August 21-23
The Libra Moon brings romance and puts socializing front and center. Everyone wants to appear nice under Libra’s umbrella. Libra is a Cardinal initiatory Air sign which is all about relationships, seeking peace, Grace, counselling, justice and communicating.
Libra desperately needs others’ opinions and seeks social status. Libra rules the fashion and beauty industries, lawyers and social media. Traditionally Libra is associated with the sign of marriage and all committed relationships and all “others.” It’s easy to get lost in a romantic haze especially with Moon squaring Venus in Cancer and Jupiter in Capricorn. The way to another’s heart is through their stomach.
Libra Moon makes us feel more indecisive. You will weigh out both options endlessly and think and talk about it until the cows come home. Peacekeeping and being a go-between in the Drama should come up at this time.
Plan a gathering, a small dinner party with social distancing of course because Libra can’t stand to be alone. If that’s not possible spend Saturday on Zoom, connecting with friends and family or on dating apps to meet up with a new significant other.
Aries Cancer
and Capricorn
get the biggest social boost along with
Sun enters earthy Virgo August 22 @ 8:45 am PDT, 11:46 am EDT, 3:46 pm GMT
Virgo it’s your time! It’s the beginning of the harvest! Virgo is the Goddess’s great mother Demeter/Ceres. It’s time to reap what you have sown. While official autumn is still a month away, on September 22 this year. Virgo gets us to put our thinking caps on, get organized, disciplined, accountable, working diligently and watching our diets and pocketbooks.
The Libra moon is Inconjunct Neptune in Pisces skewing our idealism and
a very hard squaring off with Pluto in Capricorn and opposing Mars in Aries and square Saturn in Capricorn
This is one of the most difficult challenging aspects to long term goals and impulsive rash actions. Falling in love, at first sight, can lead to big problems later.
Mars and Saturn have the rep for being the heardest of planets and they are each in their own signs. Libra can play it cool so maintain grace under pressure.
ARIES, SCORPIO ruled by Mars, and CAPRICORN AQUARIUS ruled by SATURN will feel this tension like driving with the brakes on fiercely. Watch out for long-suppressed anger which can boil over out of control in an instant.
August 23
Moon into sexy Scorpio @ 3:16 am PDT, 6:16 am EDT, 11:16 am GMT
This is the most intensely passionate sexual, obsessive power-hungry, secretive, turned on few days of the month
Scorpio brings up the deepest darkest shadows, unconscious jealousy, the need to control, anger and vindictiveness. Watch your dreams under a Scorpio moon for spotting your own shadows and doing the work.
Moon makes lovely sextiles to the Virgo hygiene crazy Sun and Mercury in Virgo. This amps up a Virgo/ Scorpio vibe connection.
Mercury in Virgo it’s home enhances crisp concise intellectual communication. Books and info are a turn on too.
Scorpio Moon opposes Uranus in Taurus in PDT/ aug 24 EDT and GMT
This will put some kink into your routine for sure. Scorpios is all about the latest sex toys, robotic sex or what have you now. Expect the unexpected and you won’t be caught if guard. And of course, a Scorpio never is.
Use the intense Scorpio desire energy on any way you want.
Capricorn and Virgo get East benefits from the moon.
Fixed signs Taurus, Leo Scorpio and Aquarius get pushed to act out their desires or keep them secreted away, turned on in the private phantasy world of the psyche.
Writing, doing a Marie Kondo obsessive cleaning or focusing on what your soul really wants is a good use of Scorpio energy. It’s a mop of transformation.
Arguments tend to boil over under Scorpio moon, be careful of who you trigger.
Remember that others are a mirror of your own inner self too.
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* This article was originally published here
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