Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Triple Threat punches, hard aspects and Crypto markets

Triple Threat punches, hard aspects and Crypto markets

Today Nov. 10 just before Rmembrance Day MERCURY conjuncts MARS inSCORPIO to get our heads into the deep power transformation dark angry energy before MERCURY and SATURN square off followed by MARS and SATURN squaring off again. We are been heavy hit by two heavy MALEFIC planets MARS and SATURN again November 10 PLUS ONE MORE.

That’s a triple threat punch. Like the Universe is saying if you didn’t get it the first time. My dad had a Yiddish expression when I was a kid which translates as you need A hit in the head is good for you-wakes you up.

How many times do we need to deal with these boxing matches?

We’ve been getting this annually -see this article Posted on 

Think back to January 12 tthe last time Mars and Saturn squared off earlier in 2021 just days after The Capitol Rights in Washington DC.

For those who like to avoid roadblocks ahead, there will be Only 1 in 2022 -August 7

November 25, 2023, August 16, 2024, December 8, 2025, Sept. 1 2026, Dec 22, 2027, Sept, 21 2028 August 7, 2022 are next dates with the planets moving on through the signs

MERCURY the poisonous messenger and trickster of alchemy and ideas, MARS and SATURN conjunct and square of with each. at 7 degrees.


Mars-Saturn can work in many ways, they can indicate a fight against progress and change. Technological restrictions could be possible on the crypto markets which Saturn in Aquarius signifies. This can also be a push of major power and wealth for Crypto with Bitcoin hitting an all-time high a couple of days ago as well as ethereum.
These two malefics would make a great gangsta film pitch for a film based on astrology. This is very hard energy from the 2 difficult planets in their own home signs where they are strongest

Mars is energy action ignition ANGER and SATURN is hard restrictions limitations even in Aquarius.

Last time Mars and SAturn squared off in August 2020

An innocent black man was just shot in the back 7 times in Wisconsin he was unarmed, in his car in from of his kids. This is MARS SATURN in Action. BLM.

Pay Attention Gemini and Virgo, too as Mercury is involved but mainly ARIES and CAPRICORN as MARS and SATURN are your ruling Planets

As this is a DANGEROUS violent aspect DO BE CAREFUL around fires, BBQ’S, anything potentially flammable, cars, angry people, and be aware of defensiveness.

Saturn is seniors. The oldsters still have lots of energy and they can kick-ass. Anger against the Government and Patriarchy, police, feeling that they have been shafted and sacrificed.

This is war-starting energy. Potential explosions, pay attention to the CANARY islands volcano, Fires, restrictions on guns, angry mobs attacking institutions and impulsive actions which have long-term consequences.

SATURN brings up back over BIG DADDY issues, ancestral issues, things we know in our bones, The karma of our ancestors which we may feel justifiably angry about. Past life and karmic issues, hard issues, can be sexual abuse issues with MARS can get triggered..

Use the anger wisely to RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE and the current world situations and direct your anger at Corporate Robber Barons.

And the lyrics from this old song seem so apt.

“When an irresistible force such as you

Meets an old immovable object like me

You can bet just as sure as you love

Something’s got to give 

Something’s got to give

Something’s got to give.”- Something’s Gotta Give by Johnny Mercer

These alignments promise lots of conflicts, angry arguments, wars startings, fires, unconscious triggers, shootings, terrorism, knifings, shootings, looting, sex secrets coming out via Gislaine Maxwell and many other places

. Please share widely, all content is copyright of Tara Greene

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* This article was originally published here

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