Friday, January 31, 2020

Saturn Pluto astrology symbols for 2020

Each degree of the 360 degrees of the Zodiac has many different types of symbols which describe what each one means. We can use these symbols to understand what a specific astrology alignment means. Most people have heard of the Sabian symbols channeled by Elsie Wheeler in 1925 to Marc Edmund Jones which were then interpreted by Astrologer Dane Rudhyar.

There are many different channeled symbols; Sabian by Dane Rudhyar, Chandra/Omega John Sandbach, Sepharial, Janduz, Kozminsky, Donna Walter Henson and Elias Lonsdale.

Use these to discover more meaning to the Historic conjunction degree of the Saturn/Pluto conjunction January 12, 2020 @ 23 Capricorn 

Omega/Chandra Symbols of John Sandbach

“While their bodies sleep, a group of people meet on the astral plane. (Omega Symbol) Interacting/Receptive

(Degree Angel: MAHASIAH (mah-HA-see-YAH) Healing, Rectification)

This degree deeply senses that the outer reality is an illusion that hides the true nature of things. It can feel intuitively what is really going on, and even if it is not consciously aware of its powerful psychic ability, it seems, always to be able to sense the truth of what is happening and of how energies are interacting with each other. It has a deep desire to communion with others, and to access the web of connections that unite us all.

The Chandra symbol for his degree is “An old priest using oil to anoint a carved lingam.” We are embodied in the physical and we are built for action. To embrace this fully is to encourage the flow of activity and impulse, to invite creativity. The stone is hard, but the oil is soft, meaning that sexual energy may be at times expressed only as a base and selfish force, but may also be elevated into a way of loving and giving. This degree is about the wise self working with the sexual energy, so that it is guided into evolutionary and life-supporting manifestations. It is then that the people of the Omega Symbol can gain the maximum sustenance from their meetings.

Pleiadian Symbol: A medal struck to commemorate an historical event.

Azoth Symbol: All sorts of flora and fauna spawning in spring.
The life force proliferating in an array of different forms when the right conditions are present.

Seed degree: 4 Capricorn  NOTE THAT THIS WAS the DEGREE OF THE  As a cliff erodes, a temple is in danger of collapsing. (Omega Symbol). Unstable conditions, even though they may inspire fear, can also open us up to new levels of experience and new ways of communicating. 

Footprints in the snow. (Chandra Symbol). Realizing that everything we do leaves its trace we are inspired to become assertive and proactive so as to create a path for the Spiritual Light to enter the world.

A circle of neat houses, each one identical. (Chandra Symbol). Affirming the potency of our creative power, we then find a vehicle for it, often something that fits in easily to the world, so that we can work our magic in secret and the world may receive its benefits with a minimum of feeling threatened.

SABIAN symbols Dane Rudhyar 23 Capricorn of Marc Edmund Jones and Channeler Elsie Wheeler


KEYNOTE: The reward offered by society for the fulfillment of individual responsibility.

The fact that “two” awards are emphasized makes us believe that this may refer subtly to the recognition by the community that, whether he succeeded or failed, an individual who discharged his duty nobly under unusual circumstances is entitled to the respect and appreciation of the collectivity he served so well. What is implied here is a constant give-and-take between society and the individual person. Each one should be able to trust the other.

This third symbol of the fifty-ninth five-fold sequence extracts, as it were, a common element from the two preceding scenes. The Keyword here is RECOMPENSE, i.e. a compensation for a well-done performance — a balancing of accounts.


A wineglass overturned.

This is the index of one who will be unable to contain his feelings and passions, and will in consequence run to excesses, extravagance and waste of substance. He will be endowed with a fine intelligence, a genial and pleasant nature, and a generous and convivial disposition. But his inability to control his passions will lead to his reversal and undoing, so that he will unless he be under the guidance of a strong and steady band eventually be left to his fate, denuded of all that makes him a desirable companion or useful agent in life. It is a degree of INCONTINENCE.

JANDUZ symbols 23 Capricorn

“A cooper completes the making of a barrel with a glass full of wine beside him.”
Wise, straightforward, and hard-working character endowed with a sound common sense. Success and prosperity can be achieved in all occupations in the wood industry or the production of wines and alcohols. Beneath gruff manners, a warm and generous heart is hiding, which attracts a host of genuine friends. Life unfolds in happiness and simplicity.

Kozminsky Degrees 22-23 deg Capricorn
Symbol: A dog, holding a bird in his mouth, running across a field of daisies.
Denotes a far-seeing person with a fine appreciation of poetry and the arts and a well-endowed mind capable of delving deeply into obscure subjects. Should Mercury be afflicted in the horoscope, especially by Saturn, the native will incline to exercise his powers in a wrong direction and to seek to restrain to his advantage the rights of others. It is a symbol of Sagacity.

Astrologers (cherishes the old); art; medical fields; projecting and the arts; music; serious, studious,
and mystical; sometimes impractical or ahead of one’s time; an honest but radical philosopher; has
many friends; archeologists; from upper to lower legs. 

An old priest using oil to anoint a carved stone lingam.
The masculine life-force brought to its highest expression. The wise, wakeful, fully present activation of the masculine aspect as something to be reckoned with. Formidable and directly impressive. Bearing such a pronounced potency of being that one can readily take charge of any situation. A karmically well prepared, magnificently endowed attainment. The ability to become like a God. Such intensive awareness of self that you know very well that you are standing in for God the Father as a pure vessel. Nonetheless, you are called to become the quintessential higher masculine as completely as possible to the deepest roots of your being, in order to make a difference and to bring the shared energy and attention to a focal point of the true central clarity and meaningful direction onward from here.

According to Reinhold Ebertin Capricorn 23 relates to this part of the body Muscle Endings From Upper To Lower Legs

Which symbols do you relate the most to? Let me know

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

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* This article was originally published here

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