Friday, May 1, 2020

Beltane May Day, phallic fertility,fires and fairies

Beltane May Day, phallic fertility,fires and fairies

May 1st Beltane is a Sacred Phallic worshipping Green Man the Goddess lover’s day as May Pole dancing rites are held and Beltane Bonfires burn.

Beltane/May Day is an ancient fertility festival honouring the Horned Man or God Pan with a huge phallus. This cross-quarter day celebrates Fire, male sexuality, fertility and fairies. The word PANdemic comes from the root of this Pagan God who was demonized by the Catholic Church. 

Beltane celebration rituals begin tonight April 30. It’s Walpurgis night, the night before May 1st, Beltane.


Jim Champion / The 2007 burning wicker man, Butser Ancient Farm



Light the fires of passion, as this festival celebrates love, conception, fertility, and the power of the masculine phallic force of

the horned God to initiate new life in the Goddess.

The ancient God Pan is ready to mate with the Goddess and impregnate her. This is a very ancient night of celebrating the “Heiros Gamos” or SACRED MARRIAGE between the Goddess and the God, meeting in the fields, or in the woods to honor fertility and new life.
Setting new intentions on this night is very powerful.
The MAYPOLE is the phallic symbol and the participants weave their ribbons around as they dance the spiral dance of time and our interwoven connectivity with all our relations on MAY day.
This is one of the major cross-quarter days in the year. We are half way to summer in the northern hemisphere and the veils between the worlds are thin.
The FAE or fairies come out and dance in magic forest circles and all of our ancestors are close be. Beltane celebrates fertility and seeding new intentions with magic passion and light. It is a time of joyful invocation, healing, and beginnings.
Beltane is the time to plant all your seeds for future endeavours you wish to actualize and harvest at the end of summer.
Invoke the spirit of these intentions in the time of TAURUS, an earth sign.
Participants light the Beltane fires traditionally on hilltops and jump over it for purification.

the VEIL BETWEEN THE WORLD’S ARE THINNEST just like at Halloween or Samhain, the energy is the same. The Faery Queen goes out riding in the woods tonight.

Dancing  around the MAYPOLE is an ancient fertility celebration of the maiden and the horned god who would meet in the dark, make love as strangers, embodying the God and Goddess.  

This is the night when Maidens would go wander in the woods, as FLORA, the flowers, NATURE SPRUNG newly born, maiden has nothing to do with virginity or marriage as they are simply young, and eager to mate, as they are in touch with natural sexuality, Nature’s rhythms, to give themselves to a stranger in the woods, the Green Man, also called PAN to the Greeks,the Horned Stag, called Cernunnos, in Latin, he is raw male phallic, sexual energy, virile and youthful. 

 CERNUNNOS the horny man

If a man had been created in the horned God’s image he would be free to be wild, without being cruel, angry without being violent, sexual without being coercive spiritual without being unsexed,and truly able to love.”

– Starhawk, The Spiral Dance


 Children conceived this night are considered to be magical and to belong to the realm of FAIRY as in The MISTS of AVALON. The maidens do not know the man they mate within the sacred marriage ritual.

Couples would also take vows to be in relationships for a year and a day, sort of test driving a relationship to see if they are compatible.

It is considered unlucky to marry in MAY as this month is dedicated to the wedding of the GOD and the GODDESS  alone.

 Another important custom is bathing in dew gathered before dawn on Beltane Morn, your beauty will flourish throughout the year. Sprinkled with the dew insures you of health and happiness. Or drinking from the well before dawn of Beltane is also good luck.

 Leftover Food from May 1st eve should be left out for the fairies.

We will light our fire tonight. Wishing you all a Blessed Beltane. 

get a reading with me

Tara Greene,Tarot Reader, Astrology, Psychic

Beltane/May Day is an ancient fertility festival honoring the Horned Man or God Pan with a huge phallus. This cross-quarter day celebrates Fire, male sexuality, fertility and fairies

Beltane celebration rituals begin tonight April 30. It’s Walpurgis night, the night before May 1st, Beltane.


Jim Champion / The 2007 burning wicker man, Butser Ancient Farm


Light the fires of passion, as this festival celebrates love, conception, fertility, and the power of the masculine phallic force of

the horned God to initiate new life in the Goddess.

The ancient God Pan is ready to mate with the Goddess and impregnate her. This is a very ancient night of celebrating the “Heiros Gamos” or SACRED MARRIAGE between the Goddess and the God, meeting in the fields, or in the woods to honor fertility and new life.
Setting new intentions on this night is very powerful.
The MAYPOLE is the…

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* This article was originally published here

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