Sunday, December 31, 2023
Know what the numbers have in store for you in January 2024 - Lifestyle Asia India
* This article was originally published here
Saturday, December 30, 2023
Friday, December 29, 2023
Thursday, December 28, 2023
Get Lucky, Sun Jupiter Trine, Mars Mercury, Make Big wishes
Good Lucky for Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn Earth signs
December 27-28-30
Sun Jupiter trine on the 27th at 5° is lucky for CAPRICORN and TAURUS directly but also benefits earth sign Virgo/ Definitely Buy a Lottery ticket take some chances.Feel the golden sensuosity of it all. The gold market will go up.
Sagittarius and Pisces, born at mid-degrees in the middle of Pisces, or Sagittarius feels it the most. Save up for International travel or higher education.
Sun Jupiter trine is the Great Benefics at 15° most power degree
It’s great for getting educational grants,healthy exercise and diet routines, Studying, legal matters, planning international travels, or indulging your hard saved up money on a hm health spa or gym membership. This points to the needs to take care of your gut health primarily to help with financial worries.
WOW this is one of the most positive supportive energies to have the SUN partnering up with the Big Positive Jupiter.
APOLLO the Golden Sun God picks up Jupiter the Lightning bolt thrower in his chariot and they go for a cosmic drive across the Heavens, Jupiter jokes and throws benefits from above, Apollo throws Golden spiritual light onto everything.
The SUN is #19 the Tarot card of the SUN and Jupiter is #10 The Wheel of Fortune. You may want to take those two cards out and place them on your altar and work with their energy.
Because Jupiter can be overly optimistic this aspect can be too much of a good thing and blow your budget but with Saturn Ruled CAPRICORN involved the natural urge to use restraint is there.
Enjoy this aspect its especially Powerful as Jupiter is turning Direct December 30 at 6:40 pm PST/ 9:40 pm EST and December 31 at 2:40 am GMT at 5 degrees 35 minutes.
Jupiter Turned Retrograde at 15 degrees 35 minutes Taurus on September 4th. You want to look back at what was going on in your life back then. It will take until March 23 until Jupiter bypasses its Retrograde station in 2023.
Take advantage of the Good vibes.
December 27 MERCURY MARS conjunction at 25 Sagittarius on Galactic Center
That was a powerful one. Conjunct to the Galactic Center it sent waves of optimism about hunting down the truth throughout the Galaxy. Mercury and Neptune were squaring off too
Very idealistic optimistic, let your dreams and visions fly. .
Dec. 28 This aspect stays in effect and is added to by Mars Square NEPTUNE at 25 degrees Sagittarius/Pisces Pay attention to your dreams and your intuition and synchronicities
VENUS sextile PLUTO at 29 degrees BIG WEALTH
Venus at 29 Scorpio sextile Pluto is about as sexy ruthless and powerful as you can get. Last degree Scorpio’s have super x-ray vision today. Dig deep do your research. See whats going on down under you. A Crosby Stills and Nash song lyric. This is a big sexual and wealthy energy. Plumb the depths of your own desires. Do an abundance ritual to manifest with these energies.
* This article was originally published here
Tuesday, December 26, 2023
Monday, December 25, 2023
Sunday, December 24, 2023
Saturday, December 23, 2023
Friday, December 22, 2023
Thursday, December 21, 2023
Happy Yule, Winter Solstice, It’s complicated
Solstice happens December 21 at 7:28 pm PST/10:28 pm EST/December 22 at 3:38 am GMT. Like many relationships, It’s complicated. The Solstice chart is a snapshot for the next 3 months into spring of 2024. With Mercury Retrograde conjunct the Sun there will be golden information which has been delayed, which will illuminate the current situation. Note that I wrote Happy Yule, Winter Sosltice, a typical Mercury Retrograde and now I have ot fix it. Lol. Where is Grammarly when you need it?
Happy Solstice,or YULE, the ancient Pagan celebration of the Sol Invictus,the Sun’s triumphant rebirth. The 3 days of the sun’s standstill have always been celebrated by every culture worldwide. In the Northern Hemisphere, as the Sun enters Capricorn and stands over the Tropic of Capricorn, WINTER begins, it is the longest night of the year, the greatest darkness, the most feminine Yin time. The Masculine Yang energy begins to rise.
In the Southern Hemisphere, it is the shortest night of the year and the beginning of summer and the longest day the Feminine energies begin to rise.
It’s a power-packed Solstice with Pluto a the 29th degree of Capricorn and a MERCURY Retrograde CAZIMI December 22 at10:54 am PST/ 1:54 pm EST/ 6:54 pm GMT at 0 degrees Capricorn.
THE MOON is in Fiery fighting ARIES for most of the day and very active
Trine Mars, Inconjunct Venus in Scorpio square Pluto and trine the SUN.
The Truth warrior, the International Affairs maestro can see eye to eye with innovative, actions outside of the box. Frustrations with lack of progress.
The Moon enters TAURUS at 9:50 pm EST to bring some extra grounding energy.
A time to plan long-term Capricorn goals and to recharge your batteries during the 3 days.
Venus opposes Uranus-values and money and relationships and sex are out of control See my previous article.
Taurus moon trines Mercury in Capricorn and later sextiles Saturn in PISCES good for solid sleeps and dreaming.
In the Northen Hemisphere, here in Toronto it won’t get light until 7:48 am and the sun sets at 4:44 pm
Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene
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Happy Solstice/ Christmas/ Mother Night
Christmas, as most Christians knows it, is a colonialized patriarchal theft by the Church who stole it from traditional indigenous shamanic cultures from Siberia and Nordic countries of Norway, Finland Lapland, and the Arctic Circle and rebranded this ancient pagan tradition of SOLSTICE as the concept of “Father Christmas” which was originally MOTHER CHRISTMAS or The SUN GODDESS returning.
Yes, there is no real Santa Claus/ Father Christmas but there was a Mother Christmas.
Long before Santa and Rudolph led his sleigh of flying reindeer, it was a female reindeer who drew the sleigh of the Sun Goddess at Winter Solstice. How illogical that a father Christmas brought gifts and the return of light at the Winter Solstice—it was “Mother Christmas,” the ancient Deer Mother of old. She who has always flown through winter’s longest darkest night with the life-giving light of the sun in her horns.
From the British Isles, Scandinavia, Russia, Siberia, across the land bridge of the Bering Strait, she was a revered spiritual figure associated with fertility, motherhood, regeneration and the rebirth of the sun (the theme of winter solstice). Her antlers adorned shrines and altars, were buried in ceremonial graves and were worn as shamanic headdresses. Her image was etched in standing stones, woven into ceremonial cloth and clothing, cast in jewelry, painted on drums, and tattooed onto skin. Reindeer were often shown leaping or flying through the air with neck outstretched and legs flung out fore and aft. Her antlers were frequently depicted as the tree of life, carrying birds, the sun, moon, and stars.
And across the northern world, it was the Deer Mother who took flight from the dark of the old year to bring light and life to the new. Sorry Rudolph, but the male reindeer shed their antlers in the winter, it is only the doe who retains her antlers as she is the one who leads the herds in winter. Ever since the early Neolithic period, the female reindeer was venerated by Northern people. She was the “life-giving mother,” the leader of the herds upon which they depended for survival, and they followed the reindeer migrations for milk, food, clothing and shelter.
The SAMI people where what we think of shamanism originates were one of these cultures that honored the “life-giving Deer Mother” of the indigenous people of the Nordic countries. Beaivi is the name for the Sun Goddess associated with motherhood, the fertility of plants and the reindeer. At Winter Solstice, warm butter (a symbol of the sun) was smeared on doorposts as a sacrifice to Beaivi so that she could gain strength and fly higher and higher into the sky. Beaivi was often shown accompanied by her daughter in an enclosure of reindeer antlers and together they returned green and fertility to the land. She is a parthenogenesis Goddess.
Many other winter goddesses of Northern legends were associated with the solstice. They took to the skies led by a bevy of flying animals. Saule, origin of the word SOL in the Lithuanian and Latvian Goddess of the Sun. She flew across the heavens in a sleigh pulled by horned reindeer and threw pebbles of amber, symbolizing the sun into chimneys.
Many historical explorations of the pagan origins of Christmas observe the link between Santa’s garb and the red and white amanita mushroom ingesting shamans, few mention that it was female shamans who originally wore red and white costumes trimmed with fur, horned headdresses or red felt hats! The ceremonial clothing worn by medicine women healers of Siberia and Lapland, was green and white with a red peaked hat, curled toed boots, reindeer mittens, fur lining and trim. Totally ripped off by Christians for Santa Claus.
From the Orkney Islands off of the U.K “On Helya’s Night, translated later as HOLY NIGHT just as the children had once been committed to the protection of a goddess, ancestor, or the female deities known as the Disir, the ceremony became Christianised and the “mother” was naturally equated with the Virgin Mary, Christ’s mother.” from
WISHING YOU & yours a very Happy Solstice/ Yule/ Christmas Return of Sol Invictus
* This article was originally published here
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
Tuesday, December 19, 2023
Monday, December 18, 2023
Sunday, December 17, 2023
Saturday, December 16, 2023
Friday, December 15, 2023
Thursday, December 14, 2023
Wednesday, December 13, 2023
Tuesday, December 12, 2023
Monday, December 11, 2023
Sunday, December 10, 2023
Saturday, December 9, 2023
Friday, December 8, 2023
Thursday, December 7, 2023
Wednesday, December 6, 2023
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
Monday, December 4, 2023
Mars Jupiter, Lilith trine, 6 degrees standout
Mars is sitting at 6° SAGITTARIUS, Inconjunct or quincunx 150° away to JUPITER, the planet that rules the signs SAGITTARIUS and PISCES at 6° Retrograde of TAURUS.
Jupiter is supportively in trine to Lilith in Virgo at 6°
Jupiter opposes ATHENA at 6° SCORPIO and Moon conjunct Lilith at 6° VIRGO at this hour at 12:28 pm EST so feel that energy,,
So for now the 6’s have it.
What do you have at 6° of earth or water signs? You will get Benefits from Jupiter’s expansion and Athena’s financial strategy.
Please share widely all content is copyright ©️ of Tara Greene.
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* This article was originally published here
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