Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Neptune Direct, Full Steam Ahead Dreams

Neptune Direct, Full Steam Ahead Dreams

Dec. 1

The planet of spirituality, illusions, delusions, tarot readers, metaphysics, dreams, endings, drugs, oil, debt, soul mates, Hollywood, glamour, false gurus, mental illness prisons, hidden enemies, oceans, images and a whole lot more stuff turns STATIONARY DIRECT at 20 degrees 24’  since turning Retrograde on June 25 at 23’ degrees 12” PISCES. It will take a long time for Neptune to move ahead of that significant degree on March19/20, 2022 at Spring Equinox.

But on October 18, 2022 Neptune again Retrogrades back from 23’ 12” PISCES  back to 22’ 39’ PISCES around this same date a year from now Dec. 3rd/4th and won’t pass that degree again until January 17, 2023!

Reflect upon new dreams you wish to birth in 2022 when Jupiter travels in Pisces and meets Neptune on April 12th in a historic transit not seen in 166 years since 1856.

As Neptune remains Stationary for the next few days and it has been virtually unmoved since mid-October. We can use this potent time as it is stationary to reflect on our dreams. Do you keep a dream journal?

Reflect on the past 5 and half months of dream recall, rewind those romantic fantasies or review old images and scenes. How has your mental health been? Where have you lost boundaries? How many friendships have ended? What has dissolved in your life- what was once a dream career or relationship? How have your addictions been? Did you fall for a projection a dream lover? Were you taken advantage of by someone? How have you been sabotaging yourself? How creative and imaginative have you been? Had any shaking realization about a false guru or someone you worshipped?

The most effective use of this time is to practice recapitulations. This is a shamanic technique that Carlos Castenada wrote about in his Don Juan a Jacqui Way of Knowledge series. Sorcerers and Brujas would spend up to 7 years recapitulating every memory and reliving it in great detail to understand what everything meant to their soul growth. By reliving it all fully emotionally they could then release it. This was a 2nd birth or Rebirth which was where all the clarity and power comes from because the shamans were not carrying any past karma. 

In the Tarot the #20 is Rebirth or Judgement

The Judgments that we carry are our own or inherited karmically which hold us back. Call in Archangel Gabriel to be your witness and to help you be released.

After recapitulating Nothing can hold you back.

Higher oil prices may come down from their highs. Inflation may rise too.

and all debt. Neptune rules credit cards and everything ephemeral.

Hollywood is ruled by Neptune, and secret hidden things bubbling up in L.A. oil rich city could move forwards now after months of delays and shocking sexual and money laundering secrets too. Ties in with Ghislaine Maxwell case too.

BIG PHARMA may take a huge hit and have a class action suit against it for jab related heart issues, injuries and deaths caused by the Covid-19 MRNA vaccine.

Give yourself a few days of retreat to reflect or a spiritual workshop now would be perfect. But the authentic kind- not glitzy. Neptune’s “dark side” is glamour bling and that is unimportant to the soul’s growth and in fact, impedes its spiritual progress. 

Being by water would be beneficial and do lots of ceremonies with water.

Pisces born with those degrees Prominent will feel the shift in the Tides more than others and those MUTABLE SIGNS GEMINI, VIRGO< SAGITTARIUS.

All of life is a dream. Reflect on that. Reflect on setting yourself free from past unconscious addictions and self-flagellation guilt etc. now. Time to move on. Connect with the Beloved Holy Guardian Angel. You are never alone you have never been separated. This is a wonderful time to connect with that energy. 

Sending you many blessings and great lucid dreams.

Please share widely. All writing is copyright of Tara Greene

Get a reading with me http://www.taratarot.com

Join me on November 30, 2021 at 8:00 pm EST for DECEMBER Tarot and Astrology guide and preview here on the CIA page. https://www.facebook.com/cosmic.intelligenceagency


$100.00 FOR 40 MINUTE READING. buy now. taragreenetarot@gmail.com

* This article was originally published here

Monday, November 29, 2021

Moon in Libra – High Priestess in Justice’s Clothing

The High Priestess in Justice's Clothing

The Moon moves into Libra today, and will stay there until Wednesday.

Looking at this transit through the lens of the Tarot, it would be like the High Priestess is wearing Justice’s clothing. She takes on the mantle of the Karmic Decider.

With the High Priestess as Justice, or the Moon in Libra, we might be required to face up to something and decide.

Our emotions will demand respect. If we’ve leaned too far back or forward, we’ll probably find ourselves moving just as dramatically the other way.

It can be a slightly challenging period, perhaps a little manic. But by the time it’s done, something is likely to have been decided upon.

Don’t be alarmed by conflicting emotions. They’re there because you can see both sides. It’s not good enough though to just acknowledge them and walk away.

During this transit you’re being asked to take a stand one way or another. And you’ve got the wisdom and power to do so.

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* This article was originally published here

Friday, November 26, 2021

Why I Was Born

Why I Was Born

Choosing One’s Birth

Chicken And Egg

One often hears the lament, even from spiritual or religious people, “Why should I be judged, when I didn’t even choose to be born?” Valentin Tomberg, in the Letter on Death, formulates a response to that question:

Birth can be either “holy” or “natural”, i.e. it can either be an act of obedience to divine will or rather it can be effected as a consequence of a “call from the earth”. A soul can be sent to the earth or it can be attracted by the earth.

Natural Birth

Natural birth is an event that is half-voluntary and half-involuntary, where the soul falls — often without realising it — into the sphere of terrestrial attraction, which bears it to birth, and thereby it is made little by little to forget its experiences above. Birth is then a forgetting of heaven and simultaneously a recall to the earth.

In this case, the person simply forgets his spiritual origin. Therefore, he becomes ignorant of his purpose and destiny on earth.

Holy Birth

Holy birth is the remembrance of the divine which is the force which accomplishes incarnation. It is not thanks to forgetting of the divine that the soul is then incarnated, but rather thanks to its remembering. The soul is incarnated in the state of habitual union with God. Then its will does not lose memory of the divine. This memory acts in it, imprinted as it is in the soul’s will, during the whole terrestrial life which follows a holy birth.

In this case, the soul is united to the Will of God.

Mission and Tradition

Following a holy birth, the soul is united with God in life, as well as in birth. Tomberg elucidates:

The true mission is not what the human being proposes to do on the earth according to his tastes, his interests and even his ideals, but rather what God wants him to do. A true mission on the earth serves the cause of the ennoblement and spiritualisation of that which is, i.e. of what lives as tradition. It brings an impulse effecting the rejuvenation and intensification of tradition.

Arbitrary missions, on the contrary, aim at revolutionising the course of mankind’s history and substituting specific innovations for what lives as tradition. Arbitrary missions have only contributed confusion to human history.

Fulfilling Destiny

It is necessary to begin where you are, as a person, and then find your purpose in space and time:

  • Start with your personal life, which is associated with a guardian angel.
  • To learn where your place in space is, you will develop a relationship with the archangel, who rules over your nation.
  • To put yourself in time, develop a relationship with the archai (or principality), the spirit of time that rules your era.


People identify with their Persona, not the Self. The Persona is the appearance one presents to the world; the Persona can change, depending on situations, circumstances, or relationships. To the extent you identify with your Persona, you are presenting an inauthentic self.

The point of the personal stories is to demonstrate how malleable the Persona is. Most people think that their personality is unchangeable, but the true Self can mould it as needed. If you learn to do it appropriately and in the right circumstances, you may experience better life outcomes.


Before we begin our study of ur-platonism, let’s review the philosophical argument:

  • Being: We begin with a sense image of something
  • Thinking: We abstract from it to reach the form or idea of the thing
  • Intuition: Ultimately, the One is beyond being — and beyond thought — so it can only be known through intuition

We will see how Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, and Thomas Aquinas understood these issues.

Spiritual Symbols

But if we take that same schema and apply it to spiritual or hermetic symbols, we can gain great insights.

  • Imagination: We start with a sacred symbol, visualized in the imagination
  • Inspiration: By meditating on the symbol, an understanding of the meaning of the symbol is gained
  • Intuition: Ultimately, one leaves both the symbol and the thought about it behind, and directly grasps the symbol through an intuitive gnosis

There is the temptation to assume that step (2) reveals the “true meaning” of the symbol. But there is really no difference between the symbol and its meaning. A temptation is to intellectualize the symbol, which ultimately does not explain it, but rather explains it away.

Tomberg offers this insight:

Symbols [are] “magic, mental, psychic and moral operations” awakening new notions, ideas, sentiments and aspirations, which means to say that they require an activity more profound than that of study and intellectual explanation. It is therefore in a state of deep contemplation — and always ever deeper — that they should be approached.

These are the meeting notes for our esoteric classes on 23 November 2020. There are spots available for 2021. If you would like to be considered, drop me a note or leave a comment with your correct email address.

* This article was originally published here

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Mercury in Sagittarius – Magician in Temperance’s Clothing

Mercury in Sagittarius, or the Magician in Temperance's Clothing

Mercury just moved into Sagittarius and will stay there until December 13th.

Looking at this transit from a Tarot perspective, it’s like the Magician is wearing Temperance’s clothing. His cape has turned into wings and he’s playing with water.

Mercury in Sagittarius, or the Magician in Temperance’s clothing, can be a time of balanced inspiration.

It’s great for expressing ideas that might normally seem too big to consider. Give them some thought, you never know what you’ll come up with.

Issues or situations that seemed impossible to figure out might suddenly come together, as if by divine inspiration.

But really it’s clear vision and a good dose of faith that’s probably at work. Direct it with will and you can make miracles happen.

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* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

The Desire Factor with Author Christy Whitman

Christy Whitman is a New York Times bestselling author, transformational leader, and author of the forthcoming book The Art of Having It All. She has appeared on The Today Show and The Morning Show, and her work has been featured in People Magazine, Seventeen, Woman’s Day, Hollywood Life, and Teen Vogue, among others. As the CEO and founder of the Quantum Success Coaching Academy, a 12-month Law of Attraction coaching certification program. Christy has helped thousands of people worldwide to achieve their goals through her empowerment seminars, speeches, and coaching sessions, and products. Christy’s life-changing message reaches over 125,000 people a month, and her work has been promoted by and featured with esteemed authors and luminaries such as Marianne Williamson, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Marci Shimoff, Brian Tracy, Neale Donald Walsch, Abraham-Hicks, and Louise Hay. ____ Awakenings with Michele Meiche is your place for information and insight to understand the Global Shift of Awareness and Awakening to live a more Soul fulfilling life and experiencing Soul fulfilling relationships. Awakenings broadcasts ‘Live every Wednesday 12pm -1:30 pm PT    Call in for Intuitive and Numerology Readings  # 347-539-5122  Michele answers questions about Awakening, Spirituality, Metaphysics, Dreams, Self Development and the Soul Path.  You can also connect with Michele on the app @MentorCam where she can answer your questions psychically, as well as help you via her Soul Insights and life advice. Email awakeningspodcast@gmail.com for guest and topic suggestions, as well as to have your questions answered ‘On Air’.  

* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Grand Water Trine Mercury at 29th degree Scorpio

Grand Water Trine Mercury at 29th degree Scorpio

11/23 Mercury crosses into the 29th, last and most critical degree of Scorpio today. The mind can be at its most intense and focussed on solving deep psychological mysteries within yourself and other people’s behaviours that have been wracking your brains obsessively. It can be a EUREKA breakthrough day! 11/23 Mercury crosses into the 29th, last and most critical degree of Scorpio today.

The mind can be at its most intense and focussed on solving deep psychological mysteries within yourself and other people’s behaviours that have been wracking your brains obsessively. It can be a EUREKA breakthrough day! What have I been getting out of it karmically, emotionally, even if it seems to hurt me? It is time for deep shadow work which can bring deep soulful understanding to integrate ourselves in a more holistic way.

Stay focussed on asking the questions internally;

What is this all about,

What is the deeper meaning and motivation?

What have I been getting out of it karmically, emotionally, even if it seems to hurt me?

Mercury enters the much more upbeat optimistic firey sign of Sagittarius on the 24th at 10:36 am EST.

The Grand Water Trine of CANCER Moon to MARS in Scorpio and NEPTUNE in Pisces

at 16-29 degrees during the day is a tsunami of feelings, sentimental, aggressive, competitive, violent, sexual, obsessive, controlling, jealous, possessive, secretive, ruthless, plotting, revengeful, lustfully, dark, in survival mode, financially focussed, intensely emotional wanting to seek safety and comfort, escaping from fears of death and the dark, wanting mom and to be in a state of innocence and protected from the harshness of the world. Just feel it all, would be good to take a long soak and let the emotions roll through you.

Moon inconjuncts JUPITER in AQUARIUS in PST/Nov. 24 in EST and GMT

Mental state and emotions are not in synch. Our deeply sensitive emotional side and our detached scientific cool side arent connecting. We may be lurching from one to another and not knowing if we are coming or going.

Moon opposes PLUTO in PST/ Nov. 24 in EST and GMT

Always big power struggles with Moon/Pluto opposition, The emotional sensitive receptive feminine CANCER MOON Mother archetype and the All business career focussed on worldly success Pluto in Capricorn are at polar opposites but the ideal is the middle way.

With Mercury at the critical degree of Scorpio and the Grand Water trine spend time writing out your feelings and just letting them flow, also pay attention to your dreams these days. Keep a dream journal in prep for Jupiter in PIsces coming up very soon.

please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

get a reading http://www.taratarot.com

Join my Sagittarius solar eclipse workshop with the Cosmic Intelligence Agency now

Be inspired by the Sagittarius Total Solar Eclipse Astrology Workshop, December 2nd at 7:30 pm EST, 4:30 PST, December 3rd 11:30am AEST. This Eclipse is critical to America and conjunct The Great Attractor. https://cosmicintelligenceagency.com/…/sage-eclipse…/…

* This article was originally published here

Monday, November 22, 2021

Tarot Bytes Episode 217 – How to overcome creative blocks with oracle and tarot cards with Chris-Anne Donnelly

217 - How to overcome creative blocks with oracle and tarot cards with Chris-Anne Donnelly

Tarot Bytes: The Podcast

Bite-sized lessons for Tarot beginners
Created by Theresa Reed, The Tarot Lady

Welcome to Tarot Bytes – the tarot podcast for people who want to learn tarot…but don’t have all day. Short, bite-sized tarot lessons.

Episode 217 – How to overcome creative blocks with oracle and tarot cards with Chris-Anne Donnelly

Do you suffer from creative blocks? Ever get a project sidelined because you can’t move past that blank page? In this episode, beloved tarot deck artist Chris-Anne Donnelly joins me to teach how she uses oracle and tarot cards to move past those blocks. She also shares other techniques that have helped keep her artistic groove.

About Chris-Anne:

Tarot Bytes Episode 217 - How to overcome creative blocks with oracle and tarot cards with Chris-Anne DonnellyChris-Anne is a deck creator, designer, and magic-maker, as well as a brand strategist and owner of Pixelbrand–a branding and graphic design company. She has successfully created dynamic card decks: The Sacred Creators Oracle, The Light Seer’s Tarot, and The Muse Tarot, and her newest deck The Tarot of Curious Creatures, and she offers unique courses for creators that combine marketing and branding with manifestation and intuition. Each deck was designed by Chris-Anne filled with imagery and magic to guide and inspire a range of users–from those facing a creative block, entrepreneurs seeking inspiration to every day, and new users seeking divine guidance in their lives. The decks also offer guidebooks containing card meanings and some include poetry, and word prompts.

Learn more about Chris-Anne at her website or Instagram page.



Grab your favorite deck, put in your earbuds, and dive in!



Subscribe in iTunes, Google Play or Stitcher – or use  the mighty fine podcast player below to listen to this track, yo:

© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2021

Check out all previous Tarot Bytes lessons here.


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The post Tarot Bytes Episode 217 – How to overcome creative blocks with oracle and tarot cards with Chris-Anne Donnelly appeared first on The Tarot Lady.

* This article was originally published here

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Twin Flame Energy Forecast 15th-21st November: “Preparation For Unity”

Love Breaks Open: Full Moon Eclipse In Taurus. “The World Is Shifting To Bring Your Unity”… Are You Ready For The Changes Working To Reach You? 

Before we get started today, big news! The all-new Twin Flames 11:11 community group is now open!

In this group you’ll get daily free interactive content and prompts to help you shift into more harmony and unity, and to gain more clarity, support and wellness on your Twin Flame journey


Welcome into a brand new week in the cosmic energies.

Highlights this week include:

Major physical 3D world changes working to shift reality, to make Twin Flame Reunions happen. What in your life is calling to adjust? 

Exciting times of change and “preparations for the next era of your life”!

Discover more below!

Recent Purging Calms Down

Mars, Mercury and the Sun are spreading out from their intense “team work” from the last month and a half – and this means things feel a little less pressured now than in recent times.

It tended to bring up a lot of drama and repeats of past wounding, so this week and moving forward is set to be calmer.

However, we ARE still in the preparation phase for the “second Twin Flame reunions” in February 2022, which is when Mars/Venus meet in Capricorn.

By Divine Design

Spirit shows us that whatever triggering has been happening lately, is specifically designed to bring deep collective SEPARATION programming to the SURFACE…

So it could be recognized as such and cleared.

So hopefully you’ve been working on staying clear and shifting into a higher vibration and mindset. (Otherwise it will just sink back into your system and keep affecting your path behind the scenes.)

If you have had struggles lately, make sure you clear out the ENERGY negativity that’s causing it on a deeper level – so you can shift higher!

Use the Free Twin Flame Energy Cleanse session here to clear blocks and harmonize your connection in just 12 minutes

twin flame cassady cayne review 2021

cassady cayne review

Click here for more testimonials

Physical Focus For The Twin Pair

This whole autumn has been a purification and recalibration period, to prepare the Twin Flames to be a match to a LASTING and HARMONIOUS physical unity coming up.

Now, Juno asteroid of Soul Love enters Capricorn, and Venus is already here on her way through the sign, then returning again in a Retrograde later this year…

In other words: This coming period is going to be more focused on the 3D physical for the Twin Flame pair. 

3D Physical Focus

This time right now is not focused on Reunion, in general… (It CAN always happen, but it’s not in the cosmic “plan” specifically for this period).

But what we’re being shown is that there may FIRST be a breakdown or breakup of the life circumstances that may have blocking togetherness.  

This means karmic relationships or friendships or even living situations that have functioned as blocks or kept you from being available, are breaking apart. 



Preparing Ground For Love

In short, the planets are helping you prepare ground for PHYSICAL unity.

Keep this in mind now:

If things seem chaotic or “crazy”, could it be you are being asked to LET GO of something?

So you are more open and available to unity?

It could also be happening with your counterpart on THEIR side. We’re shown, some might find their Twin being offered a job near where THEY live, for instance.

Or as another example, their Twin might end up having to return home now, due to a family situation… in SOME way they might end up in the same location as you, if they weren’t before.

It’s this KIND of situation happening. Not exactly physical unity per se, but the PREPARATION for this. Destiny “re-shuffling”.

Clearing Deflections 

With Pluto still in Capricorn as well, you are being encouraged to make sure you CLEAR any fear, worry or doubt you may feel around this subject.

Because those unfortunately will deflect the unity and love you long for.

So in order to make sure you are aligned, physically and energetically a match to unity and love, make sure you keep clearing the fears that come up.

(I help you with that here)

Complete harmony Healing Tool

The Complete Harmony Healing for Twin Flames is a guided energy healing session that takes you through effortlessly clearing your chakras and auras, cutting old “outsider” attachments, uplifting your timelines and energies to unity, and more. All in Free Will.

Click here to read more and download

Moving Home For Love?

Another shift comes as Vesta asteroid of the hearth and home, enters Sagittarius on November 16th.

This shows us that YOU might be the one whose home may be “travelling”. In other words, YOU might end up be the one offered to travel or end up moving.

And/or, your home or inner space is taking on a more philosophical atmosphere.

You’re likely wanting to learn, expand, reach higher, aim for your goals – and this could include a desire to travel.

Follow your intuition and listen to your heart, and it will work out well!


One complication is that opposed with Vesta, are Lilith conjunct North Node and Ceres.

Vesta is the goddess of the hearth, the home’s central fire or flame in ancient Rome. Lilith represents the shadow karmic feminine.

The North Node deals with soul path, and Ceres manifestation.

This means the positive changes you are wanting to make or are LONGING for, could seem sabotaged by “dark” feminine energy, characters or thoughts/patterns within yourself.

Dissuading Love

It means, it’s likely that the change you feel GUIDED to, is being discouraged – either through an outside person or UN-conscious aspects of yourself.

Someone or something trying to talk you out of positive change, especially the goals and manifestations you want to happen… 

Including Twin Flame unity and love.
So make sure you consciously listen to LOVE over fear.

Just because others may have had a hard time, doesn’t mean it’s your destiny to live.

Choose love. Ask your Twin’s higher self and guidance to SHOW you the way there. To help you not listen to fear.

Childhood Wounds

Jupiter semi-square Chiron and the Retrogrades show that “sabotage” may be rooted in the past.

The reason things may have not been “working out” in terms of your goals, including Twin Flame Unity, is that there are still UN-HEALED things in your system…

Deeper Ego wounds in particular, from childhood. Around your perceived worth, your ability to make things happen, and how others responded to you. 

Again, the key is to HEAL and CLEAR those wounds so they don’t keep attracting cycles of those same experiences of feeling rejected, unsupported or unloved…

The Twin Flame Mirror “Talks”!

Because as you may have read before – “As within, so without”.

What we hold within us, tends to call back an outer “mirror image”, as so many Twins experience. 

In essence, it means if we have for example an abandonment complex from childhood, it unfortunately tends to attract more and more experiences where we FEEL or SEEM TO BE abandoned…

Until we clear and heal it. 

For help with this, go here.

“I don’t think I could have survived my relationship without this. You get to go back, and heal and clear stuff from your inner child and your twin flame’s. It’s been a key part of my spiritual journey, and the change has been just profound in me.”

– Emma P., UK

Click to see more testimonials

Lunar Eclipse – Destiny In Focus

Thursday we have a Full Moon partial Lunar Eclipse at the tail end of Taurus.

Tying in the North Node, this ALSO deals with destiny and life path… 

Taurus deals with manifesting and creating, and the North Node rules soul purpose and life path for this lifetime.

So with the Full Moon Eclipse here, there’s an emotional culmination of an old chapter.

You are being asked to release the emotions, patterns and thoughts that brought you here, to THIS place… To close off an era. So you can reach (even) higher!

Repressed Emotions?

North Node in Gemini says: if you are not happy with where you’re at, you must look at the BELIEFS and THOUGHTS that brought you to that place.

Because our beliefs and thoughts tend to be projected back to us as “reality”. 

With Taurus being a slow to show emotion kind of energy, we see there could be an eruption of REPRESSED emotions now.

Where we have tried to keep going in the face of negativity…

And where we feel that we have spent all our effort, and yet nothing has materialized… Where we feel that we sowed the seeds, did the work, and yet nothing seems to have bloomed.

Spiritual Bypassing

Mercury opposing, shows us it’s NOT because your “destiny” is to fail or not get your desires!

The REAL reason has been the mindset, beliefs and information you’ve been applying.

And with Mercury in Scorpio it’s clear a key reason, is SPIRITUAL BYPASSING.

I.e. pretending to stay positive and forcing ourselves to think about good things, and ignoring the deeper inner issues, fears and blocks… This has been part of why we may not have received our “dream come true” (YET!)…

When Shadows Demand Attention

Because when we “bypass” issues, they keep playing out while we pretend they aren’t there. And it means they block our progress, without us realizing.

This never works, unfortunately.

It’s like leaving your house without turning off the lights. Just because you are turning AWAY, doesn’t mean they’re not still ON.

This Full Moon Eclipse is set to be a rough wakeup call – but it’s TRYING to help us.


Blinded To Ourselves

In order to do so, it may pull us down, into realizing that things are not going to pan out if we keep going in the SAME track. 

The Eclipse means we are being “blinded” to ourselves, in an attempt to get us to shift into something higher.

By making us momentarily unconscious, so a “reset” can happen.

Can you RELEASE and be OPEN to the fact that your dreams CAN come true, but you may have to shift your approach? That helps so much just in itself.

Starting Over

 Are you willing to release disappointment, past hurt and what has caused any lack of results – and unhappiness in the now moment?

Are you willing to release what you THOUGHT, and start again? 

Because ultimately, your soul ALWAYS knows. It’s when the human mind starts to get involved, that we get distortions, dysfunctions like bypassing… And lack of results.

Do Not Take Things At Face Value

This Eclipse window, which lasts into December, is a period of recalibration and shifts. Right now, focus on releasing and opening to allow SPACE for the new and higher…

Spirit warns, do NOT take things at face value this week because of the recalibration and shifting…

Try your best to flow WITH this. Because can you see, that in order to get you to where you want to go, some big things may need to shift?

And it may be uncomfortable while it shifts, EVEN if it’s needed and guided?

You have been asking for this, they say.

“The World Is Rearranging Itself For You”

Try to “see through” what is going on, from a higher perspective.

“The world is rearranging itself for you”, they’re saying.

The world is making way for love, by removing what was NOT love…

Try to take a step back from yourself and see yourself from the outside this week. Keeping a neutral standpoint will help you avoid being dragged into old “autopilot” behavior. (If you need help, I’ll take you through it here)

Staying calm will also help you release with more ease, and you’ll find it a much more comfortable experience than if you get caught up in drama.

Pushing Toxins To Leave

There are also negative pockets of consciousness released during Eclipses, so if you feel that “interference” is stronger, you’re not wrong.

It’s because it’s being pushed to LEAVE, so we can Ascend higher.

The best thing to do is work WITH the cleansing process to release it once and for all so you can open to your highest. 

Shield yourself, stay clear and go to your soul and guidance for help if needed (I show you how in class 2, 4 and 6 here). They always know the higher perspective and what will help the most. 

twin flame story

Sowing Seeds Of Love 

Taurus is the home sign of Venus – so this Full Moon Eclipse speaks volumes about manifesting Love.

Don’t give up if your desires haven’t happened yet. But again, make sure you’re not trying from a flawed perspective. 

If you’ve been working on manifesting something that hasn’t yet shown up – don’t lose hope.

 Keep nurturing those “seeds” daily and make sure you’re working with an aligned process.

For help with the manifestation process, specifically for Twin Flames, go here.


Optimism As “Self Fulfilling Prophecy”

Lastly this week, the Sun enters Sagittarius for this coming month. Themes are freedom, optimism and higher perspectives.

 And if you find it challenging to be positive and stay on track, know that negative, limiting habits of mind are often ancestral patterns. 

This year Sagittarius season sees you eager for change, and as mentioned, it could include moving home, changing careers, moving to another country, taking a trip or more…

Or simply wanting to shake up your life in some major way, from changing your approach, to your appearance, your friendship circle or other things. 

As long as you follow your intuition, these are guided changes. And as the Sun receives support from Pluto, yes, transformation of SELF is particularly encouraged right now!

Real Change Comes From The…?

However, a Square to Jupiter warns us – don’t make RASH choices but mull them over…

And remember that if our INNER state doesn’t shift along with the OUTER change, it doesn’t tend to stick.

An example would be, if you moved to a brand new country and city and got a new job, not realizing that you’d experience the EXACT SAME same drama with NEW coworkers as you had in your old job…

Because your INNER alignment hadn’t changed.

So yes, the change you’re itching for is guided and encouraged. HOWEVER, it may come closer to home than you are wanting right now. And that’s a good thing. 

A Week For New Beginnings

When you change your inner state to love and unity, you are in “heaven” no matter where you are, says spirit. This is enlightenment. Bliss in every moment.

With Pluto supporting several major other planets, we see transformation is going on this whole period, in subtle behind the scenes AND more obvious ways.

You may not realize it – but the next chapter of your life is being prepared.

And the planets “want” it to be your best so far!

Work to flow WITH this process, so it happens with ease and happiness.

Enjoy, and listen to your heart. It knows the way!

Cassady x

I started with your free toolkit and immediately felt results so much that I had to get the full program and wow! I feel lighter and my lover and I are so much closer. Every day gets better and better. And since my vibration has become higher and higher, I’m attracting in wonderful opportunities and amazing abundance as well. I’m so grateful for your work, Cassady. Thank you!”

– Jessica N.  California, USA

Read more testimonials here

twin flame program

Want more? For my step-by-step “roadmap” to Twin Flame Union, created after my Twin and I reached Union – have a look at the Vibrational Alignment Program

Alternatively, download my Free Twin Flame Help Kit which contains two resources from the full program!

The post Twin Flame Energy Forecast 15th-21st November: “Preparation For Unity” appeared first on Twin Flames 11:11.

* This article was originally published here

Friday, November 19, 2021

The Law Of Manifestation - Law Of Attraction

Moon in Gemini – High Priestess Dressed as the Lovers’ Angel

high priestess as the lovers' angel

The Moon moves into Gemini today and will stay there until Monday.

From a Tarot perspective, this transit would be like the High Priestess is dressed as the Lovers’ Angel. She floats above the naked couple, blessing their sacred union.

The Moon in Gemini, or High Priestess dressed as the Lovers’ angel, can be an emotionally confusing time, one where internal conflicts arise in order to be reconciled.

But it can also be a time of clarity, honest communication and almost intuitive understanding about yourself and those around you.

Quiet faith teams up with commitment and the Angels approve of the whole thing.

Try to keep your emotions in line with your reason. Going too far either way could disturb a really nice balance.

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* This article was originally published here

Numerology Horoscope Today: Predictions for March 27, 2025 - Hindustan Times

Numerology Horoscope Today: Predictions for March 27, 2025    Hindustan Times * This article was originally published here ...