Friday, March 13, 2020

Friday the 13th and Scorpio Moon,

We know the world is on CORONAVIRUS lockdown and in fear. The MOON is in obsessive, secretive, dark Scorpio energies.

Scorpio is the sign of Paranoia.  The Moon is making a Trine to Neptune and the SUN today in PISCES. pouring darker, more emotional fuel into the pot and also adding to our ability to go deeply internal, and seek source energy.

There are 3 lovely sextiles today too. Moon to Mars Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn this helps us to stay grounded. This is power energy. It’s grounded and capable of transforming the most difficult obstacles.

Are you superstitious? Were you born under a bad sign?  The scientific name for fear of #13 is called triskadekaphobia and the fear of Friday the 13th is called paraskevidekatriaphobia. Why is the #13 feared and supposed to be bad? The origin of the number 13 needs to be understood and shifted from fear and superstition.

The fear of #13 is really a misogynist brainwash that originated with the Catholic church.

 I love #13. The truth will set you free. Pet a black cat today and break a few mirrors. Breaking mirrors is a psychological metaphor for breaking free of your unconscious projections.

In the Tarot the #13 is DEATH and as the Western culture fears death and its own immortality it screwed all of this up and mad death bad and to be feared. 

Death was always presided over by The GODDESS. She who gives birth also gives Death. Again the Church’s fears of the Divine Feminine had to make everything associated with HER the Great Goddess- bad, negative, fearful, tainted. 

Friday is sacred to the Goddess VENUS it is HER day, that right there is telling you something. 

 Thirteen is the sacred number of the Goddess, the DIVINE FEMININE because it is the number of annual LUNAR cycles. Friday is named in honor of the Nordic Goddess Freya who is also the planet/ Goddess Venus. The Moon is one of the main embodiments of the Goddess. Women’s menstrual cycles are synchronized to the moon and women were seen to be earthly representatives of the Goddess, Her mysteries and immortality. Pagans worshipped the Goddess, the moon and Her natural cycles of death and rebirth which women partook of every month. Woman’s periods are equated with the number 13. 

To further suppress Goddess worship, the church made the number 13 into something evil, feared and superstitious as they feared women’s powers as creatresses as magical.

Friday the 13th is really an anti-pagan Goddess day and I don’t like it, as it continues to be portrayed that way in error. This keeps unconsciously programming fear of the feminine, intuition, magic, nature, menstrual blood, and women’s power.

Black cats are “familiars” of witches. All cats absorb negative energies and are highly sensitive to spirits and other energies which we normally can’t sense. If you’ve ever had a cat of any colour you know this.

On this day, Friday the 13th I honour the Goddess, the Divine Feminine and the lunar cycles. I remember and honour myself and all women as holders of the mysteries within our bodies.

Here are 13 important facts superstitious people need to know about

Always choose LOVE over Fear.
I choose to love and honour the real positive magic of being alive; naturally intuitive and connected imminently with nature.

Also, I do not believe in superstitious curses and their removal. Yes there are negative energies and entities. I do not ascribe to the belief in curses or blaming your life situation on that. All negative intention is black magic.  It is all about energy. Thousands of unscrupulous lying phony psychics claim to remove curses etc. but they are only manipulating naive unsuspecting powerless desperate people. I am totally against this position. Do not project your own powerlessness onto someone else as having some amazing power who claims that they can remove your troubles or provide an instant fix for thousands of dollars.  Please don’t pay phony psychics to perform rituals, light candles or pray for you for exorbitant prices. That’s all a hoax.  Yes, positive intentions work, only you can change your own life, no one can do that for you. It’s a matter of perspective and psychological shamanic awareness.  I help my clients to get empowered. Stop believing the popular myths which religions create just to control you. That’s black magic too. They always blame their own sins onto others. 


All writing is copyright of Tara Greene

Get a reading with Tara Greene- totally un-superstitious 

Here are 13 important facts superstitious people need to know about

* This article was originally published here

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