Monday, March 30, 2020

Twin Flame Energy Forecast 30th March-5th April: “Fortune Calls”


Unexpected Developments In The Twin Flame Connection, Sudden Electric Awareness Arriving. You Are Closer To A Major Breakthrough Than You Have Realized…

Welcome into a brand new week in the cosmic energies!

Highlights this week include:
Venus out of bounds – expect the unexpected in love… Heightened time for telepathy, shared dreams and other “supernatural” Twin experiences, plus major reversals of fortune coming…

Discover more below!

What The Universe Is Really “Pushing” For…

We’re headed into yet another very interesting week for the Twin Flame connection and a time of high intensity worldwide. There are major changes in the offing – still we’re experiencing the “breakdown” to make way for a later “upgrade”…

 Continuing from next week, we have a powerful and rare interaction between Jupiter and Pluto flanking Pallas, close to Saturn/Mars.

Happening all in Capricorn, we see there can be major reversals of fortune regarding the physical reality at this time. We’re being asked to cut ties with what doesn’t serve us from the past.

And wee see what’s going on is encouraging the rising forth of the higher divine feminine – as a leader, as a guiding paradigm.

There can be major changes happening in the world – spirit shows us, facades coming down, secrets being brought to light, in a way which serves the rise of balance between Masculine/Feminine…

We’re reminded that the natural state of the Universe is harmony, so the more OUT of harmony our journey has gotten – individually and as a collective – the more force we feel the cosmic transits to have.

(Read more in What If You Wer Here To Help Save The Planet?)


Are Twin Flames “Meant” To Reunite?

The divine state of the Twin Flame pair is unity and harmony – therefore we can truthfully say that every single cosmic transit is designed to bring the pair back together. Including in the physical.

However, this often means that causes of IM-balance and DIS-harmony are brought to the surface and triggered to help the Twins release them.

So the question is not, is it POSSIBLE for Twin Flames to reunite? The answer to that is always yes.

The question is, are the Twins themselves working unconsciously AGAINST the universal push for harmony? The question is, are they following their guidance to clear the blocks, or are they letting things fester?

When we begin to take an active part in the journey to reunion and do our inner work, things can change dramatically. Sometimes literally overnight.

Click here to read some Twins’ experiences with that approach.

2020 – A Watershed Year For Humanity…

This push for balance is also going on planet wide in this period – where structures, methods and leadership systems that have not served harmony, unity and love are being phased out (in a powerful way), in order to give room for a higher state. Unity consciousness…

You may remember I’ve written about this before, as it ties in so strongly with the Twin Flame Mission (read more here).

If you’re finding it stressful to deal with the major world issues going on at this time, I was guided to create a session especially to help.

The Golden Light Infusion and Activation includes gentle clearing of fear, outside material you may have picked up on, and provides protection and comfort for you and your Twin Flame (and family if you choose so). I’m offering this new session at less than 60% of the usual price so as many as possible can benefit.

Wow, just, wow! I just purchased and listed to it. It was so beautiful and amazing. I am glowing with golden light. My heart was palpitating the whole time. I feel amazing. And I can feel my Twin flame does too. Thank you!” – Matt (via Instagram)

“I did your Golden Light Infusion meditation several hours ago and immediately felt calmer. I can feel the strength of your intention to help us twins ground unconditional love here on Earth. I am forever thankful to you for that!” – Moira

Click here to learn more and download.

Venus “Out Of Bounds” – Love Takes Unexpected Turns…

A highly exciting development for Twins this week is a rare (and long) Venus out of bounds period between April 1st and June 1st this year.

The planet of love representing the Feminine, is going beyond her normal orbit. She is in “uncharted territory”. For the planet, this means we’re moving into new ways of interacting – unity consciousness being expanded. New solutions, new thinking…

For Twins, expect the unexpected in love in this period – above all open your mind to new developments and ways of looking at things.

Try a different approach. Go beyond your usual way of thinking and approaching the Twin Flame connection. Work to approach this as a new beginning because as spirit says, there’s SO MUCH MORE that wants to be shown to you.

We are shown, pre-life experiences and togetherness, night time journeys to a state of togetherness, astral connections opening the Twin Flame bond via dreams. Soul journeys and dimensional work.

Tough Ascension? Don’t Give Up!

As Venus goes “out of bounds” she’s in a trine with Mars/Saturn and Jupiter/Pluto.

Don’t give up, are spirit’s words. If things haven’t been working out you’re likely close to a breakthrough. More than you have thought. We’re shown especially – your Twin is thinking about you, even if you’re not together.

Keep going. If things haven’t happened the way you’ve wanted YET it doesn’t mean they’re out of reach. You’ll likely be surprised this week.

And remember, that when we enter Ascension and we begin to do our inner work, it may take a while before the “old density” of the human collective are released fully from our system and our reality.

Like a pipe that was clogged up, water (light) sometimes has to push through for a while before it runs “clear”.

Forcing Someone To Awaken?

As Venus trines Jupiter/Pluto/Pallas/Mars, it can indicate coming together or interaction between the Twins – it may come through dreams, visions or in a physical life connection via the internet or communication (as Capricorn is the realm of the physical, this is highlighted).

This unique transit can indicate a sudden Awakening, or rather the latent knowing being activated from the “depths” – but a square to Uranus reminds us that we can’t force someone to awaken from the OUTSIDE.

It has to happen from within.

(Read more here in “How To Raise The Subject Of Twin Flames With An Unawakened Twin (Without Scaring Them Away)”

When Someone Makes Choices From Influence

With Mars/Saturn interacting, we see that humanity is dealing with triggering around karma right now, and releasing the past is the key to moving forward.

For Twins, cutting cords to “outsiders” is key. Sometimes a Twin is “running” because of influence from a third party. They may be hooked into by someone, energetically.

Is it in alignment with Free Will to cut these cords?

In spiritual truth, yes, as the Twin Flames are one original consciousness together you “share” a self on a higher level.

However, on the human planes it is polite to ask their soul for permission.

In nearly all cases an “unawakened” Twin’s soul will be eager to get help cutting cords to open up the connection again.

Because we’re shown, cords from other people “clouds our energy”. It can affect our behavior, our thought patterns, our emotions…

What Is Free Will Really? – Ego Vs Soul Choices

In other words, the actions someone takes under INFLUENCE from someone else are not true expressions of their Free Will!

On the Twin Flame journey, the SOUL’s will is paramount but the ego poses delays… This is why many Twins keep being brought back together time and time again even if they’ve sworn to give up on each other…

But influence can cloud the situation and create ego actions that cause blocks and detours on their path.

So to fully make their own journey, they will always want to step out of this kind of influence. Read more here and get my method for how to do this, and learn about why it’s so important.

Complete harmony Healing Tool

Masculine Twin On Learning Journeys…

On March 30th Mars enters Aquarius, joining Saturn there for the “start of the Age of Aquarius”… The blending of Capricorn, Aries and Aquarius energies signals the dawn of a new age.

Spirit shows us, the dawn of an era for “enlightened Masculinity” – an elevation of the Masculine principle. And – bringing the “mission” into the physical.

Key themes for this week deal with leaving traditions and the “standard approach” behind.

Being brave to move forward, but in a way that is balanced and healthy for the long run. Bringing you back down to earth – with spiritual higher knowing on board.

Twin Flames Brought Into The Spotlight

Spirit shows us yet again, 2020 being a year where Twins who have “mastered unity consciousness” will be brought together with their counterpart and brought into the public spotlight. (Can be via the internet and communication especially to start with).

As wayshowers. As a side note, they show us, yes an unawakened Twin can still carry unity consciousness even if they are unaware of it!

When you align with it and invite it into your system as your human self, you bring it online for the both of you!

(That’s the work we do in the Oneness Activation Session)


“I have done the new session 2 weekends in a row now and it has truly made a huge difference…me and my Twin are laughing together again…we had been arguing for so long…now I feel there is new fresh energy running through my body and I feel like I’m floating on air every time I do the unity meditation…it is so beautiful…thank you so much…” – Diane

Read more here and download

So how do you know if you truly are embodying unity consciousness? You consider how you perceive others, life, yourself.

Have you been getting angry with others or in blame? Are there victimhood tendencies or issues with resentment?

Conflict and separation mentality are obsolete when we run the programming of Oneness in our being. They become phased out of our reality.

Higher Codes For The Heart

Again, Venus going “out of bounds” shows we are working to go beyond humanity’s “standard approach” to love.

As Venus moves out of bounds while in her home sign Taurus, this is a heightened period. Heart programming is being pushed to “upgrade” to run a higher form of love – divine love, unity.

Releasing need, longing, lack and fears of abandonment – the human separation paradigms.

We are moving beyond man plus woman, and polarity paradigms and into a new era, supported by Aquarian energies.

Twin Flame Telepathy, Shared Soul Gifts…

When Venus moves into Gemini on April 3rd, we are shown a reminder that the Twin Flames are always a “team in love”. Spirit reminds us somewhat strictly, that no matter how things appear on the outside, there is “team work” going on behind the scenes!

(Read more about that here in “Twin Flame Conflict – Why Do I Have To Do All The Work”?).

twin flame conflict

This transit also means we are being pushed to release old ways of thinking and talking about love and the Twin Flame connections.

To stop labeling things with smallness. If we don’t want more of something, don’t push into it with communication and thinking, says spirit.

It’s time to set our sights higher. To truly open our minds to the incredible nature of this connection and the love that we are here for.

We’re shown that this transit can bring online Telepathy and shared soul gifts between the Twins in a noticeable way.

Why It Might SEEM Like Your Twin Doesn’t Care

The team work side of things becomes more noticeable now.
Hold off your old expectations. Prepare for something you’ve never seen or experienced before. Synchronicities, a collaboration of souls. Surprises.

This next month you’ll find that things flow well if you can find a way to harmonize through discussions, sharing interests and values.

Spirit says, this is a reminder that the Twins always share love. We’re always a PAIR, never alone. It’s just a question of opening to that.

The problem for most is, when we’re in a low vibration we cannot perceive it. Remember, we have to be able to “tune in” to perceive something. When we’re stuck in fear, we cannot feel love.

(Read more about that here and test where you’re at)


Sudden Changes In Fortune

April 4th we have one of the year’s MAJOR astrological events as Jupiter conjuncts Pluto. These are two of the biggest heavyweights in the solar system. The lord of the underworld and the king of the gods.

Pluto is intense and deep, Jupiter is expansive and glittery with positivity. When they meet, we see SUDDEN CHANGES IN FORTUNE. We see overnight shifts that change “everything”…

This also includes the soul getting involved in cases where someone has gotten “lost in ego”. If someone has veered into damaging behavior and are stuck in negativity, this conjunction can bring a sudden end to that lifestyle through a major disruption.

A classic example would be: Someone losing their job, so they are forced to confront their true inner nature – which in turn begins a whole new and better path for them…

Or another example: if someone had given up on their passion for a career in the arts, this transit may reignite that fire and bring an opportunity, an open door that brings the soul’s bliss back in focus.

Lost Hope Reignited!

Much can change now, and this will have been brewing for the last week or more. Pluto/Jupiter’s power will continue into next week too.

There are big LIFE changes happening. It may seem like an ending, but it’s specifically working to open to a new beginning.

Occurring in Capricorn, the changes occurring are relating to physical reality. To our life’s work most particularly. Another relevant indication for Twins whose counterpart is on the other side, is resurrection.

This transit most definitely indicates, a lost love or a deceased individual coming back to you somehow, in essence or some form you can recognize. Or in the case of “unawakened Twins”, the soul’s light rising up from the depths…

Spirit shows us, LOST HOPE reignited. Light reaching you where you thought there was only darkness…

Above all, transformations are happening. And remember, it’s all pushing for divine harmony. For unity in love.

Major Time For The “Supernatural” Twin Flame Connection

Late this week but noticeable throughout, Mercury conjuncts Neptune in Pisces, on his way back over shadow terrain from February.

This is a major time for the Twin Flame connection. Again, telepathy is highly active – the non-physical side of the connection.

We’re reminded that in the non-physical there are no borders between the Twin Flames. You will likely have experiences of feeling their feelings, thinking their thoughts.

Collective Female Karmic Shadows…

Sunday we have a potential snag, but you’re set to see it for what it is and not get pulled along.

With a meeting of the Sun and Lilith R – we’re shown other women’s cynicism and jealousy pushing the Twin Flame connection and affecting the Feminine Twin’s happiness.

Things like females dragging each other down in COMPETITION or pushing negative beliefs onto each other. The unfortunate thing about this is, it just brings more of the same – lack and negativity.

Judgment is an energy that creates distance between us and others, and when it’s in our system it creates blocks to unity and love.

For advice on how to deal with negative outsiders, have a look at this article.


Not How It Seems On The Outside…

This is set to be an incredible week for the Twin Flame connections, breaking open the higher path, with major shifts in the works to affect the journey for the long run.

Remember, if something seems to break apart, it’s a divinely guided change that is designed to open to a higher state down the line.

Approach your journey with love and remember things aren’t quite how they seem on the outside…

Until next time, I’m sending you love and light for your continued journey! <3

Cassady x

Do you want to make the journey to Union and beyond lighter and more positive? Take the path forward with me as your “personal” guide with the Vibrational Alignment Program!

twin flame program

“My Twin Flame is a Runner and something amazing happened today… I’ve done the clearing two days in a row so far, and guess who called me this morning after doing the meditation and energy cleanse? Yup, you guessed it… he called on his own without prompting from me! I am so darn happy, it’s a miracle!”

– Kristine D, Mass., USA

Read more testimonials here

Alternatively, download my Free Twin Flame Help Kit which contains two resources from the full program!



The post Twin Flame Energy Forecast 30th March-5th April: “Fortune Calls” appeared first on Twin Flames 11:11.

* This article was originally published here

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