Thursday, October 15, 2020

7 Little-Known Reasons Why Your Soul May Be Holding Up Your Twin Flame Journey


Is Your Soul Waiting On You? Discover Who’s Really “Steering The Ship” From Behind The Scenes On Your Twin Flame Journey…

One of the biggest sources of misunderstandings for Twin Flames is, forgetting the soul. That behind our human lives we and our Twin both have a SOUL SELF.

And their priorities are often COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than our human ones!

So today I wanted to talk to you about this. Because it’s the “secret reason” behind a lot of Twins’ frustrations.

Deeper Reasons Why Things Get “Stuck”

Here is a super common example I see:

A Twin Flame really loves her counterpart and wants to get back together, and is worried it might not happen.

She’s been waiting and waiting and trying to speed things up, trying to surrender, has talked to psychics or Twin coaches or healers, journalled on it, written it in her Moon intentions and put it on her vision board…

But nothing has changed. She’s getting more and more frustrated and upset.

Now, here’s the thing: there is a SIMPLE reason why things are staying stuck.

It’s because HER SOUL is not working with her to make it happen. Because IT IS WAITING for her to realize some big things.

When the soul wants to hold up our journey to learn certain lessons, it can feel like we’re butting our heads against a brick wall. Because the SOUL can truly put the brakes on when it wants.

Do You Know What Your SOUL’s Priorities Are?

So today I’m going to be sharing with you the 7 KEY THINGS EVERY TWIN FLAME’S SOUL wants them to learn and understand… If things aren’t working out for you, no matter what you’re trying – this is where to look!

The benefit of this is, when you show your soul you’re willing and you do this inner work, it can POWERFULLY shift things around for the better for you SO QUICKLY.

The soul “says” – how do you think you met your Twin in the first place? It wasn’t by accident. It’s the soul’s doing – and your Twin’s soul.

So if you want to move your journey further don’t keep stressing and working at it from the current standpoint. Work WITH your soul, it will revolutionize your experiences from this point onward.

(I’ll help you with this here)

Who Is Your Soul, Really?

So who is your soul? In short, it’s the eternal part of you. The consciousness you are beyond your physical body and our human identity.

It is all-powerful, a masterful creator, and can shift circumstances beyond what we believe possible as humans.

And importantly, it has certain plans and desires for learning in this lifetime. For your SOUL, your journey with your Twin looks very different.

And it could be waiting for you to learn certain things, which it (eternal you) set as goals for this lifetime.

Who’s Really Driving The Car You’re In?!?

The soul’s own image to illustrate this is:

Imagine you’re out driving in a learner’s car. You’re the student, the soul is the teacher. You are one and the same, but you as a human identity. So you’re there driving, hitting the gas. But your soul, the TEACHER, has pedals too!

They can OVERRIDE the car and take control of the wheel! And sometimes they do, for your highest good!

So if things feel stuck for you – it’s almost GUARANTEED your soul is the one hitting the brakes while waiting for you to deal with certain things.

Here are the 7 key reasons your soul is hitting those brakes! Check in and be honest with yourself, begin to work on this so you can move forward once and for all!

Soul Block #1) You’re Not Going Within

The human world is full of confusion, ego stories and what is known in spiritual circles as “illusions”. Meaning, stories and unproven views of what men and women and love is like, about who we are and what’s possible for us.

As long as we focus on the human world, we hit on limitations, disappointments, snags…

Because the energies are collectively set up for only a certain limited version – this is what’s known as the Matrix, the agreed upon PERCEPTION of what reality is like. When in fact, reality is all energy in motion and is infinitely flexible and malleable to our desires.

(Watch a video on that here).

So on the spiritual journey when we awaken, it’s all about going WITHIN to gain mastery over our faculties. To start focusing on our DESIRES, instead of automatically accepting the regular version of life (because when we do, that’s all we get).

In energy terms, things are created in the unseen before becoming manifest in the physical.”As within, so without” is a spiritual truth that’s been around since the ancients’ Emerald Tablet.

So as long as we’re only looking at the outer situation, we’re not making the inner shifts necessary to CHANGE and SHIFT and ALTER the outer results.

Therefore, the soul is always waiting for us to claim our power as a creator, go within, and begin to shift reality from the inside out.

For help with this, go here.

#2) You’re Not Listening To The Truth Of Love

This is a similar point. And it’s understandable that many Twins get caught up in it because we’ve been raised in the human world. We are given so many beliefs and stories about what love and relationships are “supposed” to be like.

So many carry around underlying unconscious perceptions that “men cheat”, “twin flames always run”, “relationships never last” and so on.

Well, those things are simply not true! They’re just stories! But unfortunately when we accept them as real, they begin to play out in our reality.

I can’t tell you how stunned I was when the other day I googled something and the search engine suggested a question “How long does Twin Flame separation last?” I clicked out of curiosity and my jaw dropped as I saw website’s “reputable answer” that said “1-2 years”. That’s completely FALSE!

The TRUTH is separation is caused by energy blocks and triggering, and that means it doesn’t have to happen for you at ALL! And if it’s happening, you can clear it.

Any “twin flame stages” times or “twin flame rules” are false, made up by Ego. And in honesty, it makes me a bit upset to see nonsense like that out in the public domain because it infiltrates and hurts so many Twins’ experiences. For the TRUTH about Separation, have a look at this article.


In truth, the Twin Flame connection is all about love. That is the ONLY thing you ever truly need to know about it.

All the outer things are “stories” or the physical reflection of stories “playing out” as real. Go within, allow your Twin’s higher self to show you the truth. That love is all there has ever been and will ever be.

#3) You’re Looking For Others To Fix Things/You

This is another super common pattern for Twin Flames. We grow up first with parents, then teachers and employers, and we’re taught that we have to go to an authority. That someone else is always better or more knowledgeable or powerful than us.

In the spiritual domain it’s not true! You as a soul are infinite! You are an ancient expert at this whole journey. All the answers are within you!

That’s why you’ll notice I don’t give one on one sessions, psychic readings, spells, incantations, candles etc or try to make you dependent on me.

Instead, I show you TOOLS to open you to your OWN power and connection. You are your own expert, your own best guide – but you have to open to that in order to benefit from this.

I’ve been doing this for a long time and I’ve developed methods that will help you make progress faster, and so that is incredibly helpful for so many Twins (click here to read testimonials) … but if you TRULY listen to your soul and use your divine gifts of energy, it’s essentially all you need.

(Know that your soul may point you back here to my sessions as it knows they’ll help you shift into a higher state more quickly than doing it alone!)

The key is to know you’re capable. And to go out from a point of view of using resources, taking in information that serves you – not getting into powerlessness and chasing for rescue. (If you need a boost – go here for my webinar on creating breakthroughs in the physical/3D Twin Flame connection)

#4) You’re Not Willing To Forgive

Holding onto resentment is one of the biggest blocks we can find. Because it keeps things stuck. Forgiveness allows the situation to shift. To lift higher. Forgiveness is like opening the door to something new and better to show up.

The reason forgiveness is such an issue for most, is it’s so misunderstood in our Western world. Click here to read an article to learn more – about why forgiveness helps YOU above all.

The truth is, you ARE your Twin, on a higher level of consciousness – your essence and theirs. In spiritual truth, if you had been born in their stead, to their family, as their gender, you would be THEM!

And vice versa. This is why it’s so futile for Twins to hold onto resentments – if possible it keeps us even more stuck than regular people.

If there have been problems between you, I can help shift this for the long run – including issues like running/outside relationships/infidelity/ghosting. Because it’s all about energy. Click here to read more:

#5) You’re Still Thinking You’re “Small”

Another block that entrenches stuckness for Twin Flames, is the avoidance of responsibility.

The truth is, we are here as creators of our reality. We do this with our focus, our thoughts, our emotions, our unconscious energy and our beliefs…

Whether or not we know it, our current situation is ALWAYS a result of what we hold within. Even if that stuff is inherited from ancestors or absorbed from others (to clear this out, click here, where I take you through that and more – painlessly).

Remember we get MORE of what we focus on. When we focus on needing our Twin to rescue us, or to fix a problem, we just get more needing to be rescued, more problems to fix.

So many Twins stay stuck because they refuse to accept this correlation. They are hiding in wanting something or someone other than themselves to fix the situation. Blaming the counterpart, or other people.

The spiritual truth is, if we’re not aligned with negativity it can’t show up in our life. Because everything is energy and energy attracts its like (read more here).

When we can align with our SOUL’s mastery, the knowing that we are creators of our reality, that we affect our outer world and above all our Twin Flame… We begin to completely shift things into a higher state.

#6) You’re Looking To Everyone Else’s Experiences

You are here to be uniquely YOU! And your Twin Flame connection is not identical to any other.

So when you constantly look to other people’s experiences with THEIR Twin connection, or get involved in debating it, you’re dragging your own connection down.

To fully unleash the most magical soul lit love glowing version of your Twin Flame connection, focus on YOUR LOVE.

Go to YOUR TWIN, not to other people! Yes, you can still “talk” to them even if you’re apart – read how here.

The truth is, human culture is to “blame” for so many Twins’ problems – really you and your own Twin have all the answers and can journey to reunion with ease when you work together.

Problems come when you get tangled up with false stories, other people’s opinions, restrictive false ideas like “the male twin always runs” or the “separation lasts 1-2 years” COMPLETELY FALSE message I saw online.

(I know I’m using a lot of capitals but sometimes Twins misunderstand my writing, so I want to make sure you know: I AM NOT SAYING SEPARATION HAS TO HAPPEN AT ALL! You REALLY can have a happy journey without it!)

That stuff will only drag you down. So your soul is waiting for you to take back the reins, focus more on what YOU WANT rather than what other people say is possible.

Go within, align with your own power and know you can have, be and do whatever you choose! That’s the spiritual truth.

#7) You’re Trying To Make It Like A Human Fairy Tale

Remember the Twin Flame journey is not merely a romantic relationship. It’s an alchemical spiritual process. An eternal bond of the soul.

When we get caught up in the mainstream human ideas of what a relationship is “supposed” to look like, we can get completely STUCK – because that’s not at ALL what the soul is interested in!

Above all, the soul wants us to focus on the shared bond. To let go of all the stories. (Read more here).

The more stories you have around what love, relationships, women, men, sex, Twin Flames and all the rest of it are “supposed” to be like, the more stuck you’re making yourself.

Take your perspective higher.

Know that in every moment, it’s about EXPERIENCING your connection above all. It’s not a human relationship, it’s a soul connection. You have to FEEL it and EXPERIENCE it. It’s a JOURNEY, not a destination.

Go within, allow your soul to show it up.

The One Common Denominator…

The shared factor with all the above blocks, is they’re based in human energy, patterning and perceptions. So to begin shifting into a higher state with more ease, it’s highly recommended to clear those patterns and “defaults”.

Your soul will support you, but you have to “speak its language”. Anchor into the deeper spiritual truths and it will powerfully shift you.

But if you insist on doing things the “regular way” of drama and trauma like so many, it will put on the brakes until you’re forced to listen.

The soul’s language is spirit, energy and emotion. It doesn’t care what other people think. It already KNOWS you have your Twin’s love so it’s not focused on unity the way you are. That’s why it’s so important to work WITH it.

To the soul, it’s all about learning experiences. Your soul would rather you learn spiritual lessons from the experience of pushing your Twin away or from accepting the 3D illusion as “real”, than to get you together.

But if you show yourself willing to cooperate, if you embrace your power of manifestation and alignment, it will support you 100%

Click here and ask what you feel most drawn to – that’s your intuition, your soul speaking to you about what will serve you best right now.

I believe in you. But to make the most of this relatively short journey through life, you need to believe in your own power and begin to take action.

As always, I’m sending you love and light for your continued journey! <3

Cassady x

Do you want to make the journey to Union and beyond lighter and more positive? Take the path forward with me as your “personal” guide with the Vibrational Alignment Program!

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“Cassady, Your tools have continued to be a direct link to my healing. Thank you for the love and continued information. Your tools have helped me more than anything I’ve done to heal my karma and pain. Love to you “

– Karen, Arkansas, USA

Read more testimonials here

Alternatively, download my Free Twin Flame Help Kit which contains two resources from the full program!

(Do you want to develop telepathy and remote communication with your Twin? I take you through it and help you get into the Alpha state with this Free Guided Meditation in the Free Twin Flame Help Kit)


The post 7 Little-Known Reasons Why Your Soul May Be Holding Up Your Twin Flame Journey appeared first on Twin Flames 11:11.

* This article was originally published here

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