Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Tarot Card of the Day – 1/1/20

Wednesday, January 1, 2020
3 of Cups

Celebrate with enthusiasm!  Today is for fun and sharing. Friends are at the forefront, especially the ladies in your life.

Good times, good friends, good drink – it could be a pretty excellent day.  Don’t be afraid to be happy and remember to let people know how much you like them.

Take delight in music, poetry, painting – this is a time of inspiration and creativity.  Social interaction with others will be invigorating and fruitful.

Let yourself get carried away by laughter and joy.  Seek out the beautiful within yourself and those around you.  You won’t be disappointed if you do.

* This article was originally published here

Happy 2020!!

When we can, let’s help each other out …

* This article was originally published here

Ace of Swords

A Graffiti Ace of Spades, or in Tarot, an Ace of Swords …

Ace of Swords (Spades) - Toronto Graffiti Tarot

* This article was originally published here

Heart of the West

Why do most Christians not remember the past? Because they do not love the past. One has to love the pagan past. ~ Valentin Tomberg

Marsilio Ficino, writing in 1471, provided the following list of the founders of the Hermetic Tradition. By building on earlier thinkers, this progression produced a body of profound and sublime thought that has served as the background of Western intellectual right up until modern times. Instead of relying on some arbitrary modernist canon, those seeking to understand or recreate the West as a spiritual entity ought to start with this list. The goal is not to learn what to think but rather how to think, specifically, how to align one’s mind with the spirit of the Heart of the West.

There are some points about this list:

  • Egypt is the ultimate source of Western civilization, not India.
  • Scholars may reject the schema because of the lack of a paper trail. This is not unexpected, since Hermetic teachings were passed on orally and in systems of symbols.
  • Extant writings represent a school started by one of the figures, although gathered, edited and modified by later students.
  • There are those who can only see occult or New Age ideas in these thinkers. This only shows how far we have drifted from the intellectual roots of the West.
  • The beginnings of Hermetism was geographically located in what later became the Roman Empire.

Hermes Trismegistus

An Egyptian priest, Hermes was the founder of Hermetic philosophy and science. Early Christians considered Hermes to be a prophet of Christianity. They recognized in him the existence of a Primordial Tradition whose doctrines are incorporated in all true religions.


He brought music, poetry and literature to the Greeks, all distinctive to the West. He also brought them knowledge of the mystery religions.


Pythagoras was a Greek who studied in Egypt and then founded an esoteric school in Greece. Mathematics served as the base for his philosophy. The use of number in esoteric symbolism is characteristic of the Western races.


Philolaus continued the work of Pythagoras through his use of mathematics and music. He recognized the existence of ideal forms which define the material world.


Plato developed the Pythagorean philosophy in great detail. He is the most influential of Western philosophy and Christianity is, as Whitehead famously said, “Platonism for the masses.” Despite the great deal of written material available, Plato’s most important teachings were given orally in the Academy.


Apollonius was a Pythagorean philosopher, teacher and miracle worker.


Plotinus was an Egyptian philosopher who developed the more esoteric aspects of Platonism. Although a pagan, his philosophy was adopted by some of the most important Christian theologians. He spent his life in Rome, thus completing the circle from Egypt to Rome.

* This article was originally published here

Your numerology cycles: What to expect in 2020 - The Vancouver Observer

Your numerology cycles: What to expect in 2020  The Vancouver Observer

* This article was originally published here

Misunderstandings About God & Love with Tracie Jolicoeur & Nick Marshall

Nicholas (Nick) Marshall is a Native of Providence, RI. 7 years active duty USAF. Radar directed fighter airplanes. Then 30 plus years as Corporate Officer in manufacturing businesses. Wrote 3 novels, SONGBIRD, THE BOOK OF REBECCA….MAE DAYS….and BAD BOY which is now available in paperback form. Also co-wrote with Tracie Jolicoeur MIRROR MIRROR and CRYSTAL CLEAR. Married 50 plus years, 4 children, 6 grandchildren. Several years ago I embarked on the spiritual journey of a lifetime with a teacher named Tracie. Tracie Jolicoeur was born and raised on the east coast. Joined the United States Air Force as a Medical Service Specialist.  She has a desire to raise the collective consciousness and be of service to others who have suffered, still suffer, and feel stuck in their suffering. She feels the joy of sharing the discoveries of what works and how ordinary people can realize the true Self. The Self without stress. The difference between self-esteem, confidence and all the beliefs that block it. www.seedflinger.com  _________________________________ Awakenings With Michele Meiche is Your place for tips and insight to live a more fulfilling life, and your relationships. Learn how to attract healthy relationships, and how to create a life you really love. Awakenings broadcasts live every Wed. 12pm -1:30 pm PT  Call in for Intuitive Readings #347-539-5122 Michele also answers listener questions from email, twitter and facebook & Instagram On Air. Email awakeningspodcast@gmail.com to have your questions answered or to share your insights On Air.

* This article was originally published here

Sacred Magic

The Empress
The third Arcanum, the Empress concerns sacred magic. Valentin Tomberg identifies three kinds of magic:

  1. sacred magic: magic where the magician is the instrument of divine power
  2. personal magic: magic where the magician himself is the source of the magical operation
  3. sorcery: the magician is the instrument of elemental forces or other unconscious forces

Tomberg demonstrates the contrast between personal and sacred magic in regard to similar phenomena.

Personal and Sacred Magic
Personal Magic Sacred Magic
Hypnosis Awakening free will
Suggestion Deliverance from possession by fixed ideas and psychopathological complexes
Evocation by necromancy The ascent towards the deceased effected by the force of love
Constraint employed by ceremonial magic with respect to elemental beings The gain of their confidence and friendship by corresponding acts.
Procedures of the practical Cabbala to subjugate evil spirits Their transformation into servants through their own accord by resistance to the special temptations of each of them

In Letter III we learn that the goal of the first three Arcana is to return to the state of consciousness before the Fall.

  • The Magician: return to the mystical spontaneity of the relationship between man and God
  • The High Priestess: return to the state of consciousness before the Fall
  • The Empress: return to that life which was before the Fall

These are not propositions to believe, but rather states of being to experience.


A miracle is the visible effect of an invisible cause, or the effect on a lower plane due to a cause on a higher plane. Said another way, it demonstrates vertical causation. The purpose then of unusual miracles is to remind us of vertical causation.

Familiarity obscures our recognition of miracles. There is no explanation, in terms of horizontal causes, for the existence of the universe, of the stars, of life, of sentient life, or of human life. A hippopotamus is a miracle.

Human life is supra-biological, hence its continuation from century to century is a miracle. Only familiarity prevents us from seeing it that way. Even a conscious act like lifting a finger is an example of vertical causation, since there is no physical explanation.

Here are two principles to keep in mind, even if they are not fully understood:

  • We create reality
  • Faith can accomplish anything

* This article was originally published here


MONTHLY FORECAST – CREATIVE NUMEROLOGY WHAT IS YOUR YEAR NUMBER FOR 2020? 2020 is a 4 Year in the world, (2+0+2+0=2+2=4). To calculate your number for 2020, simply add 4 to your month and day of birth. (Do NOT include your year of birth in this calculation). Example birthday: September 24:   Month = 9 Day = […]


* This article was originally published here

The rise of Anti-Semitism in Astrology

The Terrible rise of Anti-semitism again especially in New York lately but also in the U.S. and in the World.

This horrific energy is very much in line with the current Saturn/Pluto cycle conjunction in Capricorn. Saturn is associated with limitations, obstacles, fear, projection, the devil = Jews having horns, etc. Pluto is the Plutocracy, the 1%, power, absolute, control, the shadow. The dark side of Saturn the hard planet of obstacles, and Pluto lord of death and power, these two in Capricorn also symbolize corporate and Patrariarchal power and control at all costs.

During one of the last Saturn/ Pluto oppositions from February 17, 1931, to December 13, 1931, at 19° to 21° in Capricorn–Cancer also conjunct their respective North and South Nodes.  Six months after the 1931 opposition in July 1932, in German Elections, the Nazis became the largest party in the Reichstag.

That transit is exactly in alignment with the upcoming conjunction on January 12, 2020 at 22 degrees Capricorn along with Jupiter the South Node and Ceres, 

Also remember that Uranus in Taurus until 2025, coincides with the last Uranus in Taurus cycle which from 1935-1941 which was the Age of Dictators- Mussolini, Hitler, Mao, Tito etc. These are not easy times at all that we are transiting through.

Did you see JoJo rabbit? Directed by Taika Waititi with a very good performance by Scarlett Johannsen, herself a Jewess, the presence of such a Springtime for Hitler movie now is also part of the current astrology.


please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene unless otherwise indicated,

I WILL DO A LIVE JANUARY 2020 TAROT AND ASTROLOGY PREVIEW for the CIA on FACEBOOK JANUARY 1st at 5:00 pm PST/ 8:00 pm EST and January 2 @ 1:00 am GMT on my own page as CIA is busy prepping for a symposium.https://www.facebook.com/Tara-Greene-Tarot-Psychic-Astrology-Consultant-193065840714514/

get a reading with me http:///www.taratarot.com

* This article was originally published here

The Spiral World

“Life is a journey up a spiral staircase; as we grow older we cover the ground we have covered before, only higher up; as we look down the winding stair below us we measure our progress by the number of places where we were but no longer are. The journey is both repetitious and progressive; we go both round and upward.”
―William Butler Yeats

I love metaphors to a fault.  I know when I've traveled too far into metaphor land when my children snap back, "OK, Mom, ok, I get it, I get it."  It's like when you've walked along a beach for so long that because the scenery still looks the same you have no idea how far you've gone.  Enough with the metaphors.  I can never get enough.  Tarot, like metaphor, is illustrative language that tells a story and paints a literal picture in order to communicate a vital truth.  I love tarot and I love metaphor, so yeah, not going to stop with the metaphors.

I have often heard the metaphor of an onion used to describe an internal process, be it of healing, maturity, or self-discovery.  The idea of the onion metaphor is that we continually peel away layers of self to get to the core.  The onion metaphor, however, did not line up with what I actually experienced on my personal trek through life.  I found that when I overcame a particular personal obstacle or had a breakthrough that allowed me to move on, at some point later I would revisit the same issue.  I thought that layer of the onion had been removed.  Then a friend of mine shared that she thinks the path is more of a spiral. As we travel the spiral we certainly do revisit the same issues time and again but at a different level.  Now that's a picture I can relate to because it mirrors what I have experienced in a more precise way than the onion metaphor.

From the golden ratio and the Fibonacci sequence, the spiral is a constant pattern in the universe.  This is a widely observed phenomenon, though scientists have not figured out the "why."  Maybe that's better left to philosophers, but the pattern is evident in everything in nature, art, biology, and The Universe itself.

The Major Arcana XXI, The World, or in some decks, The Universe, relates intimately to the spiral pattern that maps our life's journey, collectively and individually.   XXI (21) is the smallest non-trivial example of a Fibonacci number whose digits are Fibonacci numbers and whose digit sum is also a Fibonacci number.  It's also the winning number in the games of Blackjack and ping pong. In Kabbalah Numerology 21 is pictured as “The Universe”, and is also called “The Crown of the Magi”. It promises general success, and guarantees advancement, honors, awards, and general elevation in life and career. It indicates victory after a long struggle, for the “Crown” is gained only after long initiation, much soul testing and various other tests of determination. However, the person or entity blessed with the number 21 may be certain of final victory over all odds and opposition. It is a most fortunate vibration – a number of karmic reward.

The World card is about those times on our journey when we overcome obstacles, complete an objective successfully and feel joy, freedom and a sense of accomplishment.  The wreath that encircles the dancer reminds us of these cycles and that we are never really finished.  If you've ever played a video game with "levels" you'll know what I mean when I say this is the "Leveled Up" card.  Completing a level is an accomplishment worthy of dancing in celebration, but as any gamer knows the next level will undoubtedly be more challenging and many of the same obstacles you met in the previous level will be presented again but will be more difficult to overcome.  However, all along your journey through the levels of the game you have picked up tools and skills and armor to help you in the succeeding levels. In some games, you've also picked up allies who will help you as well.

Wait, these cycles, aren't they what The Wheel of Fortune is about?  Yes, but different cycles. The Wheel is most definitely about cycles but they are the typical rotations of life's whims and follies.  In other words, fate.  While our actions do certainly shape our destinies, we are never free from those events that occur outside of our control that impact our lives. The World, on the other hand, focuses more on how the individual has responded to those and other experiences in order to achieve the successful completion of a goal.  The similarities between the two cards doesn't stop there.  They each have heavenly beings in each of the four corners.  They can be attributed to Christian symbolism of the four evangelists whose books are canonized in the reformed New Testament: Matthew -- a man; Mark -- a lion; Luke -- an ox, and John -- an eagle. These four Evangelists are also represented by the four fixed astrological signs: Leo, Taurus, Aquarius and Scorpio.  In The Wheel's imagery they are each busily writing in books whereas in The World they are celebrating the success of the figure in the center. This conveys the message that the Divine was in the seemingly arbitrary events and that heaven was rooting for you all along.

By Rolf Süssbrich - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2567511  The four winged creatures that symbolise the Four Evangelists surround Christ in Majesty on the Romanesque tympanum of the Church of St. Trophime in Arles, France.
The World has a key similarity to another Major Arcana card: The Hanged Man.  Both figures leg positions are the same. In the World, she is dancing.  Does this mean The Hanged Man is likewise "dancing"?  Well, sort of.  The legs form a fylfot cross, or what is known as a swastika cross.  Before the German Nazi Party co opted it, the fylfot cross was and is a spiritual symbol that meant "well being" and "balance."  In The Hanged Man it communicates that although he is in a painful circumstance, all is well with his soul.  He will come through it intact and blessed.  There is also the balance concept seen in The Wheel of Fortune. The swastika is a type of solar cross with arms bent at right angles suggesting a whirling or turning motion. Likewise, the dancer in The World, with her fylfot cross position and flowing hair and scarf suggest the same.

 Yet another symbol in The World card can be found at the very beginning of the Major Arcana within The Magician.  The Magician holds a wand. The figure in The World holds two.  This wand is distinct from the suit of Wands in the Minor Arcana.  On the table before the Magician, that wand is lying along with symbols of the other suits.  So the wand in his right hand with his left hand pointing downward is to symbolize his connection to the Divine and the power to bring forth the adage, "As above, so below."  He is, in Waite's tarot, an adept who, unlike the charlatans of previous tarot magicians, seeks to express the Divine within as direct manifestation in his life on earth.  The wands in the hands of the woman in The World card are not directly engaged in a concerted effort.  She's barely grasping them and they are balanced equally.  She's mastered something in her Divine nature and the manifestation is complete. Bravo!

 Resting on that laurel wreath is transitory because the next turn of the spiral is right after her last spin on the dance floor.  She will find herself back at one, as a Magician, attempting to manifest yet another aspect of the Divine into her earthly existence.  No doubt she will go over the same ground previously trod but with a new perspective gained from her last level.

 In readings, some situations are readily seen as World events.  Graduations, new parenthood, a promotion, an award, etc.  I've seen The World show up when someone has been struggling to overcome a broken heart and is a very encouraging indication they are ready, finally, to move on.  I've seen it say, "You're above this, don't stoop to their level." and "No need to go through that again, don't reinvent the wheel" (note reference to The Wheel).  To a lesser extent this card can be associated with travel, not just a road trip, but more like the kind of travel that requires a passport or visa.  However, more often it is a celebratory message that says "Go you!"  The question remains, "What's next?"

* This article was originally published here

Astrology Bytes – Episode 96: Applying and Separating Aspects

Astrology Bytes - Episode 96: Applying and Separating Aspects


Bite-sized astrology lessons for total astrology newbies.
Created by Theresa Reed, The Tarot Lady (psst…I am known for tarot but I’m also an astrology geek!).

Welcome to Astrology Bytes, the astrology podcast for people who want to learn astrology… but don’t have all day! Short, bite-sized astrology lessons.

Episode 96: Applying and Separating Aspects

You know what aspects are. They’re the angles the planets make to each other and can impact how they interact. For example, two planets that are 90º apart are in a square – and this indicates tension. So what are astrologers talking about when they mention applying and separating aspects?

An aspect is applying when the faster-moving planet is heading toward the slower-moving planet and closing in toward the exact orb. It’s intense. I liken it to “crowning” – the period before the baby is born. You can feel it, you know it’s coming, and you have to brace yourself. It’s the buildup before the grand finale.  For applying aspects, the tendencies are magnified.

Separating aspects occur when the faster-moving planet is moving away from the exact orb of the aspect made to that slower-moving planet. The energy here is like the birth has happened, now we’re adjusting to our new life, and perhaps feel a sense of relief.

Learn more in this short episode.

Grab your astrology chart, put in your earbuds, and dive in!



Subscribe in iTunes, Google Play or Stitcher – or use the mighty fine podcast player below to listen ‘n learn:

© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2019

Check out all previous Astrology Bytes episodes here. Want more astrology lessons? Get to Star School!


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The post Astrology Bytes – Episode 96: Applying and Separating Aspects appeared first on The Tarot Lady.

* This article was originally published here

Being Psychic In Today's World with Psychic Paolo Doro

Paolo D'oro has been a psychic since his first breath. He believes it is time to meld all cultures and join in the dance of life, and as Ama states "We're all in service". He has known many spiritual leaders and galactic travelers that continue to break through the old patterns and assist in de-mystifying ancient dogmas to use in our daily lives. http://www.ancientbling.com https://www.etsy.com/shop/ancientbling ________________________________________________________ Awakenings With Michele Meiche is Your place for tips and insight to live a more fulfilling life, and your relationships. Learn how to attract healthy relationships, and how to create a life you really love. Awakenings broadcasts live every Wed. 12pm -1:30 pm PT   Call in for Intuitive Readings #347-539-5122 Michele answers questions about Awakening, Spirituality, Metaphysics and Self/Soul Development. Michele also answers listener questions from email, twitter and facebook On Air. Email awakeningspodcast@gmail.com to have your questions answered or to share your insights On Air.

* This article was originally published here

RLOVE Spiritual Dating App with Steffen Hoffman & John-Jacob Mubarak

Steffen has 12+ years in branding, design, tech, and ecommerce. He previously founded Hipster (acquired by AOL), Klova (7-digit run-rate within the first 12 months, klova.com) and Openly Human (vegan personal care, openlyhuman.com). Steffen led design, launch and creation of Honest Beauty (founded by Jessica Alba). He’s the creative partner of RLOVE, leading the development, design, brand, and marketing. He’s a peaceful vegan and musician living in Santa Monica, CA, with an undying passion to create consciously. John-Jacob Mubarak, Assistant Director of Rythmia & Agape Licensed Spiritual Practitioner. In my studies and journeys, I have come to know that there are Universal Principles that govern our lives. http://rlove.com _________________________________ Awakenings With Michele Meiche is Your place for tips and insight to live a more fulfilling life, and your relationships. Learn how to attract healthy relationships, and how to create a life you really love. Awakenings broadcasts live every Wed. 12pm -1:30 pm PT  Call in for Intuitive Readings #347-539-5122 Michele also answers listener questions from email, twitter and facebook & Instagram On Air. Email awakeningspodcast@gmail.com to have your questions answered or to share your insights On Air.  

* This article was originally published here

Moon and sun conference

Moon and Sun
This is notice of an upcoming conference in Germany by Eike und Trygve Olaf Lindvig on the topic:

Moon and sun as a reality of life in Anthroposophy and Christian Hermeticism.

Registration information can be found here: Registration form

Those who speak German may be interested. The German text follows:

Willkommen zur nächsten Tagung in Berlin!

Mond und Sonne als Lebenswirklichkeit in Anthroposophie und christliche Hermetik.

Mit herzlichen Grüssen für die Organisation

Eike und Trygve Olaf Lindvig

* This article was originally published here

Tarot Card of the Day – 12/28/19

Ace of Wands from Georgie's Tarot
Ace of Wands

Saturday, December 28, 2019
Ace of Wands

The flame has been ignited and there’s a new feeling floating around.  This is a day to let inspiration lead the way.

Throw out your old excuses and start something you really care about.  Passion and fire are what motivates the soul and it’s time to listen to yours.

You might not yet know what’s different but you know your old way of doing things is no longer possible.  A new spirit has been planted and you can probably feel the excitement beginning to build.

Whatever it is that moves you with enthusiasm should be your starting point.  Being true to your spirit isn’t being selfish.  It’s what makes you fully human.

* This article was originally published here

The Secrets of the Universe, the Science of the Brain with Dr. Tara Swart

DR. TARA SWART is a neuroscientist, medical doctor, leadership coach, and award-winning and bestselling author. She works with leaders all over the world to help them achieve mental resilience and peak brain performance, improving their ability to manage stress, regulate emotions, and retain information. www.taraswart.com _________________________________ Awakenings With Michele Meiche is Your place for tips and insight to live a more fulfilling life, and your relationships. Learn how to attract healthy relationships, and how to create a life you really love. Awakenings broadcasts live every Wed. 12pm -1:30 pm PT  Call in for Intuitive Readings #347-539-5122 Michele also answers listener questions from email, twitter and facebook & Instagram On Air. Email awakeningspodcast@gmail.com to have your questions answered or to share your insights On Air.

* This article was originally published here

Hello Again

Hello...Testing...1,2,3.  I have finally gotten around to uploading ye olde podcasts from ages ago and they have now gone live on Google Play Music and are almost live on iTunes.  They are also over at PodOmatic.  The Series on the Aces, The Tarot Court and other miscellaneous podcasts are now up and I'll be adding more until I exhaust my collection.  Then I'll start recording new ones.

About time, right?


* This article was originally published here

Next Generation in Frequency Sound Healing with Musician Ted Winslow

Ted Winslow is an award-winning producer and best-selling recording artist with over 25 years experience in the music business.  Ted holds a BS in Music & Audio Engineering from the University of Colorado and currently owns a state of the art commercial recording studio.  Ted is also involved in extensive sound healing research through Biophotonic Imaging Testing, where he works with the affects of sound on the Human Energy Field; which has validated his trademarked sound healing technology –SOUNDSYNCTECH™.  Ted has created specialized brainwave frequency music to facilitate a more powerful and effective hypnosis session developed exclusively for Wellpoint Hypnosis Method™ through SOUNDSYNCTECH™. www.tedwinslow.com _________________________________ Awakenings With Michele Meiche is Your place for tips and insight to live a more fulfilling life, and your relationships. Learn how to attract healthy relationships, and how to create a life you really love. Awakenings broadcasts live every Wed. 12pm -1:30 pm PT  Call in for Intuitive Readings #347-539-5122 Michele also answers lisogatener questions from email, twitter and facebook & Instagram On Air. Email awakeningspodcast@gmail.com to have your questions answered or to share your insights On Air. 

* This article was originally published here

Christian Hermiticism: Valentin Tomberg

[materialists] fear judgment. Because the future brings retribution for the past, people deny both the moral world order and the future in the sense of that moral world order. ~ Valentin Tomberg

One generation creates the destiny of the next. ~ Valentin Tomberg

Although the sequence differs between Matthew 4:1-11 and Luke 4:1-13, these are the three temptations:

  • To turn stones into bread
  • To jump off the pinnacle
  • To rule the world

The first item to note is the symmetry between the beginning of the Old Testament and the New Testament. Genesis sets the stage for the emergence of the First Adam and the three temptations in Eden:

  • Listening to the serpent. The serpent was cunning and shifted the perspective of Adam and Eve from the vertical to the horizontal.
  • Seeing fruit as a delight to the eyes.
  • Eating of the fruit

Adam and Eve succumbed to each of those temptations, and then experienced the corresponding effects.

First of all, Eve allowed the voice of the serpent to have equal influence with that of God. This was an act of disobedience and the result was doubt, i.e., having two minds in conflict with each other.

This put the tree in a new light, for now it seemed desirable. Doubt wants to be resolved by experience, i.e., to actually taste the fruit of the tree. That is greed, the opposite to poverty.

Eating the fruit, i.e., actually undergoing the experience is unchastity.

The New Testament begins with the stories of Jesus’ origins ending with the Baptism in the Jordan. He is led to fast for 40 days in the wilderness. There, Satan tempts him, but Jesus resists each one of them. The following sections show Tomberg’s analysis from each of the four works mentioned.

Anthroposophic Meditations on the New Testament

In this work, there are two chapters devoted to the temptations in the wilderness. The NT starts with the human and leads to the divine. Curiously, Tomberg begins his discussion with Friedrich Nietzsche. Nietzsche experienced loneliness and isolation in their depths. That is, he knew the wilderness and its temptations, yet yielded to them.

His emptiness led him to seek the fullness of life in the instincts and the will to power. Then from the mountain top, Nietzsche came up with the idea of the Eternal Return. This means that the Earth has no future, but is condemned to repeat itself endlessly. Nietzsche claimed to have been inspired by superior forces. Yet then led him to devalue God, spirit, soul. The same temptations exist today, although few succumb with the same intensity.

Jesus in the wilderness was likewise isolated; the angels did not minister to him until afterwards. For, according to Tomberg, it is human freedom that must resist the temptations. The wilderness represents the Kali Yuga, the Dark Age. That is the temptation of humanity as a whole, which we see constantly repeated. Suprasensory experiences are rare because people have not yet decided:

  • Whether to rule or to serve (power or obedience)
  • Whether to possess the kingdoms of the past or to wander destitute into the future (wealth or poverty)
  • Whether to desire miracles of knowledge (the authority of miracles or the chastity of knowledge)

People are exposed to these temptations in diverse forms and Tomberg provides examples.

First Temptation. Stones into Bread

The tendency is to substitute a quantitative numerical value to everything qualitative and specific. But quantity is death and the property of quality, the living, cannot be reduced to it.

Tomberg considers money as an example of converting metal or paper into a “basket of bread”. The value of money is arbitrarily set while bread, which supports life, is subjected to the power of number. The prime example of this is in the USA where the major concern in elections is the GDP, as the spiritual and intellectual level of society declines precipitously.

Second Temptation: retreat into the subconscious

This temptation is to seek the source of life in the instinctual life of the subconscious. This is jumping from the pinnacle into the abyss, the domain of hidden instinctive urges. Thinking is difficult so the temptation is to expect miracles from the subconscious.

The true source of life, however, is the superconscious and the free life of thinking.

Third temptation: materialism

Materialism is the temptation to see the world as having no moral or spiritual guidance. This view grants them freedom from responsibility. However, when materialism is followed all the way through, the ruling intelligence behind matter will be seen to be the “prince of the world”.

The path of materialism leads through hallucination to insanity and from insanity to demonic possession. These terms are not meant in a clinical sense, and the symptoms are certainly noticeable in our time.

The fundamentals of materialism are force, chance, matter

  • Blind force is the opposite of spiritual light, a denial of the Holy Spirit
  • Blind chance is the opposite of the Logos, or Son
  • Spiritless matter stands in contrast to the cosmic First Cause, or Father

Force is unspiritual time, chance the lack of causality, and matter, the mechanization of life. The results are sleep, prostration, and death. The following meditation contains the opposite tendencies:

Out of the Godhead is created humankind.

In Christ death becomes life.

In Spirit’s cosmic thoughts, the soul awakens.


Inner Development

In the series of lectures published with the title Inner Development, there is a brief discussion of the three temptations. The context is a critique of the three currents of contemporary intellectual life, viz., religion, art, science


Religion has succumbed to the temptation of reckoning with the Prince of this world. It has succumbed to the temptation to organize the world with the help of a power principle and take possession of it with the help of a centralized power organization. This is the temptation to rule the world, provided one bows down to Satan.

He then criticizes the Roman Church which, he claims, “strove to bring the world and its glories under its dominion.” However, in the Meditations, the view becomes more balanced.  He came to recognize that the Church is the Mystical Body of Christ, i.e., a real entity. It is the egregore of the Church, a factitious creation, that succumbs to the temptation, not the Mystical Body.


Tomberg then turns his attention to art:

Artistic creation is increasingly becoming a situation whereby the artist creates out of the deep dark underworld of his subconscious.

That is because the artist succumbs to the temptation of jumping into the abyss.

The artist leaps from the pinnacle of the temple of clear consciousness into the sphere of impulses, instincts, whence something is supposed to arise that is to be regarded as angelic revelation.

The art of popular culture is now plagued with vulgar, scatological, and sexual innuendo.  For some reason, this is considered to be a deep insight into the human condition


Science succumbs to the temptation to turn stones into bread:

Modern science is based upon the conception that the dead mineral world can be the foundation of everything, and that everything living is only a consequence of movement in this mechanical, dead world. i.e., all bread arises out of stone.


Tomberg related the temptations to the political forces rampant at that time. The specifics might not be so important now, but the temptations still arise in different contexts.

World history is essentially nothing other than the continual karmic confrontation of humanity with the first, the second, the third, or all three temptations.

Degeneration and Regeneration of Jurisprudence

In this PhD thesis, written shortly after his conversion, Tomberg reformulates the temptations in the context of jurisprudence. Instead of religion, art, and science, the concern is now law, ethics, and religion.

A view which presumes law, ethics, and religion to be a structure unity cannot avoid recognizing a kind of “fall” in the history of jurisprudence in the 19th and 20th centuries. A fall consists of succumbing step by step to the same three temptations to which Christ was exposed in the desert.

First Temptation

The turning away from the ideal of reason, and the turning towards the instinctual is, seen morally, nothing but the leap from the pinnacle of the temple into the abyss, hoping that there angels of God will lift the one falling. i.e., intelligence reigning in the darkness of the instinctual.

Thought should be oriented toward the divine, but the temptation is to sink.

The height of pure thought (pinnacle) oriented towards the divine (temple) has been left behind to find the reign of the nation’s subconscious force (angels) in the instinctual (abyss). This is the path from faith to superstition.

Just as an individual’s personal instincts may be made, so too are the national instincts. Hence, there is a risk or a leap into the unknown. This temptation is to put the irrational above reason.

Second Temptation

Historically, there have been no intervention of angels to break the fall. Only the ground can break the fall, leading to the cult of materialism.

Hence, one generation creates the destiny of the next, although not necessarily a repetition of what came prior. Culture and morality were assumed to be determined by mechanical and material forces. Hence, the materialist generation reversed the order of the higher and the lower. In particular, the revolutionary movements of the 19th century were rooted in the primacy of the material. Quantity placed above quality.

This is the temptation to transform stones into bread. The transformation of inorganic and dead stones into organic bread is actually a reversal of the above and the below.

It treats culture (law, ethics, religion) as the product of the material (amoral and irrational).

Third Temptation

The materialist generation gave way to the positivistic generation:

Law is only what was laid down by a power according to its will and sanctioned by force. The good is only what leads to the set objective. And that objective is defined to be “truth”.

Matter is no longer fundamental, but force is. In man, force is actualized as the Will.

Will is the reality in the life of a human—ultimately it creates and directs everything—including all of civilised and legal life. But for legal life this means a decisive change in its foundation: might replaces right.

The temptation is to become the authority over all the kingdoms of the world, provided on bows down and worships Satan. This is predominantly the situation we find ourselves in today.

Meditations on the Tarot

The three temptations have a prominent place in the Meditations. However, they are always put in contrast with the temptations in Eden, and in relation to the three vows of obedience, poverty, and chastity.

The three vows are, in essence, memories of paradise, where man was united with God (obedience), where he possessed everything at once (poverty), and where his companion was at one and the same time his wife, his friend, his sister, and his mother (chastity).

The work of redemption begins with the three temptations in the wilderness. However, this time the tempter was not the serpent. Rather, the tempter was the prince of the world (the new man, the superman, or other son of man who, if incarnated, would be the realisation of the promise of freedom made by the serpent.

The three temptations of the Son of Man in the wilderness were his experience of the directing impulses of evolution, namely the will-to-power, the “groping trial” and the transformation of the gross into the subtle. They signify at the same time the test of the three vows—the vows of obedience, chastity and poverty.

Bread and stones

The first temptation came after Jesus’ forty day fast:

Hunger of the spirit, the soul and the body is the experience of emptiness or poverty. It is therefore the vow of poverty which is put to the test when “the tempter came and said to him: If you are the Son of God. command these stones to become loaves of bread” (Matthew iv, 3). “Command these stones to become loaves of bread”—this is the very essence of the aspiration of humanity in the scientific epoch, namely to victory over poverty. Synthetic resins, synthetic rubber, synthetic fibre, synthetic vitamins, synthetic proteins and. . .eventually synthetic bread! —When? Soon, perhaps. Who knows?

Forty-five years later, we can begin to answer such questions. Synthetic meat is being grown in the laboratory and will soon be mass produced. Of course, the advances in artificial intelligence are seen as a threat. Synthetic humans are already being produced for specialized purposes (i.e., sex).

Through the media, the population is being prepared to accept these androids as fully human. Some even predict them to be the next root race that will replace biological humans.

In cultural terms, this temptation leads the intellectuals to deny life, which is regarded as merely complex molecules. In the political realm, economic life is regarded as primary.

Groping Trial

This is the temptation to jump off the pinnacle into the abyss, assuming God will come to the rescue. In practical terms, it is the idea of evolution over creation. Creation is the accomplishment of absolute wisdom and absolute goodness.

Evolution, on the other hand, proceeds blindly by trial and error, from one species to the next. Evolution is actually guided by the serpent, or prince of the word. This temptation is opposed to chastity, and fornication is threefold: spiritual, psychic, and carnal.

The principle of spiritual fornication is therefore the preference of the subconscious to the conscious and superconscious. of instinct to the Law, and of the world of the serpent to the world of the WORD.

Transformation Temptation

The third temptation is directed against obedience. The temptation is the will-to-power, the desire to rule over the world.

It is a matter, therefore, of accepting the ideal of the superman (“fall down and worship me”), who is the summit of evolution (“he took him to a very high mountain”) and who, having passed through the mineral, plant, animal and human kingdoms, subjecting them to his power, is lord over them, i.e. he is their final cause or aim and ideal, their representative or their collective concentrated will, and he is their master, who has taken their subsequent evolution into his hands. Now, the choice here is between the ideal of the superman, who is “as God”, and God himself.

Obedience is faithfulness to the living God.

Fundamental Law of Magic

A fundamental law of sacred magic is this:

That which is above being as that which is below, renunciation below sets in motion forces of accomplishment above and the renunciation of that which is above sets in motion forces of accomplishment below.

This means:

When you resist a temptation or renounce something desired below, you set in motion by this very fact forces of realisation of that which corresponds above to that which you come to renounce below.


It is not desire which bears magical realisation, but rather the renunciation of desire (that you have formerly experienced, of course). For renunciation through indifference has no moral — and therefore no magical — value.

This renunciation is actually the practice of the three sacred vows, which is the true magical training, and concentration without effort. That is the esoteric value to resisting those temptations.

* This article was originally published here

Numerology Horoscope Today: Predictions for March 6, 2025 - Hindustan Times

Numerology Horoscope Today: Predictions for March 6, 2025    Hindustan Times * This article was originally published here ...