Sunday, July 19, 2020

Twin Flame Energy Forecast 20th-26th July: “Time To Shine”

New Momentum, The Journey Moves Forward Again. Infusion Of Positivity For Twin Flame Connection. Are You Ready To Show The World Your Light?

Welcome into a brand new week in the cosmic energies!

Highlights this week include:

Powerful New Moon and Neptune transits work to reawaken the dream and the hope in your heart, showing you that Twin Flame love and unity truly is possible!

Plus, the Leo sun ignites the light of your own majesty. Prepare to shine…

Discover more below!

Ready For Some Positivity After An Intense Start To The Summer?

This is set to be a week of increased positivity and lightness compared to recent months. We have been in an intense time this year with a number of eclipses and Venus retrograde, but things are looking up this week!

You’re set to feel lighter and like the wind is in your sails this Monday as the New Moon in Cancer sets us off to a new chapter!

This new moon signals a restart in the realm of emotion. The past is being left behind, and a new phase begins – it feels like being able to breathe again for the first time in a while, for many of us.

With this cycle we get a fresh start – the universe hits the “reset button”!

The Realm Of Creativity, The Feminine, The Mother…

Falling in Cancer, this particular New Moon is a good time to commit to personal goals that resonate with the energies of this sign of the crab…

Letting go of “victim stories” and old attachments that may have felt safe but are actually limiting us, and embracing the healthy creative expression of our emotions.

Cancer is the sign of the “mother”, the family, the moon, emotions, the feminine, creativity – so this is a new beginning in all these areas.

You can use this momentum to bring about new positivity and a fresh lease of life in your Twin Flame connection.

Take a moment to close your eyes and relax, and then visualize you and your Twin Flame together – if you find this tricky, use my Free Guided Meditation where I take you through it step by step, all you have to do is follow along with my voice.


Opening The Twin Flame Connection To Higher Love

Now as you visualize yourself together with your Twin Flame, let them know you are ready to release the past, to forgive them, to start over. To begin with a clean slate.

Whether or not you feel good about this, it will help you so much.

Because forgiveness is something all Twin Flames’ souls are pushing them to learn and when we hold unforgiveness it can profoundly block the connection.

Even when it seems “reasonable” to not be very forgiving.

So forgive them. And ask them to forgive you in return, because you may on your part have hurt them without realizing it. Let them know, “let’s start over.

Let’s allow for a new beginning. A reset.” This will create a new positive momentum and beginning for you.

And to go deeper and cleanse out the human 3D programming that may have caused problems to begin with, so you’re sure it doesn’t happen again, click here.


This session keeps getting amazing feedback about physical world positive changes happening for Twins who use it – including their counterpart ending karmic connections and coming back!

“I have been doing (the Oneness Activation) every week since you made it and now the karmic relationship my twin was in is over and I know it is because of this …I can’t thank you enough Cassady…lots of love…x” – Diane

Click here to learn more and download.

New Moon Manifesting “Recipe”

The New Moon is always an amazing time to set intentions and begin manifesting goals. The cosmic energies are attuned to sowing seeds, which are then later brought to fruition at the time of the Full Moon.

So you can focus your energy positively for the New Moon by writing down: “I now invite into my life the following, to the highest good of everyone involved” followed by your goals and desires.

End with “And so it is. Thank you, thank you, thank you”, to seal the intention and send it out. (To go deeper and learn my “guided super powered manifestation methods” have a look here)

Now here’s the crucial step SO MANY miss out on. As you write, pay attention to where you may have SKEPTICISM, DISBELIEF, DISAPPOINTMENT and other NEGATIVITY triggering! Because these are your blocks.

Make sure you clear them – because if you just let them be, they will be deflecting you from actually receiving those manifestations you wrote down.

What It Really Means If Your Desires Aren’t Showing Up…

Remember, if you keep working on manifesting something that just isn’t showing up, there is a HUGE THING you’re missing. There is a block in the way.

Whenever we don’t receive our desires, there is a block, a misalignment.

So pay attention to this. Don’t try to use wishful thinking that it will work anyway if you’ve struggled with the same point over and over.

It’s time to start clearing and recalibrating your frequency – so you’re actually a match with RECEIVING that desire. To begin clearing and uplifting your energy, go here.

And ask yourself, what do you feel most drawn to? That’s your intuition speaking. Your soul and your guidance team letting you know what is most needed for you right now.

Do this work now, and notice how things begin to shift for the better. Keep your intention list, and notice that by the next New Moon things will have showed up in the physical to a higher degree.

New Positive Energy For The Month Ahead!

July 22 we have a new energy coming in as the Sun enters Leo for the coming month. This is an effervescent, positive current, as the Sun is “home” in Leo. This is light shining! Bubbly, sparkly, positive, hopeful energy…

However, keep an eye out for Leo’s shadow sides of drama, inflated egos and extravagance, as they may cause issues this month too.

As the Sun gradually moves further from “his” challenge with the heavyweight planets Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn (all retrograde) into next week, you’ll also start to feel like life is less tense and challenging.

Things will begin to feel more open. Glimmers of light turn to more ease.

The Sun in its home sign of Leo is shining its bright light. Mind and emotion align more than in a while, and the Leo fire gives us a sense of strength and courage for the journey onward, wherever it may go.

Masculine Healing Intensity Calms Down

Another positive this week is that Mars has moved out of his conjunction with Chiron in Aries, which means we’re feeling less tense and triggered.

Anger and conflict has subsided somewhat. The Masculine Twin seems calmer and more in their element.

Some conflict or dissonance has likely calmed down or ended now, compared to a few weeks ago. And we feel like there is forward motion again on an inner level, despite the many retrogrades that are still happening.

(What are the deeper wounds of the Masculine really about, and how can your counterpart heal and uplift even if you’re not together? Click here to read more)

Fire Supporting Fire – Message From The Planets

With Mars in Aries there is a big focus on willpower, ambition, goals and individuality – and the Masculine. Mars is “home” in Aries and this is the sign of the solar plexus.

So it’s common to feel more invigorated and have more “get up and go” in this period with the Sun making trines to Mars.

Fire supporting fire. This positive current receives even more support this week through, as Jupiter sextiles Neptune too. With this, the cosmic energies are working to show you that yes, amazing things truly are possible!

When you have a dream, it’s for a reason! Often, that longing or dreaming is a sign your soul and the universe are pushing you to go for it!

Dreams and wishes often arrive as divine inspiration, as our guidance works to push us to make something happen…

Or even, trying to just alert us to the possibility of something amazing.

If It Looks “Impossible” It Just Means You Haven’t Found The Right Steps – Yet!

Remember: “There is always a way. If it looks like there isn’t, you just haven’t found it yet!” This is an infinite universe and you are a soul of light – things are not as they seem from the outside.

I take you through de-coding your situation and using your Divine Compass to map out exactly how to get to even the most “impossible seeming” goals.


There is so much possible for you once you start to go for it. And with these planets moving retrograde, the key thing here is, not only are great things possible. But specifically – EVEN DREAMS YOU’VE GIVEN UP IN THE PAST!

Be willing to reconsider certain things you’ve felt to be out of reach – especially Twin Flame harmony, union, love. The planets are working to give you the FEELING and INSPIRATION above all, to open to it again.

It’s never too late, spirit tells us.

Unlikely Success Stories…!

Clear the blocks that have kept it from reaching you in the past, and it becomes possible. Even if it wasn’t before. Click here to test your energy alignment.

Did you know Colonel Sanders was in his 60s when he finally managed to get KFC Chicken started? Did you know Oprah Winfrey was well into her 30s when she became successful?

And that a number of actors who are now A-Listers finally got their break in their 40s, even some who started in their 50s and 60s and beyond?

The world is full of unlikely success stories when we start to look. The one key thing they all have in common – they didn’t give up. They felt there was something guiding them and kept taking action. And finally, they got there.

Which leads us to another amazing quote and perspective “awakener” – by the inventor of the electric lightbulb, and a gazillion other less known things.

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” – THOMAS EDISON

Are You Ready To Start Shining?

This week, the light is shining on you, for you, from you. Open up! Receive the encouragement the universe is working to bring you, to wake you up to.

Take the shades off, and see that it’s really that bright! And you really are THAT SPECIAL!!!!!

You may be triggered by belief issues this week, but know that it’s to help you face the glory that can truly be if you open to it! Don’t let disappointments and worries fester – clear them so light can reach you.

What are YOU going to go for this week? How are YOU going to shine? Comment below!

Let the glory of the Leo sun wake up the majesty in you, to open your path wide for a bright future.

Until next time, I’m sending you love and light for your continued journey! <3

Cassady x

Do you want to make the journey to Union and beyond lighter and more positive? Take the path forward with me as your “personal” guide with the Vibrational Alignment Program!

twin flame program

“Cassady, Your tools have continued to be a direct link to my healing. Thank you for the love and continued information. Your tools have helped me more than anything I’ve done to heal my karma and pain. Love to you “

– Karen, Arkansas, USA

Read more testimonials here

Alternatively, download my Free Twin Flame Help Kit which contains two resources from the full program!

(Do you want to develop telepathy and remote communication with your Twin? I take you through it and help you get into the Alpha state with this Free Guided Meditation in the Free Twin Flame Help Kit)


The post Twin Flame Energy Forecast 20th-26th July: “Time To Shine” appeared first on Twin Flames 11:11.

* This article was originally published here

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