Sunday, March 8, 2020

Twin Flame Energy Forecast 9th-15th March: “The Healer”

Mercury Direct, Powerful Full Moon In Virgo, Surprise Twin Flame Developments… Cosmic Intensity Pushing For Changes In Love. Are You Ready For This?

Welcome into a brand new week in the cosmic energies!

Highlights this week include:
Full Moon, major planetary interactions, surprise Twin Flame connections. After weeks of retrograde motion, Mercury goes direct and whips the momentum up…

Discover more below!

New Momentum – Heightened Time In Communication

We begin this week with a simultaneous Mercury Direct (March 9th in the USA) AND a powerful Full Moon in Virgo, sign of service, purity and healing. Together, these two major events create pressure around authenticity and soul purpose.

Mercury is the ruler of Virgo (“his” second sign, after Gemini) and so we’re dealing with a major cycle restart – with the powerful culmination of the past and release of old outworn emotions.

Over the weekend, emotional intensity has been building up in advance of the Full Moon. Symbolizing a wake-up call to the healer, the lightworker in us.

Spirit shows up, we all have an innate ability to heal and perfection is our natural state as souls of light.

With so much fear around health and a virus outbreak in recent times, we are reminded to be mindful of our focus. That fear only breeds more fear. And that truly, we are divine beings.

Stepping Into Inner Peace… Uniqueness In Focus

With the Full Moon in Virgo, fear and worry are brought up so we can let go of them for good, so we can use any problems to pivot into a new and better path long term.

Mercury’s double involvement in this pivotal cosmic current echoes that perception, thoughts and words are powerful.

Karmic human fears are powerfully stirred up in the collective fields right now, so make sure you stay centered in light, shield yourself and work to maintain a high vibration. (I help you with that in these Free resources)


With the Sun conjunct Neptune in his home sign Pisces, unconscious emotions are running high on a collective level and it’s easy to get affected especially if you’re an “empath” (highly sensitive).

For Twin Flames, this is especially key, as “absorbing” others’/collective issues can cause breakouts of conflict and “issues” in the connection.

The good thing is, with Mercury turning direct from his position in Aquarius, we will likely see new solutions in healing over the coming period – confusion will likely settle and new perspectives and highly advanced or untraditional solutions rise forth.

Celebrating Your Uniqueness!

On a personal level and between the Twin Flames, past wounds from childhood and teenage years are highlighted during this Full Moon.

With Mercury/Aquarius’ impact there’s a cosmic message to be OK with NOT being like everyone else! To celebrate our uniqueness.

In fact, it’s a crucial key to aligning with our divine soul purpose and Twin Flame reunion – to be in acceptance of who we UNIQUELY are.

So in helping us open to this, we’re being pushed to purge wounds relating to others making us feel bad for not being “normal” or fitting the standard approach for behavior, appearance and such…

Karmic Relationships – Retrograde Ending

One of the themes of this recent Mercury Retrograde has been RE-thinking and RE-conceptualizing the ideal of the lightworker and of human existence. Especially as Mercury moved “backwards” through Pisces.

To release the old conceptions of service, spiritual mission and our connection with the divine.

With the Full Moon, this also tends to come to a head. We may be shown imbalances and places where others have fed off our energy and light, or where we may have felt like we needed to cling to others or be rescued by our Twin in order to be OK…

This is karmic content and cords that need to be cleared in order to align with true unity and love without the rollercoaster of Running and Separation cycles…

(Is past life karma negatively affecting your Twin Flame connection? Discover about what karma is really all about here – and get a free test to assess your level of “karmic debt”)


The Truth About You

The spiritual truth is we are all supported by the universe, it’s just a question of whether we are able to open to that support.

In an ideal state, every single person on earth is directly tapped into the authentic light of their own soul, and via that the support of the “higher realms”…

And this generation of people in spiritual awakening are especially focused on bringing forward this knowledge. Self-empowerment in light. The knowing that we are all our own “savior” – and that it’s a happy thing.

That’s why everything I teach is based around showing you how to step into your own light and power of positivity – without trying to make you dependent on me.

It’s why I share TOOLS, not RULES, so you can use the methods to live YOUR best life YOUR way.

Because we’re all different – for a reason. (Learn more here)

The New Type Of Lightworker – Perfection In Imperfection

Virgo is the energy template of the selfless lightworker, tirelessly in service for the good of all – but its shadow side is martyrdom, forgetting to give OURSELVES love and care because we’re so busy focusing on others.

The truth is, our “mission” is to live as our most blissful self – that’s how we uplift not only ourselves but everyone around us!

But if we’re not “at home” to our own unique self, we’re not available to the support working to reach us from the universe. Going within, attuning to your intuition and your own authentic truth is the key to aligning with your “lifeline” back to the light.

And remember, in our seeming imperfection to the “normal world”, we are perfect for our path and our Twin! Read more here about how our seeming “weaknesses” in the 3D old realm, are actually 5D “superpowers”!


Clarity And Forward Momentum Increasing

In good news, Mercury going direct on the 10th brings some much needed clarity into the world. Over the next few days the air will seem clearer and understanding easier to come by – especially towards the weekend.

For the next week he’s moving over “shadow terrain” from the Retrograde in Aquarius. Communication becomes more direct and helpful and you may get clarity on recent events and perspectives.

However, you’re likely thirsting for some excitement and may be feeling bored of playing by the rules. Keep in mind there’s a LOT going on energetically until late this week.

If you have the desire to do or say something rash – think it over, feel into it with your heart. How will it impact you long term?

Causes Of Twin Flame Ghosting And Communication Issues…

People can be a little argumentative and stubborn early this week – especially under the Full Moon influence.

Spirit shows us, when someone has been hurt and made to feel like they weren’t good enough in the past, they often begin to lash out at others as a defense mechanism.

If your Twin has blocked or rejected you, keep in mind that there’s an inner imbalance at work. There’s a block in their system.

Twin Flames are per designed in a constant communication, says spirit, so when there’s a shut-down in the physical it shows there is a block.

Clearing your throat chakra and asking their soul to step in and assist in clearing theirs, is a great way to open the connection again. To assist your Twin Flame with this, in line with Free Will, have a look at the Higher Dimensional Awakening Session.

twin flame awakening

“After I did it, he messaged me! Just like that – got the meditation, did it, and there he was.” – Indi, New York

“Thank you Cassady! It was AMAZING and HUGE. And we spoke finally again!” – Daisy (via instagram)

Click here to read more and download.

Unexpected Twin Flame Developments, Meetings…

 The conjunction between Uranus and Venus in Taurus coupled with Sun conjunct Neptune spell out potentially amazing experiences with sudden communication in love for Twin Flames.

The Piscean energies indicate this could come as “non-physical” expressions of love and communication… But Uranus is the ruler of technology and groups, so you could run into your Twin via social media, or in a group setting…

Especially if you haven’t seen or spoken to them in a while. This deals with surprises, so it will likely be either a message or an encounter that happens suddenly or unexpectedly.

With Venus being in “her” home sign Taurus for the first time in over a year, this is a great indication it will be a highly positive message or encounter!

Spirit’s comment is, dare to think differently about love and open up to chance.

Following Your Appetite For The “Good Life”

Taurus is a lover of nature, fine dining, the arts and luxury, so after the Full Moon intensity settles down this is a great time to go out and enjoy life. (But stay aware of any health precautions being advised in your country or city right now).

You may bump into your counterpart while at a restaurant or while expressing your OWN creativity somehow…

Keeping a positive attitude is a great boost in this, and it’s set to be easier than usual – as the Sun moves into a sextile with Jupiter on March 11th. This brings positivity and a general feeling that everything will work out OK in the end, no matter what’s come before.

And that really is true. You’re more likely now to feel and see how everything can turn out amazingly – and with Neptune’s touch involved, it’s all about following your intuition, your divine guidance.

You don’t have to see each step to your dream clearly before you, but if you keep making forward progress bit by bit, you’ll get there. (Learn more here about how to know what your divine guidance and steps are showing up for you)


“Thank you! I feel so light and excited to move forward!” – Rob M.

Click here to learn more and download

“Luck” Working Its Way To You! Pay Attention

These energy currents are great for enjoying life and expressing your creativity, pursuing your passions.

And the incredible thing is, as you enjoy your life with or without your Twin physically present, your vibration rises higher and higher, aligning you with unity and love.

Jupiter and the Sun “teaming up” is like a nudge of encouragement from the universe to follow your bliss. Jupiter may even bring some “luck” in the form of opportunities, abundance or positive results to you.

Be open to things showing up in unexpected ways – you may be invited out by a friend, not realizing that your Twin’s sibling, friend or they themselves may show up at the very same place, ultimately leading to a reunion.

You may feel irresistibly drawn to a new hobby and take the plunge, only to discover your counterpart is passionate about the same subject and it brings you closer together.

To stay in touch with guidance for input on “secret info” like where to go to bump into your Twin by “accident”, make sure you check in with your divine support team. (I help you with that in the Twin Flame Oracle Card app here)

The key is to follow your inner guidance – the feeling of light, excitement, positivity. But remember that guidance can be quiet in the midst of stress, fear of missing out and other “static” in your system.

(For best results, use the Free Energy Cleanse Tool here to stay open to those subtle nudges and insights.)

Divine Guidance Working To Lead Masculine Twin…

On the 14th, Mars makes a sextile to Neptune and this theme is echoed for the Masculine Twin – they may be guided to you without realizing it…

This also indicates, you feel like helping others and have an intuitive sense of what to say to make the bond closer. This will help you in your Twin connection and the end of this week can be a really nice time of love and togetherness in emotion above all.

When the Sun makes a sextile to Pluto on the 15th, you’ll gain a bit more determination and willpower to put into making your dreams come true.

If things are up in the air between you and your counterpart, you’ll also be decisive and go for what you want. If things have not been working out, it’s a great time to get to grips with discovering what’s blocking unity and clearing it once and for all! It’s set to be easier to pinpoint and release than usual.

(Click here for a brief video explanation on how this works and why it’s so important for Twin Flames)

A Week For Happy Surprises And Forward Momentum

This is a week where it feels like the cocoon we’ve been in lately, finally begins to open and we can start to spread our wings. A breath of fresh momentum and positivity boosts the journey forward.

Be aware the collective fields are stirred up with fear, especially early this week, so stay safe and shielded for best results.

Later in the week, pleasant surprises in the Twin Flame connection are highly likely. Make sure you check in with your intuition and guidance to make the most of this.


Until next time, I’m sending you love and light for your continued journey! <3

Cassady x

Do you want to make the journey to Union and beyond lighter and more positive? Take the path forward with me as your “personal” guide with the Vibrational Alignment Program!

twin flame program

“My Twin Flame is a Runner and something amazing happened today… I’ve done the clearing two days in a row so far, and guess who called me this morning after doing the meditation and energy cleanse? Yup, you guessed it… he called on his own without prompting from me! I am so darn happy, it’s a miracle!”

– Kristine D, Mass., USA

Read more testimonials here

Alternatively, download my Free Twin Flame Help Kit which contains resources from the full program!

The post Twin Flame Energy Forecast 9th-15th March: “The Healer” appeared first on Twin Flames 11:11.

* This article was originally published here

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