Saturday, November 13, 2021

And Now For Something Completely Different

And Now For Something Completely Different

Mercury, the planet of communication, the Magician in the Tarot #1 and Uranus the “higher octave” of Mercury oppose each other Nov, 13. Radical new ideas, insights and information comes forth. The tug of war between old mind control Plutonic Mercury in Scorpio power mongers and radical new Uranian ideas and cryptocurrency and practical real freedom fighters face off. This is a very good thing.

OMG, it really has been the most intense emotional cosmic roller coaster ride since the New Moon of November 4 with SUN opposing URANUS hasn’t it? The Sun really charged up BITCOIN, and the crypto world ruled by Uranus. Taurus represents the bull Market the stock market and all valuable tangible assets-real estate, gold silver, fiat currency, luxury, food, agriculture.

MERCURY, the MAGICIAN in the Tarot #1 is the God of intellect, also a toxic metal and poison used in Alchemy, messenger, trickster, God of thieves and Merchants, analysis, consciousness communication social media is at its most intense in Scorpio with those penetrating X-ray eyes to see right through to the smallest particle of existence.

URANUS the “Higher octave of Mercury” is the planet of higher vibrational thoughts, it’s like a bolt of lightning to a laser sword cutting through the dissonance- those flashes of insights, the big light bulb, It is the #17 in the Tarot The Star, Literally the Stars. Uranus is the great rebel, the great quick-change artist, the inventor, pioneer, nonconformist, the progressive, original genius, reformer, rebel, radical, erratic, chaotic, detached, scientific, cold logic, unemotional, pioneer, bush-whacker, rule breaker, hacker, disrupter, cryptocurrency, freedom fighter.

The “lower mind” of Mercury and higher mind of Uranus in a tug of war, is an internal and body debate of knowledge can create something Completely different exciting shiny bright and new.

Voice that debate the one that wants to keep things under control in charge, known, and the voice of something unknown, the voice of change, revolution and invention.

Astrologer Isobel Hicker said this about Mercury and Uranus.

Mercury is intellect and Uranus is Intuition. The intellectual finds it difficult to understand the intuitive person. He finds him frustrating. The intuitive has reached his goal but do not ask him how he reached it because he does not know. the logic and reason of the intellectual individual concerns him not at all. He knows, and knows that he knows.”

I do not see Uranus as intuitive in the usual sense because it is associated with air, and not emotion water is intuitive internal feminine. Uranus is more associated with air and fieriness. It is associated with Invention and that invention is associated with intuitive not logical knowing but I would not see it as such per see. Mercury is not just intellect but consciousness which can manifest in so many ways. Mercury is the Tower of Babel. Which we are all currently living in.

Use this energy for changes of mind, changes of perspective seeing things in new ways. The shock of the new, a huge revelation, surprising conversations, eye-opening insights, staying open-minded which is difficult for FIXED SIGNS Scorpio and Taurus. Expect to have plan B and C because Anytime Uranus is involved it’s like the big carpet pulled out from under you energy.

Where do you have at 12 degrees SCORPIO TAURUS? You will be affected the most. Also check on 12 degrees LEO and AQUARIUS- Saturn is near that degree in Aqua.

It’s a shamanic tradition to do something completely different than your usual inclination. Try it. change is good. Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

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THURSDAY November 18 at 7:30 pm LiVE on ZOOM,

We will have a very special Musical guest my friend Michael Moon, a multi-talented musician, songwriter, sound healer, mystic, sonic weaver, astrologer, photographer.

Fee is $28 Canadian pay through

$22 U.S. please pay to

* This article was originally published here

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