June 14 Dwarf planet Eris and Dwarf Planet PLUTO square off June 14 at 8:04 am PDT/ 11:04 am EDT/ 4:04 pm GMT for the 2nd time in 2020.
The first planet to be discovered beyond Pluto by Dr. Michael Brown of CalTech.on January 5, 2005, at 11:20 am PST in Pasadena California was originally named 2003 UB313 “Xena” which caused a big rukus and discord in the Astronomical community, which led to Pluto being demoted, and elevating Ceres to a Dwarf Planet showing us a strong indication of her nature. You dont mess with Pluto Lord of death.
ERIS was a Powerful Goddess who dethroned Pluto as a planet via 23 astronomers who voted to change the description of what a planet was. In this modern mythology, she represents the Divine Feminine Archetype who topples the PLUTOCRATS. The future is Female.
In Greek Mythology Eris, Mars the warrior Gods’ sister is known as the Goddess of Chaos and Strife, a bloodthirsty Goddess who calls forth war and runs amok on the battlefield.
ERIS was the one who was not invited to a famous Wedding and who crashed it. To get revenge, she threw a Golden Apple of Discord labelled To The Most Beautiful at three goddesses/Hera/Roman Juno, Athena/ Minerva, and Aphrodite/ Venus. This fight eventually created the Trojan War. In Modern Mythology Eris became the 13th Fairy who was not invited to Princess Aurora’s birthday and who crashed it and cursed the princess this is the story of Sleeping Beauty.
Eris’s character could be seen as one who inadvertently opens up a situation that was hidden, or unconscious, exposing it. Out of this discord eventually things sort out through a lot of trouble. She is an agent of chaos and change. This can be a very good thing. One small act of protest creates a huge ripple effect. This is very much the ethos of the 21st century.
We saw this in George Floyd’s death recently.
Born October 14 1973 in Fayetville N.C. with no birth time. Eris at 12 ARIES widely opposes his Libra SUN, and squares Saturn in cancer. This is very much the ethos of the 21st century.
In another account, Eris is a primeval goddess, the daughter of Night NYX and Darkness and the mother of Trouble, Toil, Pain, Carnage, Brawls, Anarchy, Ruin and Dispute, all negative attributes. Eris sends her strife-bearing children out like pack dogs when anyone lies under oath. Eris is just doing her job, Like a dark goddess, she is just balancing the karmic scales of Justice and keeping natural SPIRITUAL Law in order even if that is a hard thing.
Eris is related to feeling envy and resentment towards the Plutocrats, the .01% ruling elite or anyone or thing who has power over us and who we feel are taking advantage of others through immoral gluttony and thievery. Personal and collective outrage at the disadvantaged creates revenge which Eris relishes and feeds off of.
Alison Chester-Lambert writes “Eris is strong and she can be volatile, vicious and spiteful. In Works and Days Hesiod warned of “slanderous-tongued Envy, with look of deadly hate,….” but he also gave us a careful and enlightening explanation of how to live positively and take advantage of Eris’s competitiveness. His “good” Eris supports the worker in the race for wealth and prosperity by stimulating him into industry and determination. “Bad” Eris would engage him in acts of envy that would waste time and prevent his own success. Hesiod demonstrated clearly the duality of Eris, which is common to the dwarf planets where things are not what they seem on the surface.
Eris is part of the natural justice system, a divinely instigated and policed moral system of repercussions and encouragement; inherent in the DNA of humans and the larger group.” https://www.astro.com/astrology/aa_article160804_e.htm
Julija Simas of the Cosmic Intelligence Agency writes” I’ve always seen “going viral ” and the revolutionary fast spread of info, or ideas, or hype, or influence beyond measure, (even a virus) small things creating shock waves, small actions/big events as an Eris archetype – (fire) – The goddess of Chaos and Discord.
– she was born to consciousness in Jan 2005 in Aries around the same time as social media came onto the scene.https://cosmicintelligenceagency.com/eris-2/
PLUTO represented the PLUTOCRACY who are mad as hell at anyone who usurps their power, who stands up to them through protest, revolution, throw Molotov cocktails, or upsets the natural order they wish to keep. This square ignites more protests, violent riots, revolutions, and poisoned apples being thrown into the Triumverate of the NWO which eventually destroys it. Not a minute too soon. PLUTO is Lord of Death and Rebirth recycling and transformation. Pluto rules Scorpio themes of sex money power secrets control.
Read these revelations about what’s really going on https://www.gracevanberkum.com/post/we-are-being-played-please-read
Eris orbit takes 558 years to complete, over twice as long as Pluto’s. The Pluto-Eris 359-year cycle began in 1757 at the time of the inception of the global financial system and the Industrial Revolution. Pluto squares Eris from January 2020 until October 2021. We enter the last quarter of Pluto and Eris’s cycle in August 2020. We will be feeling this square tension for a while.
Check out where ERIS is in your own chart.
Also note the synchronicity of this aspect on Donald Trump’s birthday. Not a good omen.
FAMOUS people with ERIS
Steve Jobs, whose apple he threw out into the world, revolutionized computers, cellphones and everyone’s life, has Eris conjunct his Moon which gave us all a big taste of what we can’t live without, computers, iPhones, etc.
Climate change teen Greta Thunberg has Eris at 19° Aries trine Pluto. Greta virtually started the Climate Change revolution herself from a park bench in Stockholm. She took action by starting a school strike, word spread and her actions rippled throughout the planet.
Please share widely all content unless otherwise noted is copyright of Tara Greene
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* This article was originally published here
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