Sunday, March 1, 2020

Sleeping Beauty, Astrology, Venus and Eris square Pluto

Sleeping Beauty, Astrology, Venus and Eris square Pluto

VENUS, the Goddess of women, beauty, luxury, money and vanity and ERIS the “Uninvited Guest or 13th Fairy in The Fairy tale of Sleeping Beauty, Goddess of discord and chaos, MARS’ sister meet at 23+ ARIES and both square PLUTO in CAPRICORN.

Golden_Apple_of_Discord_by_Jacob_Jordaens / Public domain

Golden_Apple_of_Discord_by_Jacob_Jordaens / Public domain

ERIS was the Goddess or personified spirit or daimona of strife, discord, contention and rivalry. She was often portrayed, haunting the battlefield and delighting in human bloodshed.

This is MAJOR Cardinal Square discordant energy. We’ve been feeling this off-key disharmony and seeing it in the world of late.  PLUTO in an exact square with VENUS and ERIS is causing the stock market sell-off around the coronavirus which is very real.

I believe this is another tipping point and the market will continue to slide. Tempers will be flaring with Eris and Venus in fiery impatient, angry Aries. “PLUTO is Lord of DEATH and wealth.

Since 2008 when Pluto first entered the sign of corporate structure he has been slowly crashing old stable structures on a cyclical basis. We are entering PLUTO’s last 7 degrees before the planet enters Aquarius in 2023/ 2024. Things are getting more and more intense.

When I interpret a PLUTO transit for a person I tell them that it’s important for them to decide what their soul’s values are. IF one feels that one is following their soul purpose then PLUTO is LORD OF WEALTH.  Pluto is also the PLUTOCRACY the less than 1% who control the major wealth in the world. The PLUTOCRACY wants absolute control and power over the resources of the world. They have that already. Pluto also destroys those in positions of power who are not evolving to transform what Carl Jung would call the World’s Soul. 

The Collective Unconscious which PLUTO governs and the world at large, is being faced with such a choice now.

WITH VENUS in the mix in ARIES. We need to ask ourselves

Do we live with values that enhance love? Are we living our true soul values? 

Will we fight for love and beauty over corporate greed and living in a state of total control by the Plutocracy which is where it is already heading. Look at what is going on in Hong Kong. China is a hotbed of creating the coronavirus or having it planted there. China itself may be destroyed over the coronavirus. Which would be the best thing to happen. China is being extremely dictatorial to its citizens with whole cities on total lockdown, from the news I have heard on alternative secret news media. 

Remember all the Astrologers were warning you about how heavy 2020 was going to be? A friend of mine Astrologer Maurice Fernandez had been saying the minutes that the Saturn Pluto conjunction happened on January 12, 2020, that the market would fall apart right after that.

This is a time to face hard cold truth. If we don’t make hard choices, which squares imply to change our collective values and not buy into the MATERIALITY of CAPRICORN and consumer culture as it has been, then we are faced with self-destruction, from corporate greed destruction.

ERIS in infamous for throwing the Gold apple of Discord which was inscribed “For the most beautiful.” at three Goddesses, APHRODITE which is VENUS,  Hera, Zeus’s wife/ Juno in Roman, and Athena the warrior Goddess and very much like Eris herself. Each Goddess claimed it. Zeus assigned the decision making to Paris, a simple shepherd on Mount Ida. Paris gave the apple to Aphrodite/ Venus who then helped him win the heart of the beautiful Helen of Troy which inevitably resulted in the Trojan War. 

JUNO/HERA is at 20+ degrees LIBRA opposite to VENUS/ERIS,  ATHENA the other Goddess who was originally involved in the Greek Myth is at 15 degrees CAPRICORN she is actually also in this T-Square. I


AS ABOVE SO BELOW. In fact, this is an exact replication of all of the Goddesses involved in the original script. I find that astonishing.

ERIS has an affinity to LILITH in this,  LILITH is moving into exact conjunction with CHIRON the WOUNDED HEALER in early degrees of ARIES. They will meet at 4+ degrees in March. The issue of dropping the weapons, surrendering to vulnerability to heal is what is most important. 

Do we collectively buy into our own egos and vanity and the expense of our souls? If so then a war on a spiritual level will ensue. PLUTO rules soul wealth not Material wealth but in Capricorn, he is walking both sides. 

ERIS is also the Goddess of those who are left out, uninvited, ignored, outcasts. We need to invite ERIS’s slow power, her anger, cleverness, and revengeful bloodlust to the table so we can hash out what to do with such powerful energies so that they can be used in a positive way.  ERIS represents the righteous anger of the Feminine for being ignored, repressed, and shunned. That ‘dark feminine energy is liberating powerful and will naturally transform when it is accepted.

ERIS and PLUTO will continue to square each other for at least the next 2 years.

If you have planets 16-30 degrees CARDINAL signs. CAPRICORN, ARIES LIBRA AND CANCER you will feel the pressure most directly.

This discord will not just go away. We need to take some long hard looks at our choices in the world. Pluto as Lord of Death and Rebirth is the strongest of planets. Choose carefully what “for the most beautiful” values the golden apple symbolizes. Is it your own ego, vanity and greed or the beauty of nature, unblemished by toxic greed, weapons, technologies and secrets by power mongers?

Do we choose love or power? This is what Carl Jung said,  there are only two emotions. Love unites, power separates and is born of fear. The choice is your power to choose love.

Remember the way things are going. PLUTO will enter AQUARIUS by 2023/2024. The revolution is inevitable. 

Please share widely, all writing is copyright  of Tara Greene

 get a reading with me

A perfect song the POwer of Love which I didn’t even know about until now. The lyrics are perfect



* This article was originally published here

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