Saturday, March 14, 2020

Believe in the power of faith

Yes, we are in a serious world crisis but today March 14th there is a very positive aspect as MARS in Capricorn sextiles NEPTUNE in PISCES.

This is a very grounding dreamy aspect, Literally, build it in your imagination and they will come. Like in Field of Dreams.

painting by Aurora of Sedona

The heavy Scorpio Moon energy gives way to Upbeat SAGITTARIUS in the early morning at 7:09 am EDT.

SUN Sextiles PLUTO this is a double positive whammy energy

amplifying the Mars in Capricorn to Neptune in PISCES even bigger,

PLUTO is wealth and this is visionary, spiritual compassionate wealth.

I know people have been hoarding food and toilet paper- a Pluto ruled thing, Pluto rules waste matter. 

DO believe and have faith today. Your desires {Mars} and wishes hopes and dreams Pisces make it happen.

Sagittarius Sun makes 2 inconjuncts to  Uranus and Venus in Taurus 

the practical romance and the urge for adventure dont blend well right now

Sage Moon trines Chiron in Aries 

Sage rules International travel and of course, the World is shut down right now as it never has been before, Frustration may arrive.  Chiron in Aries is the wounded warrior, it’s our armouring and defences. What has most of North America run around and hoarded? That is the public defending themselves against a new {Aries} perceived threat and enemy,

Stay focused on positive outcomes from the CORONAVIRUS and all the International breakdown financially, economically, spiritually, philosophically. This doesn’t mean take things for granted that things will go back to “normal” after this higher consciousness intervention,

Remember Saturn is at the last most critical degree of Capricorn at its most intense and heaviest. We are only 7 days away from Saturn entering Aquarius. This is a glimmer of hi-tech hope.

March 20 MARS exalted in Capricorn and JUPITER in fall in Capricorn are conjunct. This can amp up war measures because of foreign Jupiter business. The government may institute martial law because of the Covid19 virus. The WHO may also initiate an emergency measures act which may not be a good thing at all.

Saturn will only be in Aquarius until July 1st which is Canada’s Birthday indicating Canada will be more affected.

Let’s stay with the positive stuff for now.

Mars conjunct Neptune also exacerbates addictions, illusions, delusions, projections, paranoia on some level and of course it’s about being shut-in as Neptune in Pisces in the 12th Sign/House. Be careful taking medications and mixing too many different types of even natural remedies. Do your diligence.

Do pay attention to your dreams tonight too.

Please share widely all content is copyright of Tara Greene

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* This article was originally published here

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