Thursday, September 30, 2021

Tracking The Twin Flame Connection – Will You Be Part Of This?


I Want To Hear About Your Twin Flame Experiences! Be A Part Of The Biggest Project I’ve Ever Done – Tracking The Twin Flame Path For History…

For 6 years, I’ve been fortunate to hear from so many thousands of Twin Flames from all over the world via this website and the social pages.

I am so grateful for you, for being in this community, for asking questions, commenting, emailing, sharing your stories!

If you haven’t already done so, remember to use the Free Twin Flame Help Kit here!

And use the FAQ if you’re needing urgent answers (it’s got my personal answers to over 40 common Twin Flame issues).

Click here for more testimonials

Why Twin Flames Feel “Crazy”

So onto today’s brand new project! For a long time I’ve been wanting to do something to gather “proof” around the Twin Flame connection.

Because one amazing thing my work with the collective has shown me time and time again…

Is that the experiences most Twins feel “crazy” for, the supernatural things, the stuff that goes way beyond what most of us thought possible… It’s actually not CRAZY at all!

It’s not just ONE person experiencing it. It happens to ALL of us!

(Just have a look here for info on the aspects of the Twin Flame connection that so many “regular” people would think impossible… 11:11, telepathy and more)

You’re Not Alone!

And yet, regular society mostly thinks it’s fiction.

And many Twin Flames struggle because friends, family – and even other spiritual seekers and other Twin Flames – think they’re fantasizing or in make-believe… (I’ve been there too!)

So today I am launching an exciting project to really “prove” once and for all that these things are real.

And I really hope you want to be a part of this – the biggest project I’ve ever done!

I have created a survey so we can get things into a format that shows “proof”. That shows the patterns, the signs.

Not just through opinion or debate. But in a format that shows numbers and HOW common certain things are.

A Unique Opportunity To Get “Facts”!

I’m grateful that there are so many Twins in this community, because the MORE of us who give our info, the more depth in the level of “truth” we get with this survey.

So we can have a “database” of Twin Flame experiences like:

*How common is it to experience telepathy?

*When do most Twins truly awaken? (Is it in adulthood, teen years? We’ll find out the per centages!)

*Is there is an age difference or cultural/racial contrast between most Twins?

*Have 90% of Twins really experienced running/chasing, or is it less common than thought?

*Do most Twin Flames experience chakra tingles when they meet?

*How common is it for Twin Flames to dream about each other?

*Do Twins always see 11:11 around the time they meet?

and more…

Imagine not only how helpful this will be as a checklist for future Twins in awakening… But the solace you will gain from seeing in “cold hard facts” that you are not alone, that it IS real in factual terms…


 So I’m truly excited to be sharing this with you today.

Making History For Twin Flames

It may take you a few minutes to complete, but you really are making history when you do so. This will be helpful not only for you but for Twins awakening for years to come!

We are recording history with this!

To take the survey, simply click here.

Results will be shared when the data collected has been analyzed and is ready to present.

I’m really excited about this, so thank you for participating!

Click here to take the survey!

As always I’m sending you love and light for your journey <3 

Cassady x

Wanting to reunite with your Twin?

For my 10 module step-by-step “roadmap” to Twin Flame Union, created after my Twin and I reached Union – have a look at the Vibrational Alignment Program!

Alternatively, download my Free Twin Flame Help Kit which contains two resources from the full program!

twin flame program

“Your Vibrational Alignment program and Harmony Healing have been so valuable to me and I use them daily. I also use the Higher Heart session weekly. Thank you!!! My Twin Flame and I reconnected again in a way that was better than I ever could have imagined.” – Joy, California, USA

Read more testimonials here

The post Tracking The Twin Flame Connection – Will You Be Part Of This? appeared first on Twin Flames 11:11.

* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Turn off your phone and do Tarot—10 screen-free activities for parents and kids to enjoy together.

Turn off your phone and do Tarot—10 screen-free activities for parents and kids to enjoy together.

During the pandemic, most of us stayed home, avoided offices and schools, munched on a multitude of snacks, and turned to our digital devices to stay connected.

While email, social media, and Zoom are lifesavers, too much screen-time comes with a cost.

Studies show that excessive screen-time can lead to retina damage, blurred vision, sleep issues, a higher risk of anxiety and depression, and (especially in small children) behavioral problems, and even “reduced empathy.” Yikes. 

Google “health effects of screen-time” to find some pretty distressing research from reputable places like Harvard and the Mayo Clinic. 

This is serious stuff. Too much screen-time harms our health, and we all need to make an effort to cut back. 

If you’re looking for screen-free activities to enjoy by yourself—or, activities to do with your kids—I’ve got you covered. Bored? Need fresh ideas? Here is the official Tarot Lady-approved list.

Turn off your phone and do Tarot. 

It’s been around for more than 500 years. Way before iPads and Netflix and cat memes and viral dance videos on TikTok, people used to gather ‘round a Tarot deck to ask questions, find messages, tell stories and have lively conversations.

If you don’t know how to do Tarot, it’s easy to learn the basics and get started. You don’t need to be a “genius” and you don’t need to be “psychic,” either.

Grown-ups, check out my free Tarot tips and tutorials for beginners. You might love The Tarot Coloring Book, too.

Parents: get Tarot for Kids, a beautiful deck that’s suitable for ages 8 and up. Comes with instructions, too!

Do a service project.

This could mean bringing a home-cooked meal to an exhausted single mom in your ‘hood, doing a bake sale fundraiser for healthcare workers, or donating winter coats and blankets to a shelter.

Teach your kids that giving back isn’t something that happens “once in a blue moon,” but rather, something that’s incorporated into everyday life. 

Get off your butt and move.

I decided to cut way back on alcohol this year, clean up my eating habits, and move my body more. Have I lost weight? Not really! Do I feel better? Absolutely, and that’s ultimately what matters. 

I don’t think I’ll be fitting into my micro-sized leather pants from 1988 anytime soon and that is just fine by me. Having a clear, sharp mind is the real reward.

Whether it’s yoga, dancing, walking the dog, a bike ride, the elliptical machine, or putting on boxing gloves and smashing the patriarchy, just move. Do a workout by yourself or get the kids involved. You will always be glad that you did.

More screen-free activities, lightning round:

– Draw a picture of your hero (David Bowie, RuPaul, Malala, whomever) from memory. No peeking at a screen allowed.

– Write a letter or postcard to a friend and mail it. (I’ve been doing this all throughout the pandemic and it just feels so good.)

– Make a comic strip or ‘zine with your kid. Blank paper, pen, stapler, boom—that’s all you need. 

– Make a list of your favorite books from when you were a child. Check ‘em out from the library. Read them to your kid at bedtime.

– Ask your kid, “What would you love to do today?” and see what they say. The only rule is “no screens.” You might be surprised by what they suggest! Could be something beautiful that you’d never considered before.

– Create a spa day at home with face masks, bath bombs, Calm Kid Mist, or a homemade aromatherapy spray. Bribe your child to have them rub your feet or plod gently on your back. 

– Do that “one project” you’ve been putting off for way too long. Grab your kiddo and get them involved. Declutter your bloated collection of tiny plastic hippos and thrift store knick-knacks (okay, maybe that’s just me?) re-organize your closet, file receipts by date, or whatever you need to do. Celebrate afterward with a special treat—your kid gets to pick whatever it’s going to be. 

– Whenever a random question pops into your mind (“Who was that one actor from that one thing, you know, the guy with the face and stuff?”) instead of reaching for your phone and instantly Googling it, write it down in a diary. Jot down random questions all week long. On Sunday, read all the questions aloud. Laugh hysterically at your bizarre and wonderful brain. 

. . . 

Our lives are so heavily dominated by digital devices. Sometimes we forget that there are millions of things to do…away from all the screens. I hope this list sparked a few ideas for you! 

Whether you’re a parent, or not, go have some good, clean, wholesome, unplugged fun. 

There’s a whole big world out there, away from the Wifi router and chargers and screens. Turn off your phone, and plug back into life.



© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2021

images from stock photography


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The post Turn off your phone and do Tarot—10 screen-free activities for parents and kids to enjoy together. appeared first on The Tarot Lady.

* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Moon in Cancer – High Priestess Dressed as the Charioteer

The High Priestess dressed as the Chariot

The Moon moves into Cancer today, and stays there until Thursday.

Looking at this transit through the lens of the Tarot, you might describe it as the High Priestess dressed in the clothing of the Charioteer. She’s left the safety of her pillars and veil, and has hit the road.

The Moon in Cancer, or the High Priestess dressed as the Charioteer, can be a powerful time of comfortable change and emotional resilience.

Knowledge gathered in silence has coalesced and it’s time to share without fear of being hurt.

Emotional loyalty, intuitive direction and strength of character can give you the resolve to go forward. Even into the unknown.

Try not to coddle yourself. You can only win if you have the courage to play to the end.

go to full description

* This article was originally published here

Twin Flame Energy Reading 27th September-3rd October: “The Apology”

Twin Flame Soul Sex And Passion Rising… Apologies Forthcoming. But Is Your Inner Child Calling Out For Healing, Stopping You In Your Tracks? Re-Evaluation, Self Union In Focus. 

Welcome into a brand new week in the cosmic energies.

Highlights this week include:

Mercury Retrograde moves through Libra, connecting Jupiter R; re-evaluation, call for self love and unity. Plus: Chiron opposition Sun, inner healing…

Plus, Pluto/Venus connect, passion rising and Twin Flame Soul Sex in focus. Missing Pieces Of “Togetherness”.

Discover more below!

“Not That Bad”?

We enter into the week with Mercury just having gone Retrograde.

Turning in Libra, in a trine to Jupiter Retrograde, we see that a major theme to this coming three week Mercury Retrograde will be “things aren’t that bad after all”.

We’re set to be going over old ground and re-discovering things on a different level.

Our perspective is being asked to change.

Gratitude and SELF UNION is a HUGE key to this retrograde, spirit shows us.

Finding the treasures in what you thought was nothing. A deepening of your experiences in general.

Quiet Spiritual Wisdom

Awakening to spiritual wisdom — but not of the loud, shock and awe, conspiracy, out there, woo woo, mystery kind. Simply, becoming awareness in itself.

The quiet appreciation of what IS, which comes through seeing with the eyes of eternity.

Sinking into the perspective of the soul. When everything around you becomes illumined.

A true inner happiness over “nothing much”, that creates a COMPLETE change of alignment for a higher state down the line.

Keep in mind “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”.

Finding Deeper Meaning

Keys over this coming three weeks are: patience, gratitude, wisdom, “slowness” and recognizing the beauty in seemingly ordinary things.

Further, the focus of this whole period will be amplified in terms of relationships, thanks to the number of planets in the sign of Libra — including Mercury Retrograde.

The universe is working to show us that the most powerful path to a healthy and rewarding relationship goes through SELF love.

INNER wholeness is in focus.

Who Sets The Tone?

By healing old scars and turning your focus back onto yourself, you’ll be able to set healthy boundaries and to begin to give YOURSELF the love you long for…

Which has the power to change everything for the better.

Self love and healthy boundaries, healing old wounds are CRUCIAL for Twin Flames. And it’s something many Twins’ souls are waiting for, before the next chapter can be “activated”.

Because remember that the way we treat ourselves and speak to ourselves sets the tone for ALL of life’s relationships with others.

It’s the core template.

This is a challenge for so many of us, so if you could use some help have a look here.


cassady cayne review

Click here to read more about the Higher Heart Transformation Journey – and for more testimonials, click here

Apologies Forthcoming… But Not How You Think?

Mercury Retrograde travelling “backwards” through Libra has important messages for balance and harmony – and relationships.

Venus in Libra encourages you to express yourself with diplomacy and deal more gently with any perceived conflicts – including with YOURSELF. 

And Mercury retrograde adds to the theme of… You may have “forgotten” to be good to yourself. 

Going over the past to make amends is also key. (And others may apologize to you).

There is a chance many Twins have been “demanding” and not so nice to deal with, and that when dealing with struggles, you may have been harder on others than was “fair”.

A Hard Look In The Mirror

This is definitely a time to take a good look at how WE have been in relationships and with others.

It’s likely that the change we’re asking for, must involve US adjusting our approach.

And it’s OK. We all get caught up in drama and stress sometimes.

The question is, how aware are we, and can we shift into a higher way of dealing with things?

Shadow Mirror Effect?

Spirit shows us, that the mirror is being revealed strongly.

So that we have to get to grips with it.

Ultimately, the outside connection in the 3D physical is always reflecting back our inner state. Even if it’s been happening unconsciously.

So if you have not been experiencing the love and unity you desire, now is a key time to start using a proven framework to shift into a higher alignment.

Shifting The Connection

Consider now: Could it be, that your counterpart or other people have been reflecting back your inner shadows, such as anger, fear, conflict?

No judgment. Be honest with yourself.

And if so, it’s time to make some changes.

On the INSIDE. Then, you’ll get a different reflection in your “real world experiences” and relationships.

(For my step by step program where I guide you through the inner shift to harmony and vibrational alignment with love and unity, go here.)


Challenges With “Darkness”

 Mercury Retrograde will be strongly affecting the “cosmic atmosphere” for the next few weeks and ties in a number of themes as “he” goes.

This week he moves into a square with Pluto, and it brings challenges.

It again shows us that there’s a fair chance many have been demanding someone ELSE to “fix” their situation/relationship/Twin Flame connection…

And avoiding the inner work the cosmic energies are pushing for.

How? By running from your fears, instead of healing and clearing them, for example.

By denying responsibility. By not embodying the kind of energy YOU want to attract from others – especially your Twin.

Attract More Bees With Honey Than Vinegar…

Because in universal terms it works like this: What you push into a relationship, you get a reaction in accordance with. This is what creates the ‘dynamic’.

Remember a person displays different sides of themselves depending on the approach of who they’re interacting with.

As C. G. Jung said, every relationship is like a chemical reaction.

Not many people would come running with open arms if the other person is demanding or angry, for example. (Even if there was a reason for their anger).

This is an issue right now. “Starting over”, and forgiveness, are key.

Surprise Insights — The Past Calling

Pluto deals with detoxing and unearthing secrets, primal fears and shadows.

So this is likely a time where you’re shown shadow traits and what has REALLY caused issues from within YOU… (Likely it’s fear and past hurts).

PLUS, what past trauma those shadows are based in.

For example, to continue the above scenario… If someone is pushy, it’s often because they grew up being shown that they had to FIGHT to get love or attention.

And it becomes the “blueprint” they bring unconsciously to adult relationships…

And a lot of people “run” away from a partner who is demanding and forceful. It doesn’t feel good when someone DEMANDS love or attention from us.

Deep Detox Process — For Freedom And Love

But when the person HEALS that inner trauma of feeling unloved or uncared for from CHILDHOOD, the pattern begins to dissolve. And their counterpart stops being “deflected”.

So how does this work? First, by discovering the TRUE root cause. Then, by releasing it. Alchemizing.

And once you do this kind of work your whole system begins to shift — and your Twin Flame connection.

Because the dynamic between you changes. So expect the deeper ROOT causes of Running/Separation and other Twin Flame struggles to be shown to you this week.

(The Inner Child session resolves this kind of inner issue once and for all)

Dreams, Flashbacks And Visions

Pay attention now, because your dreams will likely show up those deeper roots of now moment separation, running and other Twin Flame struggles.

Make sure you clear those issues on the energy level, because they won’t go away by themselves.

Trauma is embedded on multiple levels of our being, especially when it relates to unconscious childhood wounds — because our awareness of self was not fully developed at that time.

This means we need to work in a particular way to resolve it.

For help, go here where I take you through healing your own inner child, and your Twin Flame’s — in full alignment with free will.

Are You Nice To YOURSELF?

You’re also being asked to check in with how you treat YOURSELF this week — especially on the unconscious level.

Do you criticize or berate yourself? (And do you judge and criticize others?)

These are all patterns that unfortunately only attract more reflections of negativity from your Twin Flame and other people.

So this is an excellent time to acknowledge those toxic patterns of behavior that may come out in your relationships… And to heal old emotional wounds that CAUSED those patterns to begin with.

Because remember: no one is BORN talking down to themselves, feeling unloveable or hating others.

Tired Of The Inner Work?

Healing is in focus, as throughout this whole week the Sun opposes Chiron, the wounded healer.

This shows us that healing is required BUT you are likely RESISTING the inner work and healing that is truly guided.

Sun in Libra says, you would rather be out and enjoying life, having fun, living the perfect romance with your perfect partner…

But Chiron “says”: hang on a minute!

In order to GET to that point, there are likely inner wounds you must resolve.

Twin Flame Preparation For Reunion

This transit will likely bring up past wounds around feeling rejected and unloved by others.

And yes, it may not be the most fun and entertaining thing to deal with, but it will be WORTH it.

It will help you lift into much more harmony and ease on your journey and in your connection.

Because your inner state is always attracting back an outer mirror reflection.

(And this is part of the purification “prep” for the Mars/Venus conjunction in February 2022 – the “second Twin Flame Reunions”)

Extra Motivation At Your Disposal

We do have some good news into midweek, as the Sun and Mars trine Saturn.

This positive aspect will last far into next week and gives you strength, vitality and MOTIVATION to do the inner work the other planets are pushing for.

It also means you’re more willing than usual to postpone “meaningless pleasures”, for what is truly worth something to your soul long term.

This goes for the Masculine Twin too. Even a Runner will have their focus directed more toward the future and what they desire for the rest of their life.

(Learn more here about how to deal with an Unawakened Twin Flame)

Doubts Rising

We do hit a challenge around September 25th (and 3–4 days before and after), as Venus in Scorpio squares idealistic Jupiter.

Venus also trines Neptune at the same time, so we’ve got a somewhat contradictory and confusing mood of emotions.

You may feel HOPE – accompanied by WORRY.

Glimpses of bliss, followed by doubt and fear it can’t last or isn’t real…

It’s likely you are receiving soul experiences of being blissfully loved by your counterpart, and they may indeed be “romancing” you STRONGLY as a soul — with spiritual embraces signs, angel numbers, flowers on your path, visions, songs in your mind and more…

Don’t Miss Out On Love

But we see that it’s likely you’re focused on the idea that it’s not “enough”. Because you are so focused on a set goal such as PHYSICAL togetherness.

Be careful you don’t miss out on the love that’s there, because it differs from your exact expectations.

Spirit says:

What if, opening to the SPIRITUAL love with your whole heart, is what will magic that physical connection and harmony you dream of?

Allow the spiritual connection to uplift and heal and harmonize you.

“Be in the moment”, is their advice.

Twin Flame Soul Sex?

In fact, this spiritual connection and the passionate romance that your counterpart’s soul is directing your way, can be powerfully TRANSFORMATIVE for your connection.

As Venus sextiles Pluto, these are themes in focus and it brings a whole new depth to your connection.

You may not have realized how powerful this is. Your sexual and heart based connection can be healing, activating, transformative.

(If you deal with any triggers that come up)

It seems you may have missed the importance and power of the “soul romance” between you… 

(Read more about that here — and learn more in class 6, 2 and 4 here)


Remote Interactions

Also, on September 29th, Venus moves out of her opposition to Uranus, which has been bringing instability into relationships. Things will settle a bit now.

And with Pluto’s power involved, the key is to go to the soul. Go deep.

Spend time with your Twin on the astral planes (I take you through it for Free here) and interact with them.

Discuss your connection. Tell them how you feel. Ask them for the best next steps. Talk, spend time with each other.

Twin Flame Magnetism

Be open with your Twin’s soul. Be honest with your feelings and perhaps confess things you never dared to talk about before.

You may not realize how strong your connection can grow from this. And the huge effect it has on your physical “3D” experiences.

Remember to connect with them, because if you never check in or interact, it’s as if you are not “home” to the connection and the love you are asking for.

So are you really fully available? Or are you “outside of yourself”, chasing online or with other Twins discussing your connection, instead of going to your counterpart or their SOUL?

“Grasping At Air”

This is set to be a week for rethinking things, changing perspectives and being brave enough to take an honest look in the mirror.

Because ultimately, if we don’t see the truth, we cannot ever fully change things.

This week can bring deep healing, self discovery and a re-ignition of romance.

But you have to be available to it.

A Week For Courage

If you have been running from your own fears and shadows, too caught up in conflict to see your own toxic traits…

You may miss out on the powerful benefits wanting to reach you right now.

Do your best to slow down. Disconnect from the noise.

Be real with yourself.
Open to love. From the inside out.

Until next time, I’m sending you love and light for your continued journey <3 

Cassady x

“I have done this 2 weekends in a row now and it has truly made a huge difference…me and my Twin are laughing together again…we had been arguing for so long…now I feel there is new fresh energy running through my body and I feel like I’m floating on air every time I do this session…it is so beautiful…thank you so much…” – Diane

Embody the inner wholeness that makes your system call in outer unity, activate your Twin Flame magnetism …

Learn more here about the Twin Flame Oneness Code Activation

Alternatively, download the FREE Twin Flame Starter kit here

The post Twin Flame Energy Reading 27th September-3rd October: “The Apology” appeared first on Twin Flames 11:11.

* This article was originally published here

Sunday, September 26, 2021


 2021 is a 5 Year (2+0+2+1=5). TO CALCULATE YOUR PERSONAL NUMBER FOR 2021, simply add 5 to your month and day of birth.  (Do NOT include your year of birth in this calculation). Example birthday: September 23:   Month = 9 Day = 2+3 = 5 Year: 2+0+2+1 = 5  9 + 5 + 5 = 1+9 = 10. Keep adding […]

The post WEEKLY FORECAST – SEPTEMBER 24, 2021 appeared first on CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY.

* This article was originally published here

Saturday, September 25, 2021

The Star

A Graffiti Star …

#17 The Star - Toronto Graffiti Tarot

* This article was originally published here

Twin Flame Energy Reading 20th-26th September: “Wishcraft”

Powerful “Double Power” Pisces/Neptune Full Moon: Seeing With The Eyes Of Eternity. The Journey Deepens, Rumbles Of Major Shifts In “Destiny” Approaching…

Welcome into a brand new week in the cosmic energies!

Highlights this week include:

Pisces Full Moon Conjunct Neptune brings a “Double Edged Sword” – Plus themes From March 2021 Culminating.

Supernatural Twin Flame Experiences Amplify!

  Plus, deep “underground” life path recalibration happens in the background, and Mercury Retrograde brings themes of changing perspectives.

Discover more below!

Neptune-Charged Full Moon In Pisces

We have an intense start to this week, with the Full Moon in Pisces conjunct Neptune Retrograde.

This can be heavy OR transcendent, depending on the state of your Twin Flame connection and your personal “baggage” and inner state.

If you’ve had past setbacks, difficulties with your Twin and life in general, it can trigger a lot of unconscious emotions to rise up to be released…

And that’s very unpleasant with this “double intense” Pisces/Neptune Full Moon purge. There are past repressed emotions coming forth to be released once and for all.

(If you’re struggling right now, go here to get a Free Energy Cleanse Session that will clear out heaviness from your chakras and aura)


Transcendence Or Heaviness?

Neptune and “his” home sign Pisces are like the energy of the ocean… Enormous, deep, mysterious and potentially dangerous and dark. The currents can drag you down…

But Neptune is ALSO the ruler of transcendence, spiritual unity, the collective and higher love…

So this Full Moon can go either way, depending on YOU.

Something to watch out for is that Pisces tends to amplify empathy to the extent that we pick up on and absorb others’ “stuff” and baggage.

So make sure you shield yourself so you’re only allowing in high vibrational energies of love, peace, unity and the other positives… (Have a look here for more)

What Have You Taken On?

Because otherwise you might end up having issues now, not because YOU have baggage…

But because you’ve unconsciously absorbed outside material from someone else who was struggling, angry or had negativity coming up.

If you feel bad early this week especially, ask yourself:
“Is this REALLY my stuff?”
“When did I start feeling like this?”

Often, you’ll notice it’s something you’ve “picked up on” or gotten triggered by others around.

And it could be happening with your Twin on their side of the connection too and you might be feeling it in your system…

The reason this happens is that Twin Flames share a field and are always on the “same channel”. So if you’re doing your inner work and still don’t feel right, it’s a key sign the issues are coming from your counterpart…

This session will be super helpful, as it cleanses out any negativity and blocks that would otherwise cause “issues” between you and your Twin.

Complete harmony Healing Tool

Increased Supernatural Connections

Setting boundaries and keeping your system clear will help you get the best of this highly rare and powerful Full Moon…

Because the HIGHER potential of Neptune/Pisces is unconditional love and unity.

So with a Twin Flame pair who are relatively clear and high vibrational, this time will likely bring a huge magnification of the “supernatural” or higher shared facets of the connection!

Experiencing telepathy, shared dreams, feeling their presence with you even if they aren’t physically there, and more. The bliss of soul unity is “closer” than usual…

IF we’re NOT congested and full of baggage, which otherwise keeps us aligned with more heaviness and “issues”.

Opening To The Bloom Of Love

So to get to the point of love and openness, make sure you begin using the Free Transformation Kit and the energy cleanse tool as it really has worked miracles for so many Twin Flames!

Or, to go deeper, click here for the Full Vibrational Alignment Program.

10 modules that take you through each facet of the Twin Flame connection and reaching a high enough vibration to reach true Union – calling in physical togetherness.

In the program, we go through:
– How to manifest unity step by step and what so many Twins get “wrong”
– Eradicating negative karma and inner child wounds
– Cutting old cords and attachments to previous lovers
– Fully Re-opening your telepathic connection and hearts to each other
– Clearing outworn soul contracts and karmic “outsider” contracts
– Unleashing Kundalini energy
– Looking into your personal Twin dynamic and “mission”
and so much more…

(This will work even if your Twin is not aware of the true nature of your connection, as you share a collective field and always affect each other energetically)

twin flame program

Click here to learn more and download.


Read more testimonials here.

Catching Yourself

As with all Full Moon periods, beware triggers this week. Often we spiral into negativity due to what is really a tiny comment or thought when we look back.

If something triggers you, stop, think twice and ask yourself: “is this really worth it?” Jealousy and blame or past disappointments, are notorious patterns for easy triggering.

So if you don’t want to go through the whole heavy or angry loop yet again, halt before things get out of hand.

Again, it’s easy to get dragged into the collective fields of heavy emotions right now, and you don’t want to end up experiencing and “living out” others’ emotions as it will only mess up your Twin Flame connection.

Ascension, Rollercoaster

You’ll find this channeled quiz useful to see what vibration you’re actually in — are you aligned with struggle and separation, or unity and love?

Click here to find out with this Free quiz.

My experience is, we have more than enough of our own to deal with… Especially when we’re in Twin Flame Ascension and the rollercoaster this often brings.

So, imagine a glowing shield around yourself every day when you wake up and when you go to bed — setting the intention is the most important thing.

For more advice on shielding yourself from and clearing outside influence from other people, have a look here

Culmination From February 2021

Spirit shows us, this Full Moon is a culmination phase of themes born at the New Moon conjunct Neptune in early March 2021 — especially regarding love, as it happened conjunct Venus.

Make a note of how things have developed – and how you can rise even higher now, to reach unity and a state of oneness within and in your connection.

A secret key here is your own INNER situation. You are being asked to embody TRUE SELF love.

And if you haven’t yet, that’s what’s mainly “missing” and that can unlock your connection.

If you’re not happy with how things have progressed, it’s time to take charge and MAKE things change. By shifting your own inner state above all.

Asking For Songs!

One fun way to get insights and open the connection right now is: Ask for a song from your Twin’s soul. The first song that pops into your head.

What is it saying? What are the lyrics about? Does it have personal significance? This is a message from them!

(Do comment with which song you got!)

If you find this difficult, it’s a sign that you’re needing a re-alignment to activate your “non physical” connection or re-start it. For help with that, go here

And for more messages about what your Twin Flame is feeling and experiencing, get a free intuitive “reading” here.

Libra Season Starts!

September 22nd we have a new theme starting for the coming month, as the Sun enters Libra, sign of balance, harmony — and Venus’ second home.

For Twin Flames, this tends to push for a continued balancing process of the Masculine/Feminine energies both internally and in the Twin Flame pair.

This year, it particularly ties in with preparing ground for the “second reunion” of Mars/Venus or Masculine/Feminine, set for February 2022.

So any work you do on inner healing and clearing/uplifting your energy system and alignment now is preparing ground for that reunion period.

So that the unity you desire can actually reach you on all levels, when that time comes. 

“Too Good” To Everyone Else?

Like a pair of Libra scales we are pushed to release anything keeping us out of balance. And to embrace our own inner polarity to unite with ourSELVES.

Because Libra is so “good” at being diplomatic, that it may take some effort this coming month to make sure you’re being true to yourself and in your own sacred frequency.

As you know, the Twin Flame magnetism that is “meant” to bring the counterparts together is all about the deeper soul frequency — the shared soul song.

Why Many Twins “Lose” Magnetism

When we abandon our center and seek to please others or live up to an outer ideal, we weaken the Twin Flame magnetism.

In fact, it’s a lesson MANY Twins are learning and being pushed to by the universe. To stop listening to ‘everyone else’ and ‘standard rules’ or trying to be ‘perfect’ according to an outer ideal.

And to instead honor their sacred uniqueness.

To tap into the core shared soul frequency. Have a look here for more.

Any kinks in the balance between the Twins will also tend to be brought up for resolution during “Libra Season”, especially in terms of the Masculine/Feminine energy equilibrium.

Deep Changes Happening Re Soul Path

An interesting transit throughout the week and beyond is, we have Neptune in a quintile with the North Node, and a trine to Pluto Retrograde.

This means we’re in a process of DEEP change.

The kind of deep oceanic watery and blurry change that happens in the background without us fully realizing it.

This is true EVOLUTION happening, a deep change that reaches us on a FUNDAMENTAL level of being. Tying in with the North Node, it is directly linked to SOUL purpose.

We see that what is happening is, there is a slow un-doing of anything that has brought us OUT of our truth.

Confusion? Echoes Of Each Other’s Lives

It may feel like confusion, lack of clarity or heaviness in the background, or like life is not the way you’d wanted, that things aren’t quick to shift…

But really, the planets show us this is a necessary part of the journey for many.

We are being SHOWN the illusions, the “wrong” turns, the things that DON’T WORK…

So we can be transformed or RETURNED more and more to our ESSENCE. Returned to our TRUE soul path.

And, as mentioned above, the Twin Flame soul song.

Twin Flame “Underground” Connections

Spirit also shows us, that the Twin Flame pair are increasingly experiencing echoes of each other’s lives in this period.

They are experiencing themes and unconscious EMOTIONS, perspectives and themes you have been through. And vice versa.

The connection is being awakened on a deep inner level. A rumbling of change deep underground.

This is a part of Unity that often causes outer strange experiences — have a look here for more.

Mercury Retrograde — Themes This Time

Lastly this week, Mercury goes Retrograde.

Technically, Monday next week in most places… But when Mercury stations to go Retrograde we can notice the current changing a few days in advance.

So it’s relevant still this weekend and leading up to it.

Turning in Libra, in a trine to Jupiter Retrograde, we see that a major divine theme to this coming three week Mercury Retrograde will be: “things aren’t that bad after all”.

We’re set to be going over old ground and re-discovering things on a different level.

New Perspectives

Our perspective is being asked to change. Gratitude is a HUGE key to this retrograde, spirit shows us.

Finding the treasures in what you thought was “nothing”. Taking charge of your PERSPECTIVE by using CONSCIOUS awareness. A deepening of your experiences in general.

Awakening to spiritual wisdom — but not of the loud, shock and awe, conspiracy, out there, woo woo, mystery kind.

Simply, BECOMING awareness in itself. Tapping into inner divinity.

The quiet appreciation of what IS, which comes through seeing with the eyes of eternity.

Awakening To Illumination

Sinking into the perspective of the soul. When everything around you becomes illumined.

A true inner happiness over “nothing much”, that creates a COMPLETE change of alignment for a higher state down the line.

Remember: “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”. This is the magic of energy and embodiment. 

Keys over this coming three weeks are: patience, gratitude, wisdom, “slowness” and the beauty in seemingly ordinary things.

A Week For Big Changes

This is a week for shifting perspectives, and it may happen just as you thought nothing would change.

As you relax your focus and your mind, it has room to show up.

Let go of the demands, let go of chasing for an outer goal.

Allow yourself to flow with the stream of existence with conscious soul intention, and you’ll realize you get to good places much faster than if you were rushing and chasing for a dream from a place of being a “small human being”.

Be good enough here and now, be satisfied with what IS, now. No matter what it is.

THAT is what has the power to unlock your situation and your whole journey to a higher level.

Relax and let go.

Trust Fall?

And if that feels like torture and impossible to even contemplate, you have some work to do — clearing the stuck energy of fear is a massive help in this.

Because fear keeps us reactive. Fear clouds us from seeing the truth.

When fear is gone, we can open to the journey. We can open in a “trust fall” to let the Universe bring us our highest.

Otherwise, we may be deflecting the very thing we’re asking it to bring.

Until next time, I’m sending you love and light for your continued journey <3

Cassady x

“I have done this 2 weekends in a row now and it has truly made a huge difference…me and my Twin are laughing together again…we had been arguing for so long…now I feel there is new fresh energy running through my body and I feel like I’m floating on air every time I do this session…it is so beautiful…thank you so much…” – Diane

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The post Twin Flame Energy Reading 20th-26th September: “Wishcraft” appeared first on Twin Flames 11:11.

* This article was originally published here

Numerology Horoscope Today: Predictions for March 27, 2025 - Hindustan Times

Numerology Horoscope Today: Predictions for March 27, 2025    Hindustan Times * This article was originally published here ...