuring it out”. It’s about alchemy.

For more on this, have a look at the article “What Is It Like To Be In Twin Flame Union?”

twin flame union

Why No One Is “Trying” To Hurt You

It will help you so much to remember: The Twin Flame connection is a soul mirror.

If things are tough, the universe is NOT trying to hurt you. Your Twin Flame is NOT trying to hurt you.

They are responding to your inner state.

(Your Twin can’t help this, as their energy system is always responding to you on “automatic”).

It means that any UN-HEALED INNER issues you have with yourself and from your own upbringing, tend to be reflected in the “mirror” of how your “other self” treats you.

The Greatest Gift Of All

In this way, the Twin Flame relationship can be your greatest teacher. Your greatest source of growth, alchemy and love. To journey to unconditional love.

But it HAS to start within. It cannot happen without YOU.

There are so many Twin Flames who think their counterpart is “Running” – but it is truly a reflection that THEY are trying to escape their OWN inner shadows.

That they may be abandoning their OWN SELF.

LISTEN to the mirror, and it becomes gentler.

It becomes healing, instead of a source of suffering.

How you treat yourSELF is the “recipe” for how they will tend to treat you back. And vice versa.

How To Make The Mirror Gentler

And here’s the HUGE thing so many people miss:

When you work WITH this process… When you DO your inner work, it’s smooth. You explore, learn where there might be shadows, heal and resolve.

Including if you’re physically together.

(In fact Twins who willingly work on themselves are more often in a physical world relationship together).

Twin Flames who are TRYING to RUN from their own darkness, their own fear, their own insecurities…

They are unfortunately the ones who tend to experience most problems.

(Even if it’s unconscious to them that they’re running. If you’re not sure if this applies to you, use the above questions and be as honest as you can).

Twin Flame Running As A “Set Stage” Of The Journey?
(Doesn’t Exist – It’s A “Shadow Reaction”)

When YOU do NOT listen to your soul calling for the inner work, it becomes reflected in the Twin Flame Mirror on the “outside” instead.

And that’s when separation/running/chasing and all the drama begins to happen.

It’s not a “set Twin Flame Stage”. 

It’s a “shadow reaction” – energetically – to you trying to abandon your own self.

It’s an attempt to get you to begin LISTENING. To HEAL. To get you to the unity and love you really desire and deserve.

(If you’re ready to start uplifting what the Mirror is showing back to you, have a look here)

Facing Your Own Self

Right now, ask inside. Be honest.

ARE you showing up for yourself?

ARE you embodying the inner “self union” that will make the outer harmony possible?

Only you can decide how this ends.

Cassady x



Click here for more testimonials

Get my 4 Part Free Twin Flame Starter Kit here:



Free Channeled Report on 11:11 and the Ascension Process Happening Worldwide With Twin Flames

– Powerful Free Chakra/Aura Energy Cleanse Guided Meditation

– Alpha Level Deep Guided Meditation To Connect With Your Twin Flame on the Soul Planes

– eBook on The Twin Flame Runner/Chaser Paradox…

Click here to get the Free Twin Flame Starter Kit now

The post The Magic Of Twin Flame “Self Union” – 7 Keys To Harmony appeared first on Twin Flames 11:11.

* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Trust Your Animal Instincts with Best-Selling Author Tabitha Scott

Tabitha Scott is an award-winning international advisor, speaker, and best-selling author of Trust Your Animal Instincts Your Life & Ignite Your Power. A highly credentialed thought leader in electrical and human energy, her area of expertise is leveraging the principles of energy to lead purposeful transformations. She led efforts in creating the world’s largest solar-powered community and was recognized for her groundbreaking smart tech innovations by the White House. Formerly CEO of several successful companies and Senior VP at two global organizations, Tabitha currently serves as Principal at Southern Growth Studio.  ___________ Awakenings with Michele Meiche is your place for information and insight to understand the Global Shift of Awareness and Awakening to live a more Soul fulfilling life and experiencing Soul fulfilling relationships. Awakenings broadcasts ‘Live every Wednesday 12pm -1:30 pm PT    Call in for Intuitive and Numerology Readings  # 347-539-5122 Michele answers questions about Awakening, Spirituality, Metaphysics, Dreams, Self Development and the Soul Path. You can also connect with Michele on the app @MentorCam where she can answer your questions psychically, as well as help you via her Soul Insights and life advice. Email for guest and topic suggestions, as well as to have your questions answered ‘On Air’.

* This article was originally published here

Monday, July 26, 2021

Moon in Pisces – High Priestess in the Moon’s Clothing

Moon in Pisces - High Priestess in the Moon's Clothing

The Moon moves into Pisces today and stays there until Wednesday.

Described in Tarot cards, this transit would be like the High Priestess is dressed as the Moon. She’s lost her material body and has disappeared into the celestial body that usually rests at her feet.

The Moon in Pisces, or High Priestess dressed as the Moon, is a time of increased perception, ill-defined understanding and what might be described as night vision.

During this time you could find your dreams feel more real than your daylight hours and what’s not said is louder than what is.

Fears might grow like a boogieman under the bed, but if you just take a peek, they’re as likely to be dust bunnies as demons or ghosts.

Be still, aware and fearless. It might be dark outside, but if there was ever a time you can navigate the unknown, this is it. Listen, breathe, flow.

go to full description

* This article was originally published here

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Moon in Aquarius – High Priestess in the Star’s Clothing

Moon in Aquarius - High Priestess in the Star's Clothing

The Moon moves into Aquarius today and stays there until Monday.

Described in Tarot cards, this transit would be like the High Priestess is dressed as the Star. In other words, her robes are gone and she’s naked as the bird in the tree behind her.

The Moon in Aquarius, or High Priestess in the Star’s clothing, can sometimes be emotionally stressful. Hope may be in the air, but it’s a cautious hope.

Emotionally you feel like sharing, bubbling over with dreams for the future. But your mind keeps getting in the way, reminding you that dreams can sometimes be nightmares.

Try not to spend what could be a nice time double guessing yourself or listing off all the reasons things could go wrong. They might. But they probably won’t.

Be real, but not a wet blanket. Rather than smothering your dreams, direct them with intelligence.

go to full description

* This article was originally published here

Friday, July 23, 2021

Aquarius Full Moon, Free Astrology Magic Workshop

Join me tonight July 22 at 7:30 pm EDT for a FREE LIVE Astrology Moon Magic
Workshop on YouTUBE. JOIN HERE

Aquarius Full Moon July Astrology Magic Workshop Tara Greene
Aquarius Full Moon July Astrology Magic Workshop Tara Greene join

An AQUARIUS Full MOON is radical and we reset ourselves to December 21,2020.

This lunation called us to work with our dreams and shadows. There will be a Guided Meditation

Bring your dream journals and astrology charts
for Q & A. No astrology knowledge is needed.


Here are the aspects.

All 4 Major Archangel Stars are aspected plus the Moon is conjunct Altair the Flying Eagle.

There is a Grand Air Trine, Venus and Jupiter the two beneficial stars balances each other out and call us to work with dreams in a practical way.


* This article was originally published here

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Venus in Virgo – Empress in the Hermit’s Clothing

Empress as the Hermit - Venus in Virgo

Venus has moved into Virgo and will be there until August 16th.

From a Tarot perspective, this transit is like the Empress is wearing the Hermit’s clothing. She’s out in the snow, wearing the robes of a monk.

Venus in Virgo, or the Empress in the Hermit’s clothing is a good time to examine the parts of yourself you normally keep under wraps.

Take the opportunity to look carefully at the experiences you’ve been accumulating. Shift through your own inner shadows, and be unafraid to face whatever you find.

Compassion towards yourself and others will help heal both fears and sorrows, while introspection can provide creative insight you may not have thought possible.

And with all this seriousness, don’t forget to enjoy yourself. There’s as much to celebrate in the dark as there is in the light.

go to full description

* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Moon in Capricorn – High Priestess in the Devil’s Clothing

High Priestess dressed as The Devil

The Moon moves into Capricorn today and will stay there until Saturday.

If you were to describe this transit using the Tarot, you might say that the High Priestess is wearing the Devil’s clothing. The virginal goddess has gotten downright beastly.

The Moon in Capricorn, or High Priestess in the Devil’s clothing, is a period of potential internal conflict. The physical world might seem to draw you away from what you typically believe to be right.

You might feel driven or compelled by behaviours and attitudes that go against the grain of your morality. It could be liberating or disturbing, depending on your secrets.

Whatever’s going on though, don’t be too hard on yourself. Get obsessions out of your system, and learn what you can about yourself while you do so.

You should be ready to move on soon. There’s nothing wrong with a little focused physicality. Just don’t get stuck.

go to full description

* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Twin Flame Energy Forecast 19th-25th July: “Second Reunions”


Twin Flame Cycles For 2022 Usher In “3D” Togetherness… But First, The Spotlight Shines On You. Will You Allow Heart Magnetism To Heal You And Call You Home To Love?

Welcome into a brand new week in the cosmic energies.

Highlights this week include:
Physical world developments and cycles preparing for 2022, Twin Flame purification and the soul connection “strengthening”.

But what “misunderstandings” have gotten in the way of your happiness, messing up your ability to attract and receive true love?

Discover more below!

A Year Of Soul Alchemy

Before we get started today, thank you everyone who’s signed up for the 12 month Twin Flame coaching and energy transformation!

I can’t wait to journey with you in this powerful group! You guys are amazing!

And if you haven’t signed up yet, you still have time to do so. This is for Twins who want to make massive quantum leaps happen on their journey!

Only 2 days left to apply! Once the doors close on July 22nd, they will not open again for 18 months.

(I will not be doing this LIVE again, due to other guided projects).

Go here to learn more and apply

twin flame coaching

What Have You Missed?

So now onto the energies at hand:

Multiple retrogrades and major oppositions are still creating an air of introspection and slowness in terms of forward progress this week.

We are being challenged by the cosmic current.

Be willing to take a second look at your situation or anything you may have been wanting to move forward with.

The planets “say” – the solution, the key, the fix to what we are seeking… lies within US. If things aren’t “working”, WE have to make a shift happen on the inside to create a different outer result.

“Life Review”

There are things you may have missed, or that the universe is working to bring your attention to.

Likely, it has to do with your inner perspective and state of being regarding your SELF.

Feelings of incapability or doubt may have caused you to dismiss something that could work out amazingly, for example.

You may have been stopping YOURSELF from moving into your “highest destiny”, likely because of limiting beliefs saying it won’t work.

Second Chances to Correct Course

Past hurts in love may have convinced you you’re un-loveable on an UN-conscious level.

Be willing to take a second look now, and resolve any INNER issues so your path opens. Otherwise, the planets show us you’re unconsciously deflecting the good that you’re wanting to invite in.

How do you know if this is happening to you?

In short, look around. If your OUTER reality is not blissfully happy and filled with Twin Flame love, there is something up on the INSIDE.

Because love and harmony is the truth about your soul and the Twin Flame connection deep down. Anything else is due to “baggage” and distortions from human life – so it’s important to deal with it.

For help with this, go here and I take you through it step by step.
twin flame program

Or for a hands on interactive process, join me in the new 12 month interactive coaching

The Wounded Healer

Chiron went Retrograde at the end last week, and at the beginning of this week he ends up in a complication.

As he receives a square from Mercury and a sextile to Uranus, we’re shown that thinking differently IS healing.

But the challenge is that we may feel resistance around it.

Be aware that understanding something from a higher perspective can begin to dissolve hurt. Be willing to reevaluate.

It releases the constriction and knots that were tangled up in trauma. Experiment with this now. Shift your perspective.

This is especially key when it comes to love, as Uranus is stationed in Taurus sign of love and relationships (home of Venus).

Focus on Home and Self

Healing inner love issues and dysfunction is key this week in general.

Also on July 19th Vesta, asteroid of the home, enters Libra. This indicates a focus on balance within ourselves and in the “home”.

For Twin Flames, balancing and opening to harmonious duality is key this coming period.

How do you feel — do you feel at “home” with yourself? And with your Twin?
Do you feel well within?

If not, working to harmonize this will make a huge positive difference for your Twin Flame connection.

Twin Flame Reunions — Physicality Likely Later This Year

July 21st, we have a new chapter in love starting, as Venus travels ahead of Mars and moves into Virgo (they meet again in February 2022).

Unfortunately, this is considered a detrimental placement for Venus and for love.

However, for the TWIN FLAME connection there’s a key purpose – a clear reason!

Because as Venus and then Mars move through Virgo these next few weeks, PURIFICATION of the counterparts is pushed to happen…

Preparing for the second “Reunion of Masculine and Feminine” when they meet again in Capricorn after New Year.

Purification Opens To Unity

Because the purification NOW is needed in order for the counterparts to be able to RECEIVE physical unity.

And for it to last and not “break up” into separation.

(This is the kind of work we do in the 12 month coaching, so it’s an ideal time to join. By February 2022, your energy will be alchemized and aligned with a much higher state of unity.

How? We are fundamentally shifting your state as a pair on the quantum level into the “3D physical”. Read more about the details here)

Physical World Focus — Next Meeting

Last week, as Venus and Mars met in Leo, the heart connection was re-ignited, whether in person and/or spiritually.

Now, we are asked to heal and clear our own INDIVIDUAL inner state, so that we are in a state of inner wholeness and fully prepared for the “next reunion”…

Which happens in Capricorn… which you may know is the sign of the PHYSICAL world domain.

In other words, the preparation you do now WITHIN, will be instrumental in paving the way for “real world” unity and higher levels of love in a few months’ time.

Venus Pushes for Self-Love

Over the next month or so Venus in Virgo will likely highlight issues of lacking self-esteem and self-love.

The spotlight is going to be turned on YOU in this period.

You may have to work harder than usual to feel good about yourself, but any work you do on self-love and shadow healing is set to be even more rewarding than at other times.

Why? Virgo is the seat of purification, healing and perfection.

(However, be careful these energies don’t tend toward overly critical thinking.)

Twin Flame Love in Uniqueness

Remember you are who you are for a reason. As souls, Twin Flames are the perfect match. “One soul in two bodies”.

And if your physical situation is not reflecting love and unity, it means there are issues that need resolving on the INSIDE.

Your connection is always a mirror showing you in some way what you hold within.

Remember this month that Twin Flame love is NOT about being like everyone else. Or an artificial “Twin Flame Ideal”.

Magnetic Uniqueness

We are made for each other, perfect for each other as who we naturally are.

Again, Venus in Virgo will likely trigger issues you have around perfectionism that are blocking you from SELF love.

You may have to make an extra effort to bring the warmth and openness that love and self-love requires this coming month – but it will be worth it!


Spirit highlights that expecting and WANTING love from others and becoming resentful when it doesn’t arrive, is something many are dealing with.

If you’re experiencing this, the message is, you need to give YOURSELF love first. THAT is what will unlock the situation.

And if it feels hard or weird or blocked, it’s a childhood issue that needs resolving on a deeper level.

In fact, SO many Twin Flame issues are based in inner child wounds that once healed, would open the pair to harmony more than they ever expected.

Have a look here at the Inner Child Healing for Twin Flames for more (includes helping and healing your counterpart’s inner child).

Leo Season Begins!

This childhood wounding may flow over into battles as on July 22nd, the Sun enters Leo.

Leo is a sign of creativity, romance, pride, glory, “kings and queens”… And drama.

The collective development themes are changing, and there’s a strong possibility that Egos will flare up during this time.

People are NOT flexible and accommodating with Leo energies. The expression “it’s my way or the highway” is a fitting description.

With Ego comes conflict and very often Twin Flame separation, because the Ego is based in deep inner programming of processing the world as “you vs me”.

For Twin Flames this poses a HUGE problem — as we’ve discussed before, perceptions of difference and separation are one of the core blocks to Twin pairs coming together.

The Lion’s Wisdom

At its highest expression, Leo energies are about the wisdom of living from an open heart… while anchored in your authentic truth.

So this month, you’ll benefit from using Leo’s guidance to figure out where in your life you could stand up more for yourself.

Where have you been letting others run the show? Where have not been true to your soul? 

Allow the Lion’s archetypal traits to guide you to see where you can align more with your strength.

Leo energies can help you tap into your own infinite inner power and shift out of any disempowering patterns that don’t serve you.

(Lion spirit animal is closely connected with this energy, of course, and has more to “say” here.)

Rare Full Moon “Bridge”

July 23rd, we have a Full Moon on the Capricorn/Aquarius border, which bears a rare message.

Full Moons on the cusp between two signs have to do with bridging, and this particular one activates an earlier conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter from early 2020 and fall 2020.

We therefore see that there’s a culmination of emotion from the period of difficulty around the pandemic, and spirit is showing that many didn’t fully process the intensity of that time, and instead repressed their feelings.

This is set to be coming up now.


Humanity’s Karmic Lessons

Capricorn is the sign of physicality and karma, and Aquarius the sign of technology and the future, so these themes are in focus.

Repressed negativity HAS to be dealt with in order to move forward, otherwise it will cause blocks…

And we’re shown that the deeper causes of difficulty these last 18 months have been KARMA. (Individually and collectively).

It wasn’t something “new” – it was a repeated trauma of what humanity has experienced so many times before.

Spirit says, feeling powerless. Feeling afraid and unprotected by the divine. (And many Twins have experienced this on their journey as well)

Who Is the Divine?

We see humanity as the child, versus the Universe/God/Source as father figure. When experiencing difficulty, humanity has tended to feel persecuted, punished and unprotected…

But as karma “says”, “as you sow, you shall reap”. It’s a neutral process.

In other words, many of our biggest challenges individually and collectively happen, simply because WE caused them.

We may have gone against divine guidance; we may have gone against our intuition. No one forced it on us, in truth. We were learning something.

(Often negativity happens because we have had inner wounds or inherited baggage that “created” something on autopilot – we were attracting it without realizing)

Old Emotions Rising

The truth is, deep down, we ARE the divine. We are not weak little humans incapable of affecting change.

We are not being punished. We are experiencing cause and effect.

So, any old emotions of frustration, hostility towards the divine and similar, will likely come up for resolution at this Full Moon.

Including personal level content — feeling stuck, feeling like the world is against you, like things don’t change.

Again, it’s not a punishment. It’s a matter of cause and effect. And it CAN change. You just have to know the right steps to take, the right method.

It starts with taking action to CREATE change. To embrace your mastery!

Twin Flame Soul Connections on High!

Lastly this week, we have a positive transit for Twin Flames — but it may add to the feeling of emotional clouding and uncertainty from the Full Moon, which is already around.

As Mercury trines Neptune, we see that Twin Flame SOUL connections are on high!

However, it’s also likely you’re picking up on your counterpart’s emotions and “baggage” and mistaking it for your own.

Is It Them Or Is It You?

An extreme example would be, they are angry with themselves deep down and you feel it and it triggers anger in you.

Or they’re depressed about life, and it triggers you to feel negative about the future as well, without fully realizing why.

To combat this “negative emotional mirroring” between Twin Flames and open to the positive soul/astral/”5D” interactions, use the Complete Harmony Healing here.

Visions, Twin Flames Dreaming Together

If you’re on good terms and your connection is already flowing well, Mercury trine Neptune tends to bring deeper experiences of the soul bond.

Including dreaming together or about each other, telepathy, visions, experiencing your Twin as “with you” spiritually, remote romance and more…

In short, “The Supernatural” side of the connection is likely more active than usual.

Repeating Themes From March 2021

This is a more beneficial flow than we had earlier this year in March when Mercury was conjunct Neptune.

Think back to the first to middle weeks of March this year, and you may see echoes of what was going on with communication between you.

The truth is, they DO want to reach you every day, so make sure you check in!


A Week of Uncertainty… Preparation

This is set to be a week where you may feel somewhat confused about where things are headed, and even what you’re feeling.

Spirit’s input is that this is a period of “catching up” with emotions and reactions we likely repressed or rationalized previously.

Take your time, don’t be hard on yourself, and know that the processing and inner work you do now will help you for the long run.

“Second Twin Flame Reunions”

There are exciting developments in store in early 2022, especially if you get your inner world into harmony.

If you want help with this, join spirit and I here.

This is going to be an epic transformation, with a powerful group of Twin Flames being supported, guided and uplifted step by step along the way.

With exclusive activations channeled just for the group every month, your questions answered, alchemical work, advanced Twin Flame info and so much more!

I can’t wait to go on this journey with you!

Click here for all the info – doors close July 22nd at midnight PST.

(12 month installment plans will be available)

And until next time, I’m sending you love and light for your journey <3

Cassady x


Click here to read more Twin Flame testimonials

(And if you haven’t already, make sure you take advantage of the 4 part Free Twin Flame Help Kit I offer)

The post Twin Flame Energy Forecast 19th-25th July: “Second Reunions” appeared first on Twin Flames 11:11.

* This article was originally published here

Horoscopes July 19-25

Horoscopes July 19-25

The week ahead includes the AQUARIUS FULL MOON at 1+ degree. This is a return to the December 21, 2020 JUPTER SATURN conjunction heralding the beginning of the Age of Aquarius degree.


   Communicate your vulnerability creates intimacy and safety. Comfort those who are hurting. Make chicken soup  of the soul.


 A nice positive sales pitch that is way out there may be very successful.

July 21/22 VENUS enters VIRGO 5:36 pm PDT/ 8:35 pm EDT/ July 22 at 12:35 am GMT

 Love gets practical, things get OCD, we love to be health conscious, watching your diet is super important and as this irritated upper digestive issues its better to eat a plant based simpler diet. Virgo Venus loves to budget, and save money, its all about the bargains. Venus in PISCES worries a lot. Venus in VIRGO asks are you in love with your work? Venus in VIRGO is practical love, its earthy, intelligent, organized. Virgo Venus is dedicated to service at work, in the community, loves pets and planning for for what you can harvest.

July 22 VENUS in VIRGO opposes JUPITER in PISCES.

  A very positive aspect between 2 benefics. Its time to Create practical plans for your dreams. It is expansive, lucky, faithful, fantasy, creative, down to earth dreamy. Work with you night dreams. An expensive time to envision new spiritual, psychic energy. Time to give to charity. Excellent for meditation, dream work, healing from addictions, Venus in Virgo has discipline, and compassion.

July22 SUN enters LEO at 7:26 am PDT/ 10:26 am EDT/ 2:26 pm GMT

OK LEO its your turn to shine. Leo is ruled by the SUN.  Wherever you have a planet in LEO the Sun will touch it over the next month. Leo says its tIme to party, -they just opened up the U.K totally. its joyous, upbeat, opens hearts, is time to step up into leadership, BIG HAIR and DRAMA time.

July 22/23 Sun inconjuncts Jupiter in PISCES

 The will power and the inner vision and inspiration may not be seeing eye to eye

JULY 23 FULL MOON at 1 degree AQUARIUS at 7:36 pm PDT/ 10:36 pm EDT/ July 23 at 2:36 am GMT

    This Full Moon retriggers the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction of December 21,2020. What were you doing then? Look back at how far you’ve come since then. This is a powerful lunation.


 A  very emotional, sentimental,  dreamy, compassionate aspect. Open your feelings to spiritual  powers. Communicate with your higher self and Holy Guardian Angel. Do pay attention to your dreams on this night.


July 25 MERCURY at 25 CANCER OPPOSES PLUTO at 25 degrees CAPRICORN 22 ‘ at 1:14 pm PDT/ 4:14 pm EDT/ 8:14 pm GMT

This is a tense aspect.  Family feuds and digging into your feelings to get to the shadows. Be careful of not getting snagged into someone else’s shadow stuff. Heads may roll in the news today. If you have planets in the last decan of Al Cardinal signs beware.

JOIN me JULY 22 for the Aquarius Full Moon Astrology Magic workshop. It’s radical, with Lilith, Vesta and Pleiades. Blessed by Venus & Jupiter it’s practical and dreamy. Join me live July 22 at 7:30 pm EDT on ZOOM. $12-22 Canadian. Join now at

Workshop is recorded if you cant attend LIVE. Bring your astrology chart. PDF will be sent.

Get in touch for readings events, workshops

* This article was originally published here

Numerology Horoscope Today: Predictions for March 27, 2025 - Hindustan Times

Numerology Horoscope Today: Predictions for March 27, 2025    Hindustan Times * This article was originally published here ...