Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Individualistic Nature of Reality & How to Decipher It -Author Matthew Forrest
M. H. Forrest is an international entrepreneur and CEO of ITZA Global, an intellectual property creation, licensing, and franchising consulting organization. For twenty years he has travelled whilst operating various businesses, which earned him the name “Off Grid Entrepreneur” and inspired his most important endeavor: a theory of everything. Devising this theory required a deep understanding of multiple disciplines, including evolutionary psychology, consciousness studies, quantum mechanics, psychology, cosmology, and many more. Learn more at www.mhforrest.com To find out more, or join in Soul Centered http://www.soulplayground.com/soulplayground/upcoming-events/ ______ Awakenings with Michele Meiche is your place for information and insight to understand the Global Shift of Awareness and Awakening to live a more Soul fulfilling life and experiencing Soul fulfilling relationships. Awakenings broadcasts ‘Live every Wednesday 12pm -1:30 pm PT Call in for Intuitive and Numerology Readings # 347-539-5122 Michele answers questions about Awakening, Spirituality, Metaphysics, Dreams, Self Development and the Soul Path. You can also connect with Michele on the app @MentorCam where she can answer your questions psychically, as well as help you via her Soul Insights and life advice. Email awakeningspodcast@gmail.com for guest and topic suggestions, as well as to have your questions answered ‘On Air’
* This article was originally published here
Monday, August 30, 2021
Tarot Bytes Episode 209 – How to find a great tarot reader
Tarot Bytes: The Podcast
Bite-sized lessons for Tarot beginners
Created by Theresa Reed, The Tarot Lady
Welcome to Tarot Bytes – the tarot podcast for people who want to learn tarot…but don’t have all day. Short, bite-sized tarot lessons.
Episode 209 – How to find a great tarot reader
If you are looking to find a great tarot reader, you’re in luck. Thanks to the internet and tarot’s popularity, you don’t have to dig hard. Modern times have made it easy to find talented tarot pros – and it’s also made it much easier for those professionals to put their work out there.
Even so, how can you ensure you’re going to find the right one? In this episode of Tarot Bytes, I’ll share a few tips for discovering your next tarot fave – and the red flags you need to watch out for.
Grab your favorite deck, put in your earbuds, and dive in!
Subscribe in iTunes, Google Play, or Stitcher – or use the mighty fine podcast player below to listen to this track, yo:
© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2021
Check out all previous Tarot Bytes lessons here.
The post Tarot Bytes Episode 209 – How to find a great tarot reader appeared first on The Tarot Lady.
* This article was originally published here
Sunday, August 29, 2021
Moon in Gemini – High Priestess Dressed as the Lovers’ Angel
The Moon moves into Gemini today and will stay there until Wednesday.
From a Tarot perspective, this transit would be like the High Priestess is dressed as the Lovers’ Angel. She floats above the naked couple, blessing their sacred union.
The Moon in Gemini, or High Priestess dressed as the Lovers’ angel, can be an emotionally confusing time, one where internal conflicts arise in order to be reconciled.
But it can also be a time of clarity, honest communication and almost intuitive understanding about yourself and those around you.
Quiet faith teams up with commitment and the Angels approve of the whole thing.
Try to keep your emotions in line with your reason. Going too far either way could disturb a really nice balance.
* This article was originally published here
Saturday, August 28, 2021
Goddess Asteroids & Much More with Astrologer Rachel Lang
Rachel Lang is a professional astrologer, healer, and psychic medium who has worked for the past 15 years with businesses and individuals, including A-list celebrities, tech startup entrepreneurs, bestselling authors, activists, and students. Some of her business collaborations have included workshops on Goddess asteroids, Solar Returns, Money and Love, Astrology 101, among other topics. Additionally, Rachel writes a monthly horoscope column for the Omega Institute’s Omega News, as well as LVBX Magazine. Coming up in September, her book, Modern Day MAGIC, 8 Simple Rules: Realize Your Power and Shape Your Life will be released. https://rachellangastrologer.com/ ______________ Soul Centered Living Program & Community -http://www.soulplayground.com/soulplayground/upcoming-events/ Awakenings with Michele Meiche is your place for information and insight to understand the Global Shift of Awareness and Awakening to live a more Soul fulfilling life and experiencing Soul fulfilling relationships. Awakenings broadcasts ‘Live every Wednesday 12pm -1:30 pm PT Call in for Intuitive and Numerology Readings # 347-539-5122 Michele answers questions about Awakening, Spirituality, Metaphysics, Dreams, Self Development and the Soul Path. You can also connect with Michele on the app @MentorCam where she can answer your questions psychically, as well as help you via her Soul Insights and life advice.
* This article was originally published here
Friday, August 27, 2021
Twin Flame Energy Forecast 9th-15th August: “The Awakening”
Lion’s Gate Star Activations, Awakening To Your Soul’s Power… Plus, Harmonizing The Twin Flame Pair For Love And Unity. Are You Ready?
Welcome into a brand new week in the cosmic energies.
Highlights this week include:
The Universe works to show you an inner shift that activates your Twin Flame magnetism and calls in your unity…
Plus, Lion’s gate energies bring powerful “awakening codes”, making shifts available, if you tap in. Your soul self and your Twin are calling.
Discover more below!
Lion’s Gate Star Portal
Before we get started today:
If you haven’t already taken the brand new channeled energy journey, which I was specifically asked to release at this time, you’ll find that here.
I love hearing from you about your experiences with the channeled sessions, and this one has been getting a lot of amazing feedback already:
“WOW!!! I experienced a physical sensation, first in my heart chakra, like a pull…And I saw my TF and myself sitting next to each other watching the stars as well as being a part of it all. Amazing!” – M. Sweden
“I did the Star Activation session last night and it was amazing. I saw crystallline wings forming behind me and later in my sleep, I heard song lyrics talking of running into my twin in the physical!” – Violet
“I have bought straight away new meditation you have made for Lion’s Gate and I must say it’s incredible! I have all of yours meditations and all are amazing but that one is above all. It shifted me so much from lost and confusion to light and love. Also I have noticed ego games I have been playing in my mind, and it seems to be so silly, like it’s not mine anymore, like it was some illusion, plays behind my true self. I am so much grateful for you, what you have been doing for all Twin Flames, for you amazing meditations and everything. You are true blessing.” – Emilia
Click here to learn more and download
Empowering New Moon, Lion’s Gate
We’re hot off the tail of the New Moon in Leo from 8th August and the Lion’s gate portal, which has been celebrated since ancient times.
This is known as the Sirian gateway and spirit shows us it opens as a bridge to higher dimensional codes entering the earth plane.
Its power will be felt throughout the week. This signals a time to connect with the soul planes. The higher self is set to be more noticeable than usual, including your Twin’s higher self.
“Light Waves” Of Awakening
However, as you may have noticed already it’s also a heightened time of triggering.
Why? The massively powerful light waves incoming are triggering any “falsehood” (i.e. the constructed ego self and limits) to come undone. “There is no hiding anymore”, is the message.
This process means we’re often triggered… So we get the chance to recognize where we may have been holding OURSELVES back with our perspective on the world, our Twin Flame connection and above all our SELVES.
And as we realize these patterns and “shadows”, we get the chance to release them and opt for a higher state. To “up-level” into higher timelines and a state of greater harmony.
As you may have noticed the triggering can be intense and tricky to deal with, so for help with this, use the Free Twin Flame Energy Cleanse here.
It will help you shift out of blocks and negativity with ease, and bring in new light.
Love Lessons
We’re in a time of new beginnings but again, the past and negative outworn patterns and consciousness will tend to be shown up for you to make a new and higher choice.
Because the clearer we are, the more “room” we have for these higher dimensional upgrades and incoming codes. We can embody more of our “light” – love, unity, the soul identity.
So, at this time, until the Full Moon coming, it’s key to work on integrating the massive potential coming in.
Twin Flame closeness is more likely than usual, as we had a recent meeting of Mars and Venus, and so this Lion’s Gate is highly potent for the Twin pair.
Emotional Cleansing
The emotional purging/cleansing process is meant as a “divine gift”.
Although challenging at times, it will ultimately help you able to shift into a higher set-point for the long run.
It’s also a good time to start over.
The changes you decide to make during this period will be much more likely to come to fruition tangibly, especially if you release past habits that have outworn their use.
Major Life Changes
With the Lion’s gate power, it’s above all about soul embodiment. Willingness. Remembrance.
Trusting your higher power, trusting your soul and your Twin’s and the Universe and your original soul plan.
Trusting in your capability (which means inner blocks are likely being pushed to the surface).
You are being pushed to remember or sense into your soul’s purpose and your Twin Flame “plan”, as well as align with your truth for the forward path.
So it can be a time where you feel like making big changes happen in your life to follow your dreams.
With Leo being the ruler of the heart, passion and creativity, you’re likely feeling more inspired and guided. Brave enough to move in the direction of bliss, not merely “playing it safe”.
Courage, Heart, Happiness
Leo represents the journey of self-discovery, exploration, and expression of our divine essence. Each of us is unique, having a distinctive set of talents to offer.
Leo involves the quest to become rulers of our reality.
Having a lion’s heart implies having the courage to step fully into one’s own power as creators, to act from love, and with love. Soul purpose is key.
What makes your heart sing? Could you be more adventurous, artistic, and authentic in the way you love and relate? This is in focus now.
However, Ego battles and drama can be an issue – and conflict patterns may need to be consciously transmuted to avoid “running/chasing” cycles repeating between the Twin Flames. For help with this, go here.
Mars and Uranus Bring Excitement to Love
Later this week the Moon joins Mars, while Uranus makes a beautiful trine. Uranus is the ruler of rebellion, self-assertion, courage, and independence.
So it’s a great time to reflect on how much of your true purpose you are sacrificing in life.
A time for ‘tough questions’. But if you don’t ask, things can’t change.
This also indicates that the Masculine Twin in particular is being supported and encouraged to go beyond the “normal”, to really begin ACTING on SOUL purpose.
Illusions? Or Divine Love?
With Neptune’s opposition to Venus in Virgo still, since last week, we have a challenge involving perspective above all.
You may be sacrificing yourself for others, or feeling like you are being asked to “save” someone else, or that you are the one who needs “rescue”.
There are likely illusions around.
So how do you know? Ultimately, you are a soul of light and infinitely capable of having and manifesting your desires, including Twin Flame unity.
So anything that tells you otherwise, is an illusion.
Especially now, spirit shows us, illusions around suffering and being lost are coming up for resolution. No one is ever lost.
Be aware that self-love and promoting your OWN INNER UNION and wholeness may be what’s needed most at this time.
The Paradox
Spirit shows us, with Neptune being the ruler of illusions, transcendence and spirituality…
To be careful not to run away from your own self. Don’t chase for salvation or love from the outside due to an inner emptiness.
Give yourself the love and appreciation you long for, and you’ll be magnetic to it from the outside.
If you look to your counterpart to “fill you up” you may be unconsciously deflecting the very love you want.
For more on how this works, go here.
Intensity or Obsession?
Pluto’s trine to Venus, which lasts throughout this week, is a powerful energy. Positively, it can help you tap into your intuition and inner power to avoid getting stuck in a negative situation.
And if you’ve been feeling challenged in shifting your inner situation in love, Pluto is supporting you to transform into a higher state.
However, there can be shadows. Pluto trine Venus often translates into intensity, passion and even obsession in love. It can be amazing, but it can also trigger jealousy, insecurity and power issues.
For more on how to navigate this to the highest potential, have a look here: “What You Must Know About Twin Flame Sex” and use this to clear out residue of karmic connections, outsider involvement and more.
Doubt May Show Up
Throughout the week, Jupiter’s opposition to Mercury in Leo from August 7th until August 13th could make you a bit self-conscious when it comes to talking and discussing your feelings. (And it’s based on past hurts).
You may even think that your opinion is not important or that no one will listen to it when you open up.
It’s actually not true. You may have to express yourself MORE on an authentic level.
Be open and vulnerable. Connect with your Twin’s higher self on the soul level. Tell them what you need help with. Listen to their input.
The more you express your feelings, the clearer the path to harmony and unity will become.
Easier Path Ahead
Some good news, as Uranus’ square to the Sun ends on August 12th, and it signals that relationships will feel less unstable and confusing.
Your situation in general will start to “make more sense” and feel more in flow now. Recent changes are settling in.
After recent weeks’ challenges and changes, you’re set to feel more confident about your ability to handle what comes your way.
More secure in yourself, having weathered some storms.
Some old attachments, habits and self-perceptions may have been shaken loose (and that’s what Uranus was working for) and now you’re moving forward from a new setpoint.
Looking To “Everyone Else”?
So, don’t let Sun opposition Jupiter R on August 12th make you doubt yourself (as this is otherwise a tendency).
Don’t fall into the trap of assuming that someone ELSE holds the key to your happy life, especially at this time.
Don’t assume that you don’t have what it takes. Because Jupiter is working to show you that YOU are your OWN “kingdom”.
The path to your happiness already lies within you.
Your soul is a master at this. You just have to start tapping into that.
Soul Mastery
Your experiences over recent months and beyond, have made you a much wiser person. You are a soul of light, hold your head high!
Don’t let anyone (including your own shadows) make you feel small.
It helps that throughout the week, Mars trine Uranus helps you tap into your own authentic truth and path forward.
Courage Rising
Remember the Twin Flame Soul Song is activated when we follow our truth.
When Twin Flames leave their center and focus on “everyone else” and the ways of the world and other people, they tend to lose the magnetism that is meant to pull them together.
Mars and Uranus are this week working to get you to break free of any old habits and be true to yourself and your heart, above all.
Because that’s the key to calling in love.
Communication from The Masculine?
Lastly this week, Mercury and Mars join in Virgo, signaling that the Masculine Twin — including runners — will be longing to get in touch, to reach out, to express how they feel.
However, the Virgo influence makes it likely they’ll second guess themselves or talk themselves out of it, from fear of being rejected.
Make sure you’re gentle and aware of how vulnerable your counterpart may be feeling. If there’s been anger and rejection, it’s masking inner fear.
Connect with their higher self for guidance on how to best approach the situation, but know that you’ll likely hear from them somehow this week.
Going Deeper in Love
This is set to be a week of processing and recalibrating, due to “light downloads”, to help you rediscover your inner power and bridge into more of your soul’s gifts.
I take you through this work in the special Star Activation session I was asked to bring to the collective at this time, as the period around 8/8 and the alignment with Sirius is a massively powerful, key energy gateway.
A time where you can (if you know how to fully consciously use the astral and etheric realms) “collect forth” higher programming and templates to benefit your journey, your Twin Flame connection and your own path of bliss.
It’s a time of re-connecting with your soul and shifting into a whole new level of the journey.
Tapping Into The Lion’s Power
If you’ve worked with my programs and sessions before, there is SO much new technology in this session that creates exciting shifts – opening your personal portal to unity.
Specially channeled for Twin Flames, we’re working dimensionally, with fire letters, etheric scripts, bringing in the ancient balanced masculine/feminine template, a light language activation of core unity, re-connecting with your original “soul promise” and so much more…
Are You Brave Enough?
Ultimately this week, you are being asked to remember why you’re here (as a pair).
To release the “3D illusions” and to allow your soul’s light to shine more and more into your physical life.
Your higher dimensional self. (Selves).
You’re being harmonized behind the scenes and may notice this in dreams and subtle undercurrents.
And you’re being asked to learn to stand up for your choices, without fear of going against the crowd or being rejected. To embody more of your soul.
This will anchor in a new state of inner balance, which then attracts your counterpart from a place of true Twin Flame magnetism!
The Power Of Perspective
The planets “say”, the more you encourage your independence and tap into your authentic truth, the faster love shows up on the “outside”.
This is set to be a week of powerful shifts – and above all, they come from your perspective and your willingness to release old ideas of reality, the connection and yourself.
Remember this:
“When you change the way you look at things,
the things you look at change.”
Until next time, I’m sending you love and light for your journey <3
Cassady x
Want more support on your journey?
Spaces just opened up for the 12 Month Twin Flame Soul Alchemy Coaching Program – click here for all the info and to apply. (First live call happens August 17th!)
The post Twin Flame Energy Forecast 9th-15th August: “The Awakening” appeared first on Twin Flames 11:11.
* This article was originally published here
Thursday, August 26, 2021
The Hit List – Instagram, We’ve Got a Problem
Yesterday, I was in the middle of a long day of filming. I stopped to check my phone, which was blowing up with notes from people about another imposter account on Instagram. Sigh.
If you’re not sure what I’m talking about, basically it’s some scammer creating a phony account using my images and name. These dirtbags send direct messages to followers pretending to offer tarot readings (or some such thing). Unsuspecting folks assume it’s legit, send money to some strange email that has zero connection to my business – and never get a reading.
Thankfully, my followers have gotten wise to this scam. They know how to spot fake accounts and are quick to report them. I’m vigilant as well so these jerks don’t stay up for long. (Psst…verifying accounts helps us to fight these imposters. Even though I’m a best-selling metaphysical author I cannot get the blue checkmark from Instagram or Twitter.)
Many of my fellow mystical service providers have also been dealing with these imposter accounts as well. It’s become like whack-a-mole lately.
Yesterday, one of the scam accounts simply grabbed someone else’s identity when I reported them. That shows you how scummy and relentless they are.
Part of the problem is Instagram’s response. While they do eventually take these accounts down, sometimes they are slow – or refuse because the account “doesn’t go against community standards.” You have to wonder what kind of community standards they have if they allow these imposters to hang around for even a minute.
Instagram also requires the legit account to provide proof of who they are. Isn’t there a way to verify people BEFORE they create an account?
Worse yet, if you report someone for copyright violation, Instagram shares your address with the scammer. Why?
This has gotten so bad many of us are contemplating leaving the platform. While there are many things to love about Instagram, if we and our followers cannot be safe, then it makes no sense to keep hanging around there. Instagram (and other social media spaces for that matter) should be a place to connect, share work, and have fun. If it becomes a chore where I’m constantly being forced to report imposters, it quickly loses any appeal.
While I’ve not made any decisions at this time, I am going to be thinking long and hard about my relationship with some of these social media platforms. If you’re a tarot reader, astrologer, or metaphysical practitioner, you may want to rethink this too.
Lovely hibiscus.
Other stuff:
My book got a nod in this post over on Well+Good: The 10 Best Astrology Books for Learning About Your Sign on a Whole New Level.
Here’s what you need to know to catch a social media scammer.
Be ready for tomorrow’s Full Moon in Aquarius: Full Moon in Aquarius August 2021 – and Tarot Readings for Each Zodiac Sign.
How much money a single person needs to earn to get by in every U.S. state.
A compelling read: Grief, conspiracy theories, and one family’s search for meaning in the two decades since 9/11.
From Shape: A Quick Guide to Egyptian Astrology.
The Future of Afghan Women and Girls Depends on What We Do Next.
Donate to WAW to help Afghan women.
Are these the most beautiful paintings in the world?
Kimchi’s new Chinese name has become the epicenter of a cultural war … again.
Tomorrow the Sun tiptoes into Virgo. Bustle shares how to thrive during Virgo season.
Apparently, this dress pisses people off: The Enduring Appeal of Those Viral Selkie Dresses.
This looks worthwhile: Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals.
Veronica Varlow has a new book coming out: Bohemian Magick: Witchcraft and Secret Spells to Electrify Your Life.
Check this out from Stanley Tucci: Taste: My Life Through Food.
OOOH: Tinseltown Tarot: A Look into Your Future Through the Golden Age of Hollywood.
How cute is this: Houseplant Tarot: A 78-Card Deck of Adorable Plants and Succulents for Magical Guidance.
Very interested in this book from Danielle Blackwood: A Lantern in The Dark: Navigate Life’s Crossroads with Story, Ritual, and Sacred Astrology.
Tarot For Kids just hit #1 on Amazon for New Releases in Children’s Mystery & Wonders Books! YAY!
Ready to learn tarot once and for all? Tarot: No Questions Asked: Mastering the Art of Intuitive Reading is the manual you’ve been waiting for.
If you prefer to listen to your tarot lessons, I’ve got your back: Tarot: No Questions Asked: Mastering the Art of Intuitive Reading is available as an audiobook.
Astrology can seem complicated. I break that puzzle down in Astrology for Real Life: A Workbook for Beginners (A No B.S. Guide for the Astro-Curious). Long story short: you CAN get this.
The Uncommon Tarot: A Contemporary Reimagining of an Ancient Oracle is a collab between artist Shaheen Miro and yours truly. I know you’ll love this deck!
If you’re looking for a fun way to learn tarot, check out The Tarot Coloring Book.
When the world seems dark, you need tools to move through it. Tarot For Troubled Times has rituals, magic, advice, and tarot to help you navigate the world (and yours).
Join my Patreon Community! I am serving up extended card of the day interpretations, astrological tidbits, community tarot practice, political astrology, early sneak peeks to horoscopes, Hot Dates…and more. Higher tiers get access to live classes, replays of previous classes, mentoring, and more.
What I’m Grateful For:
Patient film folks
August is almost over
My husband is healing
Good doctors
Generous friends
Soundtrack for 8/14/21:
Betrayal by Trippie Redd feat. Drake
© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2021
images from stock photography and personal collection
The post The Hit List – Instagram, We’ve Got a Problem appeared first on The Tarot Lady.
* This article was originally published here
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
Astrology August 24-26
August 24 Moon in PISCES
August 24-26 ARIES MOON at 2:57 pm EDT
August 24 Moon enters Taurus in PDT at 9:27 pm
There some Nice love energies at the beginning of this week. Venus in Libra trine Saturn in Aquarius Aug, 23 flying high on getting serious with someone you met on an app. Moon is in idealistic romantic PISCES. pay attention to your dreams. You’re synched into the vibe with Pisces Moon
Aug 24/25 MERCURY opposes Neptune in PISCES

Very detailed but romantic & spiritual conversations. Get practical dream budgets, details and organization down pat. Write down your dreams. A great energy to try to connect with spirits and do automatic writing. Pay attention to your dreams.
Watch the video astro forecast from August 24-26 https://youtu.be/Zq7NMwq0Kdg
Please share all content is copyright of Tara Greene
get a reading http://www.taratarot.com
* This article was originally published here
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
We entered an interesting 10-day phase on AUGUST 8, (8/8), in which all the day numbers begin with 22. Sunday, August 8 is the 220th day of the year. Monday is the 221st day, Tuesday is the 222nd day, and so on, until we reach day 229 on Tuesday, August 17 (which is also an […]
* This article was originally published here
Twin Flame Energy Forecast 23rd-29th August: “Love Eternal”
Declarations Of Love, Passion Surging In The Twin Flame Connection. Discover What Your Counterpart Wants You To Know, And Their Plans For This Next Period…
Welcome into a brand new week in the cosmic energies!
Highlights this week include:
Oppositions and strong Virgo energies cause emotional discomfort as the Universe asks us to deal with our inner imbalances and blocks…
But passion and commitment show up in the Twin Flame connection – surprise demonstrations of love and devotion approaching…
Discover more below!
Important Reminder
First, a brief message: Everyone has now had their coaching application answered.
Make sure you check your email/secondary folders if you’ve not received one.
I’ve made some last minute spots available – if you feel called to join this 12 month group coaching/energy work starting Aug 24th…
– If you want to go deep in your process, uncover and heal lingering “secret” blocks and sources of struggle/separation…
– If you want to permanently recalibrate your field and connection, to magnetize and anchor in harmony…
– If you want to start embodying radical self love and inner unity with SELF, to become a sacred mirror to unconditional love in the physical…
– If you want to learn the ancient secrets of soul alchemy and master the true Ascension path to Union…
This is for you!
Click here to submit your info now and join us for the first call
Retrogrades, Inner Shifts
We enter this week hot off the tail of a powerful Full “blue” moon, and still in Retrograde season, with major “heavyweight” planets moving “backwards”…
Things will tend to feel tense, but there is a divine purpose.
You’re being challenged to work on yourself – so you become an INNER match with the outer results you want.
An added issue is the retrograde “heavyweights” are OPPOSING many of the “personal” planets including Venus, the Sun, Mercury and Mars.
This causes a push for reform – for us to deal with our situation and review our current habits, attitudes, behaviors, and ways of relating to others.
Aligning With Love
A lot of un-conscious material is being brought to the surface with these oppositions, and it can feel heavy or “staticky”.
It may be a period that feels bothersome to us, with inner and outer challenges, but it’s really the universe’s “gift”…
To help us refine and uplift our INNER state so that we’re aligned with more love, harmony, positivity, abundance, ease and good on the “outside”…
And in the Twin Flame connection.
(Read more about retrogrades and what’s really going on, here)
Virgo Season Starts
Since the Sun entered Virgo a few days ago, we’re headed into a new terrain and theme for the coming month.
Virgo is the sign of service, purification and duty, and with Mars still here as well, we are in a period of reform.
You’ll likely feel more motivated to get your life and love connection in “order” and be more willing to make an effort with making it happen step by step.
So use the time wisely and you’ll make great strides now.
Why Twin Flames “Run”
The thing to watch out for is, don’t be too hard on yourself and others.
Self love may take more effort this period.
And if your counterpart is being “difficult”, it’s likely rooted in an inner lack of self love and self worth they feel.
This is always why Twin Flames “Run”, or “ghost” their counterpart.
It’s not because they don’t love YOU, their true counterpart. It’s because of an inner FEAR of opening up, most often based in unworthiness and past trauma…
Which nearly always stems from childhood.
Working with your Twin Flame’s inner child in this period can create “miraculous” shifts for your dynamic. Have a look here, and I’ll show you how.
“I’ve noticed massive shifts in the dynamic between us since I found your work. For example, my Twin will call me or message me while I’m doing your sessions or straight afterwards. Since I found you, my twin flame actually does believe in the concept of twin flames and has told me that he thinks we are twin flames, so that speaks in itself!” – Dionne
Click here to learn more and download
Outworn Karmic Connections
Another theme this week is, the planets are pushing us to get clear on our path in love.
They are pushing for the end of any relationships and connections (and life circumstances) that are not truly to our highest good…
Or for a reform of the DYNAMICS that are not of the highest (including within the Twin Flame connection).
Plus, as the Sun enters the sign of Virgo, and we have Neptune in opposition, we’re challenged to discern between fantasy and reality – between manifestation and daydreaming.
How To Know If Your Manifestations Are Coming
Because yes, there is a BIG difference!
And if you’ve been working on bringing something to fruition for a while and it’s not been showing up, now is the time to root out what has blocked it.
Because when you’re working on manifesting something and it doesn’t show up, it always means ONE THING. There is something blocking it.
For my most powerful manifestation session, where I take you through this work step by step, have a look here.
Being Strict With Yourself
As Neptune opposes Mercury and Mars, it can tend to cause a feeling of being disheartened, like your dream will never happen.
It can bring feelings of heaviness and hopelessness.
Make sure you clear that now so it doesn’t keep blocking you.
Instead of listening to that negativity, use Virgo’s power of purification to re-adjust and really get into alignment with your goals FULFILLED… On a tangible, real world level.
Guided Actions Calling
You may need to pick yourself up by the scruff of the neck this week, and really take a hard, honest look at your situation. (Journal on everything to get clarity)
Once you do, it will be like a ton of bricks have been lifted off your back.
You will see what adjustments you need to make, you will take action on them. And you will feel clear and inspired about the future again.
The Trap Of “Magical Thinking”
Because one thing is ALWAYS guaranteed on our journey and in manifestation.
We have to take guided action at some point. Things don’t fall into our laps out of the sky.
We are the “gate keepers” of our reality – WE can bring things to fruition or block them (consciously or unconsciously).
Our action is immensely powerful in making things happen.
Sitting on the sidelines never bring the results that being an active co-creator of your reality will do.
Waiting On Outer Intervention?
This week, Virgo’s wisdom is to get you going on action.
To not take emotions and fantasy at face value but to MAKE your dream happen by being smart, unemotional and direct with your situation.
To not buy into illusions that things will happen when/if… But to CHOOSE them and take action on your goals NOW.
Because there is ALWAYS a way to your goal. It’s just a question of taking the right steps there.
For help, have a look here. And for some inspiration and to see how quickly things can change for the better, have a look at these other Twins’ experiences.
A Week For Progress
As Mercury conjuncts Mars in Virgo you’re especially powerful with words and action. This is a great time to act on your inspirations and goals.
You will be more exact and have powerful impact.
However, remember that there will likely NOT be a lot of gentleness, patience, TLC and self love.
But if you “ride” the current well, it will be a week for important progress.
Your Heightened Power
If you sit down and strategize on your goals – yes, even in love – you can make major progress.
You have increased willpower now – so make the most of it!
It’s a great time to start making headway on staking out your future path and calling in Twin Flame Unity by using a proven framework.
(For step by step help with this, go here.)
Don’t Listen To The “Shadows”
An issue is, you may feel discouraged, due to Jupiter Retrograde opposition the Sun.
You may just assume you’re not going to succeed – and therefore you never bother trying.
It could be, any time you think about your goals and the future, all you see are the mistakes and disappointments of the past…
Or other people’s opinions that good things never happen, love isn’t real, or other limitations and negative projections.
If this happens, it’s IMPERATIVE that you deal with it!
Otherwise it will sabotage your path, your manifestations and your Twin Flame connection behind the scenes.
(For help with this, go here.)
2022, “Second” Twin Flame Reunions
You may remember earlier this summer, Venus and Mars (Feminine and Masculine) met in Leo, reigniting the Twin Flame heart bond either physically or via the soul.
The pair are now symbolically journeying through a purification period.
Aiming to prepare the Twin Flames to be open to a lasting and harmonious union in the 3D physical or a deeper level…
And the period “set” for this “Second Reunion”, is February 2022 as Mars/Venus meet again. This time in Capricorn, ruler of the physical realm.
How To Make It Last!
But the planets show us this requires inner work.
It won’t happen as if by “magic”, as so many Twins experience the hard way.
When there are inner issues, we tend to either miss the “window of opportunity”, unity doesn’t last, there are issues of separation, running and other “typical” expressions of Twin Flame drama.
So this period we’re being pushed to deal with the causes of those ruptures!
To make sure the “second reunion” lasts.
Creating Permanent Positive Shifts
Because so many Twins don’t clear the underlying blocks out of their system – so they stay stuck in struggle. (“As within, so without”).
Energy clearing is the only thing I’ve experienced that causes PERMANENT positive shifts.
If you’re new to this, don’t worry as I take you through it step by step. You can get started for Free here with my Free Twin Flame Starter Kit.
(PS: If you have been doing inner work and your situation isn’t shifting – it means you haven’t found the core issue, you’re missing something…)
Commitment And Resurgence Of Love
Late in the week, Venus trines Saturn Retrograde, which tends to re-activate soul connections, especially those who have had past lives together.
It’s all about loyalty, love for the long run.
Don’t be surprised if you feel a strong resurgence of love, commitment and togetherness with your Twin Flame now!
You may even dream of them or get flashes of them in a “different guise” or of the past together (different lives).
What Your Twin Flame Wants You To Know
Your counterpart’s higher self is set to show up STRONGLY to demonstrate their love and commitment to you this week.
Above all via “remote romance”, telepathy, visions, synchronicities, dreams and more. (For more on this have a look here at class 2, 4 and 6)
But it’s likely it also “carries over” into the physical in some way. Make no doubt about it, they WANT you, in this life and any other.
And they want to BE THERE for you. To support you, provide for you, be “your shoulder to cry on” and more.
(To allow more of their support and love to show up for you on a daily basis, connect with them in the Free Soul Connection Meditation here)
Expect To Be Positively Surprised!
With Uranus trine Mercury and Mars, you’re set to be surprised by your counterpart – in a positive way.
They’re set to “show up” for you more than you’ve expected. If you can be open to the unorthodox.
We see them wanting to sweep you off your feet.
Don’t be surprised if they get in touch “out of nowhere”, declare their love, or bring dreams where you are together or other demonstrations of romance – but it may not look exactly how you expect.
Demonstrations Of Undying Love
They want you to know, LOVE is ALWAYS what they feel for you.
Don’t let the drama of human life “fool” you. That’s history, “human energy distortions” speaking.
They are here for love, and so are you. Allow them to show it to you now.
Do your best to be open and release expectations and the past, and it will flow more smoothly so they can reach you without your system potentially deflecting them.
Because the reason things don’t always flow with love for Twins, is that there are inner blocks and toxic human energy patterns causing a “repulsion” between the counterparts.
Heart To Heart Conversations
Another significant aspect is Pluto trine Mercury, which brings deep emotions and experiences to the surface.
Having a “heart to heart” will likely show up that what has caused issues between you, were “misunderstandings”.
You’ll realize FEAR has been the real cause behind challenges.
Edgy Perspectives
But Mars trine Pluto means, be mindful of the subtle signals you may be sending your counterpart with your body language, your energy, your tone.
If you seem on edge or accusatory, they may feel discouraged from reaching out or displaying their romantic intentions.
Again, self love and focusing on your soul passions will help you be comfortable, relaxed and at peace – available and aligned with good.
Re-ignited Flames Of Passion
Work on handling this energy wisely, because Mars trine Pluto is incredibly intense. It’s an infusion of immense power…
But it tends to bring repressed negativity to the surface. There is a “detox” of ego patterns, separation programming and conflict/competition happening.
The purpose is to open you to harmony and unity – but it can be challenging (remember to clear any negativity purging).
We see your Twin’s higher self “saying” that they will NOT give up until you are together!
There is no one else like you. No one ever in all of existence was their true counterpart. Their true match. Their undying love.
Their Deepest Desire
And they are drawn to you “helplessly”, like a moth to the flame.
This scares them at times, and they apologize for any problems this has caused…
But with Mars trine Pluto they are awakened to their deepest desire. The soul urge to (re)unite.
They will work to let you know somehow.
And they show us, they will pursue you lifetime after lifetime until you are together.
Until you are “home” with them. But in order to get there now in this life, you have to listen to their guidance (not 3D belief systems/other people).
Are You Willing?
They promise that if you give them a chance, they will begin to live up to your hopes more than you may have expected.
Be willing to see them differently now.
Be willing to ALLOW them to show up differently. Because your intention and focus can “trap” them in ego/the 3D patterns.
They ask you to be willing to be vulnerable with them. To release any conflict and opposition.
Fear Vs Love
And they tell us this, that if they have seemed out of reach…
Look deep inside.
Was it YOU who was running away from love? Not giving them a chance?
Don’t let fear fool you both into giving up on unity and your dream, when fear and the human “drama” was the REAL cause of division.
Not the two of you.
This week, prepare for a new beginning. Open up. Release the human drama.
They want you to come home.
As always, I’m sending you love and light for your journey <3
Cassady x
“I started with your free toolkit and immediately felt results so much that I had to get the full program and wow! I’ve been doing it consistently and I love the energy clearings and exercises. I feel lighter and my lover and I are so much closer. Every day gets better and better. And since my vibration has become higher and higher, I’m attracting in wonderful opportunities and amazing abundance as well. I’m so grateful for your work, Cassady. Thank you!”
– Jessica N. California, USA
Want more? For my step-by-step “roadmap” to Twin Flame Union, created after my Twin and I reached Union – have a look at the Vibrational Alignment Program
Alternatively, download my Free Twin Flame Help Kit which contains two resources from the full program!
The post Twin Flame Energy Forecast 23rd-29th August: “Love Eternal” appeared first on Twin Flames 11:11.
* This article was originally published here
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