Mars kicks off, literally a brand new cycle every 2 years. April 30,2024 at 8:33 am PDT, 11:33 am EST, 3:33 pm GMT until june 9th a quick wham bam thank you ma’am, as Mars returns home as the waterlogged warrior to dry off in the Sun.
0 ARIES is the world point! The big bang. The first degree of the Zodiac is the archetypal beginning of the cosmic and spring and life in the Northern Hemisphere. Get ready to ACT. To move, to be daring and courageous,to be independent, and JUMP wihtout thinking- into the fire and fray. GO! This takes us back to what was going on in the world and in your life on the Spring EQUINOX. and the recent Total Solar Elcipse in ARIES April 8. That energy will manifest now. What was going on for you? Especially ARIES and SCORPIO? Where is Mars in your natal chart? I have Mars in Libra in detriment opposite Jupiter in ARIES.
MARS in ARIES is martial, bonfires, expect more self-immolation protests, self-defining ” Me 1st” CARDINAL home sign-Mars is sexual energy, libido, desire to live and create.
It’s new initiatives, TESTOSTERONE driven MACHO AGGRESSIVE MASCULINE ENERGIES are HIGHEST and HOTTEST. Healer, and Venus is a young, lone, angry, defensive from bullying, “active shooter.”
Expect people to be very impatient, impulsive, angry, competitive, rude, selfish, martial,raoe, war, it’s dangerous. Do be careful of fires, sharp weapons, and anything flammable or explosive. Danger of WAR, WW3, more shootings, volcanic explosions and battles and protests of all kinds is VERY HIGH.
We’re busting out of the waterlogged somnambulistic uber PISCES energy since March 22. Danger of Terrorist attacks and killings, rampant violence, as everything that’s been held down, suppressed, and repressed from all that PISCES energy comes barreling out to battle. Watch out. Four policeman were just killed in a gunbattle with criminals in the US with Mars at the last karmic degree of PISCES, kidden enemies.
NOTE PLUTO is already STATIONING Retrograde at 2 degrees 06′ since April 26 and STATIONS on MAY 2 10:46 am PDT, 1:46 pm EDT, 5:46 pm GMT. NOTE that PLUTO at this degree where it is the most powerful until May 10. Look at violent intense news items-shootings of police officers and Violent protests.
PLUTO will be in Retrograde until October 11 at 5:34 pm PDT, 8:34 pm EDT, and October 12 at 12:34 am GMT, where it STATIONS DIRECT at 29 degrees 39′ CAPRICORN it will take until February 2nd, 2025, for Pluto to bypass its Stationary Retrograde point.
MAY 3 MARS sextile Pluto in AQUARIUS at 2 degrees 06 minutes AQUARIUS at 2:06 am PDT, 5:06 am EDT, 9:06 am GMT
MAY 29 MARS conjunct CHIRON in ARIES at 1 degree 56 AQUARIUS at10:08 am PDT, 1:08 pm EDT,5:08 pm GMT
Note VENUS entered TAURUS on April 29, until May 23 on a crazy Full Moon where she meets Jupiter its one of the best days of the Year. MARK THIS DATE ON YOUR CALENDARS. Venus is at Home. Mars is at home. The two planets are at their strongest and happiest. This is of course great for SCORPIO and LIBRA folks too. The two planets did this dance in 2022.
ARIES and SCOPRIO you’re sexy and you know it now. Start a new health regime and work out hard-boxing, martial arts would be a great way to do that.
ALL1st house, Aries type issues, of Self, “I”, ego, life force, libido, independence, warrior, guns, fires, firemen, dangerous situations, weapons, sharp things,fights, assertiveness, spirit, competitive, entrepreneurial,initiating, angry, head strong -expect HEADACHES as ARIES rules the head.
all Scorpionic 8th house issues of Death, rebirth, sex, other people’s money, taxes, garbage, power, control, secrets, nuclear power, the collective unconscious, soul, transformation and all fixed emotional issues get energized too. Active shadow work.
Living on Mars in the near future? I don’t think so even though hero to some, hated by others ELON MUSK is planning to take new life there. Life forms will be found on Mars. Maybe we’ll even receive a visit from some Martians who came back to earth to pick up something they forgot a few millennia ago.
On a personal level be very careful of fires, using dangerous materials, accidents and Rage. Expect strong activation of the tectonic plates and volcanic explosions. This time period will erupt old vendettas and revenge issues. People will be mad as hell and not want to take it anymore.
People go from 0-100% angry and are way too hot to handle, hotheaded, competitive, angry and do things without thinking about the consequences. MASS SHOOTINGS, arson, wars and the like are highly probable. I am also concerned for those who might harm themselves through suicide under this energy. If you suspect someone may be suicidal call them, reach out and get help for them if you are suicidal talk about it, call a helpline right away. – this was written MAy 26,2022 the last time Mars was in ARIES.
Look back at what was going on in your life then.
This is a time to move forward with brazen courage.Get fearless. BOLDLY GO WHERE NO MAN HAS GONE BEFORE.
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JOIN ME LIVE FOR MAY ASTROLOGY AND TAROT CARD GUIDE APRIL 30, AT 5 PM pdt 8 PM EDT, MAY 1 FOR 12:OO AM GMT https://www.facebook.com/cosmic.intelligenceagency/
* This article was originally published here