Friday, September 4, 2020

Sexually tense, Venus square Mars

The planets of the sexes- you know, men are from Mars and women are from Venus are in a creative sexual tension from ♋ Cancer to ♈ Aries with Mars in his own sign and the Moon, ruler of Cancer in Aries is a kind of amped up sexual tension which can be very sexy.

Feed your passion now as Mars is strong and will retrograde starting September 9.

I just went out in my backyard to look at the moon and stars and the sky. Venus is brilliantly bright in the East, she is gorgeous and the Mars is shining bright red near the Moon in Aries. I gave thanks to Venus for all the beauty in my life and thanked Mars for energy passion protection and fearlessness. There was an unusually huge long white cloud right across the sky like a white dragon. The moon has rainbows radiating from it. It is all beautiful. The daturas are reflecting the moon light off of their trumpet like flower. The garden looked magical on moonlight. I feel at peace seeing the two planets 90 degrees apart in the sky.

This Tension can be sexy. Mars is almost at its Retrograde turning point on September 9th with a “slow hand “ energy which is not usual for Mars the warrior.

Venus in Cancer needs Mars to protect her and her nest, to keep her feeling safe, and to defend her. In return she will nurture, feed, comfort and sooth Mars’ battle scars and give him space to take off his armour, rest and renew himself.

Remember that each one of us has an archetypal masculine warrior and a feminine protective nurturing part of ourselves within us. These parts of ourselves need to see that each aspect has its place and necessity.

Mercury the messenger in Virgo in its own sign is also activated in an inconjunct to Mars making for frustrating hair pulling communication details which block actions.

Mercury also sextiles Venus in Cancer which is a lovely poetic sentimental, emotional love letter to women, to Mothers, and children which all feature while Venus is In Cancer.

Mercury Virgo is the mind upper digestion connection. Listen to your gut instincts. In ancient times entrail readings were a form of oracular knowledge. Our guts and bodies never lie. Tune into that knowledge not just your head’s.

Tummies are also more easily upset with Venus in tummy governed Moon ruled ♋ Cancer.

Aries moon conjunct Wounded Healer shaman, Chiron in Aries. makes us angry that we can’t cure someone else or make them strong enough to face the battle again.

At the end of the day the Moon in conjuncts the Sun indicating the luminaries are not talking to each other. The ego and the emotional body are at Odds.

You may experience conflict but also tension which seeks renegade and union on the other. Sparks can fly in a good way.

Please share widely. All content is copyright of Tara Greene.

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* This article was originally published here

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