Friday, June 18, 2021

Happy Birthday Paul McCartney, your Astrology

Happy Birthday Paul McCartney, your Astrology

June 18,2021 is Sir Paul McCartney’s 79th birthday. As a life long Beatles fan, since I was 12 years old I want to wish Sir Paul a very healthy happy birthday. I feel so lucky being born when I did because my very first rock concert was seeing The Beatles play live at Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto in 1964. I got to see them play back to back concerts in 1965 and again in 1966. I was such a Beatles fan I skipped school in Grade 11 and ran off to New York one afternoon because I heard the Beatles were there in 1967. I got in big trouble for that one but it was a great adventure. I didn’t catch up to the Beatles though. My younger child Leah was raised on Beatles songs and classical music only. I took her to see Paul McCartney in 2010 when she was 12 so she could experience the closest thing to seeing the Beatles as I had experienced at her age. I cried.

Paul McCartney Astrology Chart
Paul McCartney Astrology chart

Paul McCartney is a GEMINI of course and not just a Gemini SUN. Sir Paul has Uranus, Saturn, and Mercury Retrograde his MC his worldly fame point and his SUN all in Gemini and that’s why he stays so young energetically. Mercury rules all the Gemini planets and is strong in its home sign. Sir Paul had MERCURY Retrograde and he hasn’t done to badly.


Paul’s chart is not complicated at all. He has only a few squares. The SUN, the vital energy and his career and his thrust in the world MC in GEMINI and the VIRGO ascendant and Neptune are always pressuring each other. Paul worked hard and is always thinking, and inspired about his career.


He is a perfectionist, a nitpicky critic, a workaholic, very organized, neat, meticulous, with a good memory and intellect. Paul’s perfectionism and need to control things may be a sticky wicket in the Beatles towards the end they say in 1971. Virgo rules health and grains and Paul is a noted Vegetarian since the 1970’s. Virgo is also the sign of people who love nature and simple things and Paul famously moved to a remote part of Scotland when he married Linda to farm and to raise their kids as normally as they could sending them to public schools. He never learned to read music originally and remembered all the songs in his head and just played them. His AC is ruled also by Mercury.

Recording engineer Norman Smith stated that the Rubber Soul sessions exposed indications of increasing contention within the band: “the clash between John and Paul was becoming obvious … [and] as far as Paul was concerned, George [Harrison] could do no right—Paul was absolutely finicky.”[43]  Harry 2000b, p. 780.

Paul has the dreamy, creative, inspired, visionary planet NEPTUNE which rules all artists, and musicians, psychics dreams and spiritual energy is on his AC, in the sign opposite the one it rules which is PISCES. Paul was a natural born artist and creative man, and his dreams have always been very strong and a source of practical inspiration. He wrote the Beatles famous song Let It Be from a dream he had of his mother Mary coming to him when he was going though a dark time telling him Let It Be. That was the inspiration for the song. Its one of the BEATLES and Paul’s greatest songs amongst hundreds he’s written. He has also dabbled in painting.


which symbolizes his feelings, home life, his mother, Mary who he tragically lost at 15 to breast cancer, and his children is in the Sign of Royalty performers and STARS LEO! along with Mars and Pluto conjunct which is a very powerful combo of drive, creativity self-expression, will power, joy, pride, courage, childlike energy, big hearted, loyal. Paul was always driven to be a big star on the world’s stage. You’ve seen those early Beatles videos when The Beatles first it it big, Paul has this big transparent grin of absolute glee performing on stage which some people saw as hammy. I think he is just enjoying himself so much he loves the adulation. Paul is known to be generous to people who were good to him in the past giving money to those in need. The Cancer Moon gives people sleepy “bedroom eyes” and Paul certainly has those.

CHIRON at 12 LEO conjunct the MOON

This indicates wounds from his mother and any woman in his life. This presages his losing his mother early from Breast cancer as well as his wife Linda. See Venus

VENUS planet of women in Paul’s life, also wealthy, beauty, creativity, and relationships is in her home sign of TAURUS at 19 degrees squaring his Moon. Paul is a very sensuous man with heightened senses of touch feel taste, smell and psychic energy. Paul loves beautiful things, and he has rich luxurious tastes. He is earthy, and stubborn and enjoys life as a Garden of earthly delights.

VENUS is in the 8th house and SQUARE THE MOON

Traditionally any planets in the 8th house are symbols of death. Venus represents women in his life. Paul tragically lost his first wife and true love Linda Eastman McCartney to breast cancer to which his mother succumbed in April 17, 1998 when she was only 56 years old. She apparently told Paul to marry again that she didn’t want him to live the rest of his life alone. He was only 55 when she died. Venus square the Moon symbolizes Paul McCartney’s mother who he lost so young. This is a tragic symbol presaging both his Mother and Linda’s deaths by breast cancer.

LUCKY JUPITER in CANCER on the MC in 10th house of worldly fame

Jupiter is exalted in Cancer and ruled Paul’s Sagittarius IC, his roots, home family and childhood, and is close to the world point Solstice gateway of 0 degrees Cancer. Paul is a very sentimental family man, from his five children from two marriages to his sentimental songs about Liverpool- Penny Lane or Elinor Rigby, and his love of old fashioned early 20’s and 30’s music like his dad Jim played in Honey Pie and other songs of the Beatles era HIs sentimentality and “Silly Love Songs’ comes out clearly in this aspect. Paul is a very emotional sensitive man, who loves his family and needs a woman in his life to be happy. Jupiter in Cancer is a love of water, food and he may have a sensitive stomach. Jupiter in Cancer also gives sleepy bedroom eyes. Paul has these.

Jupiter also squares the AC and NEPTUNE which has expanded Paul’s natural talents and creativity and brought him worldly fame beyond his wildest dreams. His famous early solo song Yesterday which Paul performed on the Ed Sullivan show is the most recorded song ever, all of his catalogue of Beatles Songs and greatest hits wills never be forgotten.


SOUTH NODE Indicates past lives. The South node in PISCES in the 6th indicates a past life as a very highly spiritual psychic and creative person someone who worked as a creative musician perhaps or a monk who was devoted to poverty and charitable work. Pisces is also the sign of addictions and dreamers. Paul brings in the past life memories unconsciously, the 6th house is also the house of humble ordinary working class people and Paul came from a modest working class background.

The North Node is his highest spiritual and evolutionary goal. Paul has asteroid PSYCHE conjunct his North Node this symbolizes the soul and being psychic. In the 12th house in Virgo its a practical dreamer and creative person who taps into his dreams and visions, his spirituality in his work. He needed to bring his creativity down to earth. For such a success driven man he needs his private and down time.


The IC is the roots of a person their childhood and their physical home and unconscious.

In Sagittarius there is a love of learning, travel, honesty, bluntness, good humor, inspiration, optimism “exotic religions” eclectic things and expansion. Paul certainly got to travel the world with the Beatles and continued to travel afterwards. He was always interested in intellectual things, philosophy, books, he helped open Indica book store in London, explored John Cage and Stockhausen music, and two of his wives are Jewish and American, very different background to his childhood in Liverpool and his upbringing and he now incorporates Jewish holidays into his life.

All of his planets are in only 5 signs. They all above the horizon indicating a life lived out in public, natural for a big celebrity.

Happy Birthday Sir Paul. May you live to be 120 and be healthy and happy and continue to be creative and bring so much joy to the world. Billions of people are greatful for your talents and gifts to the world

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

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* This article was originally published here

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