Friday, November 15, 2024

Tyson vs Paul, Netflix, Astrology prediction win

November 15, 2024, a historical live streamed on Netflix free boxing fight, between the old champ Mike Tyson vs. upstart Gen Z media champ Jake Paul. There are big bets on this fight as Saturn in Pisces stationing Direct on the Full Chaotic Taurus Moon. The odds are great for Paul and wild and good for Tyson.

Who will win by Astrology?

Jake Paul b. Jan. 17,1997 {27 yrs} 12:49 pm Cleveland OH.

Jake Paul Astrology Nov. 15, 2024 boxing match

Capricorn stellium Mercury, Venus, Ceres, a rare Sun/Neptune Cazimi, Jupiter at 29 Capricorn on his 0 Aquarius MC!!

Beefy Taurus rising 22, Moon at 20 Taurus in 12H on AC. South Node at 1 Aries-a world point conjunct Saturn. Paul is a very old soul who has been a major, a General, and a military boss; maybe he was General Patton in a past life. I’ll get to that.

Without even looking at Mike Tyson’s birth chart, who is 31 years older than only four year pro Boxer. Jake Paul will win because his time is now. b. Jan. 17,1997 {27 yrs} 12:49 pm Cleveland OH. He’s one of the luckiest guys, born with Jupiter, the planet of good luck, expansive, risk taking, rules sports- at 29 degrees disciplined, old soul, Capricorn, a critical world point degree on his MC, with Pluto lord of Wealth on his Natal Jupiter a once in a lifetime event, hes’ been under this beneficial energy since 2022. Paul’s career world fame peak is at 0 Aquarius. Pluto enters Aquarius to stay November 19 and we enter a new 20 year era. Jake Paul will be only 47 years old in 2044, way younger than Mike Tyson is now. End of story.

Paul got very famous on social media in 2013 on Vine then YouTube, he has Uranus in Aquarius in his 10th house conjunct Vesta, the asteroid root word of Investments and expansive lucky Jupiter. Paul makes lots of money. Pluto has conjunct his Jupiter since he became a pro boxer in January 2020 as Saturn and Pluto conjunct at 22 degrees Capricorn, training his Ascendant and in his natal 9th house of sports and International affairs,luck and risk taking.

Without even looking at Mike Tyson’s birth chart, who is 31 years older than only four year pro Boxer Paul, who was born with the luckiest of planets Jupiter on his MC career world reputation at 29 degrees Capricorn.

Mike Tyson #astrology b. June 30, 1966 Catskill NY, NBT, has Mars at 22 Gemini on his MC {set to noon hypothetical} for a famous person, plus Venus conjunct Juno in Gemini, he acts and thinks that he is forever young. He is currenty 58 years old.

Mike Tyson Astrology, Nov. 15,2024 transits

Mars is Out of Bounds, Mike has a reputation for being a wild intimidating fighter and he absolutely is. Moon also OOB.

Saturn at 29 Pisces the Bodhisattva aspect,surprisingly. this could be his last lifetime if he doesnt create more negative karma. That’s so interesting. His karma is to be charitable, humble, addicted, delusional, dreamer, deceptive, “phantom punch”, debt, glamourous, jailed.

Current Transits. Nov. 15

Mike Tyson has the SuperMoon in Taurus at 24 degrees conjunct wild, chaotic, unexpected planet Uranus, exactly on his North Node his highest career peak today. This is a once in 84 year transit, the synchronicity is amazing, Someone picked this date using Astrology, I bet. Transiting Jupiter, the planet of Good Luck, Fortune, is sitting on Tyson’s MARS {OOB} the planet of aggression, anger, fire power on his MC world career and fame house!, A once in 12 years transit. Saturn the planet of seniors, stationed Direct today at 12 Pisces square T’s Sagittarius Moon, opposing Pluto and Uranus in Virgo. Tyson was born during that historic conjunction that ushered in the 60’s sex drugs and rock and roll counter culture revolution. Amazing synchronicity. ANything can happen. Except Paul has Pluto the Planet of Plutocrats sitting on his Natal Jupiter and MC at 0 Aquarius which Pluto enters Nov. 19. It will be a wild fight.

I will be watching because this takes me back to my childhood when i got to stay up late to watch the Friday night boxing matches on a black and white console TV at 10 pm and i was 5 years olf with my dad. It was one of our bonding rituals.

What do you think?

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* This article was originally published here

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