Sunday, October 31, 2021

Galactic Halloween love Venus Conjunct Juno

This is a very beautiful, powerfully intense GALACTIC CENTER POWERHOUSE OF GODDESS COSMIC YONIVERSE energy for receiving profound transformation using the Divine Genius of JUNO and the beauty of VENUS together which only happens less than once a year. Transform your love life.

Yes, you do have both qualities, Beauty and brains, the best combo.  Now is the time to connect to them.

JUNO, yes they have theatrical Juno awards in Canada and a famous movie of the same name.

JUNO /HERA and VENUS/ APHRODITE are both connected with relationships specifically. They were the only two Goddesses who were legally married. This tells us that the myths we know of are latter-day patriarchal versions of the Goddesses. Legal marriage was instituted by the Greeks. These Goddesses are as ancient as human consciousness. Lets’ get back to their origins.

The Hera/JUNO we are most familiar with her comes from a, watered-down version of the Great Goddess who once reigned supreme, but who was married off to Zeus. She had to put up with his cheating ways. Goddesses took consorts not husbands in the ancient days. They usually married their brothers and Hera and Zeus were siblings. JUNO symbolizes the desire for a mystical union in the sanctified solemnity of Marriage vows.

JUNO’s symbol is the peacock whose thousand-eyed tail feathers symbolize seeing in all dimensions at once. The peacock is also a symbol of royal beauty. The male bird spreads out his beautiful tail feathers to attract the female’s acceptance. He knows he has to show his desirability and worthiness to her before she will mate with him. That’s the way it always has been.

Juno’s symbol is an 8-armed glyph with a cross of the elements beneath it. This symbolizes her multi-tasking energy which is what women by necessity, do best. JUNO is the symbol for Feminine Genius. The term “genius” being specifically for masculine brain power only. I believe that is her original meaning.

VENUS as you all know is the Goddess symbolizing all women, all feminine energies. She is love, beauty, female sexuality, luxury, sensuality and the arts.



Get out your peacock feathers and your finest jewelry and make yourself up. Wear something elaborately decorated which makes you feel like a Queen to embody this regal duo within you.

Create a beautiful altar with offerings of flowers, pomegranates for Scorpio, sensual incense and delicious sweets, chocolates of course, to feed these GODDESSES and yourself after the ritual.Call upon VENUS, the Goddess of love, beauty, sexuality, luxury, and romance

Light two candles-a blue one for Juno and a green one for Venus.

Call these two goddesses to come to you, Offer them the fruits and chocolates. Then call upon JUNO to help you tap into your own Feminine Wisdom. You may feel insecure about owning your own smarts. Call upon SOPHIA another variation on the Feminine Principle of wisdom.

Ask to have Juno’s ability to see in all directions at once. To know your own brand of genius. The word genius and genie stem from the same source. Be your own genie in a bottle. Grant your own wishes.

Honor your gifts as a woman to stand up for your own way of being and feelings in the world from a uniquely feminine deep soul womb energy.

Send your prayers to the Goddess to bring your sexuality into full power, to bless your womb with health, to honor your own genius. If you wish to dedicate yourself to a committed partnership or marriage this is what you ask for. You need to feel worthy, balanced, strong, and courageous enough to go through the transformative soul love of a true union.

Sit in meditation or spontaneously dance to the Goddess. Wait till you feel a connection, a shiver up your spine, a feeling of ecstasy and freedom. Each woman feels her own connection to the Divine within in her own way. You may feel the Goddess bring you a spontaneous orgasm, releasing Kundalini energy. Trust, have faith. Your sincere offerings intentions and prayers will be answered.

jOIN ME LIVE FOR a free event TO HELP HEAL THE WORLD Nov. 1 at 12:00 am EDT

Sacred Sistars, In these turbulent times of awakening, i have received a message from spirit that all women with wombs and those with spirit wombs must meditate en mass November 1st 12:00 am EDT The Day of the Dead, Samhain, the Witches New Year when the veils between the worlds are thinnest and our ancestors are closest to us. Our ancestors want us to succeed and thrive, they gave their life blood, sweat and tears of joy and pain for us to be alive now and carry their genes and wisdom forward. Their intuitive spiritual wisdom contains gifts that they may offer to us to strengthen us now if we only ask in the right way with humility, reverence and respect for all traditions. Ancestors in spirit see no differences in creeds races or religions. Hollywood and popular culture programs everyone but also gives the keys to conquer if we know how to read the signs and symbols. That is karmic law. 9/11 was shown coming down in ‘Sci-fi” films before it happened. That was a reveal. They Live is also a great John Carpenter film showing what is going on. Sci-fi is one of the biggest archetypal carriers of these projections. the MATRIX one of the most popular modern Sci-Fi films is archetypal and exists on many levels. THE MATRIX means WOMB, our inherent feminine power to join our wombs and hearts together using the Luminous Structure technique,- I will explain what this is-, to stop invasive A1 Transhumanist world domination.

Our wombs are the most powerful and most spiritual organs in existence, the only place where souls can land into the physical plane. The “great Re-set” intent is to destroy America first which affects all of us, and as you can see all of humanity, especially women and our wombs and nature. Only women can block and change the heinous NWO energies going on in the world. I realized the symbolism of DUNE right now is synchronicity The Bene Gesserit matriarchs use “The VOICE”, to command anyone to do their bidding. This is a gift that we too know but must access from the ancestors in spirit to help us speak with that inner authority and sovereignty. To just say NO- to bein annihilated. Whether you are aware of what is going on or not and I will not go into divisive politics or agendas it affects all of us, and even if you will be asleep when my colleague Maureen Walton and I lead this meditation we need your intent and support. The world is sitting on a very precarious knife-edge right now.

Please join us at midnight on November 1st 12:00 am EDT on my YOUTUBE channel. Maureen has been handed the ancient Qu’ero indigenous people of Peru’s ancient Luminous Structure Meditation by which women can self-conceive anything. Everyone knows and accepts this -Jesus was born by divine conception or Virgin parthenogenesis. Most Greek heroines and heroes were born this way as were more recent local Indigenous peoples, native to this area where Toronto is located, between Belleville and Lake Erie only hundreds of years in the past. The LS joins heart -the masculine and the womb-the feminine and the Suns and Earth’s toroidal magnetic energy fields. Maureen will lead you in this meditation and I will take you further into a deeper meditation with the Matriarchal Mothers and cosmic beings who called upon me to offer this so that we can remember our sacred sovereign power and who know the Command Voice. The Current Solar flare which will be hitting earth October 29/30 is also advantageous as it alters the Electromagnetic frequencies in our bodies and on the earth. We can use this to greatly amp up our power. Plus Venus and Juno are conjunct on the Galactic Center the Mayans yoniverse cosmic womb portal! If you are interested please join our private Organic Womb technology Group on FB

If you would like to work with JUNO and VENUS’s energies in your own Natal Birth Chart or to have help with any relationship issues. I would be honored to assist you in discovering your own Genius and Beauty. Please go to

* This article was originally published here

Saturday, October 30, 2021

How Tarot Can Help You Create Your Own Dent in the Universe with Chris Reck

Chris is the creator of Minnow Pond Tarot a channel dedicated to providing viewers with guidance weekly and monthly. Chris has been studying the tarot for many years and has been doing readings on YouTube for the last 6 years. __________ Awakenings With Michele Meiche is Your place for tips and insight to live a more fulfilling life, and your relationships. Learn how to attract healthy relationships, and how to create a life you really love. Awakenings broadcasts live every Wed. 12pm -1:30 pm PT  Call in for Intuitive Readings #347-539-5122 Michele also answers listener questions from email, twitter and facebook & Instagram On Air. Email to have your questions answered or to share your insights On Air.

* This article was originally published here

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Neuroscience of Enduring Change with Dr. Richard Lane

Richard D. Lane is a clinical psychiatrist and psychotherapist trained in cognitive neuroscience and emotion research whose research has focused on brain mechanisms of emotion and emotion regulation, emotional awareness, neurovisceral integration, and the mechanisms by which emotion influences susceptibility to sudden cardiac death. His background in cognitive and affective neuroscience is now being integrated with his ongoing experience as a therapist and psychotherapy educator.  __________ Awakenings With Michele Meiche is Your place for tips and insight to live a more fulfilling life, and your relationships. Learn how to attract healthy relationships, and how to create a life you really love. Awakenings broadcasts live every Wed. 12pm -1:30 pm PT  Call in for Intuitive Readings #347-539-5122 Michele also answers listener questions from email, twitter and facebook & Instagram On Air. Email to have your questions answered or to share your insights On Air.

* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Unhooking from the Matrix & Unlocking Your Intuition with Michele Meiche

Numerology, Psychic Readings, Tarot and more! Call in for a reading! 347-539-5122 Press 1 to get on air.  _________________ Awakenings With Michele Meiche is Your place for tips and insight to live a more fulfilling life, and your relationships. Learn how to attract healthy relationships, and how to create a life you really love. Awakenings broadcasts live every Wed. 12pm -1:30 pm PT   Call in for Intuitive Readings #347-539-5122 Michele answers questions about Awakening, Spirituality, Metaphysics and Self/Soul Development. Michele also answers listener questions from email, twitter and facebook On Air. Email to have your questions answered or to share your insights On Air.

* This article was originally published here

Challenging Existing Beliefs with Astrologer Chris Reck

Chris is the creator of Minnow Pond Tarot a channel dedicated to providing viewers with guidance weekly and monthly. Chris has been studying the tarot for many years and has been doing readings on YouTube for the last 6 years. ____ Awakenings with Michele Meiche is your place for information and insight to understand the Global Shift of Awareness and Awakening to live a more Soul fulfilling life and experiencing Soul fulfilling relationships. Awakenings broadcasts ‘Live every Wednesday 12pm -1:30 pm PT    Call in for Intuitive and Numerology Readings  # 347-539-5122  Michele answers questions about Awakening, Spirituality, Metaphysics, Dreams, Self Development and the Soul Path. You can also connect with Michele on the app @MentorCam where she can answer your questions psychically, as well as help you via her Soul Insights and life advice. Email for guest and topic suggestions, as well as to have your questions answered ‘On Air’.

* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, October 26, 2021


Monthly Forecast October 2021 WHAT IS YOUR YEAR NUMBER FOR 2021? 2021 is a 5 Year in the world, (2+0+2+1=5). To calculate your number for 2021, simply add 5 to your month and day of birth. (Do NOT include your year of birth in this calculation). Example birthday: September 23:   Month = 9 Day = 2+3 = 5 […]


* This article was originally published here

Monday, October 25, 2021

Weekly Horoscopes October 25-31

Weekly Horoscopes October 25-31

This week will be a lot less dramatic than last week. Thank God/dess for that. How are you all doing?

First the aspects



this is a lovely romantic, dreamy, inspirational seeing stars in everyone’s eyes, can be illusion, delusions, false guru worship, spending too much, overly glamorizing another, be careful of doing drugs of any kind and do use this energy for spiritual work and meditating.This aspect occurs later in the day the perfect time to do some dream incubation and focus before you sleep.


Jupiter rules Sagittarius so this amps up this energy. Gotta give those centaurs some love. this aspect is great for writing, novel or poetry or any kind of bigger picture, especially science fiction -read DUNE Frank Herbert’s epic book, it’s fascinating I read it a few times when I was a kid. Plan or dream of a big adventure or adventurer swashbuckler or spacy visitors. SAGITTARIUS VENUS loves to spin stories and dream of far-off vistas and exotic locations. Use this energy to see deem into those who are trying to bend and shape the future in an A1 way are really up to.



MARS GOES HOME TO SCORPIO UNTIL December 13 MARS in home sign of Scorpio should make things rather dramatic, intense, black deep, sexy, confronting power, seeing the dark side and working with the shadows which are dancing on the walls. WILL WRITE MORE ABOUT THIS.


HALLOWEEN I will put up the actual Halloween chart. Virgo Moon’s very harvest-Y should be a good load for the kids if they do go out or more healthy snacks for sure. the energies are quincunxy tonight though.



Sun sign-based predictions. If you know your MOON and RISING sign read those too.


Big energy shift this week, and you can’t wait, you are always ready to move. Feeling already in deeper waters with Sun in Scorpio’s intense emotions, all systems are go for transformation. Mars in Scorpio on the 30th brings you your true power and being mega deep sexy and attractive.


A lovely week for you bulls with nice romantic highs on the 26 and the 28th. You may connect with someone special and get magically carried away. School or a long-distance romance is very enjoyable and relationships could heat up now. Those days are good for haircuts or new beauty regimes.


Relationship issues continue to be featured. The 30th might leave you scratching your head and wondering WTF is going on? Be careful of blowback. Addictions issues may need to be addressed or maybe it’s simply unravelling who said what and you heard something totally other.


The Moon is in your sign Oct 25-28 and you will be feeling all the feels, highs and lows and the major planetary actions too. Watch out on the 30th, for old family skeletons causing major frustration and anger. You must be careful not to overdo the nurturing and beware of triggering people.


On the 30th, Expect a major raise, accolades, or a big win. A proud papa or mama moment too. Time to shoulder new responsibilities. Promotions, speaking in front of the big business boards and many opportunities come your way now. The ball is in your court, innovation is the keyword.


Mercury, just out of Retrograde still has you trying to balance your life out after a tumultuous time, Your stomach has been in knots with worry. Exercising is great was to cope, remember to breathe. Communications are frustrating on the 30th. Be prepared with alternative responses.


Now that Mercury is Direct you can detangle the mess your social life has been in. Things are a bit gnarly the night of the 30th, you may be frantic just before Halloween. but nicer winds blow gently and fill your social card on Halloween, I see you with lit-up eyes and much joy.


You are at your wit’s end but you know Mars in your sign on the 30th is perfect timing, everything is unfolding in divine order just in time for Halloween, It’s not a costume for you being witchy,pagan, open, sexy, Its an ancient celebration of the end of the Year SAMHAIN, enjoy the veil between the worlds being thinnest.


Life is feeling up and open-ended with Venus in your sign but a bit scattered. It may be hard to stay grounded on the 26th. The 28th should be a really powerful time when you can pierce through the veil of illusion. Do lots of writing and philosophizing it’s very creative. Get on your soapbox and preach.


Marks the 30th as a BIG DAY. Financially it could be rewarded handsomely for you if you’ve invested in crypto and used your business acumen and gut instincts. Issues with elders, parents, higher-ups could also have you on the carpet. News of deaths may shake and sadden but also give you a more philosophical deepening.


Nice energies prevail for you this week, October 30 is a deep and powerful day, you may be transformed and energized. You will feel magnetic and very sexy. Be careful not to get pulled into obsessive thoughts. Getting a detached view on deeper issues can be valuable to you later on.


So much romance, on the 26th, deep soulmate territory. New spirit guides may reveal themselves in your dreams. Inspire others to be the best version of themselves. Energy increases on the 30th as Mars enters Scorpio, Look yourself in the mirror and face your responsibilities as a leader. Halloween and November 1st offer smooth sailing into November.

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

get a reading

* This article was originally published here

Sunday, October 24, 2021


2021 is a 5 Year (2+0+2+1=5). TO CALCULATE YOUR PERSONAL NUMBER FOR 2021, simply add 5 to your month and day of birth.  (Do NOT include your year of birth in this calculation). Example birthday: September 23:   Month = 9 Day = 2+3 = 5 Year: 2+0+2+1 = 5  9 + 5 + 5 = 1+9 = 10. Keep adding […]

The post WEEKLY FORECAST – OCTOBER 22, 2021 appeared first on CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY.

* This article was originally published here

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Conquer Your Karmic Relationships with Tracee Dunblazier GC-C

Tracee Dunblazier GC-C, is a Los Angeles-based spiritual empath, shaman, and nine-time national award-winning author. As a multi-sensitive, Tracee’s blend of intuitive information combined with different modalities, has provided the opportunity for thousands to achieve deep healing and create the success and peace they seek in their lives. Empathic, delightfully vulnerable, and profoundly real—Tracee Dunblazier’s new keynote “Conquer Your Karmic Relationships” is an enlightening presentation that will open your mind to what is happening right in front of you: the multiple energetic dimensions we all share. No matter where you sit on the spectrum of understanding, Tracee makes tangible the connection between mental wellness and spirituality. _________________________________ Awakenings With Michele Meiche is Your place for tips and insight to live a more fulfilling life, and your relationships. Learn how to attract healthy relationships, and how to create a life you really love. Awakenings broadcasts live every Wed. 12pm -1:30 pm PT  Call in for Intuitive Readings #347-539-5122 Michele also answers listener questions from email, twitter and facebook & Instagram On Air. Email to have your questions answered or to share your insights On Air.  

* This article was originally published here

Friday, October 22, 2021

A Rude Awakening & Evolving From the Paradigm of the Old Matrix

On air readings with Michele. This show is for our listeners, if you have been wanting a reading this is the show to call into. Call 347-539-5122  _________________ Awakenings with Michele Meiche is your place for information and insight to understand the Global Shift of Awareness and Awakening to live a more Soul fulfilling life and experiencing Soul fulfilling relationships. Awakenings broadcasts ‘Live every Wednesday 12pm -1:30 pm PT    Call in for Intuitive and Numerology Readings  # 347-539-5122  Michele answers questions about Awakening, Spirituality, Metaphysics, Dreams, Self Development and the Soul Path.                                                        You can also connect with Michele on the app @MentorCam where she can answer your questions psychically, as well as help you via her Soul Insights and life advice. Email for guest and topic suggestions, as well as to have your questions answered ‘On Air’.

* This article was originally published here

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Tarot Bytes Episode 212 – Tarot for Activists with Corinna Rosella

Tarot Bytes Episode 212 - Tarot for Activists with Corinna Rosella

Tarot Bytes: The Podcast

Bite-sized lessons for Tarot beginners
Created by Theresa Reed, The Tarot Lady

Welcome to Tarot Bytes – the tarot podcast for people who want to learn tarot…but don’t have all day. Short, bite-sized tarot lessons.

Episode 212 – Tarot for Activists with Corinna Rosella

In order for there to be justice and equality in the world, we need activists. They have always played an important role in creating freedom for all. But activists need support – and tarot can provide guidance and healing for those who stand up, speak up, and make a difference. In this episode of Tarot Bytes, Corinna Rosella of Rise Up Good Witch joins me to talk about tarot as a tool for social justice work, healing, how tarot needs to change to better support folks, and more. Corrina also talks about their new class, Tarot As A Tool For Liberation.

I’ve been a long-time activist, so this is one of my favorite episodes!

About Corinna:

corinna rosella (they/she) is a tarot reader & teacher, folk herbalist, writer & podcast creator based on unceded chemehuevi land in the so-called mojave desert. they are a white, queer, gender non-conforming, disabled and neurodivergent witch committed to utilizing witchcraft for empowerment, healing, & liberation for their students and clients by working within a radical, abolitionist, harm reduction-based, and trauma-informed lens.

learn more about their work and current offerings, including Tarot School for Liberation, at


Grab your favorite deck, put in your earbuds, and dive in!



Subscribe in iTunes, Google Play, or Stitcher – or use  the mighty fine podcast player below to listen to this track, yo:

© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2021

Check out all previous Tarot Bytes lessons here.


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The post Tarot Bytes Episode 212 – Tarot for Activists with Corinna Rosella appeared first on The Tarot Lady.

* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Building Confidence in Your Intuitive Abilities with Medium Isabeau Maxwell

One of the leading spiritual coaches in intuitive development, Isabeau Maxwell brings deep channeled knowledge and personal understanding to spirituality. Isabeau is an internationally known medium, author, and teacher. She is the founder of The SAGE Method, a life-changing intuitive training program that teaches people how to open their intuitive abilities and live an authentic, blissful life. She is also the creator of the online community and app, The SAGE Circle, Discovery Meditation, and she is also the author of Cracking Open: Adventures of a Reluctant Medium. ______________ Awakenings with Michele Meiche is your place for information and insight to understand the Global Shift of Awareness and Awakening to live a more Soul fulfilling life and experiencing Soul fulfilling relationships. Awakenings broadcasts ‘Live every Wednesday 12pm -1:30 pm PT    Call in for Intuitive and Numerology Readings  # 347-539-5122 Michele answers questions about Awakening, Spirituality, Metaphysics, Dreams, Self Development and the Soul Path.                                                        You can also connect with Michele on the app @MentorCam where she can answer your questions psychically, as well as help you via her Soul Insights and life advice. Email 

* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, October 19, 2021


ARIES IS THE 1ST SIGN of the Zodiac. It is the element of Fire. Aries initiates new life. It is limitless energy. Fire symbolizes spirit. Aries is like the Big Bang  explosion which created our Universe.  This FULL Moon symbolizes a culmination and a fulfillment, plus a BOMB, of huge new explosive beginning. This lunation is an opportunity to burn away old karmic contracts, anger and entanglements and to bring new passions desires, intentions and energy into our lives. All of the symbols carry meaning for this event. This is a RAMbunctious full moon.

ARIES FULL MOON October 20, 2021 at 10:56 am EDT

ARIES is Rules by MARS but the SUN and MARS in conjunction in LIBRA are considered weak in Venus’ sign. This can be seen as a positive Feminine receptive more balanced integration of toxic defensive masculine warrior energies

The tense energy between SUN and MARS and MOON and ERIS, the Disturbia Goddess of the Trojan War infamy is MARS’s bloodthirsty revengeful sister opposite the SUN and MARS and all square PLUTO in CAPRICORN! This is a T-square of enormous power, anger, passion and drive. We have been held back for weeks and months by Mercury and Jupiter and Saturn who have all just turned DIRECT motion. This fuels this angry power control secrets, throw some DISCORD on the Fire energies.

MERCURY and JUPITER have just turned Direct and now we can move forwards.

VENUS is the “final dispositor” as she rules Libra where MARS is now. VENUS is on the GREAT ATTRACTOR at 14 degrees Sagittarius and square to her Higher Octave Neptune at 20 PISCES Rx.

We can manifest whatever we desire. And DESIRE is the name of this Full Moon.

MERCURY in Libra is opposite CHIRON the WOUNDED HEALER AT 9 degrees ARIES

We may be feeling more defensive at this ARIES FULL MOON and have our shields up, This can make for fighting times and fighting words. This fiery tension can easily trigger anger, fighting and with Venus in SAGITTARIUS incendiary tongues of fire language guaranteed to roast anyone to Hell. Forgiveness from NEPTUNE in PISCES may be possible/or impossible with its square to VENUS in Tell it like it is SAGITTARIUS.

MERCURY is in a Grand Air Trine with SATURN in AQUARIUS and LILITH and CERES at 10 and 11 degrees GEMINI. We have mental and conscious support to broaden our perspectives. Athena the Amazon warrioress is also at 10 Degrees of PISCES squaring Lilith Ceres and VENUS.

Jupiter unleashes the urge for FREEDOM as does VENUS in JUSTICE oriented SAGITTARIUS.

VESTA in Scorpio at 15 squares Saturn and URANUS in TAURUS, energies are chaotic big changes are afoot.

JUNO the Feminine Form of Genius is at 21 SAGITTARIUS SQUARE NEPTUNE IN PISCES

We can tap into a multi dimensional consciousness at this LUNATION this helps us to see the bigger pictures.

look at where these degrees are in your own chart to see how they are affecting you.

THE SYMBOL for 28 degrees ARIEs square to the GALACTIC CENTER by JOHN SANDBACH

Aries 28. An artist’s studio. Many unfinished paintings everywhere. Transforming/Receptive

(Degree Angel: SEHEIAH (say-HAY-ee-YAH) Soul Mats, Longevity, Releases body and mind from negative emotions)

To carry on the work of self-unfolding is what is all important. You have no need to finish anything unless it serves this purpose. You are one to take up many things and to move from one thing to another as suits your purpose. This may be practically inconvenient at times, but what you need to to if you are to follow your bliss.

The Chandra Symbol for this degree is “A wreath of laurel placed on the head of an old man.” It is OK to complete the mission and gain the prize, and its also OK to leave things half-finished – it all depends on the context. This degree affirms that “I am not the products I make or the actions I perform.” When you can take or leave outer success, you attain to a power and freedom that allows the free flow of experimentation and exploration.

Pleiadian Symbol: An audience waits while the playwright finishes writing his play.

Azoth Symbol: In moonlight the marigolds’ color softens and cools.

Seed degree: Aquarius 25. The muscles of a dancer’s legs quivering in his sleep as he remembers dances. (Omega Symbol). Progressively releasing more and more of whatever stress we have stored, we come to realize that creativity is on ongoing, open-ended process.

A moustache. (Chandra Symbol). Taking on a role and playing it in such a way that society can relate to, we achieve acknowledgment from the world at large. (Or, at a deeper level, we validate our own inner wisdom).

Fulfillment degree: Cancer 3. In a crowd, a man keeps seeing people he thinks he knows but can’t remember. (Omega Symbol). When we allow our creativity to take whatever form it wants to, we recognize more and more meaning in the outer world.

A set of surgical instruments. (Chandra Symbol). As we realize more and more deeply the power of our own wisdom we are able to find better and better tools with which to express it.


All these unfinished paintings show that whatever is being born is in no hurry. These durations in which paintings wait, incomplete, sink into the canvases and become transparent layers of history themselves, like windows that reveal mysterious depths within the other colors.

Is anything ever really sure when it’s born? For birth is always continuing to happen. Now the outside petals are completely unfolded, but the inner ones still sleep, and are just now beginning to reach outward. And when they have all awakened, the center will be revealed.

The artist enters and looks around, deciding which canvas to take up. Or maybe he will begin a new one.


THE workshop is RECORDED if you cant make it live or want to listen to after.

* This article was originally published here

Monday, October 18, 2021

Full Moon in Aries 2021 – and Tarot Readings for Each Zodiac Sign

Full Moon in Aries 2021 - and Tarot Readings for Each Zodiac Sign

This week finds us all chomping at the bit to get something happening – or finished. It begins with Jupiter and Mercury stationing direct, followed by the Full Moon in Aries. We’re hot to trot and rarin’ to go – but caution is needed. Here’s why: it takes a minute before Mercury builds up speed. There are still a few potential hiccups as it moves out of the shadow period, which lingers around until the first week of November. Also, this Full Moon is stuck in the middle of a T-square involving Mars and Pluto, two heavy hitters that tend to act first, think later.

So what does this mean for us mere mortals?

Simple. Focus on finishing what you’ve started in the Spring instead of jetting off to the next shiny thing. Full Moons represent the harvest from seeds planted earlier in the year. This means it’s better to tend to what’s already growing and weed out what no longer seems to be healthy. Clear the way for new growth and use the fiery Aries vibe to burn away the dead weight. A few bridges may need to be torched. If certain relationships seem to be dragging you down, let them go – and don’t look back.

However, you’ll also want to be gentle with your flame. Mars and Pluto can create shit storms and power struggles, which add unnecessary tension. Try not to lose your cool – even if the other side seems to be itching for a war. Keep your own aggression and ego in check. Most disagreements that happen around this day can be avoided if you curb your temper.

The Full Moon in Aries 2021 is also void – another good reason to slow your roll and take care of tasks already in motion, Once La Luna slips into Taurus at 3:59 PM EDT, you can begin to prep the soil for new ideas and creative ventures. But before that happens, hold the fire and keep yourself in check. Celebrate the wins – and be proud of how far you’ve come.

And here’s some mini Full Moon in Aries 2021 Tarot Readings with Moon Baby Tarot!

Full Moon in Aries 2021 - and Tarot Readings for Each Zodiac Sign

Aries: Six of Swords – Put the past in the past. What’s done is done. Focus on the future ahead.

Taurus: Judgement – You’re in the middle of a major awakening. Suddenly you see the light – and know what to do.

Gemini: The Emperor – The power is in your hands at this time. Handle your business and make security a priority.

Cancer: Strength – A challenge arises. But have faith in yourself – you have the power to overcome the problem.

Leo: Queen of Cups – Emotions run high and your big heart is overflowing. Let those feelings out. RELEASE!

Virgo: The Hierophant – Your wisdom is needed at this time. Be ready to take on the role of advisor. People need you.

Libra: Seven of Cups – So many options before you! What should you choose? It’s hard to say. Don’t rush the process.

Scorpio: The Tower – Everything comes to a head. It feels chaotic but you knew this was going to happen. Let it go!

Sagittarius: The Devil – You have a choice. You can choose to remain in this situation or bail.

Capricorn: Page of Pentacles – As the year begins to wind down, you can start planting seeds for future growth.

Aquarius: Four of Swords – If you can’t wrap your head around a situation, sleep on it. There is no urgency.

Pisces: Eight of Wands – No more sitting by the sidelines. It’s time to get your ass in gear. Start NOW.



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Learn how to read tarot like the High Priestess with Tarot: No Questions Asked – Mastering the Art of Intuitive Reading. Get your astro-lingo down pat with Astrology For Real Life: A No B.S. Guide for the AstroCurious.

© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2021

images from stock photography and personal collection


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The post Full Moon in Aries 2021 – and Tarot Readings for Each Zodiac Sign appeared first on The Tarot Lady.

* This article was originally published here

Moon in Aries – High Priestess in the Emperor’s Clothing

High Priestess dressed as the Emperor

The Moon moves into Aries today and will stay there until Wednesday.

Translating this transit into Tarot cards, it would be like the High Priestess is wearing the Emperor’s clothing. She’s in scarlet and armor and is ready for battle.

The Moon in Aries, or High Priestess in the clothing of the Emperor, is a time of intensified emotions. You might feel an increased desire to shape your own world.

Rather than sitting back in stillness, this transit encourages the loosening of emotional restrictions and the conscious expression of enthusiasm and/or passion.

It might be uncomfortable at first, but allow yourself to speak out loud. Take steps forward to let people know what you know and what you love.

Try to remain objective and open-minded while acting with determination and direction. It might sound impossible, but you can do both if you try.

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* This article was originally published here

Numerology Horoscope Today: Predictions for March 27, 2025 - Hindustan Times

Numerology Horoscope Today: Predictions for March 27, 2025    Hindustan Times * This article was originally published here ...