Saturday, June 19, 2021

The Hit List – The tooth and nothing but the tooth

The Hit List - The tooth and nothing but the tooth

A few weeks ago, I was dealing with an infected tooth – and a whole lotta anxiety about it. Between poor childhood dental care and not-so-great oral genetics, this mouth needs more TLC than the average one.

After a visit with the dentist and a periodontist, I’ve got an action plan. The tooth may be removed at some point because of the bone loss around it. But before we go that route, we’re going to do some deep cleaning and see if it helps.

While this situation has caused me drama, I do what I always do when life hands me a lemony sack of crap: a complete reframe.

1. I allow myself to sulk about it for 24 hours. No more, no less. Something about that 24-hour time frame seems to snap me into action mode.
2. I do a good deed. In this case, I donated to a charity that restores the smiles of women who are victims of sexual and domestic violence. Helping someone else neutralizes the energy around my own situation.
3. I count my blessings: my family, my health, my work, my awesome dental team, a roof over my head. Giving gratitude shifts my mood almost instantly.

This is a simple reframe that I have used for many other situations in my life. It snaps me out of self-pity or whatever other shit feeling I’m experiencing and into a better state – a proactive and positive one.

Keep in mind this little list isn’t going to solve every issue nor it is a substitute for therapy or other forms of care. But for the little dramas of life (like an uncooperative tooth), it can help. The next time you’re dealing with something unpleasant, try it out and see how you feel.

Duck duck goose!

Other stuff:

Another thoughtful post from Liz Worth: Planet Panic: Why I Quit Being A Professional Astrologer.

Good to know: The World’s Most Coveted Sex Advice, At Your Fingertips.

From Nylon: Lucy Dacus on Tarot Cards, New Music, and Touring.

It’s a start…but we have work to do: This Juneteenth, Black Liberation Requires Action.

On Tarot Bytes: learn about tarot + reiki with Debra Lugo Pasquale.

From Lisa Stardust: The Summer Solstice Is Nature’s Way of Telling You to Relax.

‘An excuse for the feast’: Witches celebrate the summer solstice with cakes, mead — and salsa.

She’s down with CBD: Jane Fonda Drops Her Skin-Care Routine.

Oooh: Your Myers-Briggs Type Has a Tarot Card.

Smell ya later: Can Smell Be an Artistic Medium? A Perfume Expert Teamed Up With Joana Vasconcelos and Other Artists to Make ‘Olfactory Sculptures.’

In this week’s Astrology Bytes, UK astrologer Debbie Frank teaches about finding the soul codes in your natal chart.

Wow: Women Launch Class Action Suit Against Pornhub For Posting Videos Without Their Consent. Half Were Children At The Time.

This Jupiter Retrograde Is Going To Mean Major Changes — Are You Ready?

From Wired: How to Practice Emergency Preparedness as Self-Care.

Check out this dope summer solstice guide from Gabriela Herstik: Summer Solstice Ritual Guide.

This looks like something I’d like: The Mindful Guide to the Law of Attraction: 45 Meditations to Manifest Health, Wealth, and Love.

Might be worth a look: Witchcraft for Daily Self-Care: Nourishing Rituals and Spells for a More Balanced Life.

Wow: The Collected Works of Jim Morrison: Poetry, Journals, Transcripts, and Lyrics.

I love Alice Waters: We Are What We Eat: A Slow Food Manifesto.

Yes to this: How the Word Is Passed: A Reckoning with the History of Slavery Across America.

Soon, my pretties: Tarot for Kids! You can pre-order it now. Yay!

If tarot boggles your mind, get this: Tarot: No Questions Asked: Mastering the Art of Intuitive Reading – and get ready to read like the High Priestess!

Wanna listen instead of reading – and learn tarot? Tarot: No Questions Asked: Mastering the Art of Intuitive Reading is available as an audiobook.

Astrology for Real Life: A Workbook for Beginners (A No B.S. Guide for the Astro-Curious) is the perfect intro to astrology (psst…it’s also fun!).

Have you checked out The Uncommon Tarot: A Contemporary Reimagining of an Ancient Oracle yet? It’s a gorgeous, global deck from the amazing Shaheen Miro (and me!).

Here’s a playful way to grok the tarot: The Tarot Coloring Book.

If you’re looking for a soulful (and political) tarot book, here ya go: Tarot For Troubled Times.



Join my Patreon Community!  I am serving up extended card of the day interpretations, astrological tidbits, community tarot practice, political astrology, early sneak peeks to horoscopes, Hot Dates…and more. Higher tiers get access to live classes, replays of previous classes, mentoring, and more.


What I’m Grateful For:

A great dental team

Support from the people I love

Beautiful photos

Spotting bluebirds on my walk

Air conditioners


Soundtrack for 6/19/21:

Leilani by Witch Prophet


© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2021

images from stock photography and personal collection 


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The post The Hit List – The tooth and nothing but the tooth appeared first on The Tarot Lady.

* This article was originally published here

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The Emperor

The post The Emperor first appeared on The Tarot Room - Georgianna . * This article was originally published here ...