Thursday, August 12, 2021

Mercury in Virgo, health, work focus

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Mercury heads to its earthy, intellectual, hard working, perfectionists, health conscious sign of the Virgin Parthenogenesis Goddess Ceres/Demeter and the harvest, VIRGO August 11-29/30

When planets are in their home signs they are very happy and strong just like you feel when you go home. Mercury joins Mars and Venus for the next few days until Venus enters Libra on the 15/16. Virgo its your turn to shine. Its great timing for the archetypal back to school time of year.

Here’s 6 things to be sure to focus on with Mercury in VIRGO


Health is wealth and very important to Virgo. You are what you eat. Beneficial time to do a cleanse, especially as we are going into season change time. You will find it easier and more beneficial to stick to a healthier, more nutritious natural wholesome diet. There is more cognisance of the mind/body connection. Virgo is the harvest, the plants and herbs of the earth. Try using a homeopathy, naturopath, Chinese acupuncture or ayurvedic specialist. Virgo is the body, always tune in and listen to your body as it never lies. 


Virgo’s are the workaholics of the Zodiac. They love to be of service and are traditionally the servants of the Zodiac. Questions to ponder with Mercury in Virgo. Are you working too much?  Are you too afraid to ask for a raise or speak up about your rights?  Are you truly loving your work? How can you master your work? Think about ways to reinvent your work environment and innovate new ideas in your work. If you are bored to tears then move on. 


Virgo’s need to feel they are being of service. Do you feel that your work and your gifts are being used in the right service? What is your higher purpose for serving? Whom do you serve? Are you being of service to your own body, your own environment? How can you improve this?


Mercury in Virgo can help all of us, especially those who are neatness challenged to get their acts together. Gemini,  Pisces, Sagittarius- listen up. Virgo energy is a perfectionist. Not to be O.C.D. but use this time to clear out messes everywhere you find them. Reorganize, declutter, recycle. Be more prompt and on time. Follow up and follow through. Virgo energy is extremely responsible and Always gets the job done.


After all your hard work you need to reap the benefits. Where can you do this in your life? Do you have an idea of what your goals are and what that harvest looks like? If you don’t have a very Virgo business plan and clear goals you cannot create and manifest what you want. Make a plan, get some coaching if needed. 

6. Gratitude 

Always be grateful for what you have no matter how humble. Bless those bills. Affirm abundance and not poverty.

MERCURY the planet is personified as THE MAGICIAN Tarot Trump # 1

THOTH TAROT # 1 the MAGUS Mercury 

The magical skill we all have is our minds. With our consciousness, we can create whatever we wish to. Yes you are a wizard or a witch. We all are. You are what you think. The Magician usually has an  INFINITY symbol over his head. As does the woman in the STRENGTH card which is LEO energy.  With Magic you can control ALL TIME.  The mind is INFINITE. Mercury is a hermaphrodite, both masculine and feminine. He symbolizes the two-lobed brain, the conscious and unconscious sides of ourselves. Each person contains both sexes. Inter-gender is a popular term these days.  The MAGICIAN is a trickster.

The Sign of Virgo the Virgin earth is personified as THE HERMIT #9 

THE HERMIT is not necessarily alone or has abandoned all worldly possessions. The Hermit is usually pictured as a wise old man with a long beard in profile holding up a lamp, a light to guide the way. He is very much the Inner GUIDE, the one who is always there within you. Just quiet that busy mind and you will find the Hermit, as your ancestors, an unbroken lineage working for and protecting you. 

Use this time with Mercury in VIRGO to tune into that ancient wisdom of the Hermit residing already there.


What is your relationship with your inner hermaphrodite?  Bruce Jenner is our current Magician.

How IN TUNE are you? What kind of mind games do you play on yourself?

Dialogue with the HERMIT daily as a meditation. Ask him questions, he is waiting to guide you. The Hermit can be a female guide as well, the Virgin Goddess, the keeper of the harvest.

Why am I so afraid of being alone? Very important for women to ask this question.

Talk to your body, ask each part how it is feeling, You will be amazed at how correct this is.


all writing is copyright of TARA GREENE

get a reading with TARA

* This article was originally published here

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