Monday, March 2, 2020

New Moon in Pisces 2020 – and Tarot Readings for Each Zodiac Sign

New Moon in Pisces 2020 - and Tarot Readings for Each Zodiac Sign

The New Moon in Pisces 2020 shows up on Sunday, February 23rd at 10:32 AM EST. This puts a sensitive mystical vibe into the day. Emotions are raw. Everyone has the feels so go easy on others…and yourself. It’s too easy to absorb every feeling today – and this can make you feel heavy at times. Today, make time to rest. Take a self-care sabbatical. Be tender with your self. Meditate, reflect, nap, spend as much time alone as you can. This will do your soul good and keep you grounded.

This Moon is also mystical. Which means you can tap into your intuition like never before! If you’re getting a hunch about anything or anyone, go with it. Instincts are razor-sharp. PAY ATTENTION.

Not only is this a fab day for following your sixth sense, but it’s also rad for dreaming of the future you want. Spend some time reflecting on what your perfect life might look like. Visualize your biggest goals come to life. See them as if they are already real. Make it VIVID. Create a vision board and write down every intention down to the finest detail.  If you can see it and dream it, it can become your reality. The New Moon in Pisces is the doorway to a new life that is only as big as you allow it to be.

And remember: you don’t have to let the past or present hold you back. No matter what has happened, you deserve a bright, healthy everything.

Also: the New Moon in Pisces 2020 is followed by a sweet sextile between the Moon and Mars at 11:30 AM EST. This amplifies the possibility of dreams becoming reality. A square between Venus and Jupiter at 11:59 AM brings laziness, procrastination, and non-productive fantasizing. That square slows all the manifestation vibes down to a lackluster grind. Urgh. If you’re setting New Moon intentions, be sure to get them done right around the exact time of the New Moon for maximum magic.

And here’s some mini New Moon in Pisces 2020 Tarot Readings with The Thelema Tarot!

New Moon in Pisces 2020 - and Tarot Readings for Each Zodiac Sign

Aries: Five of Cups – No matter what happened, you can start over. Grieve for the past, and make room for the future.

Taurus: The High Priestess – Your intuition is spot-on today. Do not ignore those kicks to the gut. Your sixth sense knows what’s up.

Gemini: Ace of Swords – A major breakthrough or opportunity arrives. Be ready to say yes and claim your victory.

Cancer: Eight of Swords – Take time out. Pull back from your situation. A period of withdrawal brings perspective.

Leo: Three of Swords – Everything seems to be getting under your skin. Don’t take it all so personally. At the same time, enforce those boundaries.

Virgo: Judgement – A chapter closes. This has been a long time coming. Turn the page. The new story begins now.

Libra: Nine of Cups – You’re about to get a wish granted. After all you’ve been through, this is a sweet reward.

Scorpio: Eight of Cups – Sometimes you just need to walk the hell away. If it’s not working, get a move on.

Sagittarius: Nine of Swords –  Do not ignore the red flags. Face what is upsetting you the most. Seek support if you’re scared.

Capricorn:  Page of Wands – Excellent news is on the way! A new job, creative project, or path is about to open up just for you.

Aquarius: Knight of Cups – You tend to be the logical sort but now you must follow your heart. It will lead you on a grand adventure!

Pisces: Death – Everything in your life is about to change. This is for your highest good. You’re getting a better life.



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If these mini tarot readings stoked your fire, you might want a personalized tarot reading with me. Head over here to book your session.

© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2020

images from stock photography and personal collection


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The post New Moon in Pisces 2020 – and Tarot Readings for Each Zodiac Sign appeared first on The Tarot Lady.

* This article was originally published here

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