Thursday, January 26, 2023

Aries moon is war, and action

Since January 25 to 27th the Moon is in Aries the 1st sign of the zodiac a 🔥 it all up and all systems GO!

Mars the ruling warrior planet of Aries and Scorpio is moving ahead now at 9° Gemini stoking talks of war in Ukraine and other places.

Mars as ruler of Scorpio stirs up Financial secrets and sex, desires,power plays, mysteries and the shadows.

Look at where Aries is in your natal chart to see how your mood is more impulsive, impatient, rash and more self cantered when the moon transits this sign every month.

Aries moon is moving fast on the 26th sextile Mars, square Mercury in Capricorn, conjunct Chiron in the morning making us feel jumpy our minds are moving fast and we feel vulnerable underneath all that defensive armouring.

January 27

Mercury squares Chiron in Aries in the wee hours

Feeling vulnerable,hunted and or fighting in dreams. these can be past life memories too. Write them down and mull the feelings over.

Aries moon gets a beneficial sextile from Saturn in Aquarius. And a hard ass square from Pluto- at 29th most intense degree of Capricorn now. Pay attention to what’s worth fighting for. Pluto says only fight for or defend what your soul needs.

Sending you many blessings.

Moon enters TAURUS at 6:42 pm EST until the 30th at 3:35 am EST

I am in Costa Rica on a Vision Quest for a month but I will be doing WhatsApp or FaceTime and zoom readings from February 2nd, I have to see how fast my wifi is. Please email me

Or WhatsApp me 4162305347 or through my website

* This article was originally published here

Numerology Horoscope Today: Predictions for March 27, 2025 - Hindustan Times

Numerology Horoscope Today: Predictions for March 27, 2025    Hindustan Times * This article was originally published here ...