Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Best day December 27 Luck Ritual Recipe

 December  27 will be the luckiest day of the year as Jupiter the one with the most luck and expansion will be in the Heart of the Sun, called CAZIMI aka ZAMINIUM an Arabic word and one of my new favourite words. Literally, this is a super lucky Golden opportunity that no one wants to miss. Its the optimum time to do ritual.
if it’s your birthday today you really luck out,

Helios personified at 3 times of day Anton Raphael Mengs [Public domain]

Cazimi or “in the heart of the Sun” is the position of a planet at the Sun’s core where it gets a special blessing.

Officially JUPITER conjuncts the SUN at 10:25 am PST 1:25 pm EST and  6:25 pm GMT at 5 degrees, 41 minutes of Capricorn

DO look AT WHERE THAT DEGREE IS IN YOUR NATAL CHART to find out where the heart of Gold is.

CAZIMI is when a planet is in tight conjunction with the Sun within 17′ (minutes of arc). The Sun’s radius on the sky is 17′. This planetary position is said to be one of great strength, the planet is strengthened by the Sun’s rays. When a  planet is in cazimi the Sun bestows great protection on the planet, a cosmic protective hand. But only for a short time. Anything beyond that 17 minutes and the planet is considered to be burned out and fried in the sun’s rays called combust.

JUPITER is not visible in the sky right now since December 15 and will remain hidden by the sun’s glare until January 15

by my calculations anytime from  1:11 PM est OFFICIALLY 1:25 PM EST and the Sun and Jupiter remain within 17 minutes of each other until 10:17 pm 

Because of this great lucky time its the best time to make LUCKY POTIONS using the SUN and JUPITER associations.  Because they are in Capricorn this is a grounded realistic, material wealth energy. Yes, I know Jupiter is not in great shape in Capricorn opposite its exalted position in Cancer but the SUN brings Jupiter into a royal golden regal light.

The word Cornucopia or horn of plenty is derived from Capricorn. From the Greek myth of Amalthea, the she-goat who nourished the infant Zeus/Jupiter with her milk.

Capricorn rules business, governments, fathers, time, architects, history, museums, senators, seniors, churches, contracts, antiques, watches, anthropologists, deserts, civil servants, mathematics, granite, sculptures, bronze, chiropractors, caves, mountains.  Capricorn rules the spleen, and bones of the skeleton.

The sign of Capricorn in the Tarot is symbolized by Major Arcana #15 THE DEVIL, the ancient God Pan. We can sell our souls to the Devil for worldly material success, he is temptation. The other card symbolizing Capricorn is the Court card, the Queen of Disks.

Saturn/Capricorn is the manifestation of spirit on the densest, slowest vibrating levels, worlds or dimensions. We are all here in 3D as incarnate spirits, souls embodied. We need to respect this physical plane as it offers us all types of experiences which souls desire to learn from. We can enjoy the material world as a mirror of the higher dimensions too as long as we dont get caught in the devil’s bargain and sell our souls for those worldly riches.

this is the best of the best days to make a Golden Liquid Luck potion like in Harry Potter.

to do a GOOD LUCK RITUAL on December 27 between the appropriate times.

assemble as many of the items as you can be associated with both Jupiter the Sun and Capricorn

Ceremony and ritual doesn’t have to be complex.

here is a list of associated items for JUPITER and the SUN and CAPRICORN and a CAPRICORN meditation is at the end.

Working with the sign of Capricorn

Capricorn’s symbols

ELEMENT: earth, feminine,

Colors, dark grey, somber colors

Metal:  Lead

Stones:  ruby, garnet, onyx, agate, lapis lazuli, jet, black tourmaline, tiger’s eye, malachite, fluorite, smoky quartz, peridot

Plants:  comfrey and hemp.

Foods: potato, spinach, barley, beets and malt. Sour and bitter flavors.

Birds: pheasant and the eagle.

Animals: Goat and all cloven-hoofed animals.

Musical note: A

Angels:  Hanael and Azrael

Capricorn Incense/ oils: Sandalwood, Benzoin, patchouli, desert sage, vetiver, mugwort


The Sun was also known as Sol, and the pun of Sol and soul.


RULES THE HEART and Solar plexus 3rd chakra or Hara or Orende

SUN symbols sunflowers, gold, bright yellow, 

Gemstones, citrine, gold, amber, yellow topaz, goldstone, pink tourmaline

OILS: sunflower,  safflower

INCENSE: frankincense, Lemon and orange peel, 

Herbs: herbs of the Sun include Angelica, Ash, Bay, cloves, Cedar, Calamus, Chamomile,  Celandine,  Eyebright, Frankincense, Juniper, Mistletoe, Rosemary, Saffron, Safflower, St. John’s Wort, Sunflower, Tormentilla, and Walnut

PLANTS: calendula, sunflowers, St. John’s wort, saffron.marigold petals, 


colour: royal purple

Metal: tin        RULES the Liver and thighs

GEMSTONES: smoky topaz, amethyst, lapiz lazuli, turquoise


OILS: cedar, nutmeg, sage, juniper, almond, cinnamon, cloves, jasmine, sandalwood.

HERBS: Copal, juniper berries, nutmeg, white sage, white oak bark, walnut, hyssop, European sage, and grapefruit. 


ZEUS, JOVE, Adonai Tsevaot Hebrew, Amon-Ra Egyptian, Chango, Dagda- Celtic, Indra-Hindu, Manitou-Indigenous Canadian, Odin in Nordic Mythology, Virachocha Peruvian, Vishnu in Hindu, 

JUPITER is the higher master teacher.

For healing, Jupiter is associated with the 3rd eye in Medical astrology. Adaptogenic herbs help the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis. also known as the god center which is also known to be the origin of our hormones.  which are the molecules of consciousness, the command center? 

Very popular adaptogenic related to Jupiter: ashwagandha (Sun-Jupiter), astragalus, Bala, cordyceps, schizandra (Jupiter-Venus), licorice, ginseng, gynostemma, reishi, Suma, Tulsi.

For cleansing and Liver tonics: Dandelion, Yellow Dock with Sun, Oregon grape root (with the sun)

Plants and herbs Carnations chestnuts, rose, sage, dandelion, nutmeg oak,

Edible Jupiter associations: Alfalfa, Appletree, Apricot tree, Apple, Asparagus, Bay leaf, Carob, Currants, Cardamom, Clove, Fennel, Figs, millet, Nutmeg, Peppermint  Sage, Tomato, Tamarind, Yams.


Gather the items you will need to set up your sacred circle and alter with any associated images, a goat, cornucopia, or mountain scene or symbol as you wish. Connecting with the earth element, barefoot is recommended.  Being indoors is fine too. Have a potted plant in earth and crystals, stones or animal bones representing Capricorn. 

Begin by smudging with the appropriate incense or oils. Center yourself by breathing. Light your candles one by one for each direction. I always work EAST to SOUTH, WEST and NORTH. Different traditions use different orders, use whichever feels right.  Always move clockwise. Call in the four elements, directions and the four Archangels, Michael, Gabriel, Ariel, Raphael and then close your eyes.

Give thanks for what you have learned since the Sagittarius Full Moon. Set your intentions on connecting with Saturn as the great teacher to give you practical guidance into reaping from the Cornucopia.

Breathe in through your nose, send your intention and breathe into your root chakra. Visualize or feel your root chakra growing like a tail slowly through the floor, down through the earth, past the crystals and minerals into the molten iron core.  When you feel the connection to the earth’s fire, breathe it back up again through the rocky strata back into your root chakra and then breathe it up from the lowest, 1st root chakra through each chakra one by one to the 7th chakra. You can also send your intention out beyond your crown chakra to the 8th and 9th chakras. The 8th is your Higher self, it is Gold about 1 foot above your head. The 9th chakra symbolizes the Galactic Center and beyond. Direct your energy out there, and call upon your Holy Guardian Angels to be present with you.

Now direct your attention within.  Visualize and feel yourself as a goat climbing the mountain peaks towards your goal. If you aren’t clear about your goal yet that is OK, you will try to discover it now. Feel yourself prancing easily and gracefully from one rocky precipice to another. You have no fear of heights or of falling. You are confident and focused on reaching the peak. Once you have arrived at the peak of your personal mountain ask Saturn to help you see any unconscious obstacles or karmic blockages you may have overlooked. Take your time and keep breathing.

See everything on your life’s journey from this higher perspective. The eagle comes to talk with you. You are on equal level with the bird of spirit now. Look critically at the levels and tests you need to pass in order to get to the top. Take notes. Ask Saturn for wisdom and maturity and for how to overcoming any obstacles. This is not making a pact with the devil but respecting physical boundaries.  See Saturn as a wise old man with a white beard although he can appear as any image. Sit and listen, be patient, know that you are being tested. Saturn will show you what you need to discover about yourself.

See yourself transform into an older wiser white-haired elder mature version of yourself. Feel that you have eons of experience in your bones and a long memory. Visualize all the goodies that the Horn of Plenty offers you. Choose which of the goodies are the most valuable to go after. Take what you learn in this meditation into your bones. May a vow which you MUST keep to do the work to get to your goal and complete the tasks. Ask Saturn for patience.

Take the time you need. When you feel complete. Give thanks. Come out of your meditation and write down what you learned. Make a short term goal list of things you will complete in the next six months and longer.

Go out afterwards and walk, feel your body, do something practical. Be grateful for being alive and in the beauty of the physical world.


From the Harry Potter Fandom page

Felix Felicis, also called “Liquid Luck”, is a magical potion that makes the drinker lucky for a period of time, during which everything they attempt will be successful. It turns an ordinary day into an extraordinary one.

as a cocktail
Pour 1½ ounces of vodka (per drink), ½ ounce of triple sec (per drink), ½ ounce (per drink) of fresh lemon juice, ½ ounce (per drink) of simple syrup into shaker. Add some ice
PLEASE SHARE WIDELY ALL WRITING IS Copyright of TARA GREENE unless otherwise indicated.

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For the time and work it took for me to assemble this information for the greater benefit of all. thank you

get a reading with me

* This article was originally published here

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