Tuesday, March 3, 2020

5 Top Tips for Mercury Retrograde

5 Top Tips for Mercury Retrograde

Last week, I posted a series of tips for Mercury retrograde over on my social media channels. I decided to compile them and post ’em here so they don’t get lost in the social shuffle. Before we get started on the tips, you might be wondering: what the heck is Mercury retrograde?
Here’s the skinny: retrograde means the planet appears to be moving backward in its orbit. Don’t worry – it’s not! It just looks that way from our perspective here on earth. Planets move at different speeds as they circle the Sun – and sometimes if one planet passes another it looks as if the other planet is moving backward. It’s an illusion, folks!
Every planet, with the exception of the Sun and Moon, will be retrograde at some point. For the outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto), the effect is more subtle. But the personal planets (Mercury, Venus, and Mars) tend to pack more of a wallop – and are more easily felt. During a retrograde, you want to “review and revise.” Based on the planet (and sign), you can determine what needs to be reviewed – and revised.
Mercury is retrograde three times a year. Mercury rules communication, travel, thinking, technology, and how we process information. Those areas can get glitchy during Mercury retrograde.

5 Top Tips for Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde Tip #1: Back everything up. If you’re not backing up your tech gear, now is the time. Back up all of your files, photos, music, etc. If you have important work (ex: a manuscript), back that info up to multiple sources.  If you have an online business, you’ll also want to back up your website. Also: install updates to your phone and computer before Mercury is retrograde. Make sure all apps are current. A bit of precaution now might save you headaches later. (Psst…I lost a 60K manuscript once so learn from my mistake!)

5 Top Tips for Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde Tip #2: Do not sign contracts. Mercury rules communications and negotiations. When Mercury is retrograde, those negotiations can get wonky. For example, you may sign something and the deal may fall apart a few weeks later. Or the person you’re dealing with may change their mind – and want different terms. It’s also possible that mistakes can get made.
If you MUST sign a contract, my advice: look over every detail with great care. Ask questions if you don’t understand something. Have an attorney check it out if it feels unfair. DO NOT let your emotions get in the way (ex: the other person is pressuring you so out of stress, you sign it). Make sure you have copies on hand just in case the other person tries to pull the wool over your eyes. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
As far as verbal contracts – I avoid them altogether during a Mercury retrograde. If it’s not in writing, it’s not happening here.

5 Top Tips for Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde Tip #3: Plan for delays. Mercury is the Messenger god, moving at the speed of light with wings on his feet. But when retrograde? Not so much. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
This means you need to anticipate slowdowns and delays during Mercury retrograde, especially if you’re traveling. Carve out extra “just-in-case” time. Check the weather before leaving the house. Use apps that will alert you to flight delays and cancellations. If you’re taking a road trip, be aware of possible lane closures or detours. A bit of preparation and a whole lotta patience will help you navigate the funky travel vibe that often occurs around Mercury retrograde.
Other things can slow down to a crawl too: business, negotiations, and projects. If anything in your world seems to hit a standstill, perhaps it might be time for you to take a breather rather than trying to fight it. A slowdown may give you a chance to review and revise, two things that Mercury retrograde loves.

5 Top Tips for Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde Tip #4: Avoid buying tech gear or vehicles. ⠀⠀It’s not considered wise to purchase computers, gadgets, or automobiles during a Mercury retrograde. Chances are, if you do, you may experience some sort of aggravation. It’s best to put those purchases off until the retrograde is long gone.
Years ago, I purchased a laptop during a Mercury retrograde. Although I knew this was risky, I am one that likes to push my luck. Needless to say, that laptop had problems right out of the gate. It never worked that well and didn’t last long either. Lesson learned.
But what about when you HAVE TO? As in your car or computer dies – and it’s Mercury retrograde? In those cases, go forth but be sure to inspect everything as thoroughly as possible – and get a warranty. Look over the contracts with care – and understand the return policies. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
A bit of mindfulness may protect your ass if you get a lemon.

5 Top Tips for Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde Tip #5: Watch your words. Communication fails are likely during a Mercury retrograde. Misunderstandings are possible and words can do damage. Therefore, it’s vital that you put on your listening ears during this transit. If you listen more than you speak, you can avoid problems.
It’s also wise to pause before hitting send or sending that tweet. Do you really need to say that? Are your words compassionate? Or you do you have an agenda to wound? The more mindful you are, the better. Keep in mind, that a wrongly worded email, letter, contract, or tweet could come back to haunt you. Think about the words you’re using – and like Thumper the Rabbit said to Bambi “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all.”

There ya go, folks! Go forth and conquer that Mercury retrograde with confidence!


PS You can learn more about astrology with my book, Astrology For Real Life – A No B.S. Guide for the Astro-Curious. Available at your local Barnes and Noble, independent bookstore, or anywhere online!

@Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2020


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The post 5 Top Tips for Mercury Retrograde appeared first on The Tarot Lady.

* This article was originally published here

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