Saturday, February 15, 2020

Twin Flame Energy Forecast 6th-12th January: “Full Moon Eclipse”


Love Wants To Reach You – But Is History Blocking It? Intensity Brews, Powerful Stellium In Capricorn Works To “Shift Reality” Into A Higher State…

Welcome into a brand new week in the cosmic energies!

Highlights this week include:
Full Moon Lunar eclipse in Cancer, Uranus direct. Soothing old wounds, healing the karmic feminine. The universe works to ignite belief in lovers reunited. Plus, predictions of Twin Flame togetherness in 2020.

Discover more below!

Summer 2020 – Venus Retrograde, Twin Reunions

This is set to be a powerful week with a LOT of intensity, brewing in advance of Friday’s Full Moon eclipse, plus Saturn and Pluto reaching their exact conjunction on January 12th…

If things feel tough right now, remember the “heavy lifting” you’re being asked to do these last couple of weeks and coming up, is paving the way for a bright future.

What the cosmic energies are doing right now, is push for a higher state and for the old “dense” reality of separation and heaviness to be released more and more.

Spirit shows, this means we’re paving the way for a lot of Twin Flame reunions in the physical this year – summer being a key time. Venus retrograde is set to be a time of “bringing old love back”, shows spirit.

Make sure you do your inner work now so you can enjoy what comes, to attract a harmonious unity and avoid repeated cycles of running/separation. (I take you through this and help you lift your energy into a higher state of “Twin Flame magnetism” here)


The Universe’s “Plan” To Bring You Together

These reunions will include Twins who have never met each other before – if you have sensed a presence with you or are wondering when they’ll show up, they’re “looking” for you in the physical too!

And if you have had a troubled past with your counterpart, the universe “wants” you to get back together. Remember there is always a way.

Spirit laughs, pointing out that consciousness is unlimited and of course it’s possible – how can we think it’s not, when this whole universe is conscious? (Discover more about this here)

Set the intention you’re “in” on the universe’s plan to bring you together, and that you’re open to how this may show up. Work to stay in light and positivity about it.

Don’t overthink it because you can end up putting control energy into your path and block the flow. Know that there is something great on its way and allow the details to be a surprise.

Ready For Some Soul Searching?

But first, with an emphasis on this winter – until April generally – we’re being asked to do some serious soul searching and above all begin to take more responsibility for ourselves and our journey.

This week we hit a snag Monday and Tuesday as Lilith R joins Neptune in Pisces. Key themes to this are karmic themes of the “shadow feminine” and its relation to spirit and unconditional love.

We’re being pushed to release the myths and wounds in human collective (female) karmic consciousness around things like “true love doesn’t exist”, “miracles don’t happen”, “god/angels/the universe never answer prayers” etc.

The damaged and damaging belief systems that cause blocks and distance between us and the higher realms, between us and the state of unconditional love Twins are meant to experience – including in the physical.

These systems are unfortunately often “hidden” as we’re tapped into them via the biological karmic fields – so this particular transit strongly affects females and romantic relationships.

Done With Betrayal, Infidelity, Unanswered Prayers? Good!

Know that the negativity isn’t true. It’s programming, old “human baggage” that will express itself in the Twins “acting out” the age old stories of disappointment, betrayal and more.

Because this old density is being purged from the collective fields you may feel it and be triggered. It may even show up as “phantoms” in your Twin connection… But know that it’s the residue of OTHER people’s experiences.

The outdated “human recipe” we’re here to help overturn as Twins.

You may even be aligned with betrayal and infidelity from your counterpart because the two of you are unknowingly carrying OTHER souls’ karma – read more here.

Know that this baggage doesn’t have to dictate your path. Set down the heaviness. Clear it out of your pair energies (I help you with that here). Stay in light. Know that even if it SEEMS like you’re NOT being loved, supported, you ARE.

Read a message from your Twin Flame’s Higher Self with more on this


Intensity Brewing – Unconsciousness On The Rise

Throughout the week we have intensity brewing for Friday’s Lunar Eclipse.

And when Mercury and the Sun meet in Capricorn Thursday, careful not to snap at anyone or be too tough on yourself, with the opposition to the Moon you’re likely to express deeper frustrations or issues without thinking.

So are others, try not to take it personally. Unconsciousness is key – you may feel yourself acting and speaking without fully being “in control”.

To get the best out of this week, be patient and forgiving with yourself and STAY AWARE.

Spirit shows us a purge of primal unconsciousness going on right now. The human baggage. This is the deeper physical body fear content that keeps so many Twins from feeling fully safe from uniting in the 3D.

(Read more here, and for a session where I take you both through anchoring into light and uplifting/unifying your timelines, click here)

twin flame awakening

“The absolute most intense healing I’ve ever done – completely blew me away! I saw my Twin completely change overnight. I’m so grateful for your tools and I’m merely without words on this latest one. It really was the answer to my prayers.” – Sarah (via Facebook)

“After I did it, he messaged me! BAM! Just like that – got the meditation, did it and there he was.” – Indi, New York

Click here to learn more and download

Lunar Eclipse – Recurring Themes From Summer 2018

On January 10th the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse hits – on the same point as the July 12th Solar Eclipse from 2018.

It’s likely themes from back then are expressing themselves in your reality, but in an inverted form. Inner/outer, passive/active, you/Twin.

What they did to you, you may inadvertently do to them, and vice versa. Not necessarily, but those are strong themes when a point is reactivated. Something from back THEN is now being mirrored, explains spirit.

This Lunar Eclipse is happening in the Moon’s home sign Cancer, meaning it’s an extra heightened event. Emotions go deep and are powerful. There’s a release wanting to happen.

We see emotions and events/reactions that weren’t fully processed at the time, now being brought to the surface. This could be childhood stuff, where you pushed down your emotions. You’re now being asked to release them, to be free and more open.

For best results at this time and to avoid heaviness overpowering you, use the FREE Twin Flame Energy Cleanse audio here

Longing For Innocence

This Full Moon Eclipse hits opposite Mercury, ruler of the Twins. We see the Twin pair unconsciously longing back to childhood and a state of innocence.

The world feels tough and on edge these days, and you and they both may be longing for a simpler life. This is likely bringing a resistance to change in the now moment.

The Cancer Full Moon triggers emotions of not wanting to take responsibility for life but instead wanting to retreat into childhood and a state of oneness from the womb. Wanting things to be done FOR us not by us.

Longing to feel taken care of.

Are You Ready For The Next Chapter?

Spirit shows us, that truly we are MEANT to be taken care of by the universe, by the earth’s own consciousness… But the problem is many of us have built up blocks to this in childhood and in life.

(Read more about this here)

So in order to “help” us, this eclipse is helping to phase out some of that unconsciousness that is blocking the path forwards by wanting to retreat into safety.

So that we can allow the TRUE support of the light, and not hearken back to infancy, which will only block our forward path.

Emancipation – The Old Vs The New

There is an emancipation happening. An immensely heightened time – especially because this Full Moon eclipse happens opposite an incredibly powerful stellium of planets in Capricorn.

It’s as if the Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Pluto (with the asteroid Ceres) are calling us forward onto new positivity, new growth, new light… Opposed by the old emotional ties of the Moon and childhood.

Although the inner child is a valued part of our consciousness, we’re the grownup too. And right now the universe is asking us to take the reins. We are having to “parent” ourselves.

Have a look at this Twin Flame Inner Child Healing for more.

Feeling Unsure, Confused? Totally “Normal”

In good news, Jupiter comes up with support right behind this stellium. Signalling that there are good things coming – but right now we may need to make an effort to make it happen.

In general this week, there is a deep transformation of identity, self and life situation happening.

If you feel confused and like you don’t quite know up from down right now, that’s completely normal. It’s almost to be expected.

For best results, work on cleansing out what comes up to be purged and know that whatever is going on is trying to assist you into your highest path in some way.

You’re likely being confronted with your own “shadows” of unconsciousness and deeper blocks, in an effort to help you shift into a higher state and actually be OPEN to reunion down the line.

Temporarily Blinding The “Ego” Self

The Eclipse is a “temporary unconsciousness” – unconscious emotions, fears and doubts are likely to come up and block or “stun” your mental/conscious faculties.

A wonderful way to deal with the intensity at hand is to paint, write or create something expressing what you’re feeling. Cancer is the home of the Moon and imagination, creation and emotions.

As if these immense Eclipse energies weren’t enough, Uranus stations to go direct this same day January 10th, which can bring an extra edge to the collective energies.

However, over the next weeks it will begin feeling like we’re more in flow than in a while. You’ll gradually begin to see how the changes work for something better, happier.

As Uranus trines Jupiter – both now direct, the good you’ve been attracting and building up to begins actually tangibly arriving (but be mindful you’re open to it – take the test here to check where you’re at).


The Implosion Of An Old Reality…

On January 12th Saturn meets Pluto in their exact conjunction – the first time this has happened in 38 years, and the first time they’ve met in this sign for hundreds of years.

As mentioned in previous forecasts, these are two restrictive energies combining, and when they join like this we’re dealing with the implosion of an “old reality” that’s outworn its use… Allowing for a “new and higher reality” to rise forth.

So this week, it may feel like something is breaking – inside you, around you, with your Twin… But know it’s simply the destruction or death part of a transformation. It is happening to give you room for “rebirth” – your identity, your Twin connection, your life…

Do your best to stay in a state of light and keep a higher perspective (This may help – my new Oracle Card App with messages of healing, spiritual info and assistance).

Because the intense processes right now are happening for your benefit.

Do your inner work, embrace your power and step into your light. Even if it doesn’t feel like it right now, in a few years you’ll look back and see how this all tied together.

Until next time, I’m sending you love and light for your continued journey! <3

Cassady x

Do you want to make the journey to Union and beyond lighter and more positive? Take the path forward with me as your “personal” guide with the Vibrational Alignment Program!

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“My Twin Flame is a Runner and something amazing happened today… I’ve done the clearing two days in a row so far, and guess who called me this morning after doing the meditation and energy cleanse? Yup, you guessed it… he called on his own without prompting from me! I am so darn happy, it’s a miracle!”

– Kristine D, Mass., USA

Read more testimonials here

Alternatively, download my Free Twin Flame Help Kit which contains two resources from the full program!

(Do you want to develop telepathy and remote communication with your Twin? I take you through it and help you get into the Alpha state with this Free Guided Meditation in the Free Twin Flame Help Kit)


The post Twin Flame Energy Forecast 6th-12th January: “Full Moon Eclipse” appeared first on Twin Flames 11:11.

* This article was originally published here

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