Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Gliding You Home with Daniela Bumann

Unlocking Your Spiritual Potential Daniela Bumann's journey is nothing short of remarkable. Amid personal challenges, she forged a profound connection with the highly intelligent and intuitive dolphin consciousness, unraveling the secrets that lie within our spiritual potential. Her story serves as a testament to the boundless possibilities of the human spirit. ______________ Awakenings with Michele Meiche is your place for information and insight to understand the Global Shift of Awareness and Awakening to live a more Soul fulfilling life and experiencing Soul fulfilling relationships. Awakenings broadcasts ‘Live every Wednesday 12pm -1:30 pm PT    Call in for Intuitive and Numerology Readings  # 347-539-5122  Michele answers questions about Awakening, Spirituality, Metaphysics, Dreams, Self-Development and the Soul Path.  Keep connected with Michele: YouTube – Soul Insights & Tarot- YouTube Awakenings with Michele Meiche Podcast – Instagram- @michelemeiche Patreon -            Twitter - @michelemeiche FB- @michellemeiche Email for guest and topic suggestions, as well as to have your questions answered ‘On Air’.

* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Happy Spring, Mercury conjunct Chiron

Photo by Elia Clerici on

Happy Spring everyone. Here is a live video and a channeled guided meditation I did March 19 on TikTok. You can still benefit from watching whenever you wish.


Mercury conjuncts Chiron Today at 18 ARIES anc close to the North Node at 16

The highest goal is to connect with where we are being too defensive, or too aggressive and hiding from our wounds. Communicate with your wounds, ask them what they need, Just like the Archetypal myth in the Fisher King, asking the right question leads to healing.

CHIRON in ARIES February 17th, 2019 toJune 19th, 2026, and September 18th, 2026, until April 14th, 2027 a good long 8 year cycle is all about healing the PTSD of toxic masculinity and everyone’s PTSD wounds which we have all inhereted from being egg cells in our mothers and grandmother’s and great greandmothers, infinitely on and on like Russian dolls.

if you like my work and wish to support me please buy me a coffee. I have ben wirting FREE posts for over 20 years


* This article was originally published here

Monday, March 18, 2024

Weekly Astrology March 18- 24 Horoscopes

Weekly Astrology March 18- 24 Horoscopes

How was the lovely NEPTUNE CAZIMI for you? yesterday? Were you feeling all La-La-Land? How was your dreams? Espcecially you Pisces, Sagittarius, Gemini Leo and VIRGO?

MARCH 17 SUN CONJUNCT NEPTUNE at 4:22 am PDT, 7:22 am EDT,11:22 am GMT

You’ve heard about all those crazy Royal rumours the past few days? King Charles is dead? #KateGate Kate is dead? Kate and Prince William to divorce? King Charles reincarnating in Trisha Paytas womb? Under a Sun Neptune conjunction in Pisces with Venus and Saturn in Pisces, Why am I not surprised? Astrology is real

Happy Moon Day. The Moon is in Her Home sign of Cancer and is enjoying cooking a wonderful home-cooked comfort meal for her family and inviting the neighborhood kids over for cookies.


Mark this on your calendars.MARCH 16 Mercury enters it’s shadow ZONE. Mercury’s slowing down, getting ready to Turn Retrograde on April Fool’s Day! The Universe has a sense of humour. What is the Shadow ZONE? It’s kind of like the Twilight Zone. It spans the degrees that a planet Retrograde’s at and the degree it stops and stations Direct after the Retrograde. Mercury turns Retrograde at 28 Aries April 1st/2. The Messenger Retrogrades back to 16 Aries, stationing Direct April 25. That range of 16-28 ARIES is the SHADOW ZONE.

Look up where that is in your Natal Chart now to know where the make a fool out of you communications issues will be coming from for you personally. March 18, Mercury moves to 16 Aries at around 6 am EDT, So let the SHADOW PERIOD begin. Forewarned is forearmed. The shadow period is like being PMS for planets.

There will be An 8 week run of three passes over 16 and 28 Aries . 

The last day of PISCES SUN,at the very last 29th most powerful spiritual degree of the Zodiac symbolizes endings and is always the day before the SUN sits over the Equator.

The Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere when day and night are equal and balanced is because the Sun is sitting directly over the Equator. Which it does again at Autumn Equinox. Only two days of the year are in this balance.

Yogananda, who wrote Autobiography of a Yogi, recommended beginning new spiritual practices on either one of the Equinoxes. Steve Jobs recommended that every one read his book.

This 29th last degree day is a day of letting go, endings, completions, gratitude and for putting the old year to rest. Think back on your past year, what’s gone on in your life in the last 366 days? It’s been a Leap Year. The Aries ingress is on March 19 at 8:06 pm PDT, 11:06 pm EDT, and March 20 at 3:06 am GMT. \ Ostara is the ancient Pagan name for the Sun’s entry into Aries and the actual New Year. It’s also International Astrology Day. I will be doing Free Readings.on TIKTOK.

MARCH 20 EQUINOX at 3:06 am GMT
will write separately about this.

All CARDINAL SIGNS, Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn at 0-5 degrees get extrea oomph to initiate new things.

at 18+ degrees. All CARDINAL signs, at 13-19 degrees are in the cross-hairs.

Communication about bullying wounds and the fallout. Defensiveness proves woundedness, leads to war and more wounds and more PTSD. The cycle has to stop.All CARDINAL SIGNS, Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn at 13-19 degrees get extrea oomph to initiate new things.

MARCH 21 SUN SEXTILE PLUTO IN AQUARIUS , 1:03 pm PDT, 4:03 pm EDT, 8:03 pm GMT

Powerhouse aspect. Atomic energy, at 1 degree ARIES/ AQUARIUS. The air fuels the fire. Rage against the Machine. New protests aget angrier and more agressive. This is a avery martial and could be destructive aspect. Mars rules ARIES, Pluto and MARS rule SCORPIO. Be careful around fire and explosive materials and guns! This can escalate violence. All CARDINAL-Aries,Cancer,Libra, Capricorn and FIXED signs-Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius in the first Decan(0-9 degrees) will feel this boost.

March 21 **VENUS CONJUNCT SATURN 4:09 pm PDT, 7:09 pm EDT, 11:09 pm GMT
at 12+ degress

A SERIOUS karmic day. Sober love, Falling in love with someone older. A good day to sing contracts, especially with women. Elder Women mentors. Women demanding back pay. Honour crones, elder women for their beauty. Take a self-love oath, get engaged or married, get serious about meditating, spirituall disciline, dream therpay, Dedicate your love to a cause, gharity. Become a foster parent. Go to rehab, do your taxes, love your dad and your patrilineal side.

GEMINI< VIRGO< SAGITTARIUS and PISCES, Mutable signs at mid-degrees, 7-13 degrees feel this impact the most. Like a lead balloon.

MARCH 22 MARS ENTERS PISCES 4:47 pm PDT, 7:47 pm EDT, 11:47 pm GMT unit APRIL 30.There will still be 3 planets in PISCES for awhile.

MARS in PISCES is the spiritual warrior. Passion and Acting on your spiritual beliefs, warring religions, spiritual wars and arguments, attacks of religions or beliefs, war at sea, spiritual defenses and boundaries, creative passion, creating art, acting for charitable causes, defending water rights, martyrs by fire, arson, storms, tsunamis, high tides.

ARIES and SCORPIO will feel this watery spiritual addictive ending as Mars rules both those signs. READ MORE IN DEPTH HOROSCOPES-soon.

MARCH 24 VENUS SEXTILE JUPITER, at 15+ degrees PISCES/TAURUS at 9:37 am PDT, 12:37 pm EDT, 4:37 pm GMT

The Two Benefics, Venus the Lesser Benefic, and Jupiter the Greater Benefic, sextile each other in a positive way and even better they are hosting each other in the other’s sign. Venus in PISCES is ruled by JUPITER traditionally and Jupiter in TAURUS is is Venus’s Home sign. They are what is called Mutual Reception and stronger harmonious good buddies.

This is very lucky, spiritual dreamy but real and something to build with. Do buy lottery tickets and also give some money to a charity. JUPITER in TAURUS has largesse. A great day to go to a spa, buy beautiful luxurious things at a thrift store. My daughter is an expert at this, lately she is manifesting cashmere sweaters at Thrift shops like crazy. Cashmerus Appearus. Remembeer that? Real estate, jewelley, traditional things- Price of Gold will go up, but be careful of being too overly optimistic as Jupiter exagerates. This is also incredibly inspirational and door opening, for filmakers, artists, comedians, and any creative act. Pay attention to your dreams which will be heightened and listen to your gut instincts.

AT 15+ degrees MUTABLE WATER and 15+ degrees FIXED EARTH this is a receptively great combo to expand your money, your wealth, your influence,and harness and ground your spiritual visions. If you have planets at 12-16 of these signs you get bonus points. TAURUS, LIBRA, SAGITTARIUS and PISCES as well as all MUTABLE SIGNS GEMINI and VIRGO and FIXED SIGNS, LEO, SCORPIO and AQUARIUS get real beautiful blessings.

PLEASE SHARE all writing is copyright of Tara Greene



* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Venus in Pisces, High Times, Denial and Soul Mates

The Triumph of Venus,, François_Boucher_Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Venus, Goddess of Love, Beauty, Harmony, Arts,Illusions and Denial dives into the 12th sign PISCES, March 11- April 4/5 swimming in an ocean of Bliss, Onenenss, high romance, illusions, spirituality, dreams, creativity and addictions.  Venus is exalted in PISCES as she was born from the Ocean, and when imbibing Pisces magical hookah she becomes the Goddess of Agape, unconditional love at her higherst, literally.The erotic Goddess of seduction may attract whatever she wishes or she can be the opposite totally,shadow side, projecting and addicted to love. Cue that Robert Palmer song. see below.

VENUS is hidden behind a veil of illusion but as High Priestess of Tantra but she reveals the secrets of Divine Love to those who are willing to love without expecting anything in return. But be careful you do not give loving kindness to those who are not able to return it. The Sign of Pisces shows two fishes swimming in two directions.

 This is a wonderful time for self-love without ego. So many of the New Age programs are all about loving yourself and self-congratulating, while people do need to build up confidence in shattered personalities and egos we also have to remember that the ego is real but an illusion, very much like Pisces energy. We can work with the ego and see it for the false self that it is. And let go of many false beliefs and assumptions about everything in the world for this next month. Disillusionment is also part of Venus in Pisces.

VENUS’s LOVE LANGUAGE in PISCES is surrender to divine love and ONENESS

PISCES the sign of self-sabotage:

 Venus allows us to love ourselves enough to let go of where we are sabotaging ourselves.This is also a great time to go to rehab, realize you have addictions to spending, fashion, yoga, gurus, relationships, avoidance in general and to let go of addictions. This is the best time to work out love adductions and false projections of soul mates and twin flames which is pretty bogus and Many naive women are brainwashed into believeing someone else can manipulate others to them for their own unmet shadow needs.


MARCH 21 VENUS conjunct SATURN at 12+ degrees PISCES

A serious day for long term commitments but also signifies karmic break ups.

March 24

VENUS sextile JUPITER in TAURUS at 15+ degrees

Good for investments, Stock market highs, god for art, very sensual, get a massage, Do Buy lottery tickets, especially if you have planets at 15 degrees MUTABLE Signs, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces or FIXED SIGNS- Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.

March 28

VENUS sextile URANUS in TAURUS at 20+ degrees

Expect unusual body symptoms, Cryptocurrency and financial changes and chaos, try something totally different in your love life. Invest in unusual arts, new health or exercise routines, radical change in beauty regimes is recommended. Declutter.


VENUS CONJUNCT NEPTUNE at 27+ PISCES one of the highest days of the year

Literally, super romance, telepathic communications, raised psychic awareness, dreamy, meditation is at its peak, La La Land, communicate in dreams, great for artists, cretaors, spirktual highs but also lots of overdoses, fog, projections, oil price highs, tsunamis, floods, fake news, debts, delusions,DO NOT SIGN ON THE DOTTED LINE.


 PISCES is literally human heart and infinite soul combined. It’s a fantastic month for dreaming and meditating. A great time to explore your own unconscious, the realms of fantasy and illusion, for owning our own unconsciousness and praying for connection with Greta spirit or the Goddess.

This aspect can bring closure to many relationships as it symbolizes endings. We may either feel this energy as being more magically in love or becoming more deluded into a false projection of seeing the other as perfect as ideal. Venus in Pisces is not practical. 

Venus in Pisces is not practical. 

Do be careful when signing on the dotted line. Venus in Pisces makes us wear those rose-colored glasses. We see what we want to see and not necessarily what is really there. Best day for signing anything this month, when Venus squares Saturn, reality planet

Build an altar to the Goddess of love and beauty

So that you can connect to these aspects within yourself and to see BEAUTY in the world everywhere and for men to see their own inner Love nature, beauty and in all women. 

Pisces is the 12th house of the Unconscious, secrets, karma, Source, spirit, cosmic love, illusions, gurus, ashrams, self-undoing, martyrs, addictions, dreams, shamans, glamor. How many of us blindly fall in love with people who just use us? How many are addicted to love? How many of us have been martyrs in love, endlessly sacrificing ourselves in hopes that someone will love us unconditionally, finally.

VENUS, Goddess of all things Feminine, beauty, art, music, poetry, refinement, aesthetic pleasure, romance, money teaches us to find the love that we seek within our own hearts. Venus= love, she lives in every heart.

The EMPRESS  in the Rumi Tarot “Woman is a ray of the divine light.”

I love this RUMI deck and the quote is perfect for Venus in PISCES especially.

BE the EMPRESS, and HIgh Priestess, VENUS, BE the Goddess of Love. Be the change. Be the DIVINE GREEN LIGHT.

While Venus is in PISCES — Keywords

KNOW yourself as a vessel of Divine unconditional love, FEEL IT in your heart.


See BEAUTY everywhere. You may see orbs as you open to experience cosmic love and feel the angelic presences all around you. If you feel yourself being judgmental about yourself or someone else. STOP. Replace that script with forgiveness,love and acceptance. 


Go to art galleries, buy art, read poetry, keep fresh flowers in your home, garden, appreciate beautiful quality fabrics, fashion. I got my haircut and colored in Venus’s honor yesterday.  Make art, make love, write poetry, create songs or a new spiritual practice.

Create an altar to Venus,

Venus Altar, Witch, MAgic, Tara Greene

You want to bring Venus the Goddess into your life in reality. She has thousands of names: she is Mother Mary in Christianity, Esther, Ostre, Shakti, Isis, Diana, etc. An altar can be simple, just a vase of flowers, some pink rose quartz, a poem, a beautiful arrangement of things you love. Every day stop and meditate with Venus and say a prayer to Venus the Goddess. You may see her as Kwan Yin, Mary, Tara, Isis, any manifestation. Allow Her divine presence to enter your emotional body and your unconscious. Spend 10 minutes a day at least praying at your altar, 20 minutes to half an hour is better. You may find that Venus had you enchanted under Her spell and you may find yourself sitting in reverie for much longer. Do this before bed and ask Venus to come into your dreams.  Ask to see your soul mate in your dreams.


These uplift your soul. Listen to Deva Premal and Miten 

Be charitable and selfless but Not a martyr. 

Practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty.

Fall in LOVE WITH EVERYONE- really try this.

Tell people they are beautiful, they are a sacred mirror of your own inner beauty.

It will uplift your heart and soul. See loving positive movies -No violence, no video games, No porn. Pisces is film and photography.

Percy Bysshe Shelley: Homer’s Hymn to Venus

Published by Garnett, “Relics of Shelley”, 1862; dated 1818.

Verses 1-55, with some omissions.

Muse, sing the deeds of golden Aphrodite,
Who wakens with her smile the lulled delight
Of sweet desire, taming the eternal kings
Of Heaven, and men, and all the living things
That fleet along the air, or whom the sea,
Or earth, with her maternal ministry,
Nourish innumerable, thy delight
All seek … O crowned Aphrodite!
Three spirits canst thou not deceive or quell:—
Minerva, child of Jove, who loves too well
Fierce war and mingling combat, and the fame
Of glorious deeds, to heed thy gentle flame.
Diana … golden-shafted queen,
Is tamed not by thy smiles; the shadows green
Of the wild woods, the bow, the…
And piercing cries amid the swift pursuit
Of beasts among waste mountains,—such delight
Is hers, and men who know and do the right.
Nor Saturn’s first-born daughter, Vesta chaste,
Whom Neptune and Apollo wooed the last,
Such was the will of aegis-bearing Jove;
But sternly she refused the ills of Love,
And by her mighty Father’s head she swore
An oath not unperformed, that evermore
A virgin she would live mid deities
Divine: her father, for such gentle ties
Renounced, gave glorious gifts—thus in his hall
She sits and feeds luxuriously. O’er all
In every fane, her honours first arise
From men—the eldest of Divinities.

These spirits she persuades not, nor deceives,
But none beside escape, so well she weaves
Her unseen toils; nor mortal men, nor gods
Who live secure in their unseen abodes.
She won the soul of him whose fierce delight
Is thunder—first in glory and in might.
And, as she willed, his mighty mind deceiving,
With mortal limbs his deathless limbs inweaving,
Concealed him from his spouse and sister fair,
Whom to wise Saturn ancient Rhea bare.
but in return,

In Venus Jove did soft desire awaken,
That by her own enchantments overtaken,
She might, no more from human union free,
Burn for a nursling of mortality.
For once amid the assembled Deities,
The laughter-loving Venus from her eyes

Shot forth the light of a soft starlight smile,
And boasting said, that she, secure the while,
Could bring at Will to the assembled Gods
The mortal tenants of earth’s dark abodes,
And mortal offspring from a deathless stem
She could produce in scorn and spite of them.
Therefore he poured desire into her breast
Of young Anchises,
Feeding his herds among the mossy fountains
Of the wide Ida’s many-folded mountains,—
Whom Venus saw, and loved, and the love clung
Like wasting fire her senses wild among.

Use this chant, its an adaptation of a Navaho prayer

In peace and beauty may I walk 

In peace and beauty wander the earth

In peace, in peace, may I wander

In Beauty, Beauty may I wander.

FEEl your connection to everything in the UNIVERSE, PISCES BLISSED OUT TIME. 

Venus in PISCES dissolves all hardness and all ego’s.

Do be careful about drinking and drugs during this time as you will be super susceptible and sensitive. Your usual grounded practicality is off. 

Try levitating and telepathically sending messages to your friend’s  hearts and see if they notice.

The only way to do it is to let go of your {illusion/delusion -that’s PISCES } own ego.

You are not separate that is impossible.  YOUR BELOVED IS WITHIN YOU ALREADY.

Venus in PISCES  -adore the Feminine,get down on your knees and worship the DIVINE YONI, the Delta of VENUS, like Leonard Cohen says.Appreciate women. Know that all things are born of woman, it is obvious that all creation comes from the Feminine. See the world from a nurturing standpoint of unconditional love produces a very different world than the one we know today.

It’s a fantastic month for dreaming and meditating.A good time for owning our own unconsciousness and praying for connection with Goddess.

Please share widely.All writing is copyright of Tara Greene.

Get a love relationship reading with TARA

Watch a short about Venus in PISCE CELEBRITIES

Justin Bieber, Kourtney Kardashian, Zayn Malik, Victoria Beckham, John travolta, Kristen Stewart, Ed Sheeran, Camila Caballo, Queen Elixaebth II, Seth Roigan, Diana Ross, Kate Hudson, Emma Watson.

Venus in Pisces playlist Robert Palmer – Addicted To Love (Official Music Video) via @YouTube

* This article was originally published here

Saturday, March 9, 2024

The Hit List – How to learn astrology without spending a dime

The Hit List - How to learn astrology without spending a dime

So you love astrology and are eager to learn more. Yay, you! But software, classes, and books are expensive, and you’re short on cash. Boo! Before you throw a Leo-sized hissy fit, take a breath. 

There are many ways to learn astrology without spending a dime. (Psst….I had no money when I began, so I had to scratch it out the hard way. Let’s avoid that.)

First up – you’ll need a copy of your chart. 

You can find a free astrology chart here:

Astro Charts

Once you have that, it’s time to learn. 

:: Fortunately, we live in the internet age. You can find many free resources online, such as astrology lessons and educational videos.

:: Podcasts are also fantastic. I highly recommend The Astrology Podcast with Chris Brennan. It’s tight, and his guests are top-notch. (My beginner podcast, Astrology Bytes, is a fab starting point, too.)

:: Many professional astrologers are on social media (Aliza Kelly is terrific – and she posts a lot of content). Watch how they interpret astrology charts – and take notes. It’s a fun and easy way to see how it’s done!

:: Search for a local meet-up. There are free astrology classes around the world. You might find one in your own backyard.

:: Libraries can also be a resource. Many have metaphysical sections. If they don’t, ask them to create one. You can even suggest books you’d like to see in stock. Yay, libraries!

Lastly, practice, practice, practice with anyone who will let you. That’s the absolute best (and free) way to grok it. 

I hope this helps you get rolling – and looking at the stars!



Psst…pro tip: please don’t pester pros to teach you for free. If they offer freebies or discounts, that’s one thing. But like any professional, they deserve to be paid. 



Other stuff:

Learn about tomorrow’s magical new moon in Pisces.

Jeanna Kadlec wrote a beautiful post about the New Moon in Pisces for writers.

Get Your Horoscope for the New Moon in Pisces.

Jane Friedman is always an excellent source: Workshopper Beware: Navigating the Risky Waters of Writing Classes and Retreats.

WTH: Intrigue, Ink and Drama Grip the Fountain Pen Community.

The great donut caper: Did This Bakery Try to Pass Off Dunkin’ Donuts As Vegan?

I guess he’s not that sleepy after all.

‘These Embryos Are Five Years’ Worth of Money, Sadness, and Hope. I Just Want to Be a Mom.’

Home grown: Kind Oasis: Where Exceptional Quality and Kindness Meet in Delta-9 Edibles.

Cults are fascinating and creepy: The 9 Most Common Personality Traits In Cult Leaders.

I wish it were different: On International Women’s Day, Women Are Still Suffering.

Drastic measures in drastic times: One Woman Tell Us Her Story Of Getting Her Tubes Tied After The Fall Of Roe V. Wade.

Here’s what you need to know: The 12 Houses of Astrology, Explained.

Wow: Inside an Abortion Clinic Invasion.

Need: Do The Work: A guide to understanding power and creating change.

Looking forward to this: 78 Acts of Liberation: Tarot to Transform Our World.

Just picked this up: The Way of the Fearless Writer.

I grabbed this too: Gentle Writing Advice: How to Be a Writer Without Destroying Yourself.

Adding to the list: Karmic Astrology.

Curious about this: The Step-by-Step Astrology Workbook: What the Stars Want You to Know.

WANT: The Stories Behind Astrology: Discover the mythology of the zodiac & stars.

The AstroTwins have a new book coming soon: The Astrology Advantage: Use Your Horoscope for Personal and Professional Success.

You know you want it: The Essence of Tarot: Using Essential Oils, Magic, and Rituals to Empower Your Readings.

Interested in this: Tarot Unveiled: An Occultist’s Perspective on the Cards.

If you’re looking for the perfect tarot journal, look no further: The Weiser Tarot Journal: Guidance and Practice.

Tarot has always been my compass during dark moments. Learn how it can help you find your way: The Cards You’re Dealt: How to Deal when Life Gets Real (A Tarot Guidebook).

Astrology + tarot = best life, ever! Learn more: Twist Your Fate: Manifest Success with Astrology and Tarot.

Here’s a tarot deck for young folks and the young at heart: Tarot For Kids.

Ready to learn tarot? Want to level up your interpretations skills? Wish you could access your intuition with the cards? I got you: Tarot: No Questions Asked: Mastering the Art of Intuitive Reading.

Prefer to listen to your tarot lessons? Check this out: Tarot: No Questions Asked: Mastering the Art of Intuitive Reading is available as an audiobook.

Astrology can be FUN to learn. I’m serious when I say that. I wrote a manual that makes it easy and enjoyable: Astrology for Real Life: A Workbook for Beginners (A No B.S. Guide for the Astro-Curious).

There is an audio version if you prefer: Astrology For Real Life.

Looking for a new tarot deck? May I suggest: The Uncommon Tarot: A Contemporary Reimagining of an Ancient Oracle?

Rainy days are best spent doing quiet activities like coloring and tarot: The Tarot Coloring Book.

The world is a vampire. But don’t let it suck your joy: Tarot For Troubled Times. It’s filled with helpful rituals, tarot spreads, and more – to help you stay grounded and ready to fight the good fight.

Sick of the tarot decks on the market? Make your own: Create Your Own Tarot Cards: A step-by-step guide to designing a unique and personalized tarot deck!

As an entrepreneur, there are 1,000 items on your to-do list. But what should you prioritize and do…in the next week? Find out with The Astro-Biz Digest. It’s an astrology newsletter especially for self-employed peeps. Comes out every Sunday. Sign up here: The AstroBiz Digest.

Find out what’s happening in the stars – as it happens. Real-time astrological transits plus daily tarot guidance – it’s all here with my text message service: Sign up here.

Learn how to write better, get published, and market your magical book with my newest thang: The Metaphysical Author’s Confidential – a newsletter for mystical writers: The Metaphysical Author’s Confidential. Essays and lessons on writing, publishing, and marketing your magical book.

If you want to learn astrology in a hands-on way, you need this new kit from Carrie Paris and yours truly: My Living Astrology Chart, an experiential astrological kit! It also doubles as a charm casting board – perfect for detailed divination!


Classes and Events

Join my Patreon Community!  I am serving up extended card-of-the-day interpretations, astrological tidbits, community tarot practice, political astrology, early sneak peeks at horoscopes….and more. Higher tiers get access to live classes, replays of previous classes, mentoring, and more.

Advanced Tarot Techniques. Join me for this four-part online class and learn about timing, decans, how to create your own tarot spreads, and more. Starts April 5th, 2024.

Tarot & Astrology Accelerator Series. Los Angeles, California. Hybrid – live and online. I’ll be live in Los Angeles at 22 Teachings for this two-part series. There are limited tickets available in person; once they sell out, you will only have the option of choosing online. April 6th and 7th, 2024. Purchase both classes for $75.00.

Tarot Accelerator: You know more than you think you know. Los Angeles, California. Hybrid – live and online. In this workshop, you’ll learn how to be a faster, more intuitive tarot reader. Simple exercises will help you develop intuitive confidence and speed. No more stumbling for an answer! (Psst…you already know how to do this – you just need a friendly nudge.) April 6th at 3 PM PST. Purchase class here for $40.00.

Astrology Accelerator: Starting points in chart interpretation. Los Angeles, California. Hybrid – live and online. Okay, so you know all the astrology basics. But what happens when a client sits in the chair and wants you to read their chart? Where do you start? There are a variety of ways to begin your reading. In this workshop, we’ll talk about the best starting points and how the planetary ages can guide you for meaningful readings. April 7th at 2 PM PST. Purchase class here for $40.00.

My Living Astrology Chart. The new kit from Carrie Paris and Theresa Reed. Grab yours and get access to 12 classes with us and special guest instructors Briana Saussy and Celeste Brooks!

Pens and Cards. October 18-19th, 2024. Picton, Canada. Learn how to use tarot to inspire your writing with yours truly and Sarah Selecky. Details coming soon.


What I’m Grateful For:

Rainy days


Creamy pasta dishes

Snail mail

Taco trucks!


Soundtrack for 3/9/24

It’s Dark Inside by Kim Gordon (I am in love with her new shit!)

© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2024

images from stock photography and personal collection 

*Some of the links are affiliate links. I receive a small fee if you purchase, but this does not affect the price of the item.*


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The post The Hit List – How to learn astrology without spending a dime appeared first on The Tarot Lady.

* This article was originally published here

Numerology Horoscope Today: Predictions for March 27, 2025 - Hindustan Times

Numerology Horoscope Today: Predictions for March 27, 2025    Hindustan Times * This article was originally published here ...