Friday, January 31, 2020

Birth of Post Brexit Britain 2020

Birth of Post Brexit Britain 2020

Great Britain takes on a new Incarnation January 31, 2020 at 11:00 pm GMT as it leaves the European Union after 47 years.  Prime Minister Boris Johnson hails the “dawn of a new era.”

Boris Johnson midwives this New incarnation of Great Britain with All planets Moving Direct, Venus exalted in Pisces conjunct Neptune its Higher Octave. Saturn firmly on its roots and a brand-new revolutionary ultra modern Aquarius chart,

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn urged the country not to “turn inwards” and instead “build a truly internationalist, diverse and outward-looking Britain”.

Lets see if the astrology chart does in fact bear out this wish. 

The New Revolutionary Britain is an Aquarius Nation! Joining Australia. 

new_great_britain_astrology_chart January 31, 2020. 11:00 pm GMT

The 21st Century Britain is quite a private Nation with its Radical new free thinking hi-tech, SUN its’ identity, in the receptive 4th house of Home, Mum, emotional security, containment, along with Mercury in the detached Air sign too.

The SUN always symbolizes the reigning Monarch. The Monarchy is being modernized and this bodes an endangered Monarchy which will not last long on a level playing field of Aquarius non-hierarchical thinking. 

The Ascendant is still in LIBRA as it was in the January 1, 1801 Great Britain chart at 7  degrees. The outlook on the world still looks as pretty. 

JUNO, the Asteroid Goddess of Marriage traditionally but what I believe is  the Feminine form of Women’s Genius sits right on the Rising sign. Ruled by Venus exalted in Pisces

Women’s multi-tasking intelligence will lead the way to how the New Britain appears to the world. There will be a new creative, spiritual essence and appearance to the country. There will be strong, visionary compassionate very feminine women leaders soon. 

All the planets are bunched into the 3rd to the 7th house, all within 5 houses, with only the North Node of the Moon highly visible nearest to the MC in Cancer.

Saturn and Pluto oppose the MC. The old guard is still the foundation but that square to the direst critical degree of Aries, the 29th, where the Moon is conjunct to radical inventive freedom loving URANUS in TAURUS, VENUS’ means things will not stay staid for long.  The Women’s revolution and new tech will change the Old Guard quickly. 

The Moon is the mood of the people, at the very last most critical anaretic degree of fiery, independent, impatient, assertive, fiercely competitive, defensive, warlike Mars ruled Aries in the 7th house of relationships with the world. New Britain won’t take any shit from anyone.  This of course depicts marriage quarrels with the people within its own borders too. The moon is the motherland, women, home and food. There will be radically new modern types of homes built. Agriculture, fast foods, the independence of women, and single mothers will become dominant. 

The Moon is conjunct URANUS in stable wealthy, sensuous, stubborn TAURUS. Uranus is  the modern ruling Planet of Aquarius in the 7th House. Relationships will not be traditional. Intermarriage, and open marriages will be the norm. Gay and LGBQT relationships/marriages will also be  accepted. The Moon symbolizes the home hi-technology in the home, women working in organizations, management and being free. 

The Moon is the motherland, women, home and food. There will be radically new modern types of homes built. Agriculture will be modernized. Fast foods, the independence of women, and single mothers will become dominant. 

Saturn is the traditional ruler of Aquarius and is in its strength in Capricorn also in that 4th house on the IC the roots of this chart. Saturn is the taxman; taxes may be increased to deal with debts. Don’t worry Good Olde Britain won’t become that radical at its basis. It will still be strongly rooted to tradition, the stiff upper lip, the Queen, Teatime, fish and chips and relying on the strength of its long history, almost 1,000 years  of Monarchies. 

CERES the Great agricultural earth Mother is at 0 Aquarius in the 4th house too. Food, land management and women and children will become radical new strengths in Britain. 

Where’s the Love?

VENUS conjunct Neptune in PISCES in the 5th house of giving love,

Is very creative, self-expressive, with a focus on state supported arts. There’ll be  lots of drama, beautiful dreamy fashions, spiritual will power, childlike behaviour and great love of children. The country will flourish with compassion, imagination, and a lot of denial about keeping certain people locked up. Drugs addiction, rampant mental illness, plus the institutionalized abuse of children and minors will be revealed. Spirituality will become strong, and worshipping glamour. The British film scene will take off again. Home decorating and interior design will flourish. Many new Charities to support children and clean up the oceans. Money laundering and debt will be needing to be dealt with. 


indicates a much more optimistic mood, honesty and transparency, legal matters and judges, speeding up the legal system, the rights of teachers, free speech and fighting with foreigners. Religious fights.  International Trade opens in new ways.

Mars squares VENUS and NEPTUNE in the 5th

Britain will be exporting oil, art, spirituality, film, photography, fashion and a new form of credit. There’s something which may not be realistic about all of this. Competition with foreign companies, anger over immigrants, and the expulsion of many illegal immigrants. Danger of germ warfare from International or religious factions, Water pollution, water management, legal rights of waterways, aggressively cleaning up of the Thames and other rivers.

Jupiter in Capricorn in the 3rd House of Communications

Jupiter conjuncts the South Node indicate a big leave taking of the past. Expanded communications, education, travel, restrictions of foreigners and religious observations, Church and state may separate.  The tone is serious with the same dry British humour as an important communications tool. 

PLUTO on the IC with Saturn

This is a death to the old order but also the Plutocracy 1% being the roots of the New Britain which isn’t  so new as it seems. Pluto conjunct Saturn restricts wealth, the economy may have a hard time recovering, Pluto recycles old outworn systems, and this may be a major avenue to wealth in Britain. there will be some major shakedowns going on over the next long while.

A second Brexit as Scotland will leave too

Scotland will leave Great Britain as Uranus imoves to 13 TAURUS and semi-sextiles Scotland’s Natal Uranus at 13 Aries and sextiles Mars at 13 Cancer where the U.S. Sun is at its Declaration of Independence- and Saturn will be at the 13th degree of Aquarius. 13 will be Lucky for the Scots who will free themselves from Britain in June 2021 into 2022 and the U.K. will not be United anymore. 

CHIRON in ARIES conjunct LILITH in the 6th

This indicates angry women in the workforce who have been denied, treated less than equal, and cast out and who need rehabilitation and healing. Not only women, any overlooked, rejected or neglected veterans, will voice their anger in a new way, perhaps striking at work. This is the house of food harvest and health. A new health care system may be introduced. 


North Node is the highest spiritual goal. In CANCER this is the sign of Mothers, children, food, nurturing, home, emotional security, privacy, receptive, nursing, midwives. The 9th house is the natural house of philosophy, foreigners, travel, teaching, higher law, justice, honesty, optimism and good will. This is a positive sign of women and children being protected by laws, home schooling, displaying emotion public ally, nurturing relationships with other nations, feeling lucky and truthful. 

PLUTO and SATURN square the MOON in ARIES in the 7th

This looks like long term battles with “others.” in the 7th house. Internal relationships are not easy. Heavy handed policing and fascist tendencies may be implemented to stop spontaneously angry mobs. Women have a big role in this. Its very explosive and tense. 


This can be an ongoing “soap opera.” Don’t the British love their dramas? This can be a very optimistic time of creating great uplifting art and marketing it Internationally. Debt can be a major issue. Major debt is an issue in recovering from the EU pullout. A more optimistic take on the education and problems of addictions, mental illness and religion will be a good thing.

As the veil of illusion of separation between religions drops, The UK will become leaders of a Multicultural United non-secular new spirituality of Oneness and Peace.

What do you think?

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* This article was originally published here

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