Sunday, November 15, 2020

Twin Flame Energy Forecast 16th-22nd November: “Rebirth”

Major Physical World Transformations Brewing, Awakening Stirring… Intensity In Intimacy And Twin Flame Love. Are You Ready For The New Beginning?

Welcome into a brand new week in the cosmic energies!

Highlights this week include:

Venus enters Scorpio, marking the beginning of a chapter of intensity, depth and sensuality in love.

However, Jupiter/Pluto’s conjunction from last week continues its impact – bringing major transformations along with potential breakdowns…

Finding the light inside the dark…

Discover more below!


Things are still intense so remember to use your Free Twin Flame Resources (if you haven’t already downloaded you can do so here)

“Whenever I do your energy clearing meditation my Twin texts me just as it’s ended. It truly has opened up the connection.” – Taz R

Repeating Themes From Early 2020

We have another major week ahead for Twin Flames! First up, we have a key transit repeating from early 2020 as Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn and Pallas are all joined in a powerful stellium in Capricorn.

This indicates that some major lessons have been learned since before. And we’re “allowed” to move forward once more.

Over the year a lot has been learned, new ground having to be covered, lessons we never thought we’d realistically face… Including for Twin Flames.

(Read more here about why 2020 has been such a key year for Twin Flames)

Physical World Changes, Major Shifts…

Tuesday the Moon joins the stellium, and we have an added momentum of emotion.

These are major foundational shifts happening, and we may not immediately understand the impact and size of the change we’re dealing with.

When these planets join together, we have a massive impact of energy that’s all working for physical world changes. Right now, they’re all trine Neptune and the Sun, which indicates a higher understanding.

Spiritual perspectives. We see things differently now than before. And for Twin Flames, we see OURSELVES differently above all.

Spirit shows us, there are inner shifts and spiritual experiences on our path this year, that would not have been able to happen in a “normal” situation.


The Dark Night Of The Soul…

Some Twins are awakening or gaining higher ground now because they were isolated and not “distracted” by regular day to day events.

The dark night of the soul has been chosen by everyone who goes through it. None of this is by accident. It is part of paving the path forwards.

Squares to Venus and Mars say, that OUTER physical relationship ease may have to wait until this “changing of the world” is complete… but as souls you’re always together.

So although you may not be brought together right now, you’re being directed higher WITHIN as each individual… and through that, the unity happens within, and then it becomes manifest on the outside.

Twin Flames Being Directed To Go WITHIN

Remember your Twin is never lost to you, you’re never apart. They’re always with you as a soul. And if they seem not to be, it’s because your system is blocked.

To fully experience togetherness with your Twin across a distance, have a look here. I teach you how to activate Twin Flame Telepathy, open your channel and interact “remotely” in class 2, 4 and 6.

During this time we see that awakening is very strongly happening across the planet… activating the soul’s identity and mission.

It may not be immediately obvious, but people are slowly but surely gaining an inner awareness and it will begin to be manifest in the world within the next few years.

As these planets meet again, we’re being asked to take what inspirations and understanding we’ve gained this year and make it a beneficial part of our future path.

When The Twin Flame Mirror Goes Toxic

Mercury is still opposed with Uranus Retrograde and Lilith in Taurus, showing that for a better path forward in love, we need to let go of the toxic old karmic identity structures.

Above all, the paradigms of females suffering and being mistreated.

They unfortunately only bring more of the same. When Twins have that material in their system, they tend to attract outer “mirrors” to that inner template…

Such as being cheated on, being unfairly treated, ending up alone and other “fear scenarios” that aren’t really theirs to begin with!

They’ve unconsciously absorbed it via the female collective energy fields (we’re born with a karmic contract with the gender we’re born as).

To clear this out once and for all, have a look at this session:

Sagittarius Season Starts

As the Sun enters Sagittarius on November 21st we get an infusion of new energy and passion. Over the next month, you’ll have the zest and enthusiasm to go for your dreams more than usual.

And you’ll be more ready to leave the past behind and opt for a new mode of seeing things, approaching your journey.

But if you’re an earth or water sign, this energy could be uncomfortable for you as Sagittarius is all about releasing control and seeming physical security, to reach for something higher.

Were You Taught To Shut Off From Universal Flow?

Themes are freedom, optimism and higher perspectives. The wisdom Sagittarius imparts is that optimism is far from foolish. In fact, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Once we can trust the Universe to take care of us, this becomes a positive signal continuously broadcasting out and returning to us exactly that – feeling and experiencing being taken care of.

Keep an eye on yourself in this period and see where you are optimistic versus pessimistic in your outlook. Be aware that these perspectives steer your energetic output and what you reap in return. Even tiny changes are great for the long run.

It’s all about gradual shifts – this actually re-patterns your brain over time. You can teach yourself to be happy and optimistic.

Putting an End to Ancestral Heaviness

If you find it challenging, be aware that negative, limiting habits of mind are often ancestral patterns.

And they can be changed – I have been able to shift out of long-standing familial patterns of pessimism, rejection and negativity thanks to energy clearing tools and simple karma work. (Read more here)

This is a time for reaching high, above all with your mind emotions and perspective.

Venus In Scorpio: Power, Sex, Secrets…

As Venus enters Scorpio on November 22nd and for the next month – the depths are being stirred in romance.

This transit can mean simmering sex or disturbing subconscious resentments – the Scorpio tension can go either way.

Human sexuality is receiving an overhaul now, for Twin Flames this is especially true for the balance in your relationship.

These next few weeks the energies in romance support clearing buried issues relating to the functioning of the Sacral chakra – issues of power, dominance, violence, sexual aggression – especially for the female. (Read more about the chakra system here)

Scorpio demands depth work, so don’t be surprised if subconscious issues relating to sexuality and power come up to be addressed in some form now – whether it’s you being forced to stand up for yourself at work, or whether it’s something like you needing to take the reins in bed in order to demonstrate how to make you feel more loved.

The “Death” Of Old Love, Return of “New Love”

Scorpio is the house and sign of death and rebirth, so before Venus is done with her time here, expect some old part of you or your Twin Flame connection to exit the stage so a new and “higher evolution”can take place.

(Most likely this won’t be pleasant but make it easier by doing some inner work and actively releasing rather than it being pulled away from you).

We are constantly evolving and growing, usually at a slow, even pace – but for Twins on the Ascension path, epiphanies and sudden realizations can completely change the situation (and you) for good.

You’re Here For Something Bigger

Venus in Scorpio can be amazing for Twins whose relationship is positive and harmonious, however, and the sensual connection will be exceptionally deep and enjoyable in this period.

In general, however, we see there are still challenges in love as Uranus Retrograde opposes Venus, reminding you the traditional stuff doesn’t truly matter.

Meaning, society’s ideas of “perfect romance”, coupling, marriage and so on.

The universe is showing you that you’re here for something bigger than that. Focus on your highest pinnacle of desires. Don’t get dragged in by the mainstream. Go to your Twin Flame’s higher self.

Challenges Are Being Resolved

The reason you’re longing for something more, is because your soul is pushing you to ACTIVATE your counterpart’s higher self in the physical.

Yes, it’s possible and that’s what they’re waiting for. Go here and they’ll show you.

This week’s major stellium and its interactions tell us this: YES the “new higher world” is beginning. YES challenges are on the way to being resolved in many ways, for the planet.

But we’re not out of the woods yet, so to speak. We have to be grounded in practicality, WHILE reaching for the highest spiritual potential.

Bridging “Heaven And Earth”

This is, spirit says, the most advanced spiritual lesson of all put into physical practice. To bridge heaven and earth.

To go there to the highest in our minds and spirits, to immaculate light and harmony… And then to bring back that wisdom, those solutions and moments of complete clarity and infinity, into human life.

And apply the wisdom of spiritual light, to practical physical life. In a way that benefits all.

As you may have noticed, one of the key lessons we’re learning this year is unity – we’re “all in this together”. And that’s ALWAYS a lesson on the Twin Flame journey.

Until next time, I’m sending you love and light for your continued journey! <3

Cassady x

Want more? For my step-by-step “roadmap” to Twin Flame Union, created after my Twin and I reached Union – have a look at the Vibrational Alignment Program!

twin flame program

“Cassady’s guided meditations help me uplift better than anything I’ve tried in the past 6 years of clearing/trying to heal! I’ve tried violet flame mantras, psychic energy clearings, etc.” – Erin B, Indiana, USA

Read more testimonials here

Alternatively, download my Free Twin Flame Help Kit which contains two resources from the full program!

(Do you want to develop telepathy and remote communication with your Twin? I take you through it and help you get into the Alpha state with this Free Guided Meditation in the Free Twin Flame Help Kit)


The post Twin Flame Energy Forecast 16th-22nd November: “Rebirth” appeared first on Twin Flames 11:11.

* This article was originally published here

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