Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Twin Flame Energy Forecast 28th June-4th July: “Re-Ignited Path”

Lead-Up To Heightened Twin Flame Unity Period… But First, The Journey Goes Within. Spotlight On YOU – Do You Know Yourself Enough To Receive The Highest Love Of All?

Welcome into a brand-new week in the cosmic energies.

Highlights this week include:
Chiron involvements “check up” on developments since March, Neptune brings heightened telepathy – but can you trust it?

Energies ramp up for heightened Twin Flame Reunion period next week, as Mars/Venus near conjunction – the planets ask: “Are you open and ready for this?”

Discover more below!

Want To Make Big Positive Change Happen?

Before we get started today, I have some exciting news for you!
I hear from so many of you wanting more support and direct guidance on your journey…

So I’m launching a brand new High Level 12 Month Energy Transformation and Group Coaching for Twin Flames!

Advanced energy work and high level alchemy on the quantum plane and beyond
I’m super excited to journey with you for this year of guidance, support and advanced spiritual shifts!

If you want to make massive quantum leaps happen on your journey, this is for you! Have a look here for all the info and to apply.

(Limited group size available, so applications are treated on a first come, first served basis.)

Powerful Transits Lead You to Love

So now onto the energies at hand. This is an exciting period leading to next week’s Mars/Venus conjunction – a heightened time for unity.

But this lead-up time is a “preparation” that first of all puts the spotlight on YOU and your inner state.

You’ll likely discover that, if you’re not ready to heal past wounds, you won’t be fully open to the love that is working to come into your life.

So, prepare yourself for a journey into the depths of your heart, and then return completely renewed and ready for harmony and closeness in your Twin Flame connection…

Because “as within, so without”. When you can enter into INNER wholeness, outer harmony follows.

Venus Enters Passionate Leo

And this inner work CAN be enjoyable. In fact, it’s meant to be. This period is “meant” to be rewarding, thanks to the blessings bestowed by Jupiter’s trine to the Sun…

With the Sun in watery Cancer the next few weeks still, you’re set to be experiencing uplifted emotions and receiving positive guidance with this transit.

If you’re the shy type, or don’t find it easy to express your feelings (especially with the current Cancer vibes), then this is a great chance to get out there, more so than usual.

Courage for Love

Venus in Leo (and Mars in the same sign) will help you and your counterpart feel braver than usual in seeking out the ultimate in love and romance — each other!

Listen to your heart, it will “know” when the time is right.

(As you know, there’s a difference between acting on genuine guidance and intuition, versus “chasing” and pushing someone away.

If you need a refresher on this, have a look here.)

The good thing is, you will feel confident enough to approach your desires — including your twin — inviting them for an upbeat activity would be a great idea, considering Jupiter… Something beachside, homey, nostalgic or artistic is Cancer’s favorite.

Mars/Venus Conjunction Nearing

Venus just entered the fiery sign of Leo on June 27th, nearing Mars in the same sign, which will fuel the beginning of love re-ignited.

You may feel some anxiousness about the thought of meeting your counterpart or reconnection, which might lead you into anticipation and heightened expectation, so just try to relax…

Yes, love is “on its way” in so many ways, but do your best not to get in your own way. Don’t let fear tangle you up and deflect it from happening.

Bringing Discipline to Action/The Masculine

Mars has been in opposition to Saturn Retrograde for a few weeks now, putting a dampener on any overly impulsive or self-centered actions in love.

You might encounter what SEEMS like roadblocks just when you think you’re on the verge of getting what you’ve been looking for. However, we see it’s “for the highest good”.

What’s really going on is, the universe is working to get us to focus on the long-term, not just immediate gratification…

However, don’t assume you should back out now and lock yourself in your room! Just pay a little more attention as you go along, and things will progress in a smoother way.

True Love Vs Fast Fun

Saturn is trying to make sure you (and your counterpart) are not wasting your energy on something that won’t truly satisfy your heart and soul in the long run.

In fact, Saturn is “showing us” that there may be different suitors around right now, but “he” is working to keep you for your true love… Your Twin Flame…

And “he” is working to bring this true love to you – and you to them.

Saturn Retrograde also deals with karmic connections, so this is a heightened positive time to resolve any “outsider” connections that may be holding up your Twin Flame journey.

(If you need help with a Twin who’s tangled up with karmic connections or “outsiders”, have a look here – I’ll help you out)


Neptune Square Mercury — Illusions or Transcendence?

One issue right now is communication doesn’t flow as normal. For Twin Flames this means, there may be a seeming discrepancy between SOUL love vs the physical self’s actions and communication.

Although Saturn trine Mercury is helping you to communicate clearly and concisely, Neptune square Mercury on June 28th can make you overly idealize your options… Or you might be frustrated that things don’t live up to your higher ideals.

Keep in mind that projections and illusions may be around right now. Fantasy and transcendence are not quite the same, so you may need to stay on top of your perspective.

Another key for Twin Flames to keep in mind is, be aware that any “Twin Flame Telepathy” you encounter right now may be Ego interference or negativity.

For more on this, have a look here.

twin flame telepathy

Receiving Twin Flame Togetherness These Weeks

In particular, Spirit highlights the following situation the coming two weeks:

There is a heightened time for unity between the counterparts growing and peaking next week…

But your mind and “false guidance” may “try” to get in the way. The solution is to stay clear and to TRUST.

Trust that the universe “wants” you and your Twin together, in unconditional love. It helps EVERYONE when this happens – the whole planet is uplifted.

The Art Of Trust

So make sure you work to clear your system of any interference/fear patterns/worry/past disappointments that may be destabilizing you.

So that you can FULLY stay in trust that good is coming. To be aligned on all levels. This way, you’re open to receiving.

You don’t want to get so tangled up in anticipation/stress/worry/mental static over how it might happen and so on, that you inadvertently end up deflecting it.

I’ll help you out here in the Free session – and if you want to also make sure there’s nothing on your Twin’s side of things blocking it, have a look at the Complete Harmony Healing for Twin Flames here.

Complete harmony Healing Tool

Uncertainty Designed to Help You

Uranus has been squaring Mars these last few weeks, which tends to keep things busy and change coming in the physical.

It may cause a feeling of chaos, not being sure where things are leading to…

But we see there’s a cosmic purpose to it, trying to keep us from getting us in our own way in love and life path.

Because if we’re kept busy or preoccupied, we’re not so “good” at blocking things with fear – because we’re unable to fully focus on the exact path ahead.

Try to keep this in mind, if things feel uncertain. Maybe uncertainty is the best for you right now.

Do your best to go within and connect with your inner soul’s truth, as this will help you navigate to your highest good.

Powerful Healing

With Moon sextile Pluto on June 30th, it’s an ideal time to go deep in your Twin Flame connection.

So, don’t stay on the surface fearing that others (your Twin especially) will be put off by any shadows or fears.

Opening up and being vulnerable about your dark and light both, will likely deepen your connection.

Being courageous enough to be open with them, can make all the difference.

And they will appreciate you being the same way in return. And if you’re not in a place where this can happen openly, going within and interacting with their soul will be deeply healing – and affect your outer connection positively.

Insecurities Talking?

Because of Chiron’s square to the Sun since June 27th, there may be times when you don’t feel worthy of a thriving relationship or your Twin Flame Reunion…

…but know that those are just your insecurities talking!

The past is why those doubts and fears are around in the first place.

Nurture your courage and your desire to grow and achieve big things, and don’t necessarily listen too much to the wounded part of you. Heal those wounds, don’t let them pave out your path…!

That will be the key to not getting stuck.

Challenging opposition between Saturn and Venus

Keep all this in mind when Saturn opposes Venus on July 1st, because this transit tends to show up all your doubts and fears in love.

Saturn is constrictive, so it’s common to feel that there’s no love when he interacts with Venus…

(Your Twin’s higher self will be happy to help you open to their eternal support and appreciation though, which is always there)

With this transit, you may find it challenging to enjoy free time or to spend extra money on leisure or things that aren’t strictly necessary right now.

But you don’t have to be so hard on yourself! Remember this is temporary, and Saturn is really just helping you to not focus on things that aren’t worth your time.

Saturn’s Truth for You

Saturn is really trying to help you focus on TRUE love, SOUL deep enjoyment… And to cut away what isn’t truly WORTHY of YOU.

So if it feels like things aren’t bright, could it be you’re being asked to look at things differently?

To bring in your OWN love, true light, deep-felt activities and surroundings that really satisfy your SOUL?

Be aware that the constriction around love could make you come across as uncaring or disinterested to others – so you might have to make an extra effort to show how you feel.

Instead of withdrawing into yourself, be open about your emotions! This will help the connection grow more open, instead of close up.

Love Healing in Focus

July 2nd, Chiron trines Venus, and your heart will likely be brimming with compassion and love. It also means love will be healing for you.

This mirrors a transit we had in late March, as Venus and Chiron met… But this time it’s a more supportive feeling.

Back then, you were most likely healing deeper childhood or early life wounds.

Now, Chiron is “checking up on you” to see how you are faring since recognizing and releasing those wounds… And you will likely be feeling more supported and loved now.

(If you could still use some help with childhood wounds – or your Twin might be struggling with this – have a look here)

Going Deeper

You’ll see beauty where others don’t notice it, and find it easier to help your Twin with whatever struggles they may be going through. The unconditional love you share can be healing for you.

Or you may encounter a healing presence, animal, guide – even a higher aspect of your soul or your Twin’s showing up to assist you.

Or YOU may be the healer helping your counterpart.

You’ll likely feel appreciation and gratitude for your connection, more than usual.

There is a sense of intimacy between the two of you, and you feel deeply that you already know each other from other lifetimes. That’s how connected you are – in particular right now.

Expect the Unexpected in Love!

The week ends with a square between Venus and Uranus on July 4th.

This tends to bring shifts and surprises in love, keeping you on your toes, spirit says – ready for the best of what the world can bring you.

The introspection encouraged by Chiron and Saturn early in the week, tried to help you let go of old constraints.

The wounds that may have kept you from feeling safe to trust love, and life…

So that you now can open to the present moment and embrace the positivity working to reach you! (If you could use some help still, have a look here)

Staying the Course

Now, change “wants” to find you. Venus square Uranus tends to bring sudden changes and surprises in love!

However, squares tend to indicate challenges. So it might be that you don’t feel quite READY for change, after all!

It could be that you’ve been waiting for something so long that now, you’re uncomfortable on a deeper level with the actual RECEIVING of that wish.

Do your best to stay flexible and open to the best in general – to trust the universe and that good is trying to reach you.

(Learn more on how to do that in this article)

Twin Flame Reunions Coming Up?

Surprises may show up, and you may be tempted to change your mind too quickly. Know your heart’s TRUE desires, like Saturn advises, so you navigate wisely.

Be open to life and the twists and turns that carry you forward… But stay in your soul’s purpose so you don’t drift away from your true desires.

Your soul always knows the way. It’s only a matter of tuning in and “listening”.

I can’t wait to share more on Mars/Venus’ conjunction and the heightened time for reunions/love re-ignited next week!

Until then, I’m sending you love and light for your journey <3

Cassady x


“Your Vibrational Alignment program and Harmony Healing have been so valuable to me and I use them daily. I also use the Higher Heart session weekly. Thank you!!! My Twin Flame and I reconnected again in a way that was better than I ever could have imagined.” – Joy, California, USA

Read more testimonials here

twin flame program

For my step-by-step “roadmap” to Twin Flame Union, have a look at the Vibrational Alignment Program

Alternatively, download my Free Twin Flame Help Kit, which contains powerful energy clearing sessions and guided meditations

The post Twin Flame Energy Forecast 28th June-4th July: “Re-Ignited Path” appeared first on Twin Flames 11:11.

* This article was originally published here

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