Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Grand Water Trine Mercury at 29th degree Scorpio

Grand Water Trine Mercury at 29th degree Scorpio

11/23 Mercury crosses into the 29th, last and most critical degree of Scorpio today. The mind can be at its most intense and focussed on solving deep psychological mysteries within yourself and other people’s behaviours that have been wracking your brains obsessively. It can be a EUREKA breakthrough day! 11/23 Mercury crosses into the 29th, last and most critical degree of Scorpio today.

The mind can be at its most intense and focussed on solving deep psychological mysteries within yourself and other people’s behaviours that have been wracking your brains obsessively. It can be a EUREKA breakthrough day! What have I been getting out of it karmically, emotionally, even if it seems to hurt me? It is time for deep shadow work which can bring deep soulful understanding to integrate ourselves in a more holistic way.

Stay focussed on asking the questions internally;

What is this all about,

What is the deeper meaning and motivation?

What have I been getting out of it karmically, emotionally, even if it seems to hurt me?

Mercury enters the much more upbeat optimistic firey sign of Sagittarius on the 24th at 10:36 am EST.

The Grand Water Trine of CANCER Moon to MARS in Scorpio and NEPTUNE in Pisces

at 16-29 degrees during the day is a tsunami of feelings, sentimental, aggressive, competitive, violent, sexual, obsessive, controlling, jealous, possessive, secretive, ruthless, plotting, revengeful, lustfully, dark, in survival mode, financially focussed, intensely emotional wanting to seek safety and comfort, escaping from fears of death and the dark, wanting mom and to be in a state of innocence and protected from the harshness of the world. Just feel it all, would be good to take a long soak and let the emotions roll through you.

Moon inconjuncts JUPITER in AQUARIUS in PST/Nov. 24 in EST and GMT

Mental state and emotions are not in synch. Our deeply sensitive emotional side and our detached scientific cool side arent connecting. We may be lurching from one to another and not knowing if we are coming or going.

Moon opposes PLUTO in PST/ Nov. 24 in EST and GMT

Always big power struggles with Moon/Pluto opposition, The emotional sensitive receptive feminine CANCER MOON Mother archetype and the All business career focussed on worldly success Pluto in Capricorn are at polar opposites but the ideal is the middle way.

With Mercury at the critical degree of Scorpio and the Grand Water trine spend time writing out your feelings and just letting them flow, also pay attention to your dreams these days. Keep a dream journal in prep for Jupiter in PIsces coming up very soon.

please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

get a reading http://www.taratarot.com

Join my Sagittarius solar eclipse workshop with the Cosmic Intelligence Agency now

Be inspired by the Sagittarius Total Solar Eclipse Astrology Workshop, December 2nd at 7:30 pm EST, 4:30 PST, December 3rd 11:30am AEST. This Eclipse is critical to America and conjunct The Great Attractor. https://cosmicintelligenceagency.com/…/sage-eclipse…/…

* This article was originally published here

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